Okay, this is what I've got after plugging away at the numbers for an hour.
I've based this off
@Strunkriidiisk's hypothetical patrol setup:
Right, here's a potential distribution for patrols. Relatively conservative, but it still frees up most of our knights and Council masters for war operations.
The Core (V4 req): 1 Sentinel, 1 Guardian, 1 Consular, 1 Master Watchman, 4 Padawans (C15, W23, S19, D23, V15, H24) (-Mira -1 Sentinel -1 Consular -2 Padawans +1 Master Watchman)
The Inner Rim (V10 req): Councilor Mira, 3 Sentinels, 4 Guardians, 2 Consulars, 8 Padawans (C39, W52, S42, D55, V33, H57) (-Bao-Dur -1 Sentinel -1 Consular +Mira +1 Guardian)
The Mid-Rim (V6 req): Councilor Juhani, 2 Sentinels, 4 Guardians, 7 Padawans (C38, W36, S30, D40, V19, H47) (-Atris -1 Sentinel -1 Guardian -1 Padawan + Juhani)
The Outer Rim (V1 req): 3 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, 2 Consulars, 6 Padawans (C19, W34, S27, D35, V24, H34) (-Atton Rand, -2 Sentinels -1 Guardian -1 Consular)
The Colonies (V1 req): 4 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, 1 Consular, 6 Padawans (C14, W24, S24, D24, V18, H28) (-Visas Marr -2 Sentinels -1 Guardian)
The Expansion Region (V6 req): Councilor Bastila Shan, 4 Sentinels, 4 Guardians, 2 Consulars, 6 Padawans (C34, W50, S39, D53, V33, H57) (-2 Sentinels -2 Guardians)
This leaves a total of 9 Padawans, 21 Sentinels, 20 Guardians, 10 Consulars available, as well as Bao-Dur, Atton, Visas, Brianna, and Mical available. I ended up leaving Council members and our only Master Watchman in the "hot zone" patrol routes and the Core, though if needed the Watchman can probably be pried loose. This does tie up a lot of our Padawans, but to be honest I suspect we're better off that way and bringing more quality into war ops than quantity.
I'm also writing this under the presumption that we can revisit our strategy at some point once we have tangible metrics as to how it's going.
[X] Plan: Glorious Jewel In Action
-[X] Destroy Hutt Affiliated Physical Infrastructure, such as warehouses, freighters, etc. (Requires investment of Combat)
--Heavy (You will hit very hardened targets, such as mercenary barracks (AT LEAST 45 Combat))
--- Councillor Brianna, 10 Jedi Guardians, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Consulars; 67 Combat
-[X] Physically Aid Rebel Forces (Requires investment of Combat)
--Medium (You will position Jedi in Rebel Bases (AT LEAST 30 COMBAT)
--- Councillor Visas Marr, 5 Jedi guardians, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Consulars; 36 Combat
-[X] Offer Technical Support to Rebel Ships (Requires investment of Skill)
--Heavy (You will help redesign the Rebel Fleet from its Hutt Origin (AT LEAST 45 Skill))
--- 1 Jedi Guardian, 10 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Consular, 9 Jedi Padawans; 52 Skill
-[X] Develop Force Abilities within Syncretic Cults (Requires Investment of Wisdom))
--Medium (You will try and recruit Force Sensitive Hutts, as well (AT LEAST 30 Wisdom))
--- Councillor Mical, 3 Jedi Guardians, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Consulars; 37 Wisdom
I've deliberately left Bao-Dur, Atton, 2 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, and 2 Consulars unassigned since I'm not 100% finalised on the exact numbers, but also because it gives us some spare room to respond to crises.
The infrastructure in Republic territory is the main home territory thing that needs doing - when that's crippled it makes anything else we care to do much easier. I could sink some of the spare Jedi into it to bump it up to the 80 in other plans, but I'm not 100% sold that much of an excess is necessary when I'm already drowning the numbers even before I hit it with the tactical Brianna. It also accomplishes half of the heaviest of
@TaliesinSkye's and
@Fezzes's plans' resource assignments. Essentially part of my end of the compromise.
For physically aiding the rebels I am prepared to haggle down to light, but I do think it's best if we have more than token presence within the people we're trying to help. I'm already compromising by making it less of a priority than the internal Republic side of it, but I'm not willing to lose this part at all since it's what that speech I put so much work into was about. Yes, it has potential risk of death, and I'm well aware of the dark side danger, which is why I'm assigning Visas to this - she has unique experience in coping with Dark Side issues. But if we don't sink something into this then we just turn the Republic into an elite club where outside problems will never be given the due attention, and I do not think we should be married to the Republic so much in that way. The vote on that speech happened, and to not follow it up would just be... I wouldn't see the point of having made that speech and putting in the effort to win that vote in the first place. We need to solve the problem, and while shoving the problem out of the Republic helps a lot, it is not in itself a solution unless we literally only care about the Republic. To be Jedi is to risk self-sacrifice.
The tech support is something that is straight out of
@Fezzes's plan and frankly I agree with it. I
would like to commit Bao-Dur to it, but I'm dubious on our Grandmaster being so tied down on such a project... even if it is his specialty. I could maybe put Atton on it to boost the numbers, undecided yet though. It also accomplishes
@TaliesinSkye's option of funnelling support to the rebels but in a more direct way that makes further investment into Hutt space through any means more worthwhile. Start evening the naval odds and things get much more favourable.
It also leads nicely into the final part - stoking the Force within the syncretic cults. I'm putting it in at medium since funnelling recruits from Hutt space will help swell our own ranks. It also captures the generation of tomorrow, who will ultimately decide where the future lies. Force orders are worth their weight in gold, as are Jedi recruits, and the symbology of taking on Hutt Jedi would do our cause a lot of goodwill. I'm compromising down form a physical installation, and maybe I could be pushed further, but at this level I hope it at least mitigates the concern for losing Jedi with potential new recruits.
I'm keeping the padawans off the front lines and invested in the design project since I very much agree that they shouldn't be seeing the nasty end of the action. The experience should also help hasten their knighthood. You might also notice that I've avoided going by exclusive blocks of Jedi types in my votes, and that's because having
only guardians or
only consulars or what not is liable in my mind to make our assigned groups inflexible, or present glaring weaknesses specific to their Jedi type.
I've sunk more time into this than I probably should have, since I don't think I've ever known a late vote to actually win. But I did, and I'd appreciate it if you'd all consider it. The current winning vote just... doesn't accomplish the statements made in the speech we voted for, and if anything runs contrary to it, which frustrates me considering I
wrote that speech.
I've got it all spreadsheeted on my PC so if anyone has any suggestions or want to haggle specifics, hit me up.
Work with me here?
[X] Plan: Passion, Yet Serenity v3