Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters

It feels… wrong, hearing the worry in Mami's voice. You weren't the one hurt, there's no reason for her to be concerned
Excuse me, X? "You didn't get hurt"?
(Also, Aleph/X's issues are once again pointed out here. Or is it "I love you" trauma?)

an argument growing louder outside

Seems like Sayaka and Kyouko are busy arguing as always (sigh).

Also that a certain Aleph is going to be the arc closer here: I would strongly suggest revealing the Witch thing before Nothing There does it for us.

Lepidoptera, could you change the vote option from First Topic to Planned Topics or something similar? Otherwise we are going to have a lot of votes for Second Topic, Third Topic ad infinitum or vote plans that don't quite match the breakpoint name

E: Like this - Planned Topic(s):
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[X] Plan Everything
-[X] Ask if everyone has enough Grief Seeds on them now
-[X] Soul Gems
-[X] Abnormalities
-[X] Yourself & EGO Gifts
-[X] Witches

Reasoning: We know many Abnos target Soul Gems - better not have our MGs get instakilled because they didn't know to protect it
Shift to main topic, and full disclosure
Then reveal things on our own terms before NT does it for us (admittedly, this part does use OOC info for reasoning)

This one is done last to judge how badly people are taking it before continuing (or for Lobotomy offers if really needed)

Anyone have an idea of lighter topics to use after the Witch thing? Maybe reaffirming of the value of a Wish to counterbalance things?
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[X] Plan Everything
-[X] Ask if everyone has enough Grief Seeds on them now
-[X] Soul Gems
-[X] Abnormalities
-[X] Yourself & EGO Gifts
-[X] Witches

Reasoning: We know many Abnos target Soul Gems - better not have our MGs get instakilled because they didn't know to protect it
Shift to main topic, and full disclosure
Then reveal things on our own terms before NT does it for us (admittedly, this part does use OOC info for reasoning)

This one is done last to judge how badly people are taking it before continuing (or for Lobotomy offers if really needed)

Anyone have an idea of lighter topics to use after the Witch thing? Maybe discussion of why X might make a Contract anyway?
Seems like a sensible plan, although it doesn't have as much dramatic flair as plan Kalibrius :V
Also, just talking about the soul gems like that seems a little bit like betraying Homura's trust, so, at the very least it would be good to start by explaining how there are some abnos that can hurt the soul, then we tell them.
[] Write in plan Kalibrius V2
-[] Abnormalities - start with Nothing There, and elaborate on how they are harmful despite appearances otherwise
-[] EGO - the various types, moving on to yourself and your nature
-[] MG Information - if they can take it at this point

Might I suggest this format instead, with edits as you see fit @Kalibrius? (The idea is to shorten the vote length, but perhaps you find the flair key?)

E: Might be subject to further revisions with more discussion, will post the new plan separately with a different version number to avoid voting issues
[X] Plan Everything v1.2
-[X] Ask if everyone has enough Grief Seeds on them now
-[X] Abnormalities
-[X] Yourself & EGO Gifts
-[X] Soul Gems - link to past Abnormality observations and existence of Soul damage attacks
-[X] Witches
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[] Write in plan Kalibrius V2
-[] Abnormalities - start with Nothing There, and elaborate on how they are harmful despite appearances otherwise
-[] EGO - the various types, moving on to yourself and your nature
-[] MG Information - if they can take it at this point

Might I suggest this format instead, with edits as you see fit @Kalibrius
So, all in all talk about the same things except our history? Or is there something else? (I think that answering questions will likely be automatic, considering we can't just, not answer)
I'll try, was going for an emotional feel so lep could see what I was getting at
I admit to being a wordy guy
There are currently a shit ton of things to tackle.

However, we have discussed this to death already, so here are the topics that I believe would generally be agreed with.
My reasoning for this plan is as follows.
First, Abnormalities are the main reason for us to have this meeting in the first place. They have first come first serve.
Second, the girls are probably curious about the threat QB mentioned, best clear it up now while also warning them about its properties, as a "first" example of how unassuming abnormalities can be. This is so that we can presumably start planning after this turn.
Third, open up about soul gems and how X mentioned that she might be able to modify them so that grief-build-up can be removed entirely (though I don't like it).
And fourth, drop the witch bomb. Since everyone is here and X is stronger enough to overpower Mami, should she freak out. And with everyone here, we can hopefully dogpile her into calming down. Sayaka too. Plus, with X's status as a "monster" out in the open, they should be much calmer as a group due to their trust in the only adult in the room.
Edit: Removed the riskiest topic.

