Do you guys want Turn 1 to take place at 2112 or 2152 like in canon?

  • 2112

    Votes: 44 93.6%
  • 2152

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Where do you think most of GDI's and Nod's power and technology comes from? All of it is based on Tiberium that was the whole reason for the wars.
I knew Tiberium is a resource and that Nod uses Liquid T to upgrade their power plant in C&C3. Did not find any mention of GDI using Tiberium in their Power Generation.
GDI fought the spread of Tiberium not the use of it. Also Helium 3 is for fusion dude and is a very hard isotope to mine, find, and process. Lasers, railguns, the Ion cannon, and all the planet side units are all only possible because of Tiberium.
Right, so anything that could spread Tiberium will not be allowed for use on other planets for fear of having to deal with it taking root on a another world and no Threshold Tower to control it. Right Fusion, anyway. With how ubiquitous He-3 is in ME and a few videos on youtube that said the moon is is a viable source of Helium-3. By 2200 I think it is safe to say that GDI found an alternative power source to power their weapons. This is sci-fi so I'll probably just hand-wave it to Graphene Batteries.
Also something I saw before Element Zero is not and Element. That is just a nickname for it because is in a mineral as in made up of multiple things. It isn't a single element.
To the uninitiated, like General Williams or a lot of people, he won't really care that it is made up of multiple things.
No they don't as noting has ever been shown in any of the media that the Turains ever had anything like that.
Yes, but I don't know how else to explain city blocks and not the city itself getting blasted by an orbital strike.
Again the only reason that happen in the first place is because Saren's brother was already a pawn of the reapers and was trying to get the artifact on the planet and then cover up its existence.
You know more about the story than I do, how did Desolas get InDoced?
It is also very unlikely that the same people are going to be involved as this is set at the dawn of the 22nd Century which means none of the people on the Mass Effect side except Wrex would even be around doing anything.
Oh yeah, I planned for GDI to take things slow with their expansion so that while they started early and have MCVs to speed up construction, they end up at Shanxi at roughly the same time as canon due to GDI investing on a lot of defensive measures. Forgot about that.

Should I just hand wave it so that Citadel calender is 50 years in the future? I would make things easier as I don't have to make new characters. On one hand, I don't have to follow canon if it is 50 years early. One the other hand I need to figure out how to kill Desolas now that he wasn't on Shanxi. You have any ideas?
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I knew Tiberium is a resource and that Nod uses Liquid T to upgrade their power plant in C&C3. Did not find any mention of GDI using Tiberium in their Power Generation.
Tiberium is more than a resource something GDI has always known. It is the cornerstone of all their technological advancements. Just because soemthing doesn't shoot green Tiberium gas doesn't mean it isn't used to make their tech. It is more than just for power.
Right, so anything that could spread Tiberium will not be allowed for use on other planets for fear of having to deal with it taking root on a another world and no Threshold Tower to control it. Right Fusion, anyway. With how ubiquitous He-3 is in ME and a few videos on youtube that said the moon is is a viable source of Helium-3. By 2200 I think it is safe to say that GDI found an alternative power source to power their weapons. This is sci-fi so I'll probably just hand-wave it to Graphene Batteries.
Except it is not spreading Tiberium at all. Again they have been using it and studying it for a long time. The only reason the third war even happened as badly as it did was because GDI shifted all funding and efforts to studying Tiberium. As for the TCN GDI built that. They can create it as they see fit they don't need a scrin tower to do it anymore. And you seem to think that anything that uses Tiberium will cause it to spread when that is not the case. The old Tiberium from the first game could be spread like that but the evolved Tiberium does not spread as a spore anymore. To spread it would require the planting of pure Tiberium or the use of Liquid Tiberium to infect the area. You are trying to nerf the GDI too much when their greatest asset is the use and knowledge of Tiberium under some misguided notion that only Nod did research into it.

Also He-3 is not ubiquitous in ME the mining operations are huge operations in a few areas and they are very strategic locations to the point that the Reapers attacking some of them had a very bad effect on everyone. The moon "has" the same that we have it on earth already. Only difference is that it is "easier" to access because there isn't a bunch of living things and water in the way and because it has been the shield that catches meteors and comets for the earth so it gets a deposit from that. But it doesn't have enough for a true interstellar civilization without major strip mining and that would only last so long. The main mines for He-3 is still certain Gas Giants which are dangerous and expensive to do.
Yes, but I don't know how else to explain city blocks and not the city itself getting blasted by an orbital strike.
The same way we can do it now dude. Air Strikes, artillery, rockets, and tanks. Orbital Strikes are WMDs and no one is going to do that unless it is not a garden world or it is a truly desperate scenario like the Reaper War.
You know more about the story than I do, how did Desolas get InDoced?
He found another artifact before Shanxi that took control of him and made him do the shit he did along with experimenting on his own people to cause them to "ascend and evolve" It was also this artifact that let him know Shanxi had another one on it so is why he invaded.
Oh yeah, I planned for GDI to take things slow with their expansion so that while they started early and have MCVs to speed up construction, they end up at Shanxi at roughly the same time as canon due to GDI investing on a lot of defensive measures. Forgot about that.

Should I just hand wave it so that Citadel calender is 50 years in the future? I would make things easier as I don't have to make new characters. On one hand, I don't have to follow canon if it is 50 years early. One the other hand I need to figure out how to kill Desolas now that he wasn't on Shanxi. You have any ideas?
Do not push the calendar forward. Because without that time GDI and Humanity do not have the size or power to matter. The only reason Humans matter in ME is because of plot convenience. As the population and size of the economy would in no way be able to be anything in space supposedly as large as Citadel space is. Desolas was going to get killed one way or another. He wasn't subtle or sneaky about what he was doing and would have been found out eventually and taken care of by the Turians or the specters if not his brother like he was in canon.
Tiberium is more than a resource something GDI has always known. It is the cornerstone of all their technological advancements. Just because soemthing doesn't shoot green Tiberium gas doesn't mean it isn't used to make their tech. It is more than just for power.
Dr. Ignatio Mobious: The possibilities of Tiberium are limitless.
I know, I am just not smart enough to think of other applications that won't result in a failure/leak to spread Tiberium.
The only reason the third war even happened as badly as it did was because GDI shifted all funding and efforts to studying Tiberium. As for the TCN GDI built that. They can create it as they see fit they don't need a scrin tower to do it anymore.
GDI shifted to ecology after getting a report that said the Earth would be 100% toxic in the near future. It's not like they want to cut military funding. Without that ecology research Germany would still be Yellow Zone along with a lot of other places and Kane could just sit back and wait it out until the public forces GDI to do something about the Tiberium growing out of control.

