Voting is open
Lol, guess we got Achievements now. XD I hope we can press 'continue' even after winning.
I mean, I will put it to a vote, but I am already writing two other Quests. This is be the auxiliary secondary quest I am writing. (Third in place of importance to me.)
Do you mean workday here, or actually 5 hours a week?

Also is this for us or our citizens?
I meant what I wrote. And this is for everyone.

Also, I just rolled for how you already changed the world with your appearance, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out what is more horrific/glorious. What is happening in the BRD (West Germany), or the US of A.
...I mean, what the hell?
You speak about "Asia" and "Asians" as if these aren't arbitrary distinctions created by the bourgeoisie to divide the international proletariat. And your talk about creating a "Shining City On A Hill" that others will surely emulate smells of Utopianism, which was scientifically disproven by Marx more than a century ago.

Socialism In One Country doesn't work. You're merely copying failed Stalinism, and we all know how that ends.
The idea that the Stalinist project was a failure was mostly because of the actions of wreckers most notably by Nikita Kruschev trying to turn the Socialist project into such revisionist non-sense that it would make the decrepit Old Guard blush in their decadence and failures. It is only right to take China's stance on this as they had been ever supportive of the Revolution in our nation. Now, while the winds and currents of global politics still is in the air especially with the split it is our duty to be ever vigilant on this incursion of Asia as the Middle Kingdom yearns for a new dawn.
Okay, so that one's flatly impossible then. Which is very in-character!
That is wrecker talk right there my friend!
The glorious revolution will be able to ensure that all needs of the people will be met with the minimum of work done by force in the impetus to survive. Food for all! Homes for all! Entertainment for all!
(Glossing over the fact that this will require vast amounts of automatisation and restructruing of the work place.)
The idea that the Stalinist project was a failure was mostly because of the actions of wreckers most notably by Nikita Kruschev trying to turn the Socialist project into such revisionist non-sense that it would make the decrepit Old Guard blush in their decadence and failures. It is only right to take China's stance on this as they had been ever supportive of the Revolution in our nation. Now, while the winds and currents of global politics still is in the air especially with the split it is our duty to be ever vigilant on this incursion of Asia as the Middle Kingdom yearns for a new dawn.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, comrade. Stalin was a revisionist and a half-liberal, as can be seen by his purging of the Left and his constant sucking up to Western capitalists.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 8, 2022 at 6:37 PM, finished with 24 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Out With The Old
    --[X] Old Guard
    --[X] Nationalists
    --[X] Isolationists
    -[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
    --[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
    -[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
    -[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance
    --[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields.
    [X] Plan Out With The Old Revolution in with the New Asia
    --[X] Old Guard
    --[X] Nationalists
    --[X] Isolationists
    --[X] Internationalists
    -[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
    --[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
    -[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
    -[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance in Preparation of an Asian Eternity
    --[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields. A tertiary long-term focus of the plan is to prepare Guangchou as a viable trade partner and member of the Asian community. No longer must we be isolated from our fellow Asians trade is the lifeblood of nations and our nation must be the masters of Intra-Asian trade.
    --[X] "The fields of knowledge and plenty lay fallow following the revolution. The Old Guard in their ignorance curtailed the people's enlightenment who aginst my father's vision would rather see the children starve than ensure the bounty would spread to all. The Nationalists and Isolationists whose rhetoric is an affront to the ideals of Maoism and the Three Worlds Theory would rather spread their chauvinism to the starving masses and the peasants who are our backbone of the revolution. Finally, a curse upon the Internationalists for their simpering protestations towards the decadent, state-capitalist, and revisionist Soviet Union and the belief that a world-revolution is necessary when at home starvation and ignorance are widespread while we are only in the periphery in their eyes. No, while our first and foremost goal is for our homes to be free of famine and ignorance. Our, second much more noble goal is to be free from the confines of Western and Soviet Imperialists with a mindset for a strong Asian community set against a world dominated by European, American, and Soviet bureaucratic-capitalist exploitation."
Political Exile
Political Exile
Zhao Chin is a man who never stopped fuming at everything wrong that happened to him. In the safe confines of his office were the worst of the disease the savage backward nation of Guangchou was only held at bay by a door he ordered not to be opened unless it was an emergency. Even then, he fumed what he expected from his exile are people who would commiserate at being cast away by Party would only be MORE OF THEM! The gays, the homosexuals, the queers, the women who should be men, and the men who should be women are running amok even in the People's Republic's embassy to this savage backward land. Indeed the only safety was within his mind when he saw the disgusting sight of two women kissing each other on the lips!

