I don't really get this argument, even though I didn't really have an argument myself.By the laws of Chicago, Molly is as much a criminal as Marcone.
I mean, she just absconded from the scene of one shooting, killed a bunch of Red Court vampires a couple days ago, and is entirely willing to kill a bunch of Denarians when they show up.
Michael himself has fought and presumably killed a bunch of Nicodemus cultists.
People really need to remember that much of the magic community is at best extralegal by the standards of most mortal criminal codes, and at worst very very criminal. Before they start using Marcone's status as a gang boss as an excuse to get all snooty.
The White Council executing people for breaking their laws is not legal in any country, no matter how justified they are.
Let alone their waging international war across at least three continents.
WE are a criminal organization.
The White Council is a criminal organization. The White Court is a criminal organization. The Red Court is a criminal organization.
Every major magic organization with a presence in mortal areas routinely breaks the law in its host society.
Dont delude yourself otherwise.
And the idea that we can "dismantle his cancer infecting our city" is pure tosh.
We do not have the capacity to end organized crime without becoming organized crime.
And frankly, Marcone serves a purpose in keeping a lot of supernaturals out of his turf.
The problem isn't that he isn't law abiding. I for one definitely don't think the law is good because its the law. But because it prevents harm.
If Marcone prevents harm, thats one thing. But he also causes some. The net is positive even so.
Nothing says we can't destroy Marcone and install something thats even more positive though? Why shouldn't we?
If the question is calculus of net good anyway...
It would take organization, demons, spirits and probably some form of negotiation or mental Charms but...thats not a negative to me.
If the end result is better, then sure.