Dungeon Crawler You!

Create Spellbook is so-so in the short term.
However the class can also grant Fireball (solid attack spell) or Ghost Armor (probably defends against attacks which ignore physical armor). Thosr do seem nice to have while about to face flying mages.

[X] (Drew) Mystic Scholar
[X] (Drew) Mystic Scholar
Not yet he can't. I may not have any metaknowledge on it, but I can still guarantee you that Create Spellbook will have one of the absolute worst penalties to the chance of succeeding on using Create Spellbook. I don't want to bother until he gets Fortuna's Favored Friend to 15, and even if we want him to try to level it so he can keep it, we want him to have more than Smoke Form to practice on.
So if spellbook is unattainable I propose we swing back to Psychic for the Sysop synergy and getting the boxes for Calliope from Crawlers to level up Wheeler Dealer?

[X] (Drew) Local-Access TV Psychic
[X] (Drew) Mystic Scholar
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Not yet he can't. I may not have any metaknowledge on it, but I can still guarantee you that Create Spellbook will have one of the absolute worst penalties to the chance of succeeding on using Create Spellbook. I don't want to bother until he gets Fortuna's Favored Friend to 15, and even if we want him to try to level it so he can keep it, we want him to have more than Smoke Form to practice on.
  1. Fortuna's Favoured Child not friend.
  2. The sooner we can get it the better, and multiple attempts are allowed. I will concede that going tv psychic might be better for this layer.
Edit: particularly because we'll be leveling faster than we will for the rest of the dungeon on this floor.
Probably rather good (the canon Former Child Actor gets good stuff every layer, and Drew has a Luck aura on top of that) but honestly who knows.
Not what I meant. When using Create Spellbook, there's a penalty to the chance of it succeeding that varies depending on which spell you are making a Spellbook of. We can get the spell itself, but I am absolutely certain that trying to create a spellbook of Create Spellbook is going to have a ludicrous penalty we're going to need multiple boosts to overcome.
I just want everyone to know about the synergy, though going psychic this layer to get all that sweet sweet charisma to scale Fortuna's Favoured Child to make it even more likely is not a bad call at all.
Honestly, Local Access TV Psychic is really strong regardless.

e: Unrelatedly: We had an idea on the discord. We could freely use Blitz Sticks (from DCC canon) for the int boost and pass the debuff onto some mob.
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e: Unrelatedly: We had an idea on the discord. We could freely use Blitz Sticks (from DCC canon) for the int boost and pass the debuff onto some mob.
Like, say, a Boss. And then, since Taylor's got line of sight to wherever his other body is, he can (with a line-of-sight teleport spell) warp out of the Boss room and leave it to its fate.
Like, say, a Boss. And then, since Taylor's got line of sight to wherever his other body is, he can (with a line-of-sight teleport spell) warp out of the Boss room and leave it to its fate.
I'm... Not sure that could work. One of the big benefits of Translocate that makes up for its 10 hour cooldown and requirement to be unobserved is that it can go through barriers, including some magic ones. Even there not all Boss rooms can be escaped, so I doubt something with no cost and a 15 second max cooldown is going to get through them.

Even with the rarity of it being race locked to something as unusual as Multacopalan.
I'm... Not sure that could work. One of the big benefits of Translocate that makes up for its 10 hour cooldown and requirement to be unobserved is that it can go through barriers, including some magic ones. Even there not all Boss rooms can be escaped, so I doubt something with no cost and a 15 second max cooldown is going to get through them.

Even with the rarity of it being race locked to something as unusual as Multacopalan.
The teleport for Multacorpalan specifically states "Physical obstacles are ignored" so it'd take a lot to make it not work.
I suggest we try having one of our far-away bodies join a boss fight before we try that kind of strategy.

Note that in canon, we do see slow/stealthy boss kills. The goat party (hilarious concept btw) kills bosses by sneaking up on them, slowly debuffing the shit out of them, and then letting them die of heart failure.
And in that fanfic eaglejarl linked earlier in the thread, we see that "walk around spewing radiation and get kill rewards in a week when they drop dead" is a valid technique.
We should find some folks addicted to blitz sticks first to see if we can use the debuff transfer on it before we do anything like that ourselves. And also check with Levi, of course.

