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[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
[X] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
What exactly is our current relationship with each of the main galactic powers? There doesn't appear to be anything in the informational threadmarks that shows this information.
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[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
[X] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*
I forgot to say this before, but doesn't everybody already know about our military reforms? And aren't all the main Imperial factions too busy with their own problems to care about trying to invade us?
But here's the thing, like @Unravenan said, the grip our intelligence services has on all of the major powers means that any plans they have involving us would be known the second they're created, which would allow us to sabotage those plans or keep them from being enacted. And the most information they have about us currently is that we managed to crush Zaarin and steal his fleet despite our ongoing military reforms. Besides, we're currently trying our best to get on the NR's good side, and this is easily the best option for that.

I can confirm that you'll have advanced warning if anyone tries to invade you besides groups in the Unknown Regions.

Information means jack all when they send more than five times our numbers. We can't sabotage anything enough to stop a invasion like that. Which they would send because the Warlords know how good Thrawn is. And as for the NR rep this is not enough for it to be worth such a major vulnerablity. The gain is minor only not any good amount we gain more rep from any normal diplomatic action. We also do not want to lock in more actions than we have to. Because we still need to work on secureing our local area with the Chiss not wasting time with a political circus that this Intergalactic trial will be.

I feel the need to point out that Thrawn is in fact capable of taking on 5 to 1 numbers.

What exactly is our current relationship with each of the main galactic powers? There doesn't appear to be anything in the informational threadmarks that shows this information.

That's mainly intentional due to how complex diplomatic relationships between empires can be. At this time, it's generally like this:

Pentastar Alignment: A minor source of income, possible secondary front in case of Galactic Empire aggression, possible buffer against threats from the Unknown Regions.
Galactic Empire: Minor party of little importance. Good dumping ground for politically problematic officers.
Zsinj Empire: Who?
Greater Maldrood: Who?
New Republic: Very complicated with a lot of factions. Overall it averages out to, better than the other empire factions but too small to matter.

I forgot to say this before, but doesn't everybody already know about our military reforms? And aren't all the main Imperial factions too busy with their own problems to care about trying to invade us?

They do yes, the level of activity isn't possible to hide from anyone that has any agents in your empire. And generally the thought process for the main factions is Thrawn is too small to care about and is keeping to himself.
New Republic: Very complicated with a lot of factions. Overall it averages out to, better than the other empire factions but too small to matter.
Kek. Welcome the New Republic same as the Old Republic. So long as we have lobbyists stir special interest groups into a frenzy whenever the Senate looks like it can form a majority bloc on anything, they will be parlyzed into impotence.
I can confirm that you'll have advanced warning if anyone tries to invade you besides groups in the Unknown Regions.

I feel the need to point out that Thrawn is in fact capable of taking on 5 to 1 numbers.

That's mainly intentional due to how complex diplomatic relationships between empires can be. At this time, it's generally like this:

Pentastar Alignment: A minor source of income, possible secondary front in case of Galactic Empire aggression, possible buffer against threats from the Unknown Regions.
Galactic Empire: Minor party of little importance. Good dumping ground for politically problematic officers.
Zsinj Empire: Who?
Greater Maldrood: Who?
New Republic: Very complicated with a lot of factions. Overall it averages out to, better than the other empire factions but too small to matter.

They do yes, the level of activity isn't possible to hide from anyone that has any agents in your empire. And generally the thought process for the main factions is Thrawn is too small to care about and is keeping to himself.

I feel like this sort of information is important for people to know, but not necessarily important enough for a post of its own (??).

Would you add it to informational? Or would a reformat be inorder before that?
[X] In-House Trial
[X] Intergalactic Trial with Empire Factions
[X] Intergalactic Trial

I am down for any of these, though my hope is for the last option.
I feel the need to point out that Thrawn is in fact capable of taking on 5 to 1 numbers.
Yes he can but he can only be at one place at a time and his other leaders can't handle something like that. And 5-1 is a minimum they would send with even 10-1 barely denting the numbers the other factions have.

