Hugh's Perfectly Normal Mafia Game Where Nothing Weird Happens Whatsoever

Nobody here has justified an actual case to no yeet, either put up or I'm going to shut one of you up permanently.

Since sleepy time for me comes earlier than for most, I am going to post some general thoughts on some players in order to determine who should be eliminated, in no particular order:

@ICantRemember You are new to mafia, so I understand and I am glad you answer questions, but your posts generally don't feel like you are hunting for the mafia. It is totally understandable if you don't know how to read the gamestate (heck, I am not so good at that either and I was completely confused in my first two games, lol) but don't be afraid to Just Post and to Poke another player to hear what they think. Or even just "Hey, what do you think of this interaction or the game in general"?

So in general, by dint of newness I am chucking you in town for now.

@ComiTurtle Few posts, but I like his reads, vibe with them. Also pokes people with good questions. Not going to vote him today.

@Zaealix Don't know what to make of them. Seems eager to stress there is nothing useful for them to find, which I doubt. Also not a fan of how when asked about it they quickly retracted their, admittedly memey, vote of rosen without voting someone else. I think they are a good elimination option.

@Chiperninerm Almost nothing that can be gleaned from their posts. Same advice as for ICantremember applies here. Also new apparently so, not in the mood to vote them out.

@Logos Dislike how she interacts only with questions. But hey, she is poking and trying to get discussion going. Unless something shocking, I dunno, within one hour occurs, not gonna vote her.

@Shadell Dislike how she on the third day launced a meme vote
Okay, pressing X to doubt here! If you can't even see a day 1 low activity in a smallish game, you must not be a real seer! Faking seerness is sus
[x] Vote Nictis

Her question to the players looks good, but then I realized it is prompted by ComiTurtle. I am also sus of this post.
Why would you think the N3 action was safe?

It comes across to me as questioning an obvious mistake to look active.

Shadell is a good elimination vote for me too.

@-Rosen Still confused about what about my vote prompted his outburst. Aside of that, there is nothing in his posts yet that makes me feel like he is playing the game. But, his posting, does feel sincere to me. So, not one of my priorities to eliminate.

[x] Null

@Scia Not much to say, but I do like her post explaining why she went for the SK question. She also says she is more mech and power interaction orientated that kicks off D3. So not gonna vote her. Dislike her defense of "well, the two times I was voted out, I was town, so.", tho.

Getting tired of this ass-long post, so going straight to the people my gut is suspicious of.

@RoachTV This post is a good indicator of something I noticed about them: they seem intent on leaning on who other people think are townie instead of trying to deduce that for themselves.
Also, their voting pattern is suspicious to me and feels like it is intent to look good than to hunt out: starting with a self-vote. I kinda like the guts of them voting me when I questioned them, lol. But there was no force behind it, and their latest vote for chiperninerm feels not sincere. (Welp, time to vote for someone I guess)

Very suspect to me.

@Draxy Is a bit fixated on Nictis and seems to straight-up assume Nictis is mafia.

The things he tries to slip through are when he is scum, Nic is always a very obvious scum in retrospect.

I asked them whether townie Nictis doesn't roleplay either. So far no answer. Their suspicion of Nictis feels like it is hiding a motive. Could be wrong, but putting them on the slightly mafia side.

So, in summarization: My main elimination preferences are: Zealix, Shadell, RoachTV, Draxy.

From those RoachTV strikes me as the most suspect: hence, I believe he should be elimnated.

[X] Vote RoachTV
Adhoc vote count started by Wies on Aug 23, 2022 at 3:39 PM, finished with 158 posts and 15 votes.
~Snipped for length~
Draxy - Draxy's main focus of note is on the Nictis play going between being suspect of it to going in line with it, not the best look in my opinion.

On account of this, that was me just saying I tend to watch Nic closely d1 because he always makes me wary with his RPing and I get annoyed when I realise the stuff he was able to get away with.
Still said he was a town read currently, though I also don't have much scumish reads at the moment either. I answered the question that was put forth, as if someone had to be shot tonight with a no shoot not being allowed. As I always find Nic a little sus to start until I start getting better reads on people, he's always my go to option if only so I won't feel like an idiot when he's revealed as scum, and it turns out he's practically been saying such all along.

With more posts from him now, getting a vague idea of what he might be able to do and feeling a little safer.

@Draxy Is a bit fixated on Nictis and seems to straight-up assume Nictis is mafia.

