Molly rolled 19 successes on a dice pool of 20 dice at DC4; Occult is a Key ability, so 1s do not subtract successes. Legendary
When 5 sux is legendary, 10+ sux really need to be called something else.
Constructive Convergence of Principles discount
So we have a small discount on this charm. That's nice, except it is a 5 dot charm of a non-favored hell, gatekeeping access to Holden's new crafting system. Still. This is a thing.
"Brief" refresher, since it was awhile we discussed Holden's new Crafting system.
By default, Constructive Convergence allows to craft Mage's Wonders, which are a type of magical items. This is arguably bad, because Wonders are mechanically kind of busted, and constantly need a GM to curtail worst of the "technically legal" excess. For Exalts, these "technically legal" excesses are worse. So, to fix this, Holden wrote a Masterworks crafting system.
Which is an insane 30k words monstrosity.
To boil down it into something sane, Exalts craft four categories of items;
Gadgets - Very Good Science, flashbangs, guns, jetpacks, orbital lasers, giant robots, etcetera - doesn't require special reagents, but requires a bunch of mundane materials. Broadly useful. Yog would be very happy with all of that.
Arcanas - golems and spirits. Useless, because recruiting minions and ensuring their loyalty is faster and simpler with Infernal charmset. Nevermind those Fomori empowering charms.
Prodigies - Alchemy and Enchanting merged into one charm. Of debatable usefulness compared to actual Alchemy and Enchanting, because Holden decided that everything 3 dots+ needs Rare Reagents, making crafting Good Stuff difficult.
Splendors - Alchemy and Enchanting,
except there is a more detailed system to craft stuff. Useless at low dots, useful at high dots because it allows for some circumstantial "Break the setting's rules" effects like making people into Mages, or resurrecting the dead, or producing portable ley-lines.
All in all, it is a gigantic mess, and if anyone have some sort of a theoretical amazing project that makes it all worth it, then feel free to speak about it in the thread.
Here are the rules, thanks to
@OctarineShrike .
Compiled version also could be found on that ExWoD discord I linked before.