We have had unintentionally side effects from intimidate rolls being too high. Maybe some of Thomas's co workers were low willpower, not inclined to spend willpower to resist and had no conflicting intimacy.A problem with appearance rolls is you can't avoid rolling them and it only takes 1 coworker with lacking self control to cause a problem.
Doubt its applicable. The Whamps arent that uniformly pretty.
There are multiple occasions where Dresden has encountered Whamps, like the Skavis in White Night and Madrigal Raith in his Darby Crane persona, or Tania Raith as an assistant to a Chicago prosecutor, and never realized they were Whites until they broke cover. That wouldnt be possible if most Whites were supernaturally good looking.
May need a charm that lets us toggle our appearance to human levels, or learn how to diminish them to that level.
We can use Black Mirror Incarnation to disguise ourself as a prettier or uglier form of ourself.
Its a 5 dot Favored charm, so 15xp.
I'd give all Whampires the level 1 Presence power Awe in addition to high appearance.
Though only few develop beyond that.
All/most Whites seem to be generally in the 90-99% percentile of good looks regardless of gender or House, and people like Thomas are basically 10s, but they are not supernaturally pretty.
A significant part of their attractiveness seems to be supernatural.
1)Loling at the rest of the auction.
Having 15k lying around of spare cash should be useful walking around money. Especially since we're going to start work on the Dragon Nest and its probably going to require buying and transporting raw materials for work down there.
Just stuff like scrap metal for power cabling is going to be interesting.
2)The dice have spoken. No poking Lara for the moment.
Though, given as we got access to McGregor's phone, we almost certainly have her phone number and maybe email, Lara's phone number and maybe email, and the numbers of at least several Whites.
That might come in handy in the future; if we want to possess the phone, we just need to make a phone call.
3)Molly now knows that IC that Whites have ears in a lot of places.
The level of infiltration it requires to know of goings on in an impound car lot is.....significant.
4)Handling Charity is still a longterm project, so we need to manage it. And it is entirely justifiable to not speculate.
Though Michael should probably have told her that her eldest child can apparently fly at will now.
So just the diamonds and waterwalking should be new.
Eh, Molly hasnt really had complex transport needs before, not as s city girl living at home.
She lives in Chicago, with significant winter events and snowfall, and a new line of work where multiple vehicles significantly impedes the ability of both enemy ops and law enforcement to track you by car movements.
She is shortly going to find out that she has a requirement for multiple vehicles.
Harry's ability to drive a VW bug in Midwest winters as his only vehicle is almost more incredible than his ability to use magic
I'm thinking.....~three cars and 1-2 Chevrolet Express/GMC Savanna cargo vans for transporting supplies to the Dragons Nest and carrying away loot from battle sites. Or people who may also be loot.
With cyberdevils inside, you can even have them move autonomously, at least at night. Color shifting paint might help.
Replacing Charity's current minivan with a newer, safer minivan and Michael's current truck with a new one that isnt as recognizable to enemy opps is probably something that should be on the Christmas to-do list.
Toyota Sienna minivan and Toyota Tundra truck, probably. 2007 models.
Actually giving them second, less sensible cars waits for their birthdays.
Or Molly trying to distract attention
Always a buy a stationwagon as a backup car.
Even expensive ones like the Audis and Mercs(especially the Audis) go below the radar because they have an image as boring family cars, even when they can break 300km/hr on a highway. And they can seat five adults.
Minivans can seat more(7-8), but minivans arent fast.