For the TCN, I thought you need the Scrin Tower to do most of the heavy processing and the TCN is just something to spread the Scrin Tower's influence.

You are trying to nerf the GDI too much when their greatest asset is the use and knowledge of Tiberium under some misguided notion that only Nod did research into it.
To be fair, GDI would wipe the floor with the Turian army sent to Shanxi in a head to head fight. And can you tell me exactly what GDI's "use and knowledge of Tiberium" in this scenario that couldn't be replaced by a non-Tiberium alternative?

Also He-3 is not ubiquitous in ME the mining operations are huge operations in a few areas and they are very strategic locations to the point that the Reapers attacking some of them had a very bad effect on everyone. The moon "has" the same that we have it on earth already. Only difference is that it is "easier" to access because there isn't a bunch of living things and water in the way and because it has been the shield that catches meteors and comets for the earth so it gets a deposit from that. But it doesn't have enough for a true interstellar civilization without major strip mining and that would only last so long. The main mines for He-3 is still certain Gas Giants which are dangerous and expensive to do.
Alright, good to know. Would having the process be automated by EVA controlled drones make He-3 mining safer and cheaper? Would Fission be cheaper alternative to power ships?
He found another artifact before Shanxi that took control of him and made him do the shit he did along with experimenting on his own people to cause them to "ascend and evolve" It was also this artifact that let him know Shanxi had another one on it so is why he invaded.
Do not push the calendar forward. Because without that time GDI and Humanity do not have the size or power to matter. The only reason Humans matter in ME is because of plot convenience. As the population and size of the economy would in no way be able to be anything in space supposedly as large as Citadel space is. Desolas was going to get killed one way or another. He wasn't subtle or sneaky about what he was doing and would have been found out eventually and taken care of by the Turians or the specters if not his brother like he was in canon.
Got it, so I'll hand wave it to say that the Turians handled it off screen. That still leaves the Reaper artifact hiding somewhere in Shanxi and whether Shepard should be born by now or in canon timeline 20-ish years later.

Edit: Made a mistake, forgot that 2100-ish is when GDI started expanding to other planets like Mars. The Martian Archive was founded in 2110 and Arcturus started construction in 2115. After 3 colonization waves, Shanxi is actually somewhere around 2130 with GDI having 11 colonies in those 3 colonization waves. Thanks to Just a Crazy-Man (a friend from for reminding me.
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Got it, so I'll hand wave it to say that the Turians handled it off screen. That still leaves the Reaper artifact hiding somewhere in Shanxi and whether Shepard should be born by now or in canon timeline 20-ish years later.
Did some research the artifact just crashed on Shanxi and was the same one that turned Saren's brother crazy. So there shouldn't be anything on Shanxi this time around.
Alright, good to know. Would having the process be automated by EVA controlled drones make He-3 mining safer and cheaper? Would Fission be cheaper alternative to power ships?
The most dangerous operations are highly automated already but increasing it would make gas mining safer except then you are removing jobs and more importantly leaving yourself vulnerable to hacking and other cyber warfare threats. That is why you always need humans working them. Also it wouldn't really make it any cheaper as it is still a pain to get. Fission isn't really that good anymore once you have fusion. He3 isn't the only fusion fuel it is just one of the easiest to fuse.
To be fair, GDI would wipe the floor with the Turian army sent to Shanxi in a head to head fight. And can you tell me exactly what GDI's "use and knowledge of Tiberium" in this scenario that couldn't be replaced by a non-Tiberium alternative
Their armor, weapons, computers, vehicles all of these techs and their special equipment was made possible because of Tiberium so there is no alternative method with them unless you regress the GDI and have them rebuild their entire tech base from scratch. Also aside from the Zone Troopers and commandos GDI troops are somewhat worse equipped than Turian troops. And for vehicles the Turians fully embrace combined arms tactics and overwhelming firepower the same as the GDI. So they have just as good tanks, flyers, and other vehicles. Don't think that things like the Mako are standard armor they aren't. They are a light IFV everyone has plenty of heavier armor to fight with all the other parts of a modern military.
GDI shifted to ecology after getting a report that said the Earth would be 100% toxic in the near future. It's not like they want to cut military funding. Without that ecology research Germany would still be Yellow Zone along with a lot of other places and Kane could just sit back and wait it out until the public forces GDI to do something about the Tiberium growing out of control.

For the TCN, I thought you need the Scrin Tower to do most of the heavy processing and the TCN is just something to spread the Scrin Tower's influence
They shifted because Nod was beaten and they needed to do something fast. But they did stop the spread and then decided to keep working on it because they needed a better understanding of Tiberium in order to keep it at Bay.

Also no they needed the Threshold in order to get the understanding required to create the TCN. They got that information now and they also still have all the other Scrin technology that would have given them an even better understanding of Tiberium.
[X] Before the release of the Confession to the world, a Nod warlord, who is suspected to be a descendant of a Nod field officer during the 3rd Tiberium War, secretly offered a deal with GDI InOps. In return for amnesty, renouncing the Brotherhood of Nod religion, and signing a defensive alliance, the Liberated will help GDI hunt down rival Brotherhood splinter groups that continue to be loyal to Kane along with giving GDI access to various Nod technologies that they can use however they see fit. With the deal struck the new Liberated faction renounced Kane as an uncaring and ruthless mastermind that created the Brotherhood to serve his own plans, not the betterment on humanity. This caused the Brotherhood to have a massive schism with only a small number of minor warlords are antagonistic towards GDI. The rest either join the Liberated or surrendered into GDI custody.
(GDI gains access to Nod technology, the Liberated is a tentative yet public ally in helping GDI keep the peace, Friction between Liberated and GDI are common as 5 decades of conflict doesn't just go away, ???)

[X] Mountainous, plenty of tall mountains and hills that makes this an ideal mining colony. You'll most likely have to be careful with this one, Tanks can't jump over sheer cliffs like the infantry yet so I advise investing with Mobile Infantry, VTOL Aircraft, and Hover vehicles to be able to maneuver around the area effectively.

Actually Tiberium Tech prior to Tiberium Wars aka C&C3 was all mostly focused upon improved resource extraction, refining and production which led to leaps in materials science, high energy physics etc.

