Alright, to be clear, This is a fusion of
@CyberEnby's and
@7th Hex's plans because they are so familiar. I may be breaking 7th Hex's plan up into smaller points, but this is still essentially a fusion of their 2 plans
[ ] Plan: Public Dressing Down, with Clear Instructions for the Ship
-[ ] We have the momentum, so while everyone else is still without a coherent plan steamroll forward and get people to work with us by being the only people with a plan. Start working on how to return the US navy personnel and what to do about the carrier, all couched within the political fiction we built about it being
just an incident of the US littering on Guangchou territory. It is vitally important to everyone that the fiction stays intact, or else the nukes get one step closer to being launched and nobody wants that.
-[] State that in the interest of avoiding Nuclear Armageddon, Guangchou is willing to allow the Americans to retrieve or destroy any sensitive information or technology currently aboard the Iwo Jima, as well as evacuate it's sailors, so long as the personnel dispatched to do so are unarmed and do not act to cause further harm to Guangchou.
-[] Guangchou is willing to let the Americans decide if they want to re-float the carrier or just decommission it in place, however they will have to do so with civilian workers and they will need to reimburse Guangchou for the temporary loss of fertile soil as well as for any soil remediation that needs to be done afterwards (because their carrier is leaking engine oil and avgas into land needed to feed the country's population) in addition to the initial hazardous littering fine.
-[] Agree to common sense concessions like a party of observers from neutral nations (or one part of the Non-Aligned Movement) to ensure that US personnel are being treated well and that the USA don't try to sneak spies into or steal information from Guangchou during the operation, but don't let any nation bully us into anything. We are still under Chinese protection after all.
-[] If necessary, create a Special Diplomatic Zone centred on the Iwo Jima where international observers and press from a neutral country (or one part of the Non-Aligned Movement) may come to oversee and see that we are not treating the Americans as prisoners, and nor are we taking anything from the ship. They will be allowed to operate in this zone (once again, so long as they are unarmed and not engaged in activities threatening the safety of the nation) in order to ease tensions while minimizing the impingement on Gunagchou's sovereignty.
-[] Work with the US to make a payment plan of yearly installments over 5 years. Be reasonable, we know this is quite sudden and the fine for littering this much of material is quite high. Allow for partial repayment in non-monetary materials, with up the a third of the fine being able to be paid in industrial equipment of equal value, and another third being able to be paid in quality foodstuffs. Defective equipment, parasite ridden food, and other things of that nature will not be counted towards the total of what they owe, and they may be fined further for any damage caused by defective equipment or outbreaks.
-[] To fuck with them a bit and give ourselves a lead, include that that can include one Hollywood studio's worth of equipment and technical experts to jumpstart the domestic entertainment industry (ie: the physical infrastructure like cameras, lighting, etc. as well as teaching our people about practical effects, cinematography, etc.)
-[ ] If the USA or any other NATO nation starts getting overly aggressive or pushy about us doing anything to the crew of the carrier or something, tell them Guangchou would not do such a thing as Guangchou does not wish to start World War 3 and be leveled to the ground for the second time in 50 years.
(Look the US contingent dead in the eyes) "After all, in a completely hypothetical situation where a hypothetical USN carrier hypothetically ended up beached in Guangchou, with the rest of the hypothetical carrier's hypothetical fleet playing a hypothetical game of chicken with a hypothetical Chinese fleet on who will break first and fire a hypothetical shot, it sure would be hard for Guangchou to keep together a hypothetical political fiction it put up in order to stop a hypothetical nuclear exchange as part of a hypothetical world war if an incident happened. Like a pair of hypothetical US pilots hypothetically breaching Guangchou airspace in a hypothetical spy plane by taking in on a hypothetical flight path that took the hypothetical plane directly down 72nd street in Guangchou's capitol, only 50m meters off the ground. Such a thing happening would surely bring the world much closer to mutually assured nuclear annihilation.
So we sure are glad such an incident Never. Happened. Right?"
-[ ] If anyone brings up secret superweapons that we used to intentionally beach the carrier, deny that we have any secret superweapons, and say that even if we did have them we would not use them against the USA out of a desire to not be consumed in a nuclear fireball. Even disregarding death by ICBM, we have no reason to try to steal the
Iwo Jima like that as whatever we could get from a 40 year old obsolete carrier is not worth the damage the tsunami did to our agriculture and infrastructure.
-[ ] Once the Department of Propaganda has made sure that none of our soldiers are going to shoot at the US Navy personnel and make this whole indecent even worse, get them working with whatever we have for an international relations department to translate our story into other languages and get it going internationally before the capitalist media gets the first word in.
-[ ] Keep the Iron Tigers bundled up far away from international attention to keep them hidden, and just rely on our regular military in the area for now until this is over and all the observers go away.
So, yeah, this is the fusion plan.
I would also like to propose a plan which just adds a couple options to the fusion plan above:
plan: Public Dressing Down While Forming Future Friendships
-[] See if you can talk to allies (China, USSR) and neutral countries (India, Indonesia, Ireland) and get them on the same page as us for negotiations. Try and do this quickly, before western nations organize a firm plan in response. If not possible, confront US and all other nations at the same time
-[] Immediately after negotiations are hopefully resolved, approach allies and neutral nations (even if they weren't approached before) and thank them for their help as long as these nations voted in a way to deescalate the situation. Out of the neutral nations, pay special attention and try and foster a relationship with India and Cuba, as there may be further negotiations with these countries in the near future
I guess I was not being very precise or clear. Your plan very much focused on an attitude during negotiation of being very clear that everyone should accept the political fiction. However, I never felt like
@CyberEnby's plan coouldn't include that, or that they wouldn't want to include it, so I thought it would be a good idea to fuse these plan together so all the details are covered
Not sure if this was all wasted effort, but its done