The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

[x] Plan: Get that Clanhall done please!

[x] Yes -Thane Nirvid's Hammerers
[x] Yes - Elder Voddor's Expedition
[x] Yes -Drekfut Ankor - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it
Would you be willing to heal the wounded with Daungrumm and help with construction with Gartrimm? The reason is that I feel doing a gift or setting up trade first before we go off with the elves on a journey (have to establish trust) and aren't the dwarves that we'd be getting introduced to already dead?

Unrelated, We're maxed out on building in the hold of our current peak so we need to either carve a new entrance or extend our hallway and carve up into another one through the underhold so we can make a hall for those engineers. That stuff will all keep a turn though in favor of the walls everyone wants to build.

Edit: We need another throng so we can have a permanent guard at our outpost and more dice so much it hurts. If I'm reading the roll modifiers right each farmer dice is rolling at a -10, the mining dice have a -15 (total), and each of the warsmith and brewer die are at -5. (We got a +2 to offset some of that from the forge) but still.
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Would you be willing to heal the wounded with Daungrumm and help with construction with Gartrimm? The reason is that I feel doing a gift or setting up trade first before we go off with the elves on a journey (have to establish trust) and aren't the dwarves that we'd be getting introduced to already dead?
I feel like that is the wrong way around since Gartrimm is the healer so he should be healing. I'm not completely opposed to putting off visting the Arda dwarves depending on what others think. It's late so I wont update the plan until I wake in the morning but if the general consensus is we shouldn't go off this turn I will edit my vote.
Ah, they aren't dead the trip is to the dwarves in the grey mountains not the misty mountains. Still think healing the wounded is worth an action but we'll see what the rest of the thread thinks.

Edit: and yeah, whichever is better at the task.
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Since its in the description i gather our runelord would be fine with making a gift?
The Lord of the Hold has sworn to present a worthy gift to a Prince. That's the sort of task a Rhunrikki absolutely expects to be given.

Ah, they aren't dead the trip is to the dwarves in the grey mountains not the misty mountains. Still think healing the wounded is worth an action but we'll see what the rest of the thread thinks.

Edit: and yeah, whichever is better at the task.
Yes the Ered Mithrin are the Grey Mountains but you're getting the Sindarin names for things instead of the common names except for Khazad-Dum because its an ancient Dwarvish city and Glorfindel thought you'd be interested in hearing the Dwarvish name.
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bit stupide but l wanted to start the talk about reckoning

your Reckoning- the dawi that said ''Tunnels are a safer work place than the Surface and that those who favour the Underhold must be craven for it'' well you easy to solve you to simple need to travel down to lowest mine shaft and come back up to the hold. unknown to the dawi you would set up a fake mine collapse to see what that dawi is made of. while the Stonebeard will be tasked to take on a job of a farmer for a month then ordered to return to his normal duty's after the month both dawi then will have a drinking competition where all grudges will be late to bear after yous have spend time in each others boots

or you now set 3 challenges and let there honor be settled by the winner of 2 of the 3 challenges

or you now draw your ax and ''politly'' remind both dawi that they started this grudge when his wife was hosting the feast dishonouring her and him as her husband indirectly so they better end the grudge or someone getting the axe

just some ideas
Waiting a(t least) turn to see the arda dwarves is probably a good idea, if only because we can march with our partially/fully trained hammerers instead of a whole throng. Actually meet their king as a king with a retinue and items of power. So we can't be bullied.

Plus they're probably mighty pissed at the Umgi right now, and I don't want to get into that quite yet.

I also think that they might still have a Ring of Power. I know that the dwarves are down a few, but I can't remember all of the arda dwarf clans and where they went. I -think- Thorin Oakenshield's line has Durin's until Thorin's grandfather dies in Moria and the Ring is recovered by Sauron? And Erebor was founded last year.

