Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
There's also T-01-10, which has the highest amount of "resonated" and "influenced" thoughts. (Might just be literally us)
It might be helping us out by overriding most of the other Abnormalities thoughts (Although saying that, T-01-10's behavior is scarily similar to that of Whitenight).
1.4.2 - Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Chapter 44 - Can't We All Just Get Along?

While Mami and Homura can definitely handle themselves against any Witches they find, putting the two of them together has a bit more risk. While you'd like to hope that they wouldn't start a fight, the two are on poor terms and Homura has already displayed her inability to handle social situations. Getting everyone to cooperate is essential, so it'll be best if you're there to smooth things over whenever necessary.

A short trip to the school and you arrive just as the students are being released. Sure enough, the kids are all gathered together just outside and already in the beginning of an argument. Sayaka isn't quite yelling at Homura yet, but the black-haired girl's silence and unchanging expression isn't helping. Mami and Madoka stand off behind their friend, one far less assured than the other.

"-trying to trick us! As soon as we let our guards down, I bet you'll just stab us in the back!"

…and you may have to readjust your expectations.

"Anyone want to fill me in here?" you interject, drawing all attention to you. To the mild surprise of the others, it's Homura who answers you first.

"I have located a Witch that I am not well-suited to fight. I am requesting the assistance of Tomoe Mami in hunting it, as her Magic is a far better match for the Witch's abilities," she says in perfect monotone. Then, as if suddenly remembering something important, she adds "You can come as well, if you wish." The addition is hasty, enough that most wouldn't notice it, but to you the separation is clearly marked by a tinge of desperation on the second half. She's asking for help. Before you can decide what to say, Mami cuts in.

"While I am hesitant to accept the proposal of an enemy, if what Miss Akemi says is true then we have an obligation to take action." She turns towards you. "What do you believe we should do?"

Ah, the decision is passed to you. That makes this much easier.

"We'll check it out. There's no reason to start any unnecessary conflict, is there?"

And with that, the matter is settled. Sayaka looks unhappy with the arrangement, but Madoka behind her looks relieved to see the conflict resolved. The five of you walk to Homura's chosen location in awkward silence, nobody willing to start and conversation. Madoka almost speaks up a few times and both Mami and Sayaka seem to be mulling something over, but never actually open their mouths.

This is gonna be painful, isn't it?


Your group steps up to a Barrier sitting on top of the hospital. Sayaka had seemed downright panicked when she saw where you had been headed, but got it under control by the time you reached the entrance. Before opening the way in, Homura turns back to the group.

"Madoka should stay behind. There's no point having somebody who can't defend themselves on a hunt."

This position is immediately contradicted by Sayaka, discomfort boiling over as she yells "No way, transfer student! I bet you're just trying to separate us so-" but her tirade is cut off by Mami placing a hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"Sayaka, we can't assume everything Miss Akemi does is a trap. That said, we will not be splitting up before entering the Barrier. I trust this is acceptable?"

Homura turns to you, hoping that your decision can sway the conversation in your favor. Unfortunately, a newcomer answers before you.

"If anything goes wrong, she can always just make a contract!" the cheery, artificial voice of Kyubey sounds out. The alien has sat itself on Madoka's shoulder sometime when you weren't looking, stock still save for its tail lashing back and forth. Homura's death glare goes unnoticed by the others.

"I can do it!" Madoka insists, although her voice is unsteady. That's the end of that argument. You aren't going to contradict her wishes, and honestly you still feel safer with her in the Barrier where you can see her than outside and unattended with Nothing There out and about.


The feeling of entering a Witch's Barrier is as disgusting as always, but this time the surroundings match your discomfort. The five of you stand on the shores of an ocean of tar, the beach under your feet more glass than sand. The sky is an empty void of grey with a dripping, murky sun bleeding down from the sky. Opposite the sea of darkness is a ramshackle mess of half-finished buildings and rickety scaffolding that could be generously called a town.

"So, Miss Akemi, why did you feel you needed my assistance? You are not an incapable fighter," Mami asks. She doesn't know about the deal you and Homura made, or have any reason to believe the other Magical Girl would want to cooperate for any reason other than necessity.

"This Witch's Familiars inhabit living humans. I lack the ability to suppress them nonlethally, and in their numbers I cannot bypass them," Homura answers, her voice as flat and emotionless as ever. Madoka and Sayaka exchange looks of horrified surprise, while Mami's normally calm demeanor shifts into a cold, determined stare that nearly matches Homura's own. It seems you were at least partly wrong; Mami is indeed the perfect person to deal with this Witch. While you doubt that Homura couldn't simply avoid the Familiars with her Magic being what it is, she does have a good excuse for having requested help.

"Very well. If that is the case, then I will assist as best you can."

