It's not so much bigger fish as many more active fish. The CUI is pretty much the biggest human-made fish in the lake right now, but that also mean it will take so much more effort to reel in that any significant distraction across the entire rest of the planet could potentially cause the entire endeavor to fail. As long as they're not making any major moves, better to just let them lurk for now.
True, they said the same thing about Sleeper and Nilbog earlier. Still though, i'm eager to topple that problem asap.
Honestly, I think we need to get started on the Gesellschaft. We've spent enough time on working more immediate problems, and dismantling an international Nazi organization is going to be one hell of an undertaking. We need to begin the process of cracking down on them.
I vote against this.Our job is to protect humanity,not rule it.
Hold on...I just realized something. All this talk about the Avatar stopping the KKK and fighting the Nazi's is all well and good-speaks very heavily of his Superman inspirations-but I just thought of something else.

What did the Avatar ever do about Stalin? The Gulags, the Holodomor? The literal millions of people who suffered under communist regimes? I'm interested to hear about that.
Stalin, for all that he was a paranoid monster, was significantly less disconnected from reality than Hitler, and a lot more willing to compromise his ideology in the name of pragmatism.
His regime was still monstrous and bloodstained... but until the USSR got itself a nice nuclear arsenal and could threaten M.A.D., he carefully avoided killing enough people to justify the Avatar showing up and overthrowing him.
He got somewhat more kill-happy between 1939 and 1944, while the Avatar was roasting in the Sun.

I vote against this.Our job is to protect humanity,not rule it.
...Beg your bloody pardon? Care to explain what you mean?

Also, vote is up:

[ ][Bastion] You're not in charge of the PRT, and the PRT wouldn't like you overstepping your authority. Best to trust them to handle it.
[ ][Bastion] A racist being allowed in a position of power is bad for the organization as a whole. Talk to the relevant PRT leadership and explain why you think Bastion needs to be transferred to a lesser position.
[ ][Bastion] The PRT needs to come down on Bastion hard and apologize to the public. Make that much clear to them. Be insistent.
[ ][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[Two will be selected]
[ ][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[ ][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.
[ ][Guild] Clean up further threats in Kenya and Nigeria - the more stable they are, the more they can assist other African nations and hotspots.
[ ][Guild] Offer India's Thanda heroes the Guild's assistance in hunting down Asura - she's considered the most dangerous villain in the nation, and India is a major powerhouse in terms of parahumans.
[ ][Guild] Begin hunting down the Three Blasphemies - the trio are the most powerful villains in Europe, and taking them down would be quite the coup.
[ ][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.
[ ][Guild] Try to recruit more South-American heroes to work with Brasilia's government.

[ ][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[ ][Avatar] Spend extra time on Guild work, whichever missions the Guild goes for.
[ ][Avatar] Help with mankind's space programs. It's a symbol of hope and progress.
[ ][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.
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Might Change later.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin hunting down the Three Blasphemies - the trio are the most powerful villains in Europe, and taking them down would be quite the coup.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Bastion] A racist being allowed in a position of power is bad for the organization as a whole. Talk to the relevant PRT leadership and explain why you think Bastion needs to be transferred to a lesser position.
[X][Bastion] The PRT needs to come down on Bastion hard and apologize to the public. Make that much clear to them. Be insistent.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
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[ ][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
[ ][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[ ][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.
[ ][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.
Ok the nine and The German one are a go because it's better to do those two when we're close to getting the nine and the other one is to destroy them from destroying europe
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
It's the most we can do without overstepping our authority. If he insists on continuing on as he has, then on his head be it.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
This has gone on more than long enough. Even if the act of removing these psychotic murderhobos wasn't reward enough, this will free up resources and personnel that could be used in other areas.

[?][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[?][Avatar] Spend extra time on Guild work, whichever missions the Guild goes for.
Are we allowed to do an if/then choice? Because whether or not I would choose Mexico or Guild depends rather strongly on how the situation with Bastion unfolds. If he insists on being an ass and causes a political debacle, then Mexico may need us to help smooth things over, but otherwise our time is better spent with the Guild.