Of the Seven Clans of dwarves, four of them are functional non-entities. They're past the Sea of Rhun in distance. Theoretically, they got Rings, as did the two clans in the Blue Mountains to the West(Who are functionally part of the Longbeards/Durin's clan now). But Durin's is the most powerful and should be in possession of Durin's line. (Four of the Seven are destroyed by the War of the Ring, and Sauron has the other two to offer Dain II after Erebor is restored post-Smaug)

I'd also like to more firmly establish our relations with Rivendell (Like inviting Elrond and Co to our ascension as the King of Drekfut Ankor). Just finishing what we started diplomatically.
bit stupide but l wanted to start the talk about reckoning

your Reckoning- the dawi that said ''Tunnels are a safer work place than the Surface and that those who favour the Underhold must be craven for it'' well you easy to solve you to simple need to travel down to lowest mine shaft and come back up to the hold. unknown to the dawi you would set up a fake mine collapse to see what that dawi is made of. while the Stonebeard will be tasked to take on a job of a farmer for a month then ordered to return to his normal duty's after the month both dawi then will have a drinking competition where all grudges will be late to bear after yous have spend time in each others boots

or you now set 3 challenges and let there honor be settled by the winner of 2 of the 3 challenges

or you now draw your ax and ''politly'' remind both dawi that they started this grudge when his wife was hosting the feast dishonouring her and him as her husband indirectly so they better end the grudge or someone getting the axe

just some ideas

Agreed! Send that whiner as part of the expedition to scout/clear the low levels of the outpost :D I love the live in each other's shoes and drink approach.
Even better.

Give the brewer to the miners to specifically dig out the most dangerous tunnels (under the watchful eye of a master) and give the miner to the brewers to do the hardest and most grueling work.
[x] Plan: Get that Clanhall done please!

[x] Yes -Thane Nirvid's Hammerers
[x] Yes - Elder Voddor's Expedition
[x] Yes -Drekfut Ankor - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it

[x] your Reckoning - shoes
-[x] a month in each others shoes before having a drinking competition where no grudges can be made but they can freely talk about there past month
--[x] if that dont work remind them they made trouble at your wife's feast and you have a very shiny axe
[X] Plan: Ulse
-[X] Guest Residences. 0/150 (1 Farmer, 1 Brewer)
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Stonebeard Clan Residences and Tomb. 14/220. (2 Stonemason, 1 Farmer, 1 Brewer, 3 Beardling)
-[X] Huge, Decorated Vaults with Second Guardhall, 80/240. (2 Warsmith, 2 Beardling)
-[X] Establish a Minor Coal Mine, 45/50. (1 Miner)
-[X] Establish a Minor Silver Mine, 0/50. (1 Miner)
-[X] Calm a Clan: Stonebeards (both)
-[X] Guard one of the Passes
--[X] All Throngs will guard their passes and trade off with guarding Urbaz

[x] Yes -Thane Nirvid's Hammerers
[x] Yes - Elder Voddor's Expedition
[x] Yes -Drekfut Ankor - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it

I'd prefer holding off on visiting anyone if we can't do it personally and I'd also like to wait until our Crown is done.
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[X] Plan: Ulse
-[X] Guest Residences. 0/150 (1 Farmer, 1 Brewer)
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Stonebeard Clan Residences and Tomb. 14/220. (2 Stonemason, 1 Farmer, 1 Brewer, 3 Beardling)
-[X] Huge, Decorated Vaults with Second Guardhall, 80/240. (2 Warsmith, 2 Beardling)
-[X] Establish a Minor Coal Mine, 45/50. (1 Miner)
-[X] Establish a Minor Silver Mine, 0/50. (1 Miner)
-[X] Calm a Clan: Stonebeards (both)
-[X] Guard one of the Passes
--[X] All Throngs will guard their passes and trade off with guarding Urbaz

[x] Yes -Thane Nirvid's Hammerers
[x] Yes - Elder Voddor's Expedition
[x] Yes -Drekfut Ankor - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it
[X] Plan: Ulse
-[X] Guest Residences. 0/150 (1 Farmer, 1 Brewer)
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Stonebeard Clan Residences and Tomb. 14/220. (2 Stonemason, 1 Farmer, 1 Brewer, 3 Beardling)
-[X] Huge, Decorated Vaults with Second Guardhall, 80/240. (2 Warsmith, 2 Beardling)
-[X] Establish a Minor Coal Mine, 45/50. (1 Miner)
-[X] Establish a Minor Silver Mine, 0/50. (1 Miner)
-[X] Calm a Clan: Stonebeards (both)
-[X] Guard one of the Passes
--[X] All Throngs will guard their passes and trade off with guarding Urbaz

[x] Yes -Thane Nirvid's Hammerers
[x] Yes - Elder Voddor's Expedition
[x] Yes -Drekfut Ankor - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it
[x] Plan: Get that Clanhall done please!