If He3 is an issue just have Earth Factions have focused upon Deuterium Fusion instead. More complicated, yet it makes a lot more sense than He3 prior to settlements on Luna to be developed during Tib War 1&2.
Also aside from the Zone Troopers and commandos GDI troops are somewhat worse equipped than Turian troops.

That depends on how much stuff from C&C 4 is used here. This is because GDI by 4th war equiped their mainline infantryman with Zone Armor.

And QM said that he will be making info posta about GDI Arsenal after next update. So i would recommend to wait till we get more information before we can discuss how we are going to win at Shanxi.
That depends on how much stuff from C&C 4 is used here. This is because GDI by 4th war equiped their mainline infantryman with Zone Armor.

And QM said that he will be making info posta about GDI Arsenal after next update. So i would recommend to wait till we get more information before we can discuss how we are going to win at Shanxi.
We win by playing the land against the Turians and being an equally well trained and focused military. The Turians while being the military of the Citadel are more used to pirates and small rouge Colonies where they have every advantage in equipment, supplies, training, and numbers. A lot of that goes away when fighting against a force like GDI.

As for units considering how stupid the C&C 4 units became and the even worse game mechanics they used for them I very much doubt we are going to be using their units. More than likely top level units will all be like the Steel Talons and ZOCOM with standard level units being the fully upgraded standard units. The issue is the lack of barriers that allow the ME infantry to shrug off alot of fire. Granted that fire is from very low mass rounds so GDI slugs which are much bigger would be about as strong with only ammo giving ME guns the edge. Until the stupid "heat sink clips" became a thing. Never understood why the writers couldn't have at least tried to come up with a good reason for that instead of shoe horning a ammo mechanic into the game and calling it an "upgrade".
Did some research the artifact just crashed on Shanxi and was the same one that turned Saren's brother crazy. So there shouldn't be anything on Shanxi this time around.
When and how did Desolas get InDoced? was that artifact floating around in space around Shanxi before Desolas stumbled upon it and it crashed into Shanxi later?
The most dangerous operations are highly automated already but increasing it would make gas mining safer except then you are removing jobs and more importantly leaving yourself vulnerable to hacking and other cyber warfare threats.
GDI has EVAs and cyberwarfare experience from dealing with Nod. They won't be impeneterable but it would make any hacking attempt much harder to pull off. Along with the risk of the EVA counter hacking, you already said that the mining is heavily automated anyway, so any hacking attack will cause significant damage anyway.
Fission isn't really that good anymore once you have fusion. He3 isn't the only fusion fuel it is just one of the easiest to fuse.
So how does GDI solve the problem of making more ships but have limited He-3 fuel? find alternative or mine more He-3 or both?
Their armor, weapons, computers, vehicles all of these techs and their special equipment was made possible because of Tiberium so there is no alternative method with them unless you regress the GDI and have them rebuild their entire tech base from scratch.
Lets break this down 1 at a time.

Armor, according to the wiki C&C3 Preds use Angular Armor(which I have no idea what that is made of) but Scorps use Hardened Steel. If Nod isn't using special Tib armor, GDI is most likely not going to either. What about infantry armor? GDI body armor, likely based on the combat suit in TibSun, which is a ballistic vest with armored panels, no mention of Tiberium. What about that composite armor upgrade? Lightweight Composite alloys. Tib Field suits? no mention of material composition. What about Zone Armour? No mention of it being Tiberium based just that it was made by Ignatio Mobius from Renegade which lead to the Wolverine in TibSun. Commandos?Kevlar5 with a polymer ceramic core and no Tiberium. What about TibSun Wolverines what is it armored with? Hardened Steel. Titan? Angular Composite but I think it is safe to say it is similar to a Predator's armor. Mammoth? Hexagonal Armor. What about Orcas and Firehawks? Medium and Ceramic Armor. No mention of Tiberium. In C&C3, Tib can become more of itself through direct contact right? having your tank slowly turn to Tiberium in a couple of months is not something you want to happen to your really expensive tank. So far there has been no mention of Tiberium that has been made inert so that it wouldn't transform anything it touches.

What about Weapons like Railguns? no mention of Tiberium being used. Sonic weapons? it uses Sonic crystals, not Tiberium, they would have mentioned it if it was and it is more likely the gems in Red Alert games. Ion Cannon? No mention of a Tiberium power source, the solar panels kind of gave away what is powering it. GDI Power Plants in TibSun was mentioned to be Gas Turbine so no Tiberium there. C&C3 Power Plants are likely the same tech

You can see the trend here right? What about computers and EVA? No mention of Tiberium being used in its construction. I am giving GDI some basic ME tech too like ME alloys made using ME fields so the vehicles will be tougher. Not sure how that will stand up to Turian ME tank cannons tho, but I assume it is very similar or much more powerful GDI Railguns from C&C3.

Also aside from the Zone Troopers and commandos GDI troops are somewhat worse equipped than Turian troops. And for vehicles the Turians fully embrace combined arms tactics and overwhelming firepower the same as the GDI. So they have just as good tanks, flyers, and other vehicles.
True, GDI Zone Armor is 1 advantage GDI has, but if you waited until the next update I would have added snippets of background info on the state of GDI's army, 50 years after C&C4. GDI have Sonic tech, Lasers, Mechs, Railguns, and other goodies. I know that the Mako is an IFV, I know that Turian Tanks are shielded hover tanks(I forgot where I got that info, most likely from an old C&C and ME crossover story on Fanfiction I read a decade ago). GDI has beaten shielded units in the from of the Scrin so GDI could apply the same tactics against the Turians. Which is focus fire until it is on fire.
Also no they needed the Threshold in order to get the understanding required to create the TCN. They got that information now and they also still have all the other Scrin technology that would have given them an even better understanding of Tiberium.
Let me check the wiki.
"Using ancient data contained in the Tacitus, Kane devised a way to control the spread of Tiberium and harness it safely... but he needed GDI resources to make it happen."
" The Tiberium Control Network (abbreviated as TCN) is a system designed by Kane and built with the assistance of GDI to control the spread of Tiberium.[1] It takes the form of Tiberium Control Nodes and a vast network of interconnected pipes and cables, all of it connected to Scrin Threshold 19, spreading its Tiberium-harvesting and refinement effects to the entire planet."
" In the end, the activation of Threshold 19 proved to be the last phase in the TCN's deployment, and Tiberium was seen dissipating near the nodes. "
The TCN tech came from the Tacitus and it looks like you need a Threshold to activate the Network.

