There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

[x] Yes. Host the Synod of Dantooine in 3944 BBY, dealing with at least the two aforementioned matters.
[X] Yes. Host the Synod of Dantooine in 3944 BBY, dealing with at least the two aforementioned matters.

Wish we had a slightly larger population of Jedi and Masters first, but it's best to stomp out brush fires when they're still just smoldering.
[X] Yes. Host the Synod of Dantooine in 3944 BBY, dealing with at least the two aforementioned matters.

I think we should do this right now, as it is an important subject that we should tackle early rather than letting it wait.
On the less humanitarian-crisis subject, I think I prefer the "regional capital" idea over super-centralizing it and going for a first-among-equals approach rather than a super top-down thing.

Put Mical and Atton on Coruscant to play diplomat (and also by-the-book + break-the-rules is a fun combination and might help them work on their issues); put Mira and Visas on Ossus to keep an eye on the Outer Rim, the Hutts, and the Sith; Bastila and Juhani can preside over Dantooine, which I kinda wanna call "training grounds", which leaves us Bao-Dur for roving talky-crisis-management and Brianna for roving fighty-crisis-management.

Kinda like a semi-permanent "patrol" system, I guess, with the masters automatically designated. It also kinda gives us "Consular Coruscant, Sentinel Ossus, Guardian Dantooine" which we could then have initiates rotate through so they find what they're good at. One rotation in each place and then one "free". That "free" rotation could include Bao-Dur or Brianna.
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To answer a sort of important question:

Part of the Synod's purpose would be putting together a fact finding mission for the cults.
[X] Yes. Host the Synod of Dantooine in 3944 BBY, dealing with at least the two aforementioned matters.
I had planned to call the vote today but to be honest I feel all beat to hell, so I suppose I am extending the vote.
Synod of Dantooine pt. 1 (3944 BBY)
Synod of Dantooine

On the surface, one could be forgiven for believing everything of the Dantooine Praxeum has changed. From five great chambers: the Archive, the Council room, the Dojo, the medbay, and the storage bay; it has expanded to more than ten in the center building alone. Not mention the extra wings, which flow together to the center building; an extra five, each houses forty of the Jedi who even now make this place home. From what was once a small, secret, elite, academy that accepted only the greatest of students, it has expanded into a mighty, beating heart.

But in the center, as it ever was, there is a tree, there is a Council, and there is the Order. Jedi of every shape and size-- twi'leks, chiss, trandoshans, wookiees, all are present in this, the great synod. Every initiate, every master, ever knight and every padawan is gathered here, from every part of the Order's terrain. To bare witness, to what is now passed.

There are two, dominant, questions for you to answer at this particular second:

1. The question of a permanent headquarters. You have several rapidly expanding facilities: Dantooine, Ossus, and Telos, to name just a few. As well, you have gained control over Coruscant's temple. And then there are the worlds of which you know that are not currently in your grasp but could be reclaimed.

2. The Syncretic cults of Hutt Space. The Hutt Consortium has lodged formal complaints with the Republic Senate of "Rogue Jedi" fermenting pseudo-Revolutionary cults as a deniable form of warfare against the Hutts, though the Senate has presented a dominant, unified face "go fellate a blaster you jumped up mafiosos." A nice change of pace from the usual. The refugee Ogrra the Hutt has given you more information as well: these cult-cells worship a nearly messianic, abolitionist Pantheon of purified deities that spout Jedi Philosophy. They also blow up slave ships, slaughter slaver catchers, and have run a bloody handed crusade against slavery. Which is good, but consequential. In response, the Republic is preparing to send a fact-finding mission to learn more.

Which planet will be your permanent Capital? (Once you have constructed a fully functional temple, the High Council will move there; until then you will remain seated on Dantooine)

Planets already colonized:
-[] Coruscant
-[] Ossus
-[] Dantooine

Unlocated planets:
-[] Tython
-[] Ach-To
Do you prepare a fact finding mission for the Syncretic Cults?

[] Yes. Send an independent fact finding group. (+15 PP, submit a list of Jedi)
[] Supplement a Republic fact finding mission. (+5 PP)
[] No.
Simplest, most immediate stuff first.

Moratorium for twelve hours.
I'm all for Dantooine being our new Headquarters! While we are protectors of the republic we aren't there dogs by hopefully staying on another planet that will remind everyone of that fact. I'm also down for supporting the Republic Fact Finding mission but not doing our own simply cause we need all Jedi on deck with the patrols alone.
While I'm partial to both both Tython and Ach-To, we haven't found either of them yet. And we really should supplement the Republic fact finding mission.
for me Ossus and Tython are my #1&2 picks respectively with Dantooine coming in third. I would accept Coruscant. but ach-to gets a hard no way in HELL from me. can't stand Di$ney Soy Wars and what they did to the IP
Ossus number one for being the homeworld of the jedi order
Tython as being the world where the force was discovered
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Is it possible to do a sort of 'rotation'? Have the council meet on Dantooine one year, Corusant the next, and swap back and forth?

Leave the majority of things (initiate training etc) to one of these locations but symbolically not become too tied to either the core or the rim?

If it is a single location, I have a preference for Dantooine. Jedi having a HQ on the Rim is surely a good thing.
Uhhhh is there a reason Telos was missed off the list?

That was kinda gonna be my suggestion - its reconstruction symbolically pairs well with the new order, and its position also pretty representatively counters the classic centralised flaw of the Jedi... without being in the middle of nowhere like Dantooine or Tython. Ossus is still a bit too fragile a state IMO.