Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Give up mate, Even if dad is really bickering with her to stop her influence She is still crazy as a whole mental institution with the doctors and nurses.
This is basically how I think about distortion victims, Carmen is always capitalizing on their sudden impulse, but she lied to herself, She lied that she is doing this for them, so they could have a wonderful and better life, She's only doing this out of Selfishness, A impulse to prove to the world that only her way of thinking is the correct way.

Confirmation Bias. She's deliberately looking for situations and evidence where she can be right, and then ignore everything that disagrees with her because she now has 'proof' that she's correct.
"She still talks to me sometimes."

Homura's words cut through your train of analysis. You inhale, then exhale slowly, gently removing your hand from the new hole you made in the tree trunk you had been resting it on.

"She doesn't say much. But she agreed to warn me if Madoka was in danger."

"Did she say anything about telling people about her?" you ask carefully.

"She said it would make things more complicated, but that it was my choice." Homura states cleanly. "There is somebody she would like us to meet someday."

Considering the nature of Homura's distortion, I think we would appeal to her more if we focus on the potential harm Carmen could do to Madoka. It would not surprise me if Homura has less than no self-worth right now, and that appeals to her own self-preservation would be put on a very low priority. I wager that she'd handily throw X's advice and trust aside if Carmen puts it in a way that would protect Madoka.

The offer to look out for Madoka is Carmen's way of ingratiating herself with Homura, maybe in preparation for a bigger deal. It could give Carmen the opportunity to drive a wedge between X and Homura. After all, Homura before her Distortion was willing to sacrifice almost everything she had to protect Madoka even if she did so reluctantly. The Distortion has likely warped her even further. If we don't remind Homura of the benefits to maintaining our current relationship with respect to Madoka, I'm afraid that she could become a dagger aimed straight at our back.
[X] Tells her that she can listen to Carmen, but she should confide with you before going ahead with any decisions.

Hey hey. You cant really stop her from listening to Carmen, so might as well see what mom is telling her no?
[x] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.
[X] You won't stop her from listening to Carmen.

These fools are divided! They split their votes, while we will remain united. Carmen stans, attack as one!
[x] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.
[x] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.
Dear me, dear me, It seems that we are never gonna stop socializing, isn't it? Good downtime though, at least we can relax a bit.
[X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't. Carmen is bugnuts crazy, and while she may want what she thinks is best for her, she likely doesn't understand what that means for someone anymore.
[X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't, Carmen is acting as her impulse, using her for some grand plan and nobody can know, Carmen does not have her best interest in mind, but she thinks she does.
One thing I like about the chapter.

We finally got our teleportation from KoD! Luckily, it's not too different from what I expected. X(A) definitely won't have to be retconned for that.


You guys are doubting Carmen too much I say! She only has the best intentions in mind Homura!
I feel like Carmen would be the sort to advise Homura to take the actions she did to start Rebellion, you know, putting everyone in the lotus eater dream for Homura's love of Madoka, regardless of Madoka's opinion on the matter IIRC

(I haven't actually watched pmmm, only read fanfiction, so please correct me if I'm wrong)
"Best interest", aka satisfying her impulse of letting people do whatever they want and pushing them off the edge, and being a fucking ego filled bitch about it.
She sees no way then her way and that one thing to me prove that she is fucked in the head.
And "best interest", I doubt she has anyone's best interest in mind, She is only satisfying the emotional impulse of anyone she can get her hands on, So she can have more "proof" saying she is right.
Best interest mean we want someone to become better, Healthier, and happy! Not dying and a pit of their own making! and that is what most distortion are! dying in the pit of their own making!
[x] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.

I also think that we should explain Adam as well along with how he was the final obstacle to A's The Knowing I
I also think that we should explain Adam as well along with how he was the final obstacle to A's The Knowing I

There's a reason I namedrop him, it ought to make the girls curious, they just learned a little more about our past, let's give them some reasons to ask more questions.

Adhoc vote count started by Nyarky on Jan 22, 2023 at 12:02 PM, finished with 24 posts and 16 votes.

  • [x] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.
    [X] You won't stop her from listening to Carmen
    [X] She shouldn't listen to Carmen.
    [X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't. Carmen is bugnuts crazy, and while she may want what she thinks is best for her, she likely doesn't understand what that means for someone anymore.
    [X] She shouldn't listen to Carmen.
    -[X] Detail the concerningly high amount of parallels between Carmen and Kyubey (both are looking for solution on something and had done messed up stuff for that.) Then note that Kyubey at least has the decency to see it through the end and not terminate itself.
    [X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't, Carmen is acting as her impulse, using her for some grand plan and nobody can know, Carmen does not have her best interest in mind, but she thinks she does.
    [X] Tells her that she can listen to Carmen, but she should confide with you before going ahead with any decisions.
[X] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.
[x] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.

It seems like she shall listen to Carmen regardless! The votes are all leading towards the same direction anyhow.

It's not that we can actually stop it directly. It will likely be a long and unnerving war for the mind of one traumatized teenager. All X can do is try to earn more trust from Homura, as well as gradually seek out and fight the twisted thoughts that led Homura to become a Distortion. Knowing that Carmen will actively sabotage our efforts.
We probably need to get Madoka involved if we're going to be successful.
We are at war with our mom because she wants our kids custody.
Which means she is on our shitlist automatically.
...hmm, How do we kill a consciousness again?
Now now. Homura belongs to no one but herself.

If its her desire to spend her life this way we should let her indulge herself no?
a Random Claw: The court won't accept that as an argument miss Carmen, and we advise you to find a real lawyer instead of running your mouth.