We win by playing the land against the Turians and being an equally well trained and focused military. The Turians while being the military of the Citadel are more used to pirates and small rouge Colonies where they have every advantage in equipment, supplies, training, and numbers. A lot of that goes away when fighting against a force like GDI.
No arguments here. This is why I made this quest in the first place.
As for units considering how stupid the C&C 4 units became and the even worse game mechanics they used for them I very much doubt we are going to be using their units. More than likely top level units will all be like the Steel Talons and ZOCOM with standard level units being the fully upgraded standard units.
I won't include all of C&C4's units, only several of them, like the Hunter and GST gets most of the attention for now.
The issue is the lack of barriers that allow the ME infantry to shrug off alot of fire. Granted that fire is from very low mass rounds so GDI slugs which are much bigger would be about as strong with only ammo giving ME guns the edge. Until the stupid "heat sink clips" became a thing. Never understood why the writers couldn't have at least tried to come up with a good reason for that instead of shoe horning a ammo mechanic into the game and calling it an "upgrade".
I don't think it is the writer's fault ME2 get heat sinks, I think that was a gameplay decision. You want to get back to the action asap, and reloading is much faster than waiting for the gun to cool.
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@Warmach1ne32 are you changing the placement of the relays from canon? Because the relay past Charon is inside the Arcturus star system of the Bootes star cluster. It is not a random name as your chapter implies
[X] Before the release of the Confession to the world, a Nod warlord, who is suspected to be a descendant of a Nod field officer during the 3rd Tiberium War, secretly offered a deal with GDI InOps. In return for amnesty, renouncing the Brotherhood of Nod religion, and signing a defensive alliance, the Liberated will help GDI hunt down rival Brotherhood splinter groups that continue to be loyal to Kane along with giving GDI access to various Nod technologies that they can use however they see fit. With the deal struck the new Liberated faction renounced Kane as an uncaring and ruthless mastermind that created the Brotherhood to serve his own plans, not the betterment on humanity. This caused the Brotherhood to have a massive schism with only a small number of minor warlords are antagonistic towards GDI. The rest either join the Liberated or surrendered into GDI custody.
(GDI gains access to Nod technology, the Liberated is a tentative yet public ally in helping GDI keep the peace, Friction between Liberated and GDI are common as 5 decades of conflict doesn't just go away, ???)

[X] Mountainous, plenty of tall mountains and hills that makes this an ideal mining colony. You'll most likely have to be careful with this one, Tanks can't jump over sheer cliffs like the infantry yet so I advise investing with Mobile Infantry, VTOL Aircraft, and Hover vehicles to be able to maneuver around the area effectively.
[x] In the decade after the release of the Confession, GDI is able to gather detailed information on a majority of the Nod factions through disillusioned followers, giving GDI commanders the locations of a majority of the major Brotherhood faction's underground base of operations. In a series of underground skirmishes, GDI have successfully eliminated the Brotherhood as a major power with the deaths of many of Nod's warlords, the destruction of many of the underground network, and the occupation and relocation of many of the underground towns Nod has set up inside the tunnel network.
(Minimal to non-existent Nod presence in GDI space, GDI population extremely distrusts the Brotherhood of Nod, Advanced Nod technology non-existent in GDI arsenal, GDI gained experience in underground warfare and access to Nod Tunnel technology, Brotherhood splinter groups are being hunted down by InOps, ???)

[x] Mountainous, plenty of tall mountains and hills that makes this an ideal mining colony. You'll most likely have to be careful with this one, Tanks can't jump over sheer cliffs like the infantry yet so I advise investing with Mobile Infantry, VTOL Aircraft, and Hover vehicles to be able to maneuver around the area effectively.

notice the synergy highlighted in bold
[x] In the decade after the release of the Confession, GDI is able to gather detailed information on a majority of the Nod factions through disillusioned followers, giving GDI commanders the locations of a majority of the major Brotherhood faction's underground base of operations. In a series of underground skirmishes, GDI have successfully eliminated the Brotherhood as a major power with the deaths of many of Nod's warlords, the destruction of many of the underground network, and the occupation and relocation of many of the underground towns Nod has set up inside the tunnel network.
(Minimal to non-existent Nod presence in GDI space, GDI population extremely distrusts the Brotherhood of Nod, Advanced Nod technology non-existent in GDI arsenal, GDI gained experience in underground warfare and access to Nod Tunnel technology, Brotherhood splinter groups are being hunted down by InOps, ???)

[x] Mountainous, plenty of tall mountains and hills that makes this an ideal mining colony. You'll most likely have to be careful with this one, Tanks can't jump over sheer cliffs like the infantry yet so I advise investing with Mobile Infantry, VTOL Aircraft, and Hover vehicles to be able to maneuver around the area effectively.
[X] Before the release of the Confession to the world, a Nod warlord, who is suspected to be a descendant of a Nod field officer during the 3rd Tiberium War, secretly offered a deal with GDI InOps. In return for amnesty, renouncing the Brotherhood of Nod religion, and signing a defensive alliance, the Liberated will help GDI hunt down rival Brotherhood splinter groups that continue to be loyal to Kane along with giving GDI access to various Nod technologies that they can use however they see fit. With the deal struck the new Liberated faction renounced Kane as an uncaring and ruthless mastermind that created the Brotherhood to serve his own plans, not the betterment on humanity. This caused the Brotherhood to have a massive schism with only a small number of minor warlords are antagonistic towards GDI. The rest either join the Liberated or surrendered into GDI custody.
(GDI gains access to Nod technology, the Liberated is a tentative yet public ally in helping GDI keep the peace, Friction between Liberated and GDI are common as 5 decades of conflict doesn't just go away, ???)