In the safety of his own office, he brought out two choice spirits and vices that would have been unquestionably banned if he were anywhere in China. One is because the branding could easily mark it as something from the decadent West. Another would have undoubtedly had him executed, but was the greatest reason for his exile, a pipe of opium laying there for him to smoke out of sinfully. True, he was accused of social parasitism when security forces found out he had that blasted thing. Still, he deftly avoided a worse fate by arguing that it was an unfortunate heirloom of the family that he was keeping to remind himself not to be like his father, who wasted away on opium. The good thing was he hadn't smoked in a while, and he made sure it was clean every time he used it.

What he found out in his career is that alcohol and opium mix quite well and are excellent fuels for promotions. Ingesting and inhaling these fuels for his mind would give him clear directions on what to do, and of course, one such way is also analyzing his interactions with the new Wei who assumed the barbaric throne. His mind given clarity by booze and opium has seen that the man more a boy would be an excellent ally for Guangchou's own Cultural Revolution against such a feudalist mindset of the barbarity of homosexuality. With that, he is now willing to write a letter in the traditional script praising this barbarian while subtly prodding about what should be done to appease the Party.

When he finished, he made some tea filled with calming ingredients for him to sleep on. He needed a bed soon after the exhausting day he had tolerating the degeneracy around him.
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Neat, if a bit short, with some spelling errors.
+1 Chinese Opinion
Zhao Chin is a man who never stopped fuming at everything wrong that happened to him. In the safe confines of his office were the worst of the disease the savage backward nation of Guangchou was only held at bay by a door he ordered not to be opened unless it was an emergency. Even then, he fumed what he expected from his exile are people who would commiserate at being cast away by Party would only be MORE OF THEM! The gays, the homosexuals, the queers, the women who should be men, and the men who should be women are running amok even in the People's Republic's embassy to this savage backward land. Indeed the only safety was within his mind when he saw the disgusting sight of two women kissing each other on the lips!

In the safety of his own office, he brought out two choice spirits and vices that would have been unquestionably banned if he were anywhere in China. One because the branding could easily mark it as something from the decadent West. Another would have undoubtedly had him executed, but was the greatest reason for his exile, a pipe of opium laying there for him to smoke out of sinfully. True, he was accused of social parasitism when security forces found out he had that blasted thing. Still, he deftly avoided a worse fate by arguing that it was an unfortunate heirloom of the family that he was keeping to remind himself not to be like his father, who wasted away on opium. The good thing was he hadn't smoked in a while, and he made sure it was clean every time he used it.

What he found out in his career is that alcohol and opium mix quite well and are excellent fuels for promotions. Ingesting and inhaling these fuels for his mind would give him clear directions on what to do, and of course, one such way is also analyzing his interactions with the new Wei who assumed the barbaric throne. His mind given clarity by booze and opium has seen that the man more a boy would be an excellent ally for Guangchou's own Cultural Revolution against such a feudalist mindset of the barbarity of homosexuality. With that, he is now willing to write a letter in the traditional script praising this barbarian while subtly prodding about what should be done to appease the Party.

When he finished, he made some tea filled with calming ingredients for him to sleep on. He needed a bed soon after the exhausting day he had tolerating the degeneracy around him.
QM because of our special write-in perk do we have good relations with sweden because they do have some laws that have alredy been passed that legalized the same-sex sexual activity in there.
QM because of our special write-in perk do we have good relations with sweden because they do have some laws that have alredy been passed that legalized the same-sex sexual activity in there.
We're in 1970. It'll still take Sweden 2 years to allow transgender people to legally change their gender, and 9 years for them to declassify homosexuality as a mental illness. Our glorious nation would see them as filthy reactionaries.
QM because of our special write-in perk do we have good relations with sweden because they do have some laws that have alredy been passed that legalized the same-sex sexual activity in there.
Sort of, as due to various factors and your write-in, your international reputation and diplomatic relations can be called middling-to-not-horrible for many nations in correlation to the Block they are a part of.

