Synod of Dantooine
On the surface, one could be forgiven for believing everything of the Dantooine Praxeum has changed. From five great chambers: the Archive, the Council room, the Dojo, the medbay, and the storage bay; it has expanded to more than ten in the center building alone. Not mention the extra wings, which flow together to the center building; an extra five, each houses forty of the Jedi who even now make this place home. From what was once a small, secret, elite, academy that accepted only the greatest of students, it has expanded into a mighty, beating heart.
But in the center, as it ever was, there is a tree, there is a Council, and there is the Order. Jedi of every shape and size-- twi'leks, chiss, trandoshans, wookiees, all are present in this, the great synod. Every initiate, every master, ever knight and every padawan is gathered here, from every part of the Order's terrain. To bare witness, to what is now passed.
There are two, dominant, questions for you to answer at this particular second:
1. The question of a permanent headquarters. You have several rapidly expanding facilities: Dantooine, Ossus, and Telos, to name just a few. As well, you have gained control over Coruscant's temple. And then there are the worlds of which you know that are not currently in your grasp but could be reclaimed.
2. The Syncretic cults of Hutt Space. The Hutt Consortium has lodged formal complaints with the Republic Senate of "Rogue Jedi" fermenting pseudo-Revolutionary cults as a deniable form of warfare against the Hutts, though the Senate has presented a dominant, unified face "go fellate a blaster you jumped up mafiosos." A nice change of pace from the usual. The refugee Ogrra the Hutt has given you more information as well: these cult-cells worship a nearly messianic, abolitionist Pantheon of purified deities that spout Jedi Philosophy. They also blow up slave ships, slaughter slaver catchers, and have run a bloody handed crusade against slavery. Which is good, but consequential. In response, the Republic is preparing to send a fact-finding mission to learn more.
Which planet will be your permanent Capital? (Once you have constructed a fully functional temple, the High Council will move there; until then you will remain seated on Dantooine)
Planets already colonized:
-[] Coruscant
-[] Ossus
-[] Dantooine
Unlocated planets:
-[] Tython
-[] Ach-To
Do you prepare a fact finding mission for the Syncretic Cults?
[] Yes. Send an independent fact finding group. (+15 PP, submit a list of Jedi)
[] Supplement a Republic fact finding mission. (+5 PP)
[] No.
Simplest, most immediate stuff first.
Moratorium for twelve hours.