[X] Mountainous, plenty of tall mountains and hills that makes this an ideal mining colony. You'll most likely have to be careful with this one, Tanks can't jump over sheer cliffs like the infantry yet so I advise investing with Mobile Infantry, VTOL Aircraft, and Hover vehicles to be able to maneuver around the area effectively.
Adhoc vote count started by Warmach1ne32 on Jan 6, 2021 at 10:25 PM, finished with 64 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Before the release of the Confession to the world, a Nod warlord, who is suspected to be a descendant of a Nod field officer during the 3rd Tiberium War, secretly offered a deal with GDI InOps. In return for amnesty, renouncing the Brotherhood of Nod religion, and signing a defensive alliance, the Liberated will help GDI hunt down rival Brotherhood splinter groups that continue to be loyal to Kane along with giving GDI access to various Nod technologies that they can use however they see fit. With the deal struck the new Liberated faction renounced Kane as an uncaring and ruthless mastermind that created the Brotherhood to serve his own plans, not the betterment on humanity. This caused the Brotherhood to have a massive schism with only a small number of minor warlords are antagonistic towards GDI. The rest either join the Liberated or surrendered into GDI custody.
    [X] Mountainous, plenty of tall mountains and hills that makes this an ideal mining colony. You'll most likely have to be careful with this one, Tanks can't jump over sheer cliffs like the infantry yet so I advise investing with Mobile Infantry, VTOL Aircraft, and Hover vehicles to be able to maneuver around the area effectively.
    [X] In the decade after the release of the Confession, GDI is able to gather detailed information on a majority of the Nod factions through disillusioned followers, giving GDI commanders the locations of a majority of the major Brotherhood faction's underground base of operations. In a series of underground skirmishes, GDI have successfully eliminated the Brotherhood as a major power with the deaths of many of Nod's warlords, the destruction of many of the underground network, and the occupation and relocation of many of the underground towns Nod has set up inside the tunnel network.
    [X] Heavily Forested, with lots of alien trees and wildlife that the scientist are itching to have a look at. I would recommend investing in Vehicles and Infantry for this planet due to the very tall tree canopy making Air Strikes nearly impossible with how thick these trees are.
    [X] A Plains world

Nevermind, After looking at the tally, it looks like we have an obvious winner I'll close the vote right now since it is up by 8 votes. I'll have the update up in a few minutes.
Shanxi Shopping List
You are General Williams and you have been given a month to prepare for your long term assignment as the Commander-In-Chief of a Frontier Colony. You are currently in your office at home; the Missus is currently downstairs preparing dinner. She also said that she will stay with her family for the time being at least until the colony is up and running. Right now, you are currently debating on what to requisition for Shanxi.

The Colonization Office sent you a list of available assets that you are authorized to bring with you. Due to the wide variety of planets that the Colonization Office has to deal with, they have been offered a lot of flexibility in their options from GDI High Command. Of course GDI doesn't have infinite resources so the Office decided to use a point system to keep things simple. However there is also a limit to what you can bring with you due to the space limit on the colony ships, which are just 3 GSTs with an FTL drive crammed in there. You'll only be able to use 2 of them however as that 3rd GST are filled with the colonists you will be protecting.

Looking it over again, the list is broken down into 3 categories; Military Assets, Infrastructure, and Technology.

Military Assets are the professional GDI soldiers that will be reassign to Shanxi with you. They have volunteered for colony duty and have been organized to work in a single group. This way you'll have an army ready to patrol and defend your colony from any local wildlife without having to spend 6 months training a militia from local population. They take up a moderate amount of space but are fairly expensive on points.

Next is the Infrastructure list, which is a list of the equipment and tools you'll need to build an economy, like specialized mining equipment, a Power Plant, or a hydroponics farm and etc. They take up a large amount of space and are moderately expensive on points.

The last is Technologies, which are specialized technology that GDI allowed you access to but your colony will have to build themselves, like Zone Armor, Sonic technology, Laser technology, and etc. They take up a small amount of space but are also very expensive on points since they are a database of GDI's accumulated public research and various blueprints of said devices. Stored in a Black Box and protected by InOps's various anti-tampering software, including an E-War EVA, this database is cannot be hacked by unauthorized personnel. This database will be installed inside your HQ or MCV, once you have established a base of operations on Shanxi.

Luckily you don't have to manage the civilian side of things as someone well trained in that department will handle that. You take a 2nd look at the form before deciding what you'll bring with you.

P/S= Points/Space
Points to Spend: 2500 Available Space: 1000

Military Assets:

[] 140th Infantry Regiment: a Regiment of Riflemen armed with Railgun Rifles and accompanying Missile Trooper armed with FGM-150 Missile Launchers to provide Anti-Armor and Air support. The regiment wears the new standard issue exo-skeletal body armor which is much slimmer than the Zone series heavy armor but is still an exo-skeleton it just noticeably weaker yet cheaper to make. They are also trained in deploying Infantry Bunkers, to provide additional protection. (+3 Infantry Battalion) 200/150

[] 109th Zone Battalion: A Battalion of Zone Power Armored infantry with access to Jump Packs, Ionized Railgun Cannons, and shoulder mounted heavy weapons. Each suit has an array of advanced sensors and communications equipment making them ideal for patrol work and combating anything they find while on patrol. The armor also enhances the users strength, speed, and reflexes like previous generations of Zone Armor, along with an aim assist to better inform the user where their round will land. (+1 Zone Infantry Battalion) 200/50

[] 99th Engineering Corp: A Corp of Engineers, there isn't much to say about them, they can make basic defences like Watchtowers, AA Turrets, Trenches, Bunkers, Minefields, and etc. They can also help with civilian construction if you feel that you are sufficiently protected. (+1 Engineering Corp & +2 Construction Action) 150/100

[] 52nd Sniper Platoon: A Platoon of Snipers, armed with an Ionized Railgun Rifle, the same technology used in the Main cannon of the Hunter AFV allowing it to have extremely high penetration. Sniper teams are also equipped with a stealth cloak to hide in plain sight. (+16 Sniper Teams) 150/20

[] 82nd Armor Company: A Company of Hunter Mk.2 AFVs, by combining the Predator's cannon on top of an APC's chassis, the Hunter have the firepower of a Predator but the speed of a Pitbull with its Hydrogen Turbine Engine and Adjustable Computer Controlled Suspension in a Vanadium Steel alloy body keeps it well protected. It is also armed a Coaxial machine gun, close range laser point defense, and a deployable scout drone (+1 Hunter AFV Company = 25 Hunters) 500/200

[] 91st Orca Air Squadron: A Squadron of Orca Mk.6 Multirole Strikecraft, the new Mk.6 Orca combines the firepower and versatility of the Orca Mk.5 with the Stratofighter Booster of the 3rd Tiberium War Firehawks, giving it the ability to fly over most AA defences with ease by going near orbital. (+16 Orca Strikecraft) 400/160