I asked them whether townie Nictis doesn't roleplay either. So far no answer. Their suspicion of Nictis feels like it is hiding a motive. Could be wrong, but putting them on the slightly mafia side.

So, in summarization: My main elimination preferences are: Zealix, Shadell, RoachTV, Draxy.

Again at no point have I said that Nic is maf. He always RPs or has a 'thing' as well sometimes related to his role, sometimes it's not. Pretty sure I did answer this before, though I may be mistaken...
Still said he was a town read currently, though I also don't have much scumish reads

So you did.
Honestly? Would say Nic is a good bet, if only because I'm always wary when he gets really deep with the role play cause he likes to slip things through.

Outright stating there's a mafia day one made me raise a brow, if only for the other options like cult or something completely left field given its a bastard game. Though will also state he's still a townish read, just the least of, which is about standard for nic.

Still eyebrow-raising to me you are saying in the same post a) Nictis isn't such a bad target, Ori. and b) Nictis is slightly town to me.

I understand your waryness for his roleplaying, but that post feels inconsitent to me. If someone is even slightly town to you, why even doing a gesture of a suggestion they might be considered to be nightkilled?

Again at no point have I said that Nic is maf. He always RPs or has a 'thing' as well sometimes related to his role, sometimes it's not. Pretty sure I did answer this before, though I may be mistaken...

Repeating my question: does townie Nictis roleplay as well? If so, that seems minor to me to get sus of him. My opinion of course, but there are interesting things surrounding his roleplaying that makes me want to just watch it for now.
So you did.

Still eyebrow-raising to me you are saying in the same post a) Nictis isn't such a bad target, Ori. and b) Nictis is slightly town to me.

I understand your waryness for his roleplaying, but that post feels inconsitent to me. If someone is even slightly town to you, why even doing a gesture of a suggestion they might be considered to be nightkilled?

Repeating my question: does townie Nictis roleplay as well? If so, that seems minor to me to get sus of him. My opinion of course, but there are interesting things surrounding his roleplaying that makes me want to just watch it for now.

Again I answered this above. I currently don't have scum reads, and neutrals are only beginning to form. I generally work from innocent till proven guilty, so to me people start as probable town, then move up or down as the game progresses. I really didn't have to much to go on at that point, so everyone was still pretty much town seeming.

Also just saying it now, but I probably won't be around EOD.
Subbing in for Miracle; currently at work, so it may be a few hours before I can catch up properly, probably after EoD. I'll try to get a vote in, but no promises.
@Logos Dislike how she interacts only with questions. But hey, she is poking and trying to get discussion going. Unless something shocking, I dunno, within one hour occurs, not gonna vote her.
I'm going to take this as a bit of an oblique poke to comment on other discussions and leave the current low-energy state I've been posting in. Which is fair, though disappointment waits if you're wanting any kind of high energy posting from this sector. Burnout and falling further behind on projects I'm already behind on awaits that direction.

So, regarding Nictis... Nictising over yonder, the roleplay is pretty firmly NAI in my books. But then, from Nictis I'd class even outlandish plays like voting observer chat or the GM as NAI. Slightly town-sided, since they're fishing for people to react to them, especially if they happen near the end of day, but they'll happen regardless of alignment.

Regarding Miraclegrow's apparent culture clash... well, I seem to have been ninjad by a replacement, so social reads on how this played out are a tad irrelevant now.

I'll make a note to comment and converse more as conversations happen, should I be around for them. If I've missed the thrust of your criticism, please let me know.

Though out of curiosity, it's day 1. Are you expecting a loud daycop or something? Otherwise, I'm not sure what kind of shocking event might happen, short of me walking out with a roleclaim for some unfathomable reason.
As far as I remember, Townie Nictis is just as likely to RP early game as Scummy Nictis. I wouldn't take the lone fact that Nictis is RP'ing as evidence that they are scum... of course, if somebody manages to catch the hints that they occasionally leave in their messages and determines they're scum, do tell.

I'm at work at the moment so I don't really feel like doing a deep dive right now. I'll say I'm a big fan of Ori's play so far. I'm not a fan of Wies' play, but I also have no solid reason to suspect it's wolfish scum over bad read town. Honestly, I'm fine keeping my vote on Chiperninium for now. I want to keep Nictis around because on the chance they're town, they'll be a powerful asset later. Similar goes for a few others who I think are valuable for town just for the conversation they evoke.

