Dungeon Crawler You!

[X] Suleizul
no one likes the suleizul option combined with smoke form? altough it does seem kinda redundant with his kit, so i'm not all for it either

[X] Tir Inqua
luck is a kind of force multiplier right? also would really make plot armor more beliavable/real

[X] Gravity Elemental
would suck for romance, but really cool
Incidentally, to set expectations: I have no objection to metagaming. DCY will not be a 100% match for DCC -- in particular, I plan to do different things with some of the floors -- but the basic underpinnings will be the same to the best of my ability.
I haven't actually read DCC, and I think DCK already had a manager at the beginning. This is what I found on the DCC wiki:

"This benefit causes the guildmaster of the crawler's tutorial guild to become their manager. Managers lose access to their database of information regarding the crawl but are unrestricted in what knowledge they can share. The manager is not allowed to fight, but may make use of the resources (like crafting tables) in safe areas and personal spaces , as well as interact with NPCs. The manager is least restricted on the Scolopendra Lair levels (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18), where they can generally make use of the resources of whatever settlement is outside the "client's" current safe room.

Each time the manager's "client" enters a new safe room, the manager is teleported to the new location. This behavior stops when the "client" has purchased a personal space add on for the safe area. High level personal spaces allow the manager to access their own living area from the personal space.

Like when they were tutorial guildmasters, managers are forced to have a new form on each floor."
The options, reviewed :
  • Akovishan (spider) can't use much gear. Dealbreaker, we've been doing very well on the gear front so far.
  • Aterby (skunk): bland, and probably not the best socials if Drew can't play along with it.
  • Catkin: Decent.
  • Cygnan: Oh, a fly-focused race in a dungeon with a roof. Whatever.
  • Dryad: A race to replenish his weed supply? Excellent!
  • Entan: Decent melee, good regeneration, lots of hands to use tools. I like it! Unfortunately it's got fire vulnerability (terrible), and more importantly fighting enemies in melee is super fucking dangerous. In any case the current foes are magic-using flyers, so... Nope.
  • Gravity Elemental: He can still hear and speak, thankfully. The benefits are very very good. Seeing through walls? Melee buffs? A spell that crushes stuff?
  • Kinnar (Emu): Nope.
  • Kitsune (fox-shape): Actually decent, and seems like it would fit his vibe.
  • Pixie (Tinkerbell): This is Kitsune, but better. Tripled mana regen rate, smaller, flight and the ability to grant it, enhanced senses... You'll be hard to hit, a fantastic scout, good at running away, and with +5Int and triple mana regen you're a proper mage.
  • Primal (tons of unlocks): Okay this is amazing. For narrative reasons I'd prefer we give it t Taylor instead of Drew, though.
  • Scion of the Zree (slug): Short-term losses for the promise of long-term gains? Nah.
  • Spirit of Magic: Amazing. Well, it makes him more likely to die but it also significantly increases his utility and his benefit to the group. Worth considering!
  • Suleizul (Djinn-spawn): A full heal every few hours, with automatic activation? If I were in the dungeon, this is what I'd pick. The +4 to all stats is just the cherry on top.
  • Tir Inqua (chad): okay, the description makes them sound like the chad meme. I love it. And I also think it'll be fun to write for eaglejarl. More seriously, this doesn't increase his "punch" or his tactical options, but it is a fantastic support/debuff ability that should make everything else a lot easier for everyone.
Approval-voting the options I want most:
[X] Tir Inqua
[X] Suleizul
[X] Spirit of Magic
[X] Dryad
[X] Pixie
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There's a reason not to choose gravity elemental and that includes the fact that we take away one of Drew's crowd draws (You know the fact that he enjoys smoking pot, can't have that if you don't have any of those senses.)
[X] Tir Inqua
[X] Suleizul
[X] Spirit of Magic
[X] Dryad
[X] Pixie
Are these the races that each of them are going to pick from? Or is there a different list for Taylor and Leo?

I could see the Scree working for Taylor as he already has a familiar to protect him (can a worm yoyo though?) It also has the interesting ability to pick a race and if we can game it, it could be really broken. Find a way to touch a God or quest npc, metamorphosis and have Drew be Tir Inqua so that we have a good chance to get all the positive benefits.

I think the Spirit of Magic has a huge downside, no spells for 30 hours on a race that is probably going to rely on spells is pretty brutal.

Aterby seems good to me too, maybe Drew's smoke spell with let him weaponize the musk further by increasing range. The smell might matter less if he just smells like pot anyway.
[X]Tir Inqua
[X] Spirit of Magic

No stoner otter...
[] Scion of the Zree
-[] shake hands with Omusa for stoner otter future!

