Making the Call
9th of July 2006 A.D.
"Uh..." you looks between your dad and the elder monk, a phantom twitch in your palm impelling you to raise it like this is school. "Not that I really care about Marcone getting his money or how he gets it, but should we really make the call on what to do next without giving him the chance to know there's someone new poking their nose into the deal, or someone really old as the case might be? Friz and the Werewolves were willing to shoot up a restaurant in the middle of the day, what else would they be willing to do?"
Unsurprisingly Dad winces a little at your flippant description. He'll just have to deal with that one, you got shot by them so as far as you are concerned you have every right to make them sound like a shitty alt rock band. Despite any misgivings he does look thoughtful though. "Marcone would not take any interference with his business... in an even-tempered way."
Now it's your turn to wince and for more serious a reason. "I don't want to see..." you motion to the men lying in the floor among the cardboard boxes, a little away from the improvised shelter than marks a place where someone homeless had found some semblance of a home only to abandon it, you hope for better things. "I don't want to see them all get shot in the head or however that goes, but we can still offer to wire the money, or send someone with the cash or even arranging another meeting."
Dad shakes his head. "He will ask to know what happened and once he finds out he will want to deal with it, for a man like Marcone his power, his authority is far more valuable than money. It is harder to come by once it is spent. If he had been born into another century perhaps he would have made a good king, certainly a strong one."
"Maybe we can get him involved in the Society..." you start to joke, but just then one of the beserkers starts to stir and he is berserk no more, but groaning in pain and muttering.
"You're with the Society? Then why... are you with that bastard Lictor?"
Somehow you don't think he means the Society for Creative Anachronism like you do. Both your mom and dad are members and technically so are you and Daniel, you have the papers for it somewhere, but you haven't been to any of the events since... since you moved to Chicago now that you think about it.
Sadly the man wakes up all the way, and clams up just as fast.
"I think you make a fair point," Brother Divsimar says finally. "While the judgement of the man John Marcone might be a peril so too might his ignorance. One can see to set right poor judgement with counsel, only truth can set right ignorance."
"You callin' the boss dumb?" Jerry asks belligerently.
You are this close to saying 'yeah only a idiot would choose to make his life's work hurting everyone around him,' but don't out of consideration for your dad's nerves.
He walks Jerry out to make his the call on his phone leaving you and the monk in the company of one weak but conscious Nazi werewolf and four more including their boss out cold.
How do you question the prisoners
[] A light touch (Charisma+Empathy)
-[] Write in stunt
[] Threaten them (Charisma+Intimidation or Strength+Intimidation)
-[] Write in stunt
[] Like through your teeth, maybe you can convince them that you are somehow on their side (Manipulation+Subterfuge; very hard roll)
-[] Write in stunt
[] Write in
OOC: I intentionally had Michael echo what Nicodemus would have said later in the series about Marcone because for all their irreconcilable differences of morals their sense of people is very similar, witness how both of them respect Dresden in spite of him coming off as flippant and flaky. Granted in Nic's case that manifests as one serious offer of a coin and then a plan to see him dead, but that is just him. SCA meanwhile is how Charity learned to fix and make armor in this quest, that is not what you would call a common skill and using the Society allows for more fun plot hooks in the future.