[X] Plan Pre-Planned
-[X] Abnormalities
-[X] You are an Abnormality
-[X] Your EGO Gifts (Yuma's beak, and your employee card)
-[X] The Book of Abnormality and how you will entrust it to Madoka
-[X] Nothing There
-[X] Truth about Soul Gems and how you might be able to eliminate grief-build-up
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Kalibrius' plan seems to have an emphasis on drama the Abno side of things and X's history etc, mine is (was?) intended to scatter things out to give time for processing, and questioningmeme's seems to be setting up for the future, with an emphasis on things that can be done. This correct?

Perhaps we should discuss *how* to present things more, it might end up being quite important...

E: If my interpretation is correct, currently we're attempting to use the same topics as a springboard to different ends, but first maybe before that we should discuss how to soften the short and long term blows of the topics themselves?

With all that we know about the mindsets of the MGs - let's not accidentally jump all over Homura's issues again like in the previous update
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I will leave this one up to X. We shouldn't try to force dialogue on her when she is already doing good enough. It would let lepid write more naturally too.

short and long term blows of the topics themselves?
There are only 2 topics that require this. The truth about grief seeds and the truth about witches.

These are not the kind of topics where you can just "soften" the blow. Though I have already tried my best.

With the truth of the soul gem, I motioned for X to mention the possibility of removing the grief build-up. That is the most "soft" way I can handle it.

However, with Witches, there is no possibility of softening it. This is informing a child that they have cancer. That they are now forever cursed, even more than just being zombies. There are only 2 ways to handle it. To talk or not to talk.
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...I'm still scared of telling the girls about witches...
It's necessary, yes, but...

Perhaps we should discuss *how* to present things more, it might end up being quite important...
If we are going to talk about witches we should treat it as an info hazard (because it is), so maybe telling them to not to panic NO MATTER WHAT or something?

I will leave this one up to X. We shouldn't try to force dialogue on her when she is already doing good enough. It would let lepid write more naturally too.
...Actually, I had a question for some time, which takes priority in the story after-vote? If we tell X to do something a way she normally wouldn't, would she do it nonetheless? Would she do it in her own way but somewhat respecting the vote? If so, what degree of respect to the vote? Or would we lose the vote entirely?
Pretty sure that depends on context: No way to say for certain in advance or any one-size-fits-all rule for that. If it gets bad enough, I imagine the veto hammer will get brought out before the vote ends.

That is the most "soft" way I can handle it.
X did say it might not be the actual Soul, given her history with a mountain of wrong answers, perhaps that might help. Or swing into a bit of the City's tech to ameliorate such concerns?
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What Lurker said.

For example, previously, we voted for her to heal herself with the sound of a star, but since it wasn't possible she healed herself with cogito ephemera instead.

She followed the spirit of the vote because the literal meaning was impossible.
Ps finished my editing and gave a reason for choices
pss yes my vote focuses on the 'drama' more specifically the emotions induced by removing the calm.and collected manager persona
Our daughters trust us, we should return it in good faith and trust them

Psss heading for bed
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One terrible idea coming up next, if we really have to (I will NOT be voting for this nevertheless):
Use Lobotomy to make it such that every time the Witch bomb comes rolling by the person in question will forget about it soon afterwards
It was changed to a planned list of topics, since I mentioned that voting 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... topics consecutively isn't very practical.
Though not sure if Lepidoptera will give us a breakpoint to change our minds if things come to that?
X did say it might not be the actual Soul, given her history with a mountain of wrong answers, perhaps that might help. Or swing into a bit of the City's tech to ameliorate such concerns?
The truth about soul gems is that they are now zombies. We know that is the truth due to the fact that their bodies fall dead the moment they are too far away from their soul gems.

The only way we can help them cope with it. The best way to help them cope with it. Is to tell them that they are still themselves I guess. However, I don't think we need to micromanage any of these. Since it's a waste of votes and discussion.

Leave the specifics to X, who is much better at thinking on the fly than we give her credit for (clearing day 49 is no joke).