[] 21st Firehawk Air Squadron: A Squadron of Firehawks Mk.3 Air Superiority Fighter, with the Orca Mk.6 taking the Firehawks usual role of a Multi-role fighter, the new Mk.3 is designed to be an air superiority fighter due to how the 1st generation Firehawks were extremely effective against Scrin ships. The Mk.3 uses a reverse engineered Nod Stealth Module from a captured intact Cobra Gunship which allows it to close in on enemy air targets and deliver a first strike that the enemy will rarely see coming. (+16 Firehawk Fighters) 400/160


[] MCV: The Mobile Construction Vehicle has been in the GDI arsenal since it's very founding and while it has gone through many iterations, its core purpose stays the same. The MCV supplied by GDI are based on the old MCVs of the 3rd Tib War but has been modified for Colony use. You are only allowed 1 MCV for now as they are in high demand with other colonies too. (+1 MCV & +4Construction Action) 300/200 (only 1 allowed)

[] Barracks: Ready-made housing that can be unfolded into a Barracks in a couple of minutes for you base personnel. A Construction Yard can create more using raw materials gathered locally but having these already made means that your Conyard can focus on more important things like a Perimeter Defense or a Factory, saving you precious time. (+1 Housing Block for your troops) 100/100

[] Mining Equipment: While everyone agreed that Tiberium is a poison and caused the most deaths in history, they do also admit that it made extracting minerals from the earth incredibly easy. Now that Tiberium is contained on Earth with GDI Navy feeding asteroids to be processed by the TCN, the colonist will have to mine resources the old fashion way. With drills, explosives, a mining truck. (+1 RA1 style Ore Mine) 150/100

[] Smelting Equipment: Once you have a supply of ore, you'll need a location to smelt it so that it can be useable in many different applications. Using lessons learnt from Tiberium refining, a single refinery can process multiple different types of ores and separate them into their component elements and transformed into ingots for easy storage. (+1 RA2 style Refinery) 100/150

[] Factory: To turn those ingots into useable parts you'll need a factory to process the raw materials into useable products like vehicles, guns, and missiles to trucks, tools, and batteries. The Factory can be reconfigured to produce a wide variety of products and is required to produce the more high-tech pieces of equipment. (1+ War Factory) 150/150

[] Logging Equipment: When Tiberium covered most of the Earth, trees either becomes Blossom Trees that help spread Tiberium growth or heavily mutated into something alien. By the time of the 3rd Tib War, Tiberium becomes so toxic that it kills faster than it can mutate, trees become a rare luxury as large swathes of them died out. GDI have managed to document and preserve many different species of trees, both mutated and non-mutated and are currently in the middle of a tree replanting program on Earth. For the colonists trees provide a wood supply for cheap construction and furniture that could be sold to other colonies too. (+1 Sawmill) 150/100

[] Farming Equipment: While the colony have a store of rations that can last for a year, getting locally produced food will be essential to long term survival. Creating conventional farms can is a fairly cheap source of food, however it may be vulnerable to pests or weather that will damage the yield. The advantage is that it is fairly easy to make and expand. (+1 Conventional Farm & +500 tons of Excess Food/Year) 50/100

[] Hydroponics Farm: With the much of the world's farm land becoming Tiberium Wastelands, Hydroponics helped prevent millions of people from starving both in Blue and Yellow Zones. Having your own Hydroponics Farm should help provide a steady food supply for your colony that won't be affected by pests or weather at the cost of being more expensive, takes up more space, and produce less food. (+1 Hydroponics farm & +250 tons of Excess Food/Year) 150/100

[] Power Plant: The blood of any city is electricity and its heart is the Power Plant. A Power plant is required to operate automated defences and have all of your production structures operating at maximum efficiency. An MCV can construct a Power Plant fairly easily enough, but you never know what you would prioritize. (+1 Power Plant & +10 Power Generation) 50/100

[] Tech Lab: While Battles are won in the field, Wars are won in the Lab. Without R&D, GDI would not have the Sonic technology needed to beat the Scrin, the Ion Cannon, the Mammoth Tank, Walkers, and etc. Having your own would allow you to analyse and study the technology that GDI has available as well as make prototypes to see if they are viable to be produced. (+1 Tech Lab & Unlocks Tech Tree Research) 200/100


[] Sonic Tech: Through the use of sonic crystals, GDI is able to project a wave of sonic energy that can vibrate any target to piece. This is instrumental in abating the spread of Tiberium on Earth and while Tiberium isn't a threat to Earth anymore, with the Tiberium Control Network up and running; Sonic technology still has a place in GDIs arsenal. (Unlocks Shockwave/Shatterer, Sonic Grenades, Sonic Cannons) 200/10

[] Zone Armor: While it doesn't hold a candle to the stuff currently in use by the military, GDI does supply a variety of upgrade packages to make Colonial Militia Zone Troopers a combat effective fighting force. (Unlocks Basic Zone Trooper Armor, Zone Upgrade Packs, Zone Heavy Weapons, and Jump Jets) 200/10

[] Laser Tech: While you won't be able to make your own Obelisk of Light since there isn't any blueprints for it, you do have access to Laser based upgrades to your equipment from Laser Rifles to Laser Countermeasures for your vehicles. You will likely need to research how to make large lasers yourself or get the clearance necessary to access Large-scale Laser technology. (Unlocks Laser Small Arms, Laser Countermeasures, Laser Slingshot, Laser Cannons, Laser Turrets, Laser Fences, & Advanced Laser Tech Research) 350/10

[] Stealth Tech: Even though the main GDI Research Facility tasked with reverse engineering Nod Stealth technology was lost in Australia, GDI does keep backup records in other parts of the world. Even with those records GDI have not managed to recreate the ability to create a cloaking field however, and GDI Commanders always target Nod Disruption Towers first in every engagement thus very few of them are recoverable or functional enough to study, it doesn't help that all Disruption Towers are designed to self-destruct when heavily damaged rendered too damaged to function. So the best GDI can do with this technology is to cloak individual units with very expensive equipment. (Unlocks Personal, Vehicle, and Aircraft Cloaking) 300/10

