Hugh's Perfectly Normal Mafia Game Where Nothing Weird Happens Whatsoever

For now,

[X] Vote Logos

Ori isn't necessarily the strangest kill target, but when Ori was open about their kill night one they were not targeted, instead 99Lies was targeted and the only indication of anything about them was claimed to be framed (likely a connection to their miller status). This phase though scum went for Ori, who was claiming to be targeting Logos. With Logos alive, there is a chance that Ori was messed with, or their pair didn't follow through with their targeting. At the moment I will take this as Scum trying to get rid a one-for-one before Ori became fully confirmed town. Why that? Because of two things, I didn't really like Chipernium's last minute vote (not wanting to eliminate the claimed doc is reasonable but then trying to direct night actions is a step too far for me) before an ISO of these two players again I'm assuming both scum.

(My other guess is Chipernium is the other Parity Vig)
...seriously? I would really appreciate that when people try to build a case against me, they also quote my reasoning for such. The first half of that post I explained why d1 and you've only quoted the parts that construct it in a worse light. The stuff from today is fair, but still. Why do people keep doing this?

I did such twice in fact! Both directly quoting one of your messages. Please stop ignoring me and my answers, I'm getting really annoyed that this seems to be a common technique in these games. I've seen it with both Comi and Wiadi before in games where they were scum. So going with my gut here now but...

[X] Vote Wies

From experience whenever I start getting this feeling that people are purposefully ignoring my explanations, I'm usually right on this.

Anyhow, that's me for the day, should really be getting some sleep but this really ticked me off.
Why I didn't quote everything: cuz I was tired and the point I didn't quote for was the least important. I should not have included that, my bad, however, he fact that you focused solely on one part and ignored the other parts of my post, for which I did quote your reasoning makes me feel like you purposefully evaded the other accusations and then also thereafter withdrew.

The heart of my case to you is your non-vote and your argumentation for that. It is a pity others didn't pick that up.

So, let's take it again up in this new day, shall we?
@Draxy What do you think of the gamestate so far? D1 You said you didn't have scum reads. Indeed, you didn't even vote at the end of D1. Is that still the case?
Left my vote where it was yesterday, because I didn't like any of the wagons at the time and knew I'd be gone before EOD, didn't want to be responsible for any sudden last minute wagons when I didn't have good reads. Right now, still not too sure, need to do a proper reread of things.

I repeat that this looks suspicious to me. First, you don't vote D1, then you explain with "I didn't want to be responsible for some sudden wagons" which is a logic of "I don't want to look bad" which is a more wolfish logic than townish, and then you vote for me based on your gut and you don't make any effort to convince others, which reads to me as only a little bit more participating in the voting than last Day.

[X] Draxy
I have a some RL stuff keeping me occupied today, haven't been able to process stuff for this because of the constant ongoing anxiety attack. Will try to post later.
Which brings to mind something else, some…Grim news.
Town…If all three factions I've seen are a thing?
Town is toast, if all the various 3P my role lists are active at once.
Even if we discard the Serial killer for obvious reasons, and I'm not sure we can…
This game's not going to be about town winning against scum. Too much whittling down of Town's numbers, unless we find that Arsonist…Assuming there IS an arsonist.
My role would imply a cult if this weren't a bastard game, but literally my first thought on seeing the PM was "there's no cult is there?"

Also FWIW Ori wasn't culted before he died.
Why I didn't quote everything: cuz I was tired and the point I didn't quote for was the least important. I should not have included that, my bad, however, he fact that you focused solely on one part and ignored the other parts of my post, for which I did quote your reasoning makes me feel like you purposefully evaded the other accusations and then also thereafter withdrew.

The heart of my case to you is your non-vote and your argumentation for that. It is a pity others didn't pick that up.

So, let's take it again up in this new day, shall we?

I repeat that this looks suspicious to me. First, you don't vote D1, then you explain with "I didn't want to be responsible for some sudden wagons" which is a logic of "I don't want to look bad" which is a more wolfish logic than townish, and then you vote for me based on your gut and you don't make any effort to convince others, which reads to me as only a little bit more participating in the voting than last Day.

[X] Draxy

I didn't avoid it, I said that's fair if you didn't like my reasoning for not shifting my vote off Nic.

But now that I've cool downed a bit and reviewed when I haven't been barely keeping myself awake, I realise that I've been misreading this and it is complete nonsense as well because I did vote D1. I placed my vote on Nic for lack of a better option start of d1, and then you were on my back about it all day as to my reasoning.
But now that I've cool downed a bit and reviewed when I haven't been barely keeping myself awake, I realise that I've been misreading this and it is complete nonsense as well because I did vote D1. I placed my vote on Nic for lack of a better option start of d1, and then you were on my back about it all day as to my reasoning.

So? That is not what I am arguing now. You shifted your vote on Nick to Observer Chat. I call that not voting at D1. Like, if I have a vote for the most of the D2 on, like, Logos, but I conclude it with null, then other people are going to say I didn't vote that day and they are right.
So? That is not what I am arguing now. You shifted your vote on Nick to Observer Chat. I call that not voting at D1. Like, if I have a vote for the most of the D2 on, like, Logos, but I conclude it with null, then other people are going to say I didn't vote that day and they are right.

...honestly forgot I did that. Didn't think that would null my vote besides, it was a non valid vote so don't think it would count?
So if not all three, which one(s) do you fellows think we're dealing with?
For me, I'd argue likely not the Serial Killer, but Arsonist and Cultist are options.
Particularly the cultist but…
Pretty sure we're dealing with a perfectly normal not at all strange Mafia
So if not all three, which one(s) do you fellows think we're dealing with?
For me, I'd argue likely not the Serial Killer, but Arsonist and Cultist are options.
Particularly the cultist but…

Why not the SK? Honestly think the red kills may be them. It's that or a regular maf, don't see cult having a recruitment and a kill the same night. Arsonist I'm 50/50 on.
Well, that or we're dealing with a Mentor that has a side arsonist ability.
Nobody wants to reveal as the Parity Vig? Interesting.

Either Ori got a defunct role, or someone didn't like his choice in targets. I give it 50/50, pretty good odds in my eyes. @ComiTurtle Can you explain more on the Chip and Logos connection?

[x] Vote Logos

Also, the other parity vig is scum at this point.
Hi I'm doing some stuff but I'll be back to help you guys solve the game later.

I see Zae is town this time.