That's terrible. Like you know, how bad that is right? Since Madoka is horrible at lying.
[X] Plan Pre-Planned
-[X] Abnormalities
-[X] You are an Abnormality
-[X] Your EGO Gifts (Yuma's beak, and your employee card)
-[X] The Book of Abnormality and how you will entrust it to Madoka
-[X] Nothing There
-[X] Truth about Soul Gems and how you might be able to eliminate grief-build-up
-[X] Truth about Witches. Speak with caution. You know how horrified you were when you learned of your true nature.
while Homura beside her has gone a shade paler than usual. The time-traveler stares forward, her expression cold and immovable as always but notably unfocused.

Is she having Charlotte's flashbacks?

"That creature from last night was able to take control of my body. Is that sort of power common for Abnormalities?"

Yes and no? There are enough of them able to do it to be a problem, but it is not the majority. Now, most of those that ARE able to do it are a pain in the ass in one way or another, and you really don't want to antagonize the most powerful of them.

It feels… wrong, hearing the worry in Mami's voice. You weren't the one hurt, there's no reason for her to be concerned.

X… it is normal for her to worry, you are worthy of it, you are important to her.

Also, I would very much not think that *losing an arm* isn't being the one hurt, even if it grew back.

"There is maybe one exception, although I'll go further into it once everybody's here."

You know, with how self deprecating X tends to be, I wouldn't even be surprised if she was thinking of One sin and Hundreds of good deeds instead of herself here.

"Oh," Madoka lets out a small gasp, as if finally realizing something. "Then that means that you… I've really sorry, that was inconsiderate of me to ask."

Yes Madoka, X was homeless before. What? *Mami is an orphan*? Well, that's clearly less important. :V

An emotion you can't quite place flares within her, but is smothered back into quiescence just as quickly as it appears.

Please tell me it's not jealousy.

Actually even if it isn't, I still think we should adopt Homura too.

"The Abnormality previously identified by X as a significant threat has recently been spotted moving towards Kamihama City. I will be allocating all my available resources towards tracking it."

Nothing There is on her way! Yeah!

Planning how to topple an ALEPH, especially one with such straightforward strengths, will be an incredible challenge.

That's simple: attack where she's weak, in the case of NT, it just so happens to be social, how convenient.

-[] Truth about Witches
-[] Truth about Soul Gems

Ok, these two topics are the only ones in question here, truth about souls gems is a given, but do we say about witches? I am inclined towards yes, but making sure it is at the end, we need to convey all the rest.

-[X] Write in plan Kalibrius

If you want to make it a plan, you should use this format:
[] Plan name
-[] parts of the plan
-[] other parts
—[] subparts

Seems like Sayaka and Kyouko are busy arguing as always (sigh).

"The color red is obviously superior to blue! That's a fact!"

"No, blue is better!"

"But Kyouko, red goes so well on you it cannot be anything but the best color"

"Stop trying to pretend that the fact your costume is blue doesn't automatically makes it the best color!"

We shouldn't try to force dialogue on her when she is already doing good enough. It would let lepid write more naturally too.

I agree with that, guiding emotions works, outright telling what to say tends not to.

The truth about soul gems is that they are now zombies.

Only in Japanese parlance, westerner would not think that, see Tart for reference, who thanked Kyubey for proving the existence of the soul, also, modern westerners are far more likely to go for the term *lich* than *zombie* for that situation.

[X] Plan Pre-Planned
I rather object to revealing the truth about Soul Gems today. Even just talking about abno will be a very difficult topic. And although this is not information about the Witches, Mami and above all Sayaka will take it very badly. Moreover, Sayaka's grief will feed Mami's despair, because it was Mami who pushed her to make a contract. Although it also depends on the presentation of things, if we want to tell them this information, it should not happen at the same time.
And I won't even begin to talk about why telling a story about Witches to both at the same time is a Bad Idea.
As an aside, Has anyone conscious observed the process of Lobotomy besides X? Like, How X sees it might not be the same as everyone else which may become relevant if we have to perform a emergency lobotomy or 2 because of the witchbomb in front of everyone
Uh, the thing is NT is most likely coming to us for her Debut right after this, so I don't think we really have a choice in this matter?

(Unless we decide to go alone or with Homura, I suppose)

E: It's been mentioned that at least some of the things that Lobotomy shows depends on the user's interpretation (though whether this remains true for external observers is unknown)
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