[] Energy Shield Tech: The Firestorm Shield has been around since the 2nd Tiberium War, it can produce an impenetrable wall of energy for a minute whilst requires a long recharge time, however it has proved useful in protecting GDI bases from Nod Missile Strikes. Now, the technology has been made much more energy efficient and offers a full area protection at the cost of not being impenetrable anymore. It has been put in use on GDI vessels and designs of a City shield has been developed and deployed in many major cities. Having a shield over your city would cut the risk of orbital bombardment down at the cost of an enormous amount of energy to keep it running. Captured Scrin Stasis technology has resulted in an upgrade to convert the energy shield into a stasis field which turns everything inside the shield indestructible for a short period of time. (Unlocks Firestorm Barrier, Crystal Shield, and Stasis Shield) 300/10

[] Robotic Drone Tech: GDI have rarely used Robots in their arsenal, mainly due to the dangers of an enemy taking control of your own robots, the control signal being jammed due to interference, and study done decades ago that proves Humans supported by AI is superior than AI controlled armies. However, robots have found a niche for themselves as patrol and scout units. A recent robotic addition to GDI's arsenal is the War Dog which is a scaled down Mastadon frame with a machine gun head. Advanced sensors and pack intelligence makes it an ideal scouting unit while being very cheap to produce. (Unlocks War Dogs, Drone Swarm, Repair Drones, Custom Drones Designs) 200/10

[] Hover Tech: While Hover technology has been around since the start of the 1st Tib War, the technology gained more prominent use in the 2nd Tib War as a weapons platform in the form of the Hover MLRS which allows it to hover over bodies of water and assist in amphibious assaults. By the 3rd Tib War, Hover vehicles begin to fall into specialist roles with the Slingshot and Shatterer due to their fragility, high production cost, and high maintenance cost compared to treaded vehicles. However, during the Ascension Conflict, the ability to hover over rough terrain, water, and even jump over cliffs have proven essential in protecting convoys of material for the construction of the TCN. Now it seems that Hover technology has found its niche as a versatile vehicle platform that sacrifice a bit of armor and being high maintenance for all terrain mobility. (Unlocks Hover Platform, Sandstorm, Shockwave, Shatterer, & Slingshot) 150/10

[] Subterranean Tech: During the 2nd Tib War, GDI ruled the heavens but Nod ruled the underworld and they do that through subterranean technology. Nod used this network to great effect as it is the only place where they are protected from GDI Air superiority and our Ion Cannons. By the 3rd Tib War, Tiberium has grown deep within the Earth's crust and tunnelling through Tiberium is too difficult and dangerous, thus the tunnels were abandoned until the TCN has been established and managed to clear most of the Tiberium, allowing Nod's global tunnel network to return to service. This technology is relatively simple and GDI saw potential in having a Tunnel Network in their colonies in the event the Scrin achieved orbital supremacy. It should be made aware however that unscrupulous individuals may make use of these tunnels if they are not properly supervised. (Unlocks Subterranean APC, Drill Pod, and Tunnel Network System) 200/10

AN: So here is your shopping list on what you can bring to the colony. Any excess Space will be padded out with a month of rations for every 10 spaces and excess Points will be converted into credits for the next shipment. The civilians will be handled by an NPC as calculating how many civilians will be going to Shanxi is too much work so I'll just leave it as a nebulous 'population'. The Colony Steward will be an NPC and her job is to get the colony up and running as smoothly as possible, and simplify things for me. Her GST will contain the all of the initial colonist along with several Pre-fab buildings like a Community Housing, a Power Plant, seeds, and the bare essentials needed to start a colony.

What you can do is help her along is by using your extra space and points into for example mining equipment so that the colonists can start a proper mine ASAP and not have to wait for the next shipment incoming shipment or for you to make some for them using your MCV.

That raw material produced by the colony will get stockpile and at the end of the year (every 2 turns), GDI will come by and drop of more colonist and buy the stuff you have in excess. In exchange for your stockpile of raw materials or food they'll pay you credits that can be used to buy other stuff, like a 2nd Orca Air Squadron or a 2nd MCV or excess food because you are scared there might be a famine, or Titan Mechs, and etc. The more your colony grows, the better tech you'll get.

I'll roll on what you'll get out of Steward NPC based on the various operations he is managing. So if you roll say 74 on your Iron mine you'll get x tons of extra iron, but on a farm if you get a low roll you lose resources. Resources can be further refined into better resources, that ore be sent to your smelter to be smelted into ingots and be used to make other stuff in your like trucks or be stored so it can be sold at the end of the year. You will have to pay some upkeep for your troops/colonist for their wages, maintenance, and etc.

Now to better explain what the 3 categories are in layman terms. Military Assets are professional soldiers; they are like Regiments of Renown and will be available to be ordered around immediately. Like Regiments of Renown you cannot have 2 of the same Assets, so you can only have one of each since there is only 1 91st Orca Air Squadron.

Infrastructures are pre-fab buildings that are already made and will build itself once you turn it on. So if you brought 3 Power Plants, at turn one you can deploy 3 Power Plants immediately. Its like having a building complete in your build queue, all you need is to plop them down. Having your MCV build it will take a Construction Action and a turn to wait while it is being made. Unlike Military Assets you can bring as much as you want just be sure to add (x "insert number here") so I know you meant multiples of this.

Technologies are tech trees that are locked in a pay wall. Once you have the blueprints you can make adjustments to the design if you feel like it. You may want to know that Zone armor is like a really watered down version of Warhammer 40ks Terminator Armor, it isn't as tough or strong but it is much easier to move in, have a jet pack, and a powerful sensors. The General Infantry get something similar to Call of Duty Advanced Warfare's Exo-skeleton with Mass Effect armor on top. They don't have shields since they don't have Kinetic Barriers and Firestorm shields need a lot of power for it to work so they rely on their armor and medical suite a lot more. Luckily C&C4 gave Nanotech repair from studying Scrin tech and that can heal infantry and repair tanks in the middle of combat. So it will be a much more even fight.

The navy is also delegated to someone else as I doubt an army general will be put in charge of a naval detachment. So orbital assets are out of your control, chances are they get shot down during an invasion anyway so I also won't have to deal with that too. You could contact him/her and request they do stuff like scan a nearby moon/asteroid for prospecting or transport an MCV to a new location to set up a new base or city. But for the most part, they will be running drills or combat sims or patrolling.