Which is most of ther fun. We build up while screwing with people from the shadows and play the eccentric loon on the edge of the galaxy while creating a military machine that will steamroll everyone else and produce officers of unheard-of skills.
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Yes he can but he can only be at one place at a time and his other leaders can't handle something like that. And 5-1 is a minimum they would send with even 10-1 barely denting the numbers the other factions have.

Which is most of ther fun. We build open screw with people from the shadows and play the eccentric loon on the edge of the galaxy while creating a military machine that will steamroll everyone else and produce officers of unheard-of skills.
You're assuming that any of the Imperial factions would be willing to send that many ships to crush Thrawn when his territory is on the other side of the galaxy for Zsinj and Teradoc while Isard only sees him as a good dumping ground for any officers opposed to her. And that's not even getting into the fact that all of these factions have bigger fish to fry than Palpatine's token alien over in the Unknown Regions.
Yes he can but he can only be at one place at a time and his other leaders can't handle something like that. And 5-1 is a minimum they would send with even 10-1 barely denting the numbers the other factions have.

Which is most of ther fun. We build up while screwing with people from the shadows and play the eccentric loon on the edge of the galaxy while creating a military machine that will steamroll everyone else and produce officers of unheard-of skills.
The Problem with your line of thinking is that these factions are the real threat according to you. They are NOT. Abeloth, yuuzhan vong, Reborn/cloned Palpatine, Darth Krayt and many others to come. All these petty Empires and the New Republic are mere children compared to them. So stop worrying too much about them. We need to be focused on the long term not short term.

Edit. Especially since we own their intelligence agencies. Who is going to tell them about us things that we don't want known/will leak to stir the pot? Political favor, readying ourselves for a slugfest and gaining a force order worth a damn are the primary concerns we NEED to have. All that on top of getting a functioning Economy started.

So no i do not want to waste resources sheltering this Bantha poodoo under house arrest as well as his 'projects' when we have bigger concerns on the horizon.
If you need help understanding the Osik to come from Sith please take a look at the following.:

As if that wasn't enough, for all the people here who know warhammer 40k more than Star Wars Legends, the Yuuzhan Vong are an unholy hybrid of the Necrontyr and the Tyranids. Hell i would argue that they inspired them both! First mention of the Vong is in a book from 1987. First mention of the Necrontyr and Tyranids is in 1996.

Better yet? According to the Star Wars Legends Timeline they invade in the year 25ABY. However their scouts accordingly have been observing everyone since 5BBY. So in essence, we need to hurry the %$@& up in our prep for their arrival.

Yuuzhan Vong War

The Yuuzhan Vong War, also known as the Great War, was the campaign of conquest and terror that ravaged the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong, a nomadic warlike species which had long ago fled the destruction of its own galaxy, invaded the galaxy. After several decades of preparations, scouting and...
By the end of the Canonical war over 90% of the Galaxy was SLAUGHTERED! We need to focus more on their arrival than some petty warlords. The warlords are ultimately irrelevant in the scheme of things to come. Hell if anything they are fodder for the Vong.
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The Problem with your line of thinking is that these factions are the real threat according to you. They are NOT. Abeloth, yuuzhan vong, Reborn/cloned Palpatine, Darth Krayt and many others to come. All these petty Empires and the New Republic are mere children compared to them. So stop worrying too much about them. We need to be focused on the long term not short term.

Edit. Especially since we own their intelligence agencies. Who is going to tell them about us things that we don't want known/will leak to stir the pot? Political favor, readying ourselves for a slugfest and gaining a force order worth a damn are the primary concerns we NEED to have. All that on top of getting a functioning Economy started.

So no i do not want to waste resources sheltering this Bantha poodoo under house arrest as well as his 'projects' when we have bigger concerns on the horizon.
If you need help understanding the Osik to come from Sith please take a look at the following.:

As if that wasn't enough, for all the people here who know warhammer 40k more than Star Wars Legends, the Yuuzhan Vong are an unholy hybrid of the Necrontyr and the Tyranids. Hell i would argue that they inspired them both! First mention of the Vong is in a book from 1987. First mention of the Necrontyr and Tyranids is in 1996.