On the other hand, that's not necessarily a good thing. The fact that there's a clear, utilitarian reason for Homura to want them here only adds to her image as a cold and calculating person. While Homura definitely doesn't care how she's seen, it will make it more difficult to facilitate interaction in the future. Adding onto the issue, there aren't really any conversation topics you can think of to break the ice. Nothing that wouldn't immediately dissolve into an argument, anyways. Your trek deeper into the Barrier continues in silence.

It's only a few minutes in when you stumble upon the first Crude, leaping out from a hiding spot carrying a pickaxe in an ambush that is easily ended by Mami's ribbons. True to Homura's word, the Familiar is using a human's body as a puppet to make its attack. You can see the black sludge within the man's veins, so reminiscent of the murky colors of Grief.

"This is awful… is there anything we can do?" asks Madoka, clutching her hands to her chest and staring in horror at the restrained man. To your surprise, it's Homura who answers.

"We cannot leave the Familiars in their victims. If the Witch is killed, they may turn on their hosts and reproduce."

What can you do?
[] Try healing Magic?
-[] Enhanced by Sayaka?
[] Sound Of A Star's healing
[] Lobotomy
[] Put the man out of his misery
[] Write-In

Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 0/3
Nothing short of the oldest and most powerful Witches can really face your group in combat, but that doesn't mean they can't hurt you in other ways.
[X] Lobotomy

I...am going to say Lobotomy. I don't think healing will work as these aren't wounds or diseases, but parasitism or possession.

Also, finally! A morally sound point where we can try excising things and doing actual lobotomy!

Just burn out the possessor.
Well ain't this quaint, reminds me of sweepers and pupeteer, I guess it's time to see if we can't do surgery with Lobotomy
A short trip to the school and you arrive just as the students are being released. Sure enough, the kids are all gathered together just outside and already in the beginning of an argument. Sayaka isn't quite yelling at Homura yet, but the black-haired girl's silence and unchanging expression isn't helping. Mami and Madoka stand off behind their friend, one far less assured than the other.

"-trying to trick us! As soon as we let our guards down, I bet you'll just stab us in the back!"

…and you may have to readjust your expectations.

Yeah, there's a reason why I put this option as the first priority, and we are seeing it right there.

Your group steps up to a Barrier sitting on top of the hospital. Sayaka had seemed downright panicked when she saw where you had been headed, but got it under control by the time you reached the entrance.

Sayaka's thought: *My violin! Oh, and the boy attached to it, I guess*

Wait, something's not right with that, I might have put Kyuojibo's thought instead of hers. :V

I am going to go against the grain here:

[x] Sound Of A Star's healing
-[x] If it doesn't work, Lobotomy.

Curious about it and want to see if it works, lobotomy is too long for us to use it on all the familiars easily while Sound of a Star is AOE healing, meaning we can potentially heal all the familiars at the same time with it if it works.
[x] Sound Of A Star's healing
-[x] If it doesn't work, Lobotomy.
I like this vote and the reasoning, I only have one problem with it. The instilling of devotion in extended uses, and you said it's AoE meaning the girls are gonna get hit. And if it works and heal the dude? Well we can't just not use it after that... Meaning the girls will get affected...
I like this vote and the reasoning, I only have one problem with it. The instilling of devotion in extended uses, and you said it's AoE meaning the girls are gonna get hit. And if it works and heal the dude? Well we can't just not use it after that... Meaning the girls will get affected...

Still need less uses than Lobotomy, something tells me that lobotomy might actually be a bad idea here, you already pointed out that Kyubey could learn from it, and I think that it is too personal to be effective here.

Another thing that I can see happen is the possibility of us changing form when using lobotomy, something we wouldn't have seen until now since every uses was with only one girl that was knocked out at the beginning of our work.

Third thing: Do you really want Mami to see us watch all the memories of our patients, with the ability to interact with them, and then let her think of the implications of what it means about when we used it on her?

The more I think about it, the more I think Lobotomy is a bad idea here.

[x] Sound Of A Star's healing
-[x] If it doesn't work, try healing Magic, enhanced by Sayaka
[] Sound Of A Star's healing
-[] If it doesn't work, try healing Magic, enhanced by Sayaka
-[] And if that doesn't work, use lobotomy to see if the familiar can be extracted that way

edit changing vote
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Still need less uses than Lobotomy, something tells me that lobotomy might actually be a bad idea here, you already pointed out that Kyubey could learn from it, and I think that it is too personal to be effective here.
Yeah, but it's also questionable what he could learn. It does not justify brainwashing the girls...

Another thing that I can see happen is the possibility of us changing form when using lobotomy, something we wouldn't have seen until now since every uses was with only one girl that was knocked out at the beginning of our work.
It's a possibility, and also isn't. That hypothesis has no foundations and as such we can't just decide to not use Lobotomy because we don't know about it. Also the light is depicted as something... godly I guess, worst case scenario we could look like a biblically accurate angel, but that seems unlikely. (Now I would like to see Kyoko's reaction)

Third thing: Do you really want Mami to see us watch all the memories of our patients, with the ability to interact with them, and then let her think of the implications of what it means about when we used it on her?
I think when we saw the memories of the magical girls, it was more of a 'felt' the memories thanks to our EGO, I don't think they'll see anything. Nonetheless I will search in previous chapters to make sure this is true.

