1)No, you dont understand the charm.You don't understand how VEE works. Dragonnests are a background, VEE absolutely can effect them. And we would gain XP not lose it. AP spent on fixing the dragonnest is time not spent on making XP. Even just spending that time with the MA monk would be better.
It a dragonnest even if just a sucky one. If the elemental could not defend it and keep away the riffraff, he would not have it at all. And the rating of a DragonNest is about how secure and defended it is. The whole point of overhauling it to make random trash unable to try and take it.
VEE is bestowed by the Infernal, and exacts a price from the recipient. Our repairing the place and tarting it up is a price for services rendered which we negotiated. You should not be trying to pay someone by putting them into debt to you.
Molly Carpenter is not going to be going back on her word.
2)It is NOT a Dragons Nest. Yet.
Else it would already have other claimants other than a single elemental.
WISHLISTSo, a question for those coming up with xp spending plans - what's the plan for when we invest in Sorcery? Some of those Ancient Sorcery spells are completely busted after all - even if they're expensive.
I get that everyone's focussed on getting the basics covered off, and upping our survivability, but what's the long term build vision?
I assume Sorcery is part of the vision for the build, after all the thread did buy Heir of Brigid during character creation.
Blessing of the Wood Dragon: Autorepair items. Possibly techbane negation.
Invulnerable Skin of Bronze for +4 soak.
Emerald Spirit Binding for binding spirit allies
Calling the Calibration Gate: Portals into and out of the NeverNever and spirit world in general
Sapphire Ritual of Exorcism: What it says
The Tree's Many Branches: Asura's Wrath style arms for multiple attacks
Infallible Messenger(spirit message/tracker), Dragon of Smoke and Fire(guide to a location), Hound of the Five Winds(tracker/combat ally) and Servant of Infallible Location(tracker) are not in the ExWoD book, but can be imported from Exalted spells if the QM approves.
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