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[X] Intergalactic Trial - An audacious proposal that would lay the groundwork for an intergalactic tribunal in the future, this would increase the idea of Thrawn's commitment to stability above all else. Additionally, it would increase the Empire of the Hand's visibility in the galaxy as well as improve our standing with the New Republic. It is difficult to say what the result of the trial would be due to the complexity of politics at this level. *Intergalactic Trial Locked in for Turn 4. Minor relationship gain with all polities. Unpredictable trial results. Empire of the Hand is more known.*

[X] In-House Trial
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*

The entire point of making a choice here is to get advantages people. An in house trial gets us absolutely nothing.

Releasing him lets him become a threat later on. This man is a genius researcher and engineer every other Warlord will try to get him.

The other trials leave things too out of our control for it to be useful. The minor relationship boosts are not worth it.

House arrest gives us the best results for our long-term growth. Surrender means our forces don't have to fight to wipe out our enemies costing us more blood and treasure.

Those people calling it short term gains have no idea what they are talking about.

It isn't possible to get him on side. He canonically is a rampant xenophobe with a god complex paired with a superiority complex. Which also makes him rather unstable as a result. I would not trust this man with a toaster, let alone any form of weapon or integrated technology. His only worth is as a political tool. Any other option is going to burn us in the end and we will only be able to blame ourselves.
What the hell are you talking about? None of that is a thing with him. He never had a God complex he saw rightly that the Emperor was fucking everything up. And for him being rampant xenophobe again that is never been a thing. He is no more humancenteric than any other person from the core.
[X] Intergalactic Trial
Athaen went to all the effort of giving us a reputation as a neutral power and reaching out to all the major galactic powers for their input on Zaarin's fate, so I say we reward her efforts with a nice spectacle like this. I'm also fine with the Empire version of this option.

Also, I really want to write Zaarin's complaint befuddled reaction to this.
The intergalactic trial is not a good idea. It reveals us to everyone that includes how much military forces we have and the current state of our economy. Both things we cannot afford to let others know. It will show our weakness and make us a target for the other warlords because we are now much easier to take over.
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
House arrest gives us the best results for our long-term growth. Surrender means our forces don't have to fight to wipe out our enemies costing us more blood and treasure.

Those people calling it short term gains have no idea what they are talking about.
That's exactly the reason why I voted for that and the person who complained that we might suffer civilian casualties by doing it never thought that we wouldn't just dump him in a isolated world(with a small house and all his basic needs) with a permanent contingent of guards.
Yes House Arrest for us is basically solitary with guards and our attempts to convert him. He will be comfortable but away from any power or danger (to himself or others) until he either dies or submits. The same treatment the NR gave to Grant when he betrayed the Pentastar Alignment.
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[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
The intergalactic trial is not a good idea. It reveals us to everyone that includes how much military forces we have and the current state of our economy. Both things we cannot afford to let others know. It will show our weakness and make us a target for the other warlords because we are now much easier to take over.
But here's the thing, like @Unravenan said, the grip our intelligence services has on all of the major powers means that any plans they have involving us would be known the second they're created, which would allow us to sabotage those plans or keep them from being enacted. And the most information they have about us currently is that we managed to crush Zaarin and steal his fleet despite our ongoing military reforms. Besides, we're currently trying our best to get on the NR's good side, and this is easily the best option for that.
[X] Place Under House Arrest

We can do it so that we can grant him some luxuries if he creates stuff for us too.
Also while we are keeping an eye on him we could try to find any of his contacts that try to break him free.
But here's the thing, like @Unravenan said, the grip our intelligence services has on all of the major powers means that any plans they have involving us would be known the second they're created, which would allow us to sabotage those plans or keep them from being enacted. And the most information they have about us currently is that we managed to crush Zaarin and steal his fleet despite our ongoing military reforms. Besides, we're currently trying our best to get on the NR's good side, and this is easily the best option for that.
Still though imagine how easier our job would be if we can intimidate our enemies into laying down their arms and getting free weapons and having less casualties(remember our military is still reforming and small).
Still though imagine how easier our job would be if we can intimidate our enemies into laying down their arms and getting free weapons and having less casualties(remember our military is still reforming and small).
If we wanted to do that, we could easily assassinate each of the main Imperial warlords, let their underlings kill each other, and then we can swoop in once they're too weak to stop us.
What the hell are you talking about? None of that is a thing with him. He never had a God complex he saw rightly that the Emperor was fucking everything up. And for him being rampant xenophobe again that is never been a thing. He is no more humancenteric than any other person from the core.
Zaarin claims to have seen how the Emperor was destroying the Empire, but that could just as easily have been a lie to justify his power grab and make himself look better. In regards to the xenophobia, just look at the times (admittedly in my own omake) he referred to Thrawn as "the alien" (I'm sure there are other parts that could be read as xenophobic on Zaarin's part, but I haven't found any yet). You don't get as far in the Empire as Zaarin did without some amount of xenophobia, especially when you're from the Core.

Also, with the God and superiority complex thing, while I hadn't thought of it when I was making the omake, I think you can read certain parts of it (specifically the parts where Zaarin deflects blame for his own mistakes, boasts about his own accomplishments, and talks about how better he is than other Imperial officers) and come away with that impression. I'm certainly not opposed to that, since I was not going for sympathy when writing Zaarin.
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But here's the thing, like @Unravenan said, the grip our intelligence services has on all of the major powers means that any plans they have involving us would be known the second they're created, which would allow us to sabotage those plans or keep them from being enacted. And the most information they have about us currently is that we managed to crush Zaarin and steal his fleet despite our ongoing military reforms. Besides, we're currently trying our best to get on the NR's good side, and this is easily the best option for that.
Information means jack all when they send more than five times our numbers. We can't sabotage anything enough to stop a invasion like that. Which they would send because the Warlords know how good Thrawn is. And as for the NR rep this is not enough for it to be worth such a major vulnerablity. The gain is minor only not any good amount we gain more rep from any normal diplomatic action. We also do not want to lock in more actions than we have to. Because we still need to work on secureing our local area with the Chiss not wasting time with a political circus that this Intergalactic trial will be.
[X] Place Under House Arrest

Seems like the best option: we keep our low profile, increase surrender chances against our most numerous potential opponents and keep the possibility to use him as a research lead for a dedicated team later on or even for a galactic show trial in a few years, once we have collected more warlords.
Fine with either of these.

[X] In-House Trial
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*

I do not want to release him but I also don't want to use an action for his trial so house arrest for him.
[X] Place Under House Arrest - Providing a decently sized home along with a security attachment would prevent Zaarin from leaving despite the slight security risk. Imperial warlords would also be willing to surrender rather than risk their lives against us. And perhaps Zaarin has more use for us. This presents an incredibly lenient diplomatic policy and one devoted to good relations with nearby powers. *Moderately increased surrender chance for Imperial Warlords your empire faces. Minor security risk. Very minor relationship loss with NR.*
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