In the first tutorial we found the Bleeding Mountain site which is very directly tied to the blockages of the old road. The follow up on that in this section is not a new plothook in my opinion, but a contextualizing of the prior plot hook.
There's a political snarl over ownership of the Black Lotus Mountains, a large amount of exorcism to be done, and a new road from White Sky to Black Lotus Mountains to manage should the first two issues be cleared. I consider this an optimal administrative region to assign to Cai Renxiang, with our fief being further south along the new road. High challenge, high reward, cleans a political snarl, benefits three major clans (Diao, Wang and Meng), and is in a prime position for the political project her heir has embarked on. I see this not as a side-quest, but as a tutorial run of main quest consequences before we actually embark on the major quests involving a fief.
There are complaints about partial failure vs total failure, lack of information, and impossibility. In my opinion, getting caught totally flat-footed information-wise makes the total success/failure options make sense. Without the knowledge of how to mitigate political damage, the guaranteed damage mitigation option involves mitigating the damage done by the spirit since that's something we do have knowledge on how to do. Getting caught flat-footed in a tutorial section is normal, and this is showing the consequences of acting without full awareness. I can understand being frustrated at a lack of option to increase that awareness to avert this crisis, however I'd saddle that on LQ only just this turn joining this new system rather than an indication that the system will do this sort of ambush regularly going forward. I also understand a frustration in the vote options having little elaboration on consequences. Or, to phrase another way, a low amount of information on the causal effects our actions will have. I would point this to two things, on the one hand LQ has very little foreknowledge of the region as she was expecting a friendly social event and thus didn't prepare for intrigue/politick and on the other our understanding of causality is only now developing literally this turn.
Finally we address the impossibility, which is directly addressed by the kindly man we talk to in the update. From our mouth to Duchess Cai's ears. I do think this is above our paygrade, but I also think this is actually laying out the main quest given that it's a tutorial. I believe that, in the course of setting up the diplomatic project with the White Sky, we'll eventually come to a deal and get down to the logistics and roads. At that point, we'll need to be involved in the maintaining of the deal as well as the establishing of the roads and I think it extremely likely the Black Lotus Mountains become Renxiang's holdings while our fief is south of her. This is above our paygrade, but that doesn't make it above the paygrade of the ducal heiress nor does it push it out of reach of Shenhua's ambitions. Especially given how totally the Li were destroyed during the opening phase of Ogodei's invasion, establishing your heir in the location that Ogodei broke first is just such a freaking power flex I can just see the smirk as Shenhua announces that plan. Goodness gracious.
I also think the region makes sense in regards to the supporting cast we currently know. I'll list them here:
For Yu Nuan, she'll be directly participating in the kind of clearing that wrecked her original clan but this time she'll be seeing the positive side as well as the rebuilding.
The relative distance to Argent Sect is low, and contracts/projects involving their cultivators seem quite reasonable to make. This would allow Li Suyin to investigate and salvage some of her ancestor's Arts, and continue her theme of reclamation of spooky/corrupt/impure for the better. Bao Qingling would also make a natural inclusion for this work, both as a Bao scion and for her personal talents relating to the task.
Su Ling's mom resides in the westsouthwest of Emerald Seas which will be reasonably close to here, and the constant exorcism of spirits and delivering of justice and peace (the Li seemed a particularly nasty flesh-crafting Hui empowered group) seems entirely on brand.
Xuan Shi getting a contract to manage/build the formation defenses for the ducal heir's new province sounds prestigious enough to be worthy of a ducal scion while also continuing his exploration of nightmare, fiction and dream (the Li having been quite involved with spinning dreams/nightmares from flesh).
Meng Dan will have firsthand access to some extremely juicy secrets, for Blue Mountain Sect or the Meng or both. Further exploration of the ties of family for him, as he interacts with so many individuals that have strange ties to their family histories.
Cai Renxiang will be confronted firsthand with the entrenched Hui-era corruption that her mother destroyed indiscriminately, and will have to choose how to deal with it.
Miezhen will have the prestige of not only being stationed at a ducal heir's new holding, not only is that holding a massive political power play specifically for it's danger and history, not only is it being worked on by prestigious Argent Sect contractors but also a Xuan scion, but it's also specifically about clearing out old metastasized corruption and salvaging what can be salvaged. Which is the purpose of the Bai reformer faction. It's direct practice for dealing with extraordinarily deadly tradition through collaboration and power expression.
Zhengui will have a region of supreme importance to truly stretch his Divinity over. Not only embracing the destruction but also the renewal of the area. It's perfect and it's powerful, especially as our fief being next to The Wall will give him range to destroy in in-perpetuity.
Hanyi will not only have our colder, more mountainous southern fief to play with but also will regularly be able to tour lands north of us to announce winter (and perhaps later, spring) to many more peoples than only our province.
Sixiang will continue assisting us in the Dream, and get to see Dreams being pulled into reality in a way that they haven't yet. Both the nightmares of Li and the Dreams of Cai Governance.
GG and Xia Lin both have arcs which seem to be able to work anywhere that will have access to White Sky culture, so while there's nothing seemingly unique about this site for them on the surface it does technically fulfill that requirement.
I see GG further exploring the solar traditions of the White Sky, as both a border guard and a personal guard.
I see Xia Lin being exposed to her liege (and her liege's retainers) interacting with non-imperial traditions in a non-dominance non-destructive manner as having an impact on her. Perhaps the salvaging of pieces of Li will also be impactful.
I also think, given the prestige and number of high-importance cultivators working on this project, the possibility of Xiulan, Yanmei and/or Gu Tai showing up isn't out of the question. The province of Golden Fields is like a Black Lotus Mountain turned up to 11,000 in terms of dangerous lingering corruptions of bygone eras. Having their inheritors work on this high profile reclamation and reinforcement project might be seen as good practice for reclamation of regions of Golden Fields. Especially if some of the connections made can be convinced to work a project in Gu lands afterwards.
All in all, while the road project isn't immediately of relevance I think it's both indicative of one of the longstanding stagnation points of Emerald Seas (old snarls can't be cleared due to friction over the division of spoils, rather than actual inability) as well as a teaser for the kind of massive undertaking that will be had after the Diplomatic Deal project. These three tutorials are the beginning of a new phase of Threads, and while some feel that there are a hundred sidequest plotlines being dropped here I would argue that these seem more like main-quest teasers rather than side-quests? Any major project will require multiple smaller steps (unless you cheat and teleport I guess lol) so this is more like showing main-quest stepping stones, threads to weave the main-line tapestry from.