Better yet? According to the Star Wars Legends Timeline they invade in the year 25ABY. However their scouts accordingly have been observing everyone since 5BBY. So in essence, we need to hurry the %$@& up in our prep for their arrival.

Yuuzhan Vong War

The Yuuzhan Vong War, also known as the Great War, was the campaign of conquest and terror that ravaged the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong, a nomadic warlike species which had long ago fled the destruction of its own galaxy, invaded the galaxy. After several decades of preparations, scouting and...
By the end of the Canonical war over 90% of the Galaxy was SLAUGHTERED! We need to focus more on their arrival than some petty warlords. The warlords are ultimately irrelevant in the scheme of things to come. Hell if anything they are fodder for the Vong.
Those two arent necessarily mutually exclusive you know....
We can always do both as we can reuse the resources of the conquered petty warlords to the Vong. Plus we'll be doing the galaxy a favour by getting rid of these power hungry bastards.

Korporati Speaks.'

Edit : All your quotes about wh40k and star wars is just blatant misinformation. Necrontyr has an entirely different backstory and even Tyranids do not exactly share the backstory either. Im also pretty sure your 90% of the galaxy numbers is inaccurate. Please prove this or stop the missinformation and fearmongering.
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[X] Release Him - This involves simply letting Zaarin go. Without a fleet and without a power base he will be forced to join another faction. Which does make this a risk. However, if we do face Imperial Warlords in the future, they will be far more willing to surrender. This presents a front of incredible leniency and a willingness to entirely ignore personal slights. *Majorly increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Zaarin remains at large. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
Edit : All your quotes about wh40k and star wars is just blatant misinformation. Necrontyr has an entirely different backstory and even Tyranids do not exactly share the backstory either. Im also pretty sure your 90% of the galaxy numbers is inaccurate. Please prove this or stop the missinformation and fearmongering
It was 365 trillion, in a galaxy that numbers in the quadrillions. He's way off. Also, the Vong have been in the galaxy since before Episode 1, since we know that they attacked Zonama Sekot, had skirmished with the Chiss, and made contact with the Vagaari. Lastly, we know the Vong couldn't have been mentioned prior to the mid-90s, because that whole arc hadn't even started being planned until 97, with Vector Prime being released in 99.
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It was 365 trillion, in a galaxy that numbers in the quadrillions. He's way off. Also, the Vong have been in the galaxy since before Episode 1, since we know that they attacked Zonama Sekot, had skirmished with the Chiss, and made contact with the Vagaari. Lastly, we know the Vong couldn't have been mentioned prior to the mid-90s, because that whole arc hadn't even started being planned until 97, with Vector Prime being released in 99.
The numbers of sentients in the galaxy has always been a number in flux. Some sources state that there is over 15 Quadrillion, others that state only 400 - 500 trillion. Jury is out here due to the sources themselves contradicting each other so *shrug*. My number i used quoted the low end of the numbers because a civilization that numbers in the Quadrillions might be unmanageable for a Quest like ours. Also the Vong were not referred by name in the book i mentioned. Only that there was an 'Empire' that vastly outnumbered the Chiss that was heading in our Galaxy's direction that they were terrified of. A few years after that throwaway line in that book and the Vong are now arriving. Coincidence?
My theory is is that they took that throwaway line and later based the Vong on that. Though i do stand corrected on the date the book was published 1991.

Edit: Okay, so
300,000,000,000,000,000,000 population
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The numbers of sentients in the galaxy has always been a number in flux. Some sources state that there is over 15 Quadrillion, others that state only 400 - 500 trillion. Jury is out here due to the sources themselves contradicting each other so *shrug*. My number i used quoted the low end of the numbers because a civilization that numbers in the Quadrillions might be unmanageable for a Quest like ours. Also the Vong were not referred by name in the book i mentioned. Only that there was an 'Empire' that vastly outnumbered the Chiss that was heading in our Galaxy's direction that they were terrified of. A few years after that throwaway line in that book and the Vong are now arriving. Coincidence?
My theory is is that they took that throwaway line and later based the Vong on that. Though i do stand corrected on the date the book was published 1991.

For this quest, the galactic population numbers at around 300 quintillion.
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