I'll feel much better about the game when we've got a few night results in. It's not that I think D1 reads are useless, it's that I think I'm useless at D1 reads.
At the moment my vote being on no one is where I want it frankly.
Like I don't even have a vote on the caliber of 'Shalmoa's not LIKELY to be scum, but he IS too tilted to leave alive for the good of the Town.'
So that's kind of telling-no one's thrown out particularly suspicious logic or odd statements from my observations.
But, for the interest of generating reads…
I'd cop Nictis
I'd shoot Chip,
I'd watch Ori,
And I'd doctor Rosen.

I'm mad because the choices are good but the refusal to vote is bad.

Theres like 4 people with 2 votes each and I feel like I need to consolidate urgh.

I'm meh on Roach
I'm meh but in a slightly townie meh way on Scia
I'm Zaea on Zaea
I guess i reread Rosen quick but he seems more 'slightly checked out' than like scummy to my eyes.
Nictis is Nictis and I wanna see how this goes.

I'll make a note to comment and converse more as conversations happen, should I be around for them. If I've missed the thrust of your criticism, please let me know.

You got it right, thank you. Also, fair of you to note, that not everyone can or even should put out high energy. There will be likely quiet days for me in store as well.
Though, you don't have per se Post much. As ever, it is what is inside them that counts.

Though out of curiosity, it's day 1. Are you expecting a loud daycop or something? Otherwise, I'm not sure what kind of shocking event might happen, short of me walking out with a roleclaim for some unfathomable reason.
That was indeed one of the shocking events I meant. Or maybe something weird. This is a proud and open bastard game. No idea what to expect of that. : )
I feel like I don't have anything on Zaealix, but my expectations of getting anything out of pressure voting -Rosen are dropping, and I don't have any particularly strong reads at the moment.

While I review posts, I'll ask. Why do you want me to vote Zaealix?

Oh no I want Zaealix to vote for somebody, or I'm going to blow his head off.

I'm also going to blow his head off if he votes me with no reasoning.

Do as you please.
I do not have great options to pick from but I guess off feel and read…
[X]Vote Wies
It's a gut read but I was at first thinking vaguely that Roach was probably scummy but on a deeper read his posts check out.
And I'm vaguely rolling with the notion that this is Town vs. scum rather then a town on town by pure gut read/convenience while I get my glasses out for a more focused look at things.
I do not have great options to pick from but I guess off feel and read…
[X]Vote Wies
It's a gut read but I was at first thinking vaguely that Roach was probably scummy but on a deeper read his posts check out.
And I'm vaguely rolling with the notion that this is Town vs. scum rather then a town on town by pure gut read/convenience while I get my glasses out for a more focused look at things.

I don't find anything superbly objectionable about Wies but honestly go get it king.

[x] Null
Okay been busy at work so meant to post infrequently through this last few hours but here we go.

Not a real theory but I want quick thoughts on how such would change people's play:

The day elimination has a 50% chance that instead of killing the target they gain +1 vote weight for the rest of the game. How would knowing that was the world change your current votes?

In my opinion I feel fine with my roach elimination target because even if I'm wrong I'm not so confident that I've caught scum and roach isn't a horrid player to gain an additional vote weight.
Not voting for Rosen right now as they fall out to often on D1 or N1, but I want to make a self preservation vote as I am not really feeling any clear scum votes , so I am throwing that one to
[X] Vote RoachTV
As noted I am not having a clear scum read , and as noted Rosen get hit to often so that feels unfair.
And well , @ComiTurtle I can survive with Roach getting more votes as I am not having a clear read , as it is just self preservation here.
Okay been busy at work so meant to post infrequently through this last few hours but here we go.

Not a real theory but I want quick thoughts on how such would change people's play:

The day elimination has a 50% chance that instead of killing the target they gain +1 vote weight for the rest of the game. How would knowing that was the world change your current votes?

In my opinion I feel fine with my roach elimination target because even if I'm wrong I'm not so confident that I've caught scum and roach isn't a horrid player to gain an additional vote weight.
Yaaaugh! That's freeze me up big time because like MAYBE that works…
Or maybe it backfires and I piss off a townie who now can use that vote weight to send me packing!
Not to mention pushing the Mylo and Lylo thresholds up on the chance we ID a scum but get unlucky with the coin flip…