Since sleepy time for me comes earlier than for most, I am going to post some general thoughts on some players in order to determine who should be eliminated, in no particular order:
@ICantRemember You are new to mafia, so I understand and I am glad you answer questions, but your posts generally don't feel like you are hunting for the mafia. It is totally understandable if you don't know how to read the gamestate (heck, I am not so good at that either and I was completely confused in my first two games, lol) but don't be afraid to Just Post and to Poke another player to hear what they think. Or even just "Hey, what do you think of this interaction or the game in general"?
So in general, by dint of newness I am chucking you in town for now.
@ComiTurtle Few posts, but I like his reads, vibe with them. Also pokes people with good questions. Not going to vote him today.
@Zaealix Don't know what to make of them. Seems eager to stress there is nothing useful for them to find, which I doubt. Also not a fan of how when asked about it they quickly retracted their, admittedly memey, vote of rosen without voting someone else. I think they are a good elimination option.
@Chiperninerm Almost nothing that can be gleaned from their posts. Same advice as for ICantremember applies here. Also new apparently so, not in the mood to vote them out.
@Logos Dislike how she interacts only with questions. But hey, she is poking and trying to get discussion going. Unless something shocking, I dunno, within one hour occurs, not gonna vote her.
@Shadell Dislike how she on the third day launced a meme vote
Okay, pressing X to doubt here! If you can't even see a day 1 low activity in a smallish game, you must not be a real seer! Faking seerness is sus
[x] Vote Nictis
Her question to the players looks good, but then I realized it is prompted by ComiTurtle. I am also sus of this post.
Why would you think the N3 action was safe?
It comes across to me as questioning an obvious mistake to look active.
Shadell is a good elimination vote for me too.
@-Rosen Still confused about what about my vote prompted his outburst. Aside of that, there is nothing in his posts yet that makes me feel like he is playing the game. But, his posting, does feel sincere to me. So, not one of my priorities to eliminate.
[x] Null
@Scia Not much to say, but I do like her post explaining why she went for the SK question. She also says she is more mech and power interaction orientated that kicks off D3. So not gonna vote her. Dislike her defense of "well, the two times I was voted out, I was town, so.", tho.
Getting tired of this ass-long post, so going straight to the people my gut is suspicious of.
@RoachTV This
post is a good indicator of something I noticed about them: they seem intent on leaning on who other people think are townie instead of trying to deduce that for themselves.
Also, their voting pattern is suspicious to me and feels like it is intent to look good than to hunt out: starting with a self-vote. I kinda like the guts of them voting me when I questioned them, lol. But there was no force behind it, and their latest vote for chiperninerm feels not sincere. (Welp, time to vote for someone I guess)
Very suspect to me.
@Draxy Is a bit fixated on Nictis and seems to straight-up assume Nictis is mafia.
The things he tries to slip through are when he is scum, Nic is always a very obvious scum in retrospect.
I asked them whether townie Nictis doesn't roleplay either. So far no answer. Their suspicion of Nictis feels like it is hiding a motive. Could be wrong, but putting them on the slightly mafia side.
So, in summarization: My main elimination preferences are: Zealix, Shadell, RoachTV, Draxy.
From those RoachTV strikes me as the most suspect: hence, I believe he should be elimnated.
[X] Vote RoachTV