[X] Dryad

Catkin sounds too gacha for something with only one attempt.

Kitsune sounds interesting and trickster-y could fit Drew well.

Tir Inqua is what Drew mentioned he likes, sounds usefull, and as some theorize could be more fun to write for eaglejarl.

Spirit of magics observe to learn Magic sounds great.
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Are these the races that each of them are going to pick from? Or is there a different list for Taylor and Leo?
There's a different list for each character, sure there's some overlap here and there, pretty sure we'll see primal again in both lists, even an elevated cat got their own list.

I think downtime in crafting areas will be a thing later on.
If I remember the original story, any massive amount of downtime you have will result in your kill kill kill meter to go down.
Can't remember if player homes are a thing which lowers the speed of time, But probably not.

Also the guys in charge of the show currently are not exactly willing to give us the normal amount of time to win this thing....
So for Taylor, I'm more than happy with the Scion of the Zree; but as was recently noted, Drew does not have plot armor. Or, well, not as much. Which means giving him a hugely dangerous race has a chance of getting him killed off nice and quick.

It's also an easy way of nixing the romance sub-plot we're settling him into for views; fuck he'd lose just about all the views we have for him already by doing that - and given he's the worst off of the four, that's just putting him in an even worse spot.

So, I'm thinking doubling down on his smoke ability and making him into a Suleizul, which still retains all his Charisma and gives him light body altering characteristics along with the potential for more if we play into the 'Divine' nature of the race. It'd be neat to see if that's something you can 'tap' into.

I'm almost positive Taylor will get the Zree as an option given a huge percentage of people have royal ancestry, especially going down a span of 1,000 years. I'd rather give it to the guy with enough plot armor to survive to reap the benefits.

[X] Suleizul
Like when they were tutorial guildmasters, managers are forced to have a new form on each floor."
That's only for Mordecai, Carl and Donut's manager. When he was a crawler he chose the Changeling race, meaning he was a shapeshifter. After leaving the dungeon, his indenture contract required him to become a tutorial guide and transferred control of his shapeshifter powers to Borant.
Cygnan: Oh, a fly-focused race in a dungeon with a roof. Whatever.
Keep in mind that right now you are on a floor that focuses heavily on flyers and that Levi told you that (a) you're "done with the traditional dungeon motif, at least for a while" and that (b) at least some of the upcoming floors are going to be open-world, with roofs high enough to allow for weather.
Are these the races that each of them are going to pick from? Or is there a different list for Taylor and Leo?
There will be overlap but they're all different.

I could see the Scree working for Taylor as he already has a familiar to protect him (can a worm yoyo though?)
Zree. Yes, the Zree have arms and can yo-yo.

If I remember the original story, any massive amount of downtime you have will result in your kill kill kill meter to go down.
That's not a standard thing. The AI imposed it partway through the 6th floor after the crawlers and hunters failed to work together to complete a world quest. The AI did imply that it was normal on the 10th floor, but it wasn't expected for at least the first 8.
I think the best races are Aterby, Scion, Spirit of Magic, Suleizul, Kitsune and Tir Inqua.

Aterby is a seriously powerful debuff on a 55 second cooldown and the only downside is some smell and restricted pant use (I'm assuming assless chaps are allowed). Scion is great but I think assuming it's an option Taylor has a better chance of breaking it because he could hopefully pick a class that lets him stay back and buff Moose.

Spirit is good but has some downsides, I would have a hard time voting to use the free magic skill after a couple floors, maybe the benefit we get from it would be worth that though. Learning spells we see is potentially pretty broken, let's Drew cherry pick spells by teaming up with friendly crawlers to have a broken spell list, and he can then share them out to the party.

Kitsune could be broken. Clairvoyance sucks, range seems really short. Distance poison gets really good with levels as its duration goes up and it stacks with itself. Possession is broken, and the fact that it gets +5 at level 50? Beyond broken. If Drew takes this and levels it enough to get to 10 before he hits level 50 he gets a lvl 15 Possession skill. Up until then he can mind control a mob in the group and have them turn on their allies, at 15 he might have a chance to mind control a city boss. Shit he might be able to poison them and then have them kill themselves as they are slowly poisoned to death, mindslaver style.

Suleizul's turn to smoke is better than it seems. It activates every time you would die so long as it's not off cooldown. And you full heal when you change. That means you can "die" take damage in smoke form and then transform back and be at full health again. Potentially taking over 2x your hp so long as Drew doesn't die in smoke form which seems hard to do.

Scion has manager benefit, and I would like one of the party to get it somehow. This frees up having to take a class with it, which was the main reason Donut selected her class in DCC. Unless we find a race to break it with (and get lucky) it's best benefit is probably the chance to buy a celestial box for 5 mil, those are crazy good and cost an insane amount for sponsors to gift.