Except the BRD and USA. That shit is fucky, and I am currently googling how to perform an exorcism on my dice.
Turn 4 - "A New Dawn"
[X] Plan Out With The Old
--[X] Old Guard
--[X] Nationalists
--[X] Isolationists
-[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
-[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
-[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance
--[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields.
"My People!" You speak into the speakers, your voice amplified into the square below you, and to the citizenry assembled there, cheering as you speak. "Today," you continued, adding a slight dramatic pause to play up the weight behind that word, "Is a day of Joy. A day of sadness. And a day for a New Dawn! For today, you have chosen me to be the new leader of your will, to protect our people in the coming times and the dawning conflicts. To see the Eternal Revolution grow and prosper just as much as we will." Cheering rings out as you pause, with both the red and your national flag waving around within the crowd. The first outnumbering the latter by a significant degree. "Yet," you speak, your voice growing sad and heavy and somber. "It is also the day when we have to remember why I now stand before you, ready to take a burden no person should have to bear alone. The day when my father is officially called to rest, to hand the torch of progress and light to those coming after him. And like those brave fighters, dreamers, and idealists of the GBH that gave their lives for our cause, he did so without seeing the sacrifices we had made be vindicated, fully and forever." You pause as you see the change in the people's mood, more attentive than cheerful now. "When I was little," you continue, taking a deep breath that isn't picked up. "he once told me that he envied those that died in our uprising when we threw off our shackles and liberated fully. Those who did make the ultimate sacrifice did so, not knowing that we would win. They did in the hope that we would pick up the flag where they fell, not dropping it as we charge forwards into a better world for all humanity. And today, I must say this;" you speak, the crowd now fully and genuinely paying attention to every word you speak. "You vindicated their hopes," you say, and a cheering rings out from the square, this time much more genuine and not entirely played up. "However, some amongst those you entrusted to lead did not."

Complete silence descends upon the square as you admit to the government being or doing wrong. "Three days ago I surprise visited the 'zhàn fàng de xīn líng' Re-Education Center intent to inspect one of the centers of learning and redemption, thinking that I would see hope and honest truth being fostered within those that were misguided from the science of communism." There is some dread within the crowd now, your eyes spying a few people huddling around others, likely former victims of those death camps. Time to lie as if you meant it. "What I saw disgusted and horrified me," you speak, and a gasp rings through the crowd, the head of Zhao turning to you with some confusion, while Ja sports the most satisfied and smuggest grin you've ever seen on her. Her particular hatred of some of the Old Guard you're going to throw into the crowds having made her accept your arrest orders with glee. "I saw the torture and rape, the beatings and abuse, chambers of horrors, cells of nightmares, hollow eyes upon walking skeletons, fear within eyes that should have held hope and understanding!" You speak with conviction, seeing both confusion and some manner of understanding bloom upon those faces you can see. "And I asked one question of the guards. WHY? Why have you done this? What purpose does this serve? Who had ordered these atrocities? And they gave me names, written orders, testimonies, statements, evidence of two things I could not be prouder and more sickened by. The pride came from there being no guilty within the Centers, no wreckers and imperialists, none that had tried to slave themselves and us once more to capitalism! The sickness from who it was." You speak, slamming a fist onto the podium with genuine anger flooding through you and leaking into your voice. Oh, how long have you dreamed of spitting on that piece of your father's legacy? Years, decades? Too long, you think, too fucking long. "Effective immediately, all those innocents imprisoned by the corrupt and power-hungry are being released into the best medical care that we can provide!" You shout, and now there are genuine cheers of happiness and pride from the people. "The worst of the guards and offenders have already been sentenced to death for their betrayal of the people, to be executed tomorrow at 21 o'clock within this square," you shout, cheers and screams of approval nearly deafening you, the bloodthirst within not lost to any of those standing beside you. Good, let them know that they can always fall when you say so.

When the cheers and applause dim down enough that you can speak freely once more, you begin much calmer than the angry shouting you had devolved into. "Those among the guards and officials that were either 'unaware,'" the sarcasm is thick in that word, "or guilty of lesser crimes have been sentenced to prison, either for life or decade upon decade. Justice, though delayed by far too long, will once more strike them down and raise up those that had suffered under the broken system," you speak, with the people once more rejoicing, though lesser in volume, your declaration. "And I hereby announce my commitment to bring the Re-Education Centers back into the role they were supposed to occupy: a place of learning, understanding, and redemption, just as Comrade Mao intended them to be! Those within shall not be prisoners, but students; they shall not live behind bars, but doors, their freedom not taken, their mind unharmed, their bodies untouched. Those who go into will do so to revive their understanding of the revolution, not to be prisoners! They may stay within on their choosing, their families able to visit, yet they will also be able to leave and live outside if they so wish." The cheering is noticeably less genuine now, but you are confident that the reforms you are smashing through will convince everyone of the truth you speak. "And above all, the wrath of the people will descend upon any that dare to once more abuse those within and without." Once more, there is applause, and you pause as you gather and collate the notes you had prepared. Internally, you wince as you swap seven pages of the speech your writers wrote only to go rogue and improvise. But, eh, the people seemed to be appreciative nonetheless.

Once more, looking up, there is an anticipatory silence in the air. The reason was plain and exciting for you and everyone else. Officially, your father wanted to implement the new 5-Year-Plan yesterday, but his death threw things into a loop. It meant some delays within the economy and disruptions to the people, but it also gave you a chance to grasp the opportunity presented to you. Instead of having to complete a plan for two, three, or, horrifyingly, four to five years that wasted resources and worsened the lives of the people, you could now wrestle things back on track, to the betterment of all, instead of the Chinese Industrialists, your father's pockets, or the would-be oligarchs currently imprisoned or dead. And you just so knew one area that desperately needed improvements across all sectors.