But it could get Moose to higher int sooner, and provide us stupid high amounts of it ourselves.
[X] (Drew) Mystic Scholar
Thanks for reminding everyone of the mystic scholar evangelium.

[X] (Drew) Mystic Scholar

Btw, did you already consider SysOp copying 2 Body problem into Drew so we have X Drews with luck aura and create spellbook?

And that the first create spellbook spellbook should go to Taylor. (Meaning we have 2 people capable of creating spellbooks)
<edit> Scratch that, first to Levi during the wait for the other two to wake up, then one for Taylor </edit>
Probably not usefull for Leo due to the "1 hour of concentration" thing.

Oh, and 15min without cooldown to Copy a spellscroll (including from memory), so fog of confusion and pet healing galore.

And ofcourse the rebate means we could offer to buy stuff for others. Or we could buy stuff just to learn it to copy and sell.
Two Body Problem
You have one mind in (Skill Level) bodies. You can coordinate the bodies perfectly and information is exchanged between them instantaneously regardless of that pesky speed-of-light limit. This allows you to have multiple conversations at once, enjoy multiple meals at once, coordinate attacks from two directions at once, and so on.

  • All bodies have the same base stats
  • Physical effects generally apply only to the body they target
  • Mental effects generally apply to all bodies, since there is only one mind
  • Each body has a discrete health and mana total
  • If one of your bodies has line of sight to a point, all of your bodies have line of sight to that point
  • If one body dies, all surviving bodies will suffer negative effects
This skill increases by 1 upon descending to the next floor, thereby creating a new body. It cannot be trained.

New bodies appear with gear copied from some or all of what the other bodies are carrying.

If you want your vote to not be counted by tallybot you need to edit out the X from the [], tally is currently still counting that vote.
So if spellbook is unattainable I propose we swing back to Psychic for the Sysop synergy and getting the boxes for Calliope from Crawlers to level up Wheeler Dealer?

[X] (Drew) Local-Access TV Psychic
[X] (Drew) Mystic Scholar
We have no reason to assume that spellbook is unavailable. Just that it has a chance that the 1hour casting time is wasted, the 6h cooldown doesn't trigger and we need to try again.

A chance under the influence of Fortunas Flavored Child.

If we dedicate this floors use of SysOp to it, we can give Drew the body copying skill.
-> more FFC, and making attempts in parallel.

Oh, and If we get to ridiculous amounts of money?
Another benefit of the class (this floor only, but still) is:
Access to all training guilds and an unlock for each skill trainable at that guild
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I think the first copy of 2 body problem should go on Leo, not Drew. The real power of this combo is turning bunches of trash loot into nuggets of good loot then duplicating it.

Also, can't wait to see what bullshit catkin subrace she's going to pull
I think the first copy of 2 body problem should go on Leo, not Drew. The real power of this combo is turning bunches of trash loot into nuggets of good loot then duplicating it.

Also, can't wait to see what bullshit catkin subrace she's going to pull
Would we lose that much by waiting a Floor for multi-Leo?

With multi-Drew we get better chances for harder spellbooks. Better scroll production.
Iirc this Level is Open with settlements and merchants n stuff.
If we find a magic shop we can earn lots of money to spend on skills and spells and whatever else may come up (like personal space upgrades)

Classes are given instantly, races take the rest period. So if we waste one rest period (for Tay to unlock Multacorplan) we can have Leo go catkin under the influence of 2 luck effects.
I think the first copy of 2 body problem should go on Leo, not Drew. The real power of this combo is turning bunches of trash loot into nuggets of good loot then duplicating it.

Also, can't wait to see what bullshit catkin subrace she's going to pull

I highly, highly doubt giving Leo multiple bodies would cause Rollup to make any more boxes. In fact, I doubt 2 Body Problem interacts with boxes at all, what it does is duplicate some of the equipped items from exiting bodies when making a new one.
Also, my next point may be important to you too.
Would we lose that much by waiting a Floor for multi-Leo?