Tir Inqua is good, powerful party ability with no downsides not really much to say. I like it mainly because we can use it to buff Taylor's choice, assuming he has similar options. Powerful buff assuming it effect Spirit of Magic's chance to learn spells and Scion's chance to keep all positive bonuses.

After all that I'm going Tir Inqua, if Kitsune's clairvoyance was longer so that it could scout mobs and look for exits it might be too hard to resist, but it looks like it's more of a scout the dungeon spell and not a scout the city over one.

[X] Tir Inqua
Will Drew still have eyeballs, a nose, a mouth, and ears? The way this is worded, I could see it being a case where "your body is idealized, but your face is a flat plane of skin, with no eyeballs."

It would fit with the idea of an "elemental," and the A.I., in-universe, has been a bit... tricky.
I forgot that he can still speak and therefore needs a mouth. Description edited to say that it's only the eyes and nose that are missing.
Kitsune (fox-shape): Actually decent, and seems like it would fit his vibe.
Not sure if this was unclear or if you simply weren't addressing it, but the kitsune have shapeshifting abilities. You can be a fox or a human woman, shifting back and forth between them freely except that there's a 5 minute cooldown between changing forms.

Suleizul (Djinn-spawn): A full heal every few hours, with automatic activation? If I were in the dungeon, this is what I'd pick. The +4 to all stats is just the cherry on top.
Note that out-of-combat healing isn't something you need to worry about. The Heal spell will take care of it easily enough that I'm not even bothering to track it. The difference with Suleizul healing is that it fixes anything, including scars and amputations. Oh, and it will automatically activate to save you from death as long as it's not on cooldown.

Kitsune could be broken. Clairvoyance sucks, range seems really short. Distance poison gets really good with levels as its duration goes up and it stacks with itself. Possession is broken, and the fact that it gets +5 at level 50? Beyond broken. If Drew takes this and levels it enough to get to 10 before he hits level 50 he gets a lvl 15 Possession skill. Up until then he can mind control a mob in the group and have them turn on their allies, at 15 he might have a chance to mind control a city boss. Shit he might be able to poison them and then have them kill themselves as they are slowly poisoned to death, mindslaver style.
You're right that Clairvoyance is more intended for 'scout the inside of this building' than 'scout this entire city', but a range of 180 meters at level 9 (which Levi told you was relatively easy to get to) is pretty decent.

As to the rest, I think I wrote this unclearly. What the race says is:
  • +1 to the Clairvoyance spell
  • +3 to the Distant Poison spell (after reaching level 30)
  • +5 to the Possession spell (after reaching level 50)
What this means is that you immediately get +1 to the Clairvoyance spell, which will give you access to the spell. You get the other bonuses when you reach the appropriate level, but until you get that bonus you don't have access to the spell. You could learn it some other way, e.g. by buying the spellbook at a shop if it's available, but you don't start with it. You're right about the key point: if Drew can somehow get access to Possession before reaching character level 50 then he could train it to spell level 10 and, when he hit character level 50, the spell would jump straight to level 15. That could be huge.

This is another "short term weakness, long term power" race. The Distant Poison and Possession abilities are extremely powerful, but you need to work to get to them.
Well, at least I know where I left off on the DCC storyline, floor 5 to 6 or so.

Now to figure out how to get a hold of the books because of course they're not likely to be found in a Norwegian bookstore…
That's not a standard thing. The AI imposed it partway through the 6th floor after the crawlers and hunters failed to work together to complete a world quest. The AI did imply that it was normal on the 10th floor, but it wasn't expected for at least the first 8.
Neat, thanks for clarifying that.
Although, what I tried to say was something about how the audience would get bored if they weren't doing things for long periods of time.

"Increases excitement for next chapter."
I do gotta wonder... if there is a dragon race, I'm definitelt choosing it for Taylor. If only because it got brought up by him jokingly so like, now I just kinda gotta. Obligated.
Can Levi tell us any more about the implications of being connected to the Zree? Would it give us allies and enemies out in the galaxy?
Hmmm...what if they all got the Tir Inqua race? Would the effect stack? Would they be a walking zone of beneficial chaos?
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Now to figure out how to get a hold of the books because of course they're not likely to be found in a Norwegian bookstore…
They're on Amazon and on Audible. Alternatively, you can throw $3 at Matt's Patreon in order to get access to everything: https://www.patreon.com/dinniman/posts

Can Levi tell us any more about the implications of being connected to the Zree? Would it give us allies and enemies out in the galaxy?
As a game guide, he is not allowed to tell you that.