[ ][Guild]
[ ][Guild]
Were these meant to be left blank?
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.

Reasoning: Talking to Bastion is the most we can do without overstepping our authority, and giving the man a patented "I am disappoint" speech is a VERY Avatar move. As for the Slaughterhouse, Jack may not be have his power to rely on against us, but he is still DANGEROUSLY intelligent, and we're the one person on the Guild who can defeat him at all. I don't want to get ANY more time to plan. And Gesellschaft are the lynchpin behind several villain groups internationally. With how far their influence spans, taking them down will be a major coup. While consolidating our prior victories is important, the two are both massive threats that need to be taken out ASAP. And, as for Mexico, well, yeah, things are tense, the Protectorate could use our help there. I admit, part of me wants to go with the Guild, i'm kinda split here, but, with the Bastion situation....Us being there to smooth things over makes sense.
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[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
It's the most we can do without overstepping our authority. If he insists on continuing on as he has, then on his head be it.

This has gone on more than long enough. Even if the act of removing these psychotic murderhobos wasn't reward enough, this will free up resources and personnel that could be used in other areas.

Are we allowed to do an if/then choice? Because whether or not I would choose Mexico or Guild depends rather strongly on how the situation with Bastion unfolds. If he insists on being an ass and causes a political debacle, then Mexico may need us to help smooth things over, but otherwise our time is better spent with the Guild.


Were these meant to be left blank?
Are you voting or just what to talk??? Because Sun Tzu didn't have 'X's in there before you quoted him?

[ ][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
[ ][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[ ][Guild] Take further shots at the Novo Império cartel - the other Brazilian cartels will smell blood in the water and focus on their weakened rival, rather than on your own efforts with the Brasilia government.
[ ][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.
If those are the one you are voting for you need to delete that empty space between the brackets and put in an 'X'.
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Aug 1, 2021 at 6:22 PM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.
  • 4

    [X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.
    [X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
    [X][Guild] Begin hunting down the Three Blasphemies - the trio are the most powerful villains in Europe, and taking them down would be quite the coup.
  • 4

    [X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
    [X][Bastion] A racist being allowed in a position of power is bad for the organization as a whole. Talk to the relevant PRT leadership and explain why you think Bastion needs to be transferred to a lesser position.
    [X][Bastion] The PRT needs to come down on Bastion hard and apologize to the public. Make that much clear to them. Be insistent.
  • 4

    [X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
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[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.
[ ][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[ ][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[ ][Guild] Begin hunting down the Three Blasphemies - the trio are the most powerful villains in Europe, and taking them down would be quite the coup.

[ ][Avatar] Spend extra time on Protectorate work in Mexico. In this transitory period, they need all hands on deck.

Stalin, for all that he was a paranoid monster, was significantly less disconnected from reality than Hitler, and a lot more willing to compromise his ideology in the name of pragmatism
...Touch debatable but alright. Did the Holdomor still happen?
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend extra time on Guild work, whichever missions the Guild goes for.
If those are the one you are voting for you need to delete that empty space between the brackets and put in an 'X'.
But that's what I did? I indicated my choices, then asked if the two empty spots were intentional or if they were supposed to be removed when he finalized the list.
Is the problem that they're in the quote boxes?

[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.
[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
And then I didn't put a solid vote on the final section because my choice would depend too heavily on the results of events which haven't yet taken place.
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[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.
[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.
[X][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.


I want the Avatar/Bastion scene, and I think it genuinely does have the best chance at good results.

S9 and Gesellschaft for previously mentioned reasons.

And Belo Horizonte over Mexico or Guild work because I want to make sure Brazil doesn't backslide.
[X][Bastion] The PRT can lose important political capital no matter what it does. See if you can convince Bastion to save them the trouble and do the responsible thing himself.

[X][Guild] Focus efforts on the Slaughterhouse Nine. Forcing them into a final battle early denies them further chances to prepare and gather forces.

[X][Guild] Begin working toward the Gesellschaft's downfall - the organization nurtures white supremacist gangs across several continents.

[X][Avatar] Spend more time in Belo Horizonte while the Brazilian heroes try to get a handle on it.