Ebon Scales is explicitly light enough and thin enough to be worn under normal clothes as an undergarment.
Absorbent material to hold water is going to absolutely change that. Never mind the weight of the water/liquid itself.
Plus it needs to not leak onto her clothes or just evaporate into thin air.
That requires magic.
Maybe a new bit of armor entirely then, but remember that it doesn't need to be water just a liquid. Oil of some kind would work just fine, leaving Molly to make something low profile and water tight, then dress so that the under layer isn't obvious.
She doesn't need a bathtub, she need a water bottle's worth of something that won't evaporate stored in such a way that she is in contact with it without being obvious about it.
They are however the most vulnerable, and thus the lowest hanging fruit for a random miscreant.
The point is to raise the nuisance level of targeting them, so that randos will go after easier prey, and targeted hitters get tripped up lomg enough for Molly or an ally to intervene.
Except that this doesn't raise the bar to a noteworthy degree. As you yourself pointed out, many of the creatures that'd go after them can be difficult to detect until they've decided to strike.
The remainder are still mostly still easily capable of overwhelming them unless they get really lucky. The difference here is that if the enemy is stupid Molly might get a panicked phone call. Unless we want to bug their phones, which I doubt they'd be super happy about.
There's also the issue of using almost anyone else from her school life like this. Sure only these two are her friends, but most people have a difficult time ignoring it when people they know personally are in serious trouble. They don't always do anything, but targeting people in their monkey sphere gets more of a reaction.
Someone playing a game like this comfortable with a little gambling could just kidnap Molly's math teacher instead, and while she wouldn't be as personally upset they'd still be useable as leverage.
-No it doesnt. Most supernatural attackers are predators picking off vulnerable prey.
They dont hunt targets that are aware and wary. Thats how lions get their heads kicked off by giraffes
You're glossing over the fact that Molly's friends are otherwise so uninteresting to the supernatural outside of their connection to Molly that they're almost certainly not going to be threatened by anything but the targeted stuff. Which they have just about zero percent chance of actually stopping or even seriously resisting against.
You're trying to protect paraplegics by giving them knives.
Murphy's father ran SI with no powers. Charity has no powers any longer. Father Forthill never has. Hendricks and Marcone are both vanilla mortals. Karrin Murphy has no powers, and has lived with knowledge of the supernatural for more than a decade now; she ran into a troll back when she was a patrol officer, which wws when she first met Dresden.
Murphy, her father, and Charity put decades into getting good at things that made them effective at fighting the supernatural. Even those of them that didn't learn till later in life were still developing cross compatible stuff.
You don't have to be a wizard to matter, but skill at WoW and completing math homework on time won't save you from a white court mook, a couple of ghouls, or a Malk.
Note that my initial proposal was not "leave them out to dry" it was get them range time and some self defense training then swing around to this when we have an actual cheat to make a couple of people who's highest relevant skill is probably one dot if that less hopelessly screwed when anything at all looks at them funny.
Seriously, what do you think there stat blocks look like? When I think back to high school and imagine dropping the people from my graduating class into something analogous to this I have difficulty believing 90% or more of them wouldn't immediately fuck up and die.
Given that one dot academics is supposed to represent a highschool education and that these kids aren't even out of highschool yet it seems a safe assumption that the vaste majority don't even have 2 dots in anything and that most of them don't even have 1 dot in most things.
That makes sense. I was trying to account for outliers, but that's probably unnecessary in this case.