With multi-Drew we get better chances for harder spellbooks. Better scroll production.
Iirc this Level is Open with settlements and merchants n stuff.
If we find a magic shop we can earn lots of money to spend on skills and spells and whatever else may come up (like personal space upgrades)

Classes are given instantly, races take the rest period. So if we waste one rest period (for Tay to unlock Multacorplan) we can have Leo go catkin under the influence of 2 luck effects.
We can't give Drew two bodies right now. When Taylor copies over a Skill, it starts at Level 1. If we decide the correct use of our once a floor copy is to give someone 2 Body Problem instead of Character Actor, it has no effect whatsoever until we go down a floor after using it. This is one of the reasons it might be a better choice than Character Actor, since it means there's no opportunity cost if we don't give up our Sysop abilities until right before we plan to head down, where with C.A. we may want to do it earlier and level whatever skills we get from the second class we give Leo or Taylor.
Classes are given instantly, races take the rest period. So if we waste one rest period (for Tay to unlock Multacorplan) we can have Leo go catkin under the influence of 2 luck effects.
Of course we can't, that would mean losing our sysop abilities for the entire third floor. Ability copying is done before we leave, not as we enter.

We also know that eaglejarl doesn't want to have to figure out what two overlapping identical luck effects do.
I highly, highly doubt giving Leo multiple bodies would cause Rollup to make any more boxes. In fact, I doubt 2 Body Problem interacts with boxes at all, what it does is duplicate some of the equipped items from exiting bodies when making a new one.
Also, my next point may be important to you too.

We can't give Drew two bodies right now. When Taylor copies over a Skill, it starts at Level 1. If we decide the correct use of our once a floor copy is to give someone 2 Body Problem instead of Character Actor, it has no effect whatsoever until we go down a floor after using it. This is one of the reasons it might be a better choice than Character Actor, since it means there's no opportunity cost if we don't give up our Sysop abilities until right before we plan to head down, where with C.A. we may want to do it earlier and level whatever skills we get from the second class we give Leo or Taylor.
Oh right, it is [skill level] bodies, not [skill level] extra bodies. My bad.

With Character Actor we could get Leo a class that helps with her combat style. Like Cowpoke Sheriff or Bike messenger.
+10 for Former Child Actor, (temporary) +5 for Local-Access TV Psychic, and (probably temporary) +1 automatically from each further level for the rest of the floor also from Psychic.
Edit: you obviously already know all of this, Eaglejarl, but it clarifies my earlier statement that we heavily stacked his Charisma. It's already at a minimum of 18, and more likely 23+, and we haven't (or haven't seen you) distributed the assignable stat points yet. It's possible that he won't put any of the 45 he's earned so far into increasing Charisma further when he doesn't have any boosts to his other 4 stats, but it would already be a major investment for either of the others two catch up with him.
No, no, you were right to remind me. I wasn't thinking about any of that, so it's good to get the nudge. I'd like to think I would have remembered when doing start points, but still better to be reminded. Thank you.

(He does have a few boosts to his other stats, like from the propellor beanie giving +2 Int, -1 Cha, but he doesn't have much.)

Not yet he can't. I may not have any metaknowledge on it, but I can still guarantee you that Create Spellbook will have one of the absolute worst penalties to the chance of succeeding on using Create Spellbook. I don't want to bother until he gets Fortuna's Favored Friend to 15, and even if we want him to try to level it so he can keep it, we want him to have more than Smoke Form to practice on.
Create Spellbook is a skill, not a spell. It would be silly for it to be a spell, since obviously writing a thing is something you learn

...is a thing I started to say, before checking my own darn rules and finding that you are 100% correct.
Create Spellbook is a skill, not a spell. It would be silly for it to be a spell, since obviously writing a thing is something you learn

...is a thing I started to say, before checking my own darn rules and finding that you are 100% correct.
Looks like I found an unintentional exploit <3
We'll probably take psychic for now just for the potential cha buffs while we're still leveling relatively quickly since Drew's primary racial feature is cha based, but things are gonna get a little nutty if we can get Create Spellbook. If we can get create scroll to make some scrolls of create spellbook to sell/give to others at the same time that's just icing on the cake.