Hugh's Perfectly Normal Mafia Game Where Nothing Weird Happens Whatsoever

Oh absolutely, everyone please go ahead and share any flavor you liked if you wanna, I had a lot of fun writing that stuff :V
Tragically I was not feeling clever about the whole 'perfectly normal' FBI agent thing and just got reports of flipping through my files.
Wish Walker's file had mentioned that cybernetic suit!
One hit from that and my head would have been pulped!
I actually liked that it was mountaineous, even if I didn't prove good at it, witb the impressive count of having defended two wolves.
Realized I never got around to doing this before.
The Perfectly Normal Alienist said:
You are the Perfectly Normal Alienist, a member of the Perfectly Normal Town! Oh yeah, you've got this all figured out, you're basically Fox Mulder. What is it? Aliens. Every time. You've got one of those boards with all the thumbtacks and string right over here... Now, if only your obsession with aliens didn't get people thinking you were one. At the very least, your warped worldview makes it way harder to subvert you through words, and your tinfoil hat protects you from all other forms of insidious mind control.

Your alignment counts as "alien" to investigative checks. You cannot be cult recruited.
Opening a dialogue (N1) said:
Man I keep forgetting to submit my night actions, I really need to stop almost missing it.

Cult Logos
Communication Failure (N1) said:
Using some powerful advanced technology reverse-engineered from tech stolen from the aliens themselves (which is definitely not just a colander you found on the side of the road and clamped some wires to), you attempt to telepathically beam your evidence for your genius theories directly into Logos's mind! However, you have not yet figured out how to receive a response with this device, so you have no way of knowing if they were ready to hear the truth - or if your transmission was intercepted by the aliens.
The Perfect Plan (N2) said:
Gonna use my two shot for tonight, I'm kidnapping Ori and disguising myself as an Alien.
Perfectly Undercover (N2) said:
Alright. You decide it's time to get serious. Deploying your special reverse-engineered alien tech IFF device (a pair of googly-eye glasses) to disguise yourself as a friendly unit so the aliens won't interfere with you, you go out! Clearly OriginalName is a great threat to those dastardly aliens, so they must be planning on abducting him! So you have to abduct him first grab him for safekeeping - but clearly the aliens must have seen through your clever disguise, because they jam your tracking device (a gameboy you soldered more wires to)! I mean, there's clearly no other reason why it possibly wouldn't have worked, right? You are unable to locate Ori before the sun comes up.
Gearing up said:
I'm grabbing my perfectly normal gun, my perfectly normal blindfold, and my probably normal radar and going out to dayvig Wies.
Gearing Up said:
Called it.

Anyways, since I forgot to dayvig I'll be using those tools to go on alert tonight.
The Final Stand (N3) said:
This is it. After all this time, you know the aliens must be on to you - and that they're going to be coming for you next. So you pull together everything you've scavenged from them - weapons, armor, high-tech radar systems, all of which are definitely actual technology and certainly not kitchenware and broken computer parts - and prepare yourself for the fight of your life. Even if they take you down, they're going down with you...!


...But nothing happens. Guess the aliens are still underestimating your tenacity and human spirit!

The Truth is Out There said:
It is time to reveal to the world the truth and take my proper place as the herald! I shall announce what has happened to the world at large and take my proper place as the prince! The enemy's movements are known, we must inform the populace of this latent threat. I will serve as the general against this affront!

Revealing as Mayor.
Broadcast said:
You're not putting it off any longer. It's time. Time to reveal the truth to the world. Time to blow the aliens' whole invasion right open! In the dead of night, you sneak into the top of the town's radio tower, bringing most of your scavenged tech with you. If you can just tap into the tower's radio frequency - surely easy enough with all of your stolen advanced tech - you can patch in a message on every frequency, telling the whole world about the aliens! And then they'll all know you weren't crazy!

Patching your message through is taking longer than expected, though, but you're not concerned at first. Tonight's the night you win.

It's when the door to the office you found creaks open behind you that you realize you made a mistake.

They're here.

The alien almost looks human. Maybe it even was a human, once, before the aliens got to the poor sod. But nobody could ever mistake them for a human anymore. Their hulking size, the metallic sheen of their limbs, the various metal bits sticking out of them, the subtle red glow of their eyes in the dark. The way the metal floor creaks and shudders beneath them, as if their mass far outstrips even what you would expect from such an eight-foot behemoth. The terrible grin on their face as they see you turn to them.

You barely hesitate for a second before you move, lunging for the blaster you left on the desk between you and the alien, but it's a second too long. The alien charges you like a speeding train, crashing right through the desk, scattering all of your precious tech around the office without a care. They don't even slow down as they grab you out of the air by the throat, continuing their charge until you hit the far wall behind you.

And not stopping there, either.

With a crashing sound, you're punched all the way through the exterior wall. The impact thunders through your entire body, and you think you feel some - maybe most - things break, but you barely register anything besides the alien.

They have stopped, now. Holding you still by the throat through a hole in the wall, above the ten story drop between you and the ground. And they just... grin, a little wider, for a second.

Before letting go.

You have died!