After this we'll go through actual Turns and you build up Shanxi into a fortified colony. How you do that is with Construction actions, 1 Construction action will result in getting building built but you will need to spend the resources to build it. You can order you Military assets to do a variety of things, from patrolling to surveying, to protecting a convoy. You can assign them to certain jobs and will keep doing that job until you tell them otherwise. I'll keep a list of all of the Military Assets you have and what their current assignment is in a spoiler tab. Also changing their assignments doesn't cost an action. For technologies, you'll need a Tech Lab to study the blueprints and research as well as making prototypes to make sure that it works before the new tech can be put to production. You could also research new technology or new unit designs yourself, just let me know and I'll add your suggestion to the list.

After Turn 10, GDI will send a survey team, an extra Patrol fleet, and a pair of Orbital Ion Cannons as reward for a job well done.

Moratorium in 2 days, Vote by Plan, and feel free to ask me any questions or let me know if I made a mistake somewhere.
Scheduled vote count started by Warmach1ne32 on Jan 5, 2021 at 4:35 AM, finished with 36 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Before the release of the Confession to the world, a Nod warlord, who is suspected to be a descendant of a Nod field officer during the 3rd Tiberium War, secretly offered a deal with GDI InOps. In return for amnesty, renouncing the Brotherhood of Nod religion, and signing a defensive alliance, the Liberated will help GDI hunt down rival Brotherhood splinter groups that continue to be loyal to Kane along with giving GDI access to various Nod technologies that they can use however they see fit. With the deal struck the new Liberated faction renounced Kane as an uncaring and ruthless mastermind that created the Brotherhood to serve his own plans, not the betterment on humanity. This caused the Brotherhood to have a massive schism with only a small number of minor warlords are antagonistic towards GDI. The rest either join the Liberated or surrendered into GDI custody.
    [X] Mountainous, plenty of tall mountains and hills that makes this an ideal mining colony. You'll most likely have to be careful with this one, Tanks can't jump over sheer cliffs like the infantry yet so I advise investing with Mobile Infantry, VTOL Aircraft, and Hover vehicles to be able to maneuver around the area effectively.
    [X] Heavily Forested, with lots of alien trees and wildlife that the scientist are itching to have a look at. I would recommend investing in Vehicles and Infantry for this planet due to the very tall tree canopy making Air Strikes nearly impossible with how thick these trees are.
    [x] In the decade after the release of the Confession, GDI is able to gather detailed information on a majority of the Nod factions through disillusioned followers, giving GDI commanders the locations of a majority of the major Brotherhood faction's underground base of operations. In a series of underground skirmishes, GDI have successfully eliminated the Brotherhood as a major power with the deaths of many of Nod's warlords, the destruction of many of the underground network, and the occupation and relocation of many of the underground towns Nod has set up inside the tunnel network.
    [x] A Plains world
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Hmmm... Could this be fixed over the course of the quest?
You'll need Mass Effect research and Jump Jets to make a better Mako but you could just use Hover Tech vehicles which can cliff jump in C&C4. Getting ME research means that you much heavier vehicles can cliff jump more or less like the Mako. To get ME Research you'll need an Ezo supply and that is entirely reliant on Dice rolls you get from prospecting.
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There probably Nod tech for that? Depend on the tanks though. I doubt Mammoth will ever be capable at least.
GDI is much closer than Nod on this one, since GDI have hover vehicles that can cliff jump in C&C4 along with jump jets from C&C3. Nod circumvent cliffs by tunneling under them. You are also right, Mammoths are too heavy to jump, but MBTs and IFVs are much more manageable. Titans are in a cusp of viable (they'll need heavy duty jump jets), but Wolverines are jump capable with MBT/IFV jump jets. GDI just needs the Ezo supply to do put it into production. So far their only source of Ezo is Mars and 11 other colonies knew that finding Ezo on their world will be like hitting a motherlode and bring a lot of investment from GDI.
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GDI is much closer than Nod on this one, since GDI have hover vehicles that can cliff jump in C&C4 along with jump jets from C&C3. Nod circumvent cliffs by tunneling under them. You are also right, Mammoths are too heavy to jump, but MBTs and IFVs are much more manageable. Titans are in a cusp of viable (they'll need heavy duty jump jets), but Wolverines are jump capable with MBT/IFV jump jets. GDI just needs the Ezo supply to do put it into production. So far their only source of Ezo is Mars and 11 other colonies knew that finding Ezo on their world will be like hitting a motherlode and bring a lot of investment from GDI.
C&C4? What C&C4? :V

Honestly though, I really erase that particular entry from my mind despite how interesting some of the concepts and units. Also, making hover unit from scratch probably easier than refitting current one. Anyway, we need to see what kind of stuff we can unlock first from research. Maybe we can unlock lighter alloy or something that will helps or better locomotions for walkers which makes it more viable for mountainous area.
Looking at the goodies (and in no particular order):
Engineers-Easily used for many roles(construction/fortifications)
Infantry-Added bulk to the forces
MCV-Source of construction actions and will likely automatically unlock more options. Also bootstrap power.
Mining + Smelting-Needed source of resources
Farms(both types)-We do not want to starve
Powerplant-Energy is incredibly useful early on in colony bootstrapping.
Barracks-Depends on how many forces we are bringing
Lab-Getting it early on may allow us to take more actions/make use of opportunities earlier. Also, the more tech we can off load to researching, the less space(points+ normal space) we use up.
Sawmill-Perhaps this may be useful?
Factory-Depending on whether or not this can be used to aid colonization, it may be worthwhile.
Stealth-Major potential advantage: A defense based off of redoubts can be broken via defeat in detail. Stealth allows for more effective raiding forces and harder to find entrances to our bunkers.
Shield-Similar reasons as above. Also may bring us to semi parity to kinetic barriers depending on scalability. Definitely effective for our bunker entrances and fortifications.
Subterranean- -MUST HAVE- This is literally why many of us voted for our colony planet and setting details.
Laser-Counters kinetic barriers completely.
Hover tech-Useful for our environment and expected doctrine.
Drones-Scouting is very important. Having cheap disposable scouts that we can spam for coverage(which this tech provides)is extremely useful.

Questions for OP:
-How much should we reserve(points + cargo space)?
-How quickly can we attempt to expand?
-What is the exchange rate for credits and resources?
-How good is the Lab?
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Considering we're in mountain area, drones tech might help us here? In general, they are great considering our limited space and population. For other tech, it depends on our plans. Stealth would be great here for example if our activities are rather low and quiet to the outside world.
I'm thinking about stealth as a way to make our forces more effective and make it harder to target the fortifications (and firestorm to make the costs of taking said fortification even higher).
And yes, I see what you mean with the drones. Added!