[x] [Thane] Yes
[x] [Viddor] Yes
[x] [Drekfut Ankor] Yes - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it

[x] your Reckoning - shoes
-[x] a month in each others shoes before having a drinking competition where no grudges can be made but they can freely talk about there past month
--[x] if that dont work remind them they made trouble at your wife's feast and you have a very shiny axe

Lot of discussion and I forgot to vote
[x] Plan: Get that Clanhall done please!
-[x] Add to the Fortifications 0/0 - West pass - 2 Farmer 2 Brewer Dice
--[x] +A Second Wall, +50 to target
--[x] ++A Third Wall, +50 to target
--[x] +Towers Set Above into the Peaks, +40 to target
--[x] +Extra Tall, +20 to target per Wall
--[x] +Extra Thick, +20 to target per Wall
--[x] +A Carven Path, +20 to target
-[x] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Stonebeard Clan Residences and Tomb. 14/220. - 2 Stonemason 1 Brewer 3 Beardling Dice
-[x] Huge, Decorated Vaults with Second Guardhall, 80/240. - 2 Warsmith 1 Beardling Dice
-[x] Establish a Minor Silver Mine, 0/50. - 2 Miner Dice
-[x] Join the Work - Daungrumm - Stonebeard residences
-[x] Heal the Wounded - Gartrimm
-[x] Gather Lumber - West throng
-[x] Meet with a Neighbour - East throng to revel themselves to the umgi
-[x] Hunt beyond one of the Passes North throng
-[x] Guard one of the Passes South throng

[x] Yes -Thane Nirvid's Hammerers
[x] Yes - Elder Voddor's Expedition
[x] Yes -Drekfut Ankor - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it

[x] your Reckoning - shoes
-[x] a month in each others shoes before having a drinking competition where no grudges can be made but they can freely talk about there past month
--[x] if that dont work remind them they made trouble at your wife's feast and you have a very shiny axe
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Ah, they aren't dead the trip is to the dwarves in the grey mountains not the misty mountains. Still think healing the wounded is worth an action but we'll see what the rest of the thread thinks.

Edit: and yeah, whichever is better at the task.
OK, I've moved Gartrimm over to healing since I haven't seen any support for going to see the dwarves but there is support for putting it off.
Lorewise nothing really happens for centuries around us, I would avoid traveling towards dol guldur around turn 60, but since I would avoid doing that anyway any turn it doesn't really affect us.
We should be safe for a while (from roaming armies not monsters in the deepts).
Jreengus plan had us make diplomacy without a crown and without a place to put the Noldor, so no.
Ulse makes another coal mine, we do not need another coal mine at the moment we are already in the positive.
And the miners do not have an ironbeard position yet, they are dangerously exposed, giving them another malus with the coal for no meaningfull bonus is wastefull.
Ulse made a poor use of our armies, send them to bring in resources like jreengus did.
[X] Plan: the best of both worlds.
-[X] Guest Residences. 0/150 (1 Farmer, 1 Brewer)
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Stonebeard Clan Residences and Tomb. 14/220. (2 Stonemason, 1 Farmer, 1 Brewer, 3 Beardling)
-[X] Huge, Decorated Vaults with Second Guardhall, 80/240. (2 Warsmith, 2 Beardling)
-[X] Establish a Minor Silver Mine, 0/50. (2 Miner)
-[x] Heal the Wounded - Gartrimm
-[x] Join the Work - Daungrumm - Stonebeard residences
-[x] Gather Lumber - West throng
-[x] Gather Lumber - East throng
-[x] Hunt beyond one of the Passes North throng
-[x] Guard one of the Passes South throng

[x] Yes -Thane Nirvid's Hammerers
[x] Yes - Elder Voddor's Expedition
[x] Yes -Drekfut Ankor - Once the Runelord has finished the crown. Invite the Noldor to witness it

You know the fact that Nirvid has double duties being the gatekeeper and a Thane is why I did not vote for her in the first place, now we got a Thane that wants to train the hammerers and not lead the army we gave her but if we said no now we will make a very poor figure.
Voddor's is probably going to get someone killed but mapping the river is a must anyway.

[x] your Reckoning - shoes
-[x] a month in each others shoes before having a drinking competition where no grudges can be made but they can freely talk about there past month
--[x] if that dont work remind them they made trouble at your wife's feast and you have a very shiny axe

The ironploug kid is way dumber, the miners got less protection than a farmer working in the valley.
No ironbeard station is a tragedy, the only possible threat for a while now will be monsters from the deep, no armies in the open.
I am hoping to get the silver mine done so that next turn we can make the ironbeard station using both dice at once.