Covertly eavesdropping on government agents is a crime, and if they're federal it's a felony. The law doesn't lay out exact methods.Look, this is basically the FBI scrambling trying to figure out what the fuck is going on since the War between the Red Court and White Council erupted. Everything we've seen indicates that these people are in wildly over their heads.
They need someone to give them a basic primer on the supernatural or they'll accidentally insult a Winter Fae or something similarly dumb. Harry's not going to do it after all - he's more likely to sit in the chair and insult them for a few hours and then hold a massive grudge. He doesn't even explain stuff to Karen Murphy.
At no point did we admit to committing a felony. We admitted to knowing what was going on, and we implied we scryed them. That isn't against the law unless Congress passed a bunch of 'magic illegal' laws whilst no-one was looking. And more to the point, good luck proving that in court.
They need info on some level, and we should arrange for them to get some, but that isn't the same as trusting them because they are obviously untrustworthy. Being official means nothing, especially when they're clearly acting against their own mandate.
These guys are dragging Harry off on a bogus charge to force him to do what they want. Why wouldn't he turn around and do the same to us?
We have exactly zero effective means of stopping him, because we have not contacts or leverage yet.
These guys aren't our friends, and they're not even trying to play nice, don't project a buddy cop movie onto their actions.
Remember they saw a neo nazi frame job in progress and decided to abet it then hijack the result for their own gain.
Maybe they're better than I expect, but right now they've only shown interest in exploiting people. The implication is that they'll turn that towards protecting people, but they don't get to hide behind implications when breaking the laws they should be enforcing.
That should be kept in mind until we know enough to accurately judge their character as a whole.
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