EDIT: Upon further inspection of previous chapters, I have not found anything that disproves the third claim.
All I have found is something said in the chapter X extracted Homura's Grief. It states that X could see images of the memories in the branches.
Wether those images are visible to everyone or only X is not that clear. Nonetheless the wording in that sentence makes me see that it's much more plausible than previously acknowledged.
EDIT2: Corrected something.
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[X] try sayakas healing to remove the parasitic familiar of the possesed people
-[X] if it doesn't work try lobotomy
-[X] if lobotomy doesn't work then try blue star
-[X] if blue star doesn't work then focus on non lethal restraining of the affected via army in pink and figure out a way to heal them later on, specifically after the witch is suppressed
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[X] try sayakas healing, then
-[X] if it doesn't work try lobotomy
-[X] if lobotomy doesn't work then try blue star
-[X] if blue star doesn't work then focus on non lethal restraining of the affected via army in pink and figure out a way to heal them later on, specifically after the witch suppressed

Actually... This makes sense. We should first see is healing can do shit to them, if it doesn't then sound of a star isn't going to do much.
On another matter, have we tried to do white-damage healing before? As in with our weapons.
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[X] try sayakas healing to remove the parasitic familiar of the possesed people
-[X] if it doesn't work try lobotomy
-[X] if lobotomy doesn't work then try blue star
-[X] if blue star doesn't work then focus on non lethal restraining of the affected via army in pink and figure out a way to heal them later on, specifically after the witch is suppressed
It's a possibility, and also isn't. That theory has no foundations and as such we can't just decide to not use Lobotomy because we don't know about it. Also the light is depicted as something... godly I guess, worst case scenario we could look like a biblically accurate angel, but that seems unlikely. (Now I would like to see Kyoko's reaction)

It's not the strongest possibility, and even if it happens, I think it is far more likely to require us to go full *I WILL SAVE THEM!* Mode when using it, but it can be quite a blow if it happens, after all, there is a very good reason accurate biblical angel began their visits by saying "Do not Fear".

Oh, and, Hypothesis, not theory, theories are what has proof, hypothesizes are when you don't have proof one way or the other yet, this is important because quite a lot of people use that misunderstanding to say things like *evolution's just a theory*.

I think when we saw the memories of the magical girls, it was more of a 'felt' the memories thanks to our EGO, I don't think they'll see anything. Nonetheless I will search in previous chapters to make sure this is true.

I'm pretty sure the description make references to images and such, meaning it would be visible to outside viewers.

[X] try sayakas healing, then
-[X] if it doesn't work try lobotomy
-[X] if lobotomy doesn't work then try blue star
-[X] if blue star doesn't work then focus on non lethal restraining of the affected via army in pink and figure out a way to heal them later on, specifically after the witch suppressed

I can accept this.
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Oh, and, Hypothesis, not theory, theories are what has proof, hypothesizes are when you don't have proof one way or the other yet, this is important because quite a lot of people use that misunderstanding to say things like *evolution's just a theory*.
You are correct, I'm sorry for using the wrong word.

I'm pretty sure the description make references to images and such, meaning it would be visible to outside viewers.
I've just watched Homura's and Mami's Lobotomy chapters, and added an edit to my comment.

I will now correct the theory mistake, thank you.
I actually would prefer to flip the order of Blue Star and Lobotomy because of the valid concerns of using Lobotomy here. I do like trying healing with Sayaka's help as the first option though if for no other reason to get her involved. If it works it'll help with her desire to feel helpful. If it doesn't, we can correctly point out that it wasn't a failure on her part we just resorted to our weird science bullshit that Magical Girls don't have as a cheat. And if we fail then I mean, clearly we're dealing with something bizarre.

[X] Try healing Magic?
-[X] Enhanced by Sayaka
--[X] If that doesn't work, Sound Of A Star's healing
---[X] If that still doesn't work, Lobotomy
[X] Try healing Magic?
-[X] Enhanced by Sayaka
--[X] If that doesn't work, Sound Of A Star's healing
---[X] If that still doesn't work, Lobotomy
[X] Try healing Magic?
-[X] Enhanced by Sayaka
--[X] If that doesn't work, Sound Of A Star's healing
---[X] If that still doesn't work, Lobotomy

Today is flip flop day.
Must be quite the sale then, everyone prepping for the beach?
Mayhaps we'll even find that delightful beach episode witch from magia record
[X] Try healing Magic?
-[X] Enhanced by Sayaka
--[X] If that doesn't work, Sound Of A Star's healing
---[X] If that still doesn't work, Lobotomy