[X] Continue as your original plan called for.
When the Cornellian ships start popping from simply receiving hits to their guns (Which happens allot in the prequels and is a salient plotpoint in the final movie of the new trilogy... Cuz logic got F***d) then they will end up in hot water (They can bribe their way out of it though... Our Yard isn't even close to politically powerful enough for that.)
Better to look into miniturisation of tech after this then miniaturise the turret reactors and such. Either that or miniaturise other things enough to fit in the additional reactor assemblies anyway.
If it was for a ship like a fighter or a gun with engines I would say go for it... But with the Corvette? (Which NEEDS to succeed to guarentee additional military contracts?)
Nope. (Go safe and true here- We can always modernise it later on... when we can shrink the reactor tech enough)
Although... can we just incorperate a series of high power capacitor banks into the design in the special compartment? (It would mean the ship can support an additional turbolaser turret as its firing of stored power from that... I avoids the issue of feeding a direct line to the reactor as well as it goes through the Capitor bank so if a turret gets destroyed the Bank takes the backlash instead of the reactor...)
Tldr: Make a capacitor bank in special section (charges when ship out of combat) and link it to the second gun. If it gets blown up bank gets backlash instead of reactor so no Ship explosion)
would this be feasible?