"And as we ensure that the abuse you suffered never happens again, and as you remind us of our duty to see such change through with your every action, I am proud to announce the Seventh Five-Year-Plan! The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance! Your cries and hunger have not gone unnoticed nor disregarded! In these last two decades, your labors have seen innovation, industry, and progress brought from nearly nothing to the heights that they are today! Your struggle, sweat, and blood spent to make our island what it is today will finally conquer one foe that humanity has ever struggled against since our ancient ancestors first walked the hot savannas of Africa; hunger itself! By the end of the Plan, no person will lack food, no plate without a second serving; no child will eat while their parents starve! We will utilize the latest technologies and techniques in the field and water to bring forth such quantities of crops and seafood that we will struggle to store it all! And while some will labor with machines to tame the world around us, to bring it into total production and cultivation, others will discover in great institutions of learning and progress the underlining principles of both agriculture and aquaculture to obtain ever greater yield with ever lower hours spent! Let none go hungry, let none be found wanting, we all conquered our labor, now let us conquer nature!" You finish, a great cheer rising from the masses, the promise of more food, and a plan dedicated to its production raising spirits and hopes for the future.

[+10 People's Opinion - No More Deathcamps!
-5 People's Opinion - Yet The Camps Remain...
+5 People's Opinion - Food! Food! FOOD!
-5 Reputation - Mercy Is Weakness In The Eyes Of The Mighty
+1 Chinese Opinion - Throwing Off The Shackles Of The Past...
+5 Reputation - ...In The Image Of Mao
+1 Chinese Opinion -
Political Exile Omake]

- (17/100 Reputation, +1 for 5(Five) Turns - Beware the Opportunists)
People's Opinion - (28/100 Reputation, +1 for 5(Five) Turns - One Oppressor Down, One Remains)
Chinese Opinion - (8/10 - I like your witty words.)
History Page - (A name, three dates. Birth, reign, death.)

Light Industry - Meh
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Abyssal

[] Light Industry
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+4 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Artillery Piece (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (+1 Reputation
-[] Design A Native Main Personal Weapon (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (Name) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Interior Defences (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct An Airfield (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+3 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes (+1 Reputation)
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 4(Four) Turns - Plan)
-[] Create An Agriculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-4 People's Opinion) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-5 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
-[] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to begin researching Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors. (Helpful) (+1 Reputation for 2(two) Turns)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] (Write-In three things he does within the next six months.)

Among The Crowd
It is one thing to hear a voice on the radio or see it from a large projector and another in person amidst a large crowd. You hear the speech and act as you think you should and as others do. But what does a person feel when faults are admitted, and those who once had none are given mercy?
(+5 People's Opinion)

The Ending Of A Nightmare
They once made a mistake. Spoke or acted wrongly. Someone saw, someone reported them, and someone took them. Now they stand before the prison in which they thought they would die, being free once more, their captors punished or killed. What goes to a person's head in such a moment? What do they think of the man that freed them?
(+4 To A Social Roll)

International Reception
The world has changed in the last few decades, and the world will continue to change. However, for this day, the eyes of some are on the tiny nation of Guangchou as the reigns of power are changed from father to son. What do they see, and what do they think?
(Nudge the flow of fate. More impactful if you choose the BRD or USA as your focus. (But note me if you do.))

Remember Story Over Stats. A limited narrative plan will have more impact than choosing to do everything you can. And yes, I will fuck you over if you try to cheese the system by taking every action you can, or just a load of them. You are working in six-month time-chunks; structure your plans around that.

Once more: This quest operates on the narrative first and mechanics third. Make the story before you make the numbers.

As for the actions, the more you describe how and what you do, the more I will be inclined to give you a bonus on your dice. However, some actions require you to do so, and I will not accept plans that leave them open. That means disregarding them in the vote, even if they are leading.
Last edited:
[] Plan Take to the seas
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to research Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors.

A heavy focus on our costal assets with gains across the board. Not sure if this counts as too many options or not enough.
Last edited:
[] Plan Sea Power
-[] Heavy Industry
--[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Military
--[] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Name: People's Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PRIMFO), Focus: Begin collating the knowledge of our nation's fishermen, test what works and what not, and see if a standardized set of equipment and methods can be developed to be taught to all fishermen) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
--[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)

Or something like that. All focused on bote. 4 actions seems like a good baseline to see how much we can do in 1 turn.
Voting is open