Because people were suggesting using the Ion engines for them specifically because we used Ion thrusters to increase the maneuverability of the corvette. So yes it would have been infringement if Sienar decided to take action which they might or might not.
i suggested the name first and explicitly for the Joke. also Sienar can't take action because Ion drives are not exlcusive to them
here's what hte TIE/LN uses
The SFS P-s4 twin ion engine was an ion drive system manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems and most notably used aboard the TIE/LN starfighters. The twin ion engine contained no moving parts, and was thus low-maintenance. It was also considered to be the most precisely manufactured propulsion...
A P-w401 ion maneuvering jet was a component of an Imperial TIE/ln space superiority starfighter.[1] Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: TIE Fighter - Blueprints)
The E-16/x ion engine was a model of engine used to power the T-16 skyhopper, a small craft manufactured by the Incom Corporation.[1] Starships and Speeders (First mentioned)
The Ion Jet engine was a type of starship sublight drive engine developed by Koensayr Manufacturing for use on the BTL Y-wing starfighter[1] and the BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber.[2] The Star Wars Sourcebook "The H-Wing Strike Fighter" — Challenge 35 (Unlicensed) The Star Wars...
The ion engine or ion drive was a type of engine used to propel most starships at sublight velocities. Ion engines were fueled by power cells, liquid chemical reactants, onboard generators, or virtually any other device capable of providing sufficient power. The engine utilized internal fusion...
I don't understand this too. Why people want to steal designs so much? Why "Archer" missile pod, what is wrong with normal SW pods? It's not like missiles are Halo-only tech.
Agreed, I don't get why people keep pushing for designs from other settings or tech that isn't native to Star Wars. The whole fun of a design quest like this is creating new designs to fit the customer's needs and Star Wars particularly is fun because they DON'T obey any of the normal starship rules.
I'm here to kitbash Star Wars ships, not stuff Halo railguns on capital ships, create new FTL systems, or build starships we could have in real life.
"This is the current layout of the Double-Death and the Turbolaser." Shen pointed at the hologram over the table. You saw the four blinking dots representing the lighter weapons that were evenly spaced across the hull, leaving almost no place uncovered. Only a bit of the ship's bow and stern weren't covered in firing arcs, but the simulations showed that this wasn't a problem, thanks to the corvette's high maneuverability. Even an unskilled pilot could shift the ship around fast enough that at least one weapon was pointed towards the enemy at any time.
The real problem was the single turbolaser turret that your team had decided on. It didn't allow full coverage. Not even the high maneuverability of the corvette covered all of the potential firing arcs. It only worked if the ship was used together with others of its kind in a squadron. That wasn't a problem per se, but it didn't fulfill the customer's complete requirements and, to a much higher degree, was hurting everybody's personal honor. Especially if one took a look at the other projection above the table, that of a CR90 from CEC. The Corellian ship had two turbolasers in double turrets, where your corvette only had one.
"As you can see, we've used whatever space we could find in the hull to put the weapons in together with the necessary generators. What is left will barely be enough to fit a shield generator in and whatever else the crew will need. It will be a tight fit."
You stared silently up at the two projections and drummed your fingers on the table. "Okay, how do they do it? How can they fit two turbolaser turrets in such a frame? Our corvette has almost the same length, and we can only put the one turret in? Come on, people, we can do better than this! Do you two have any idea how we can produce something comparable?"
>>The problem is that the internal systems of the turrets take up a lot of space. Firing chamber, targeting computer, generators. That's what takes the most space. Sadly, we can't leave them out. If we can't find a way to remove one of these, we can't save space.<< As much as you hated it, you had to agree with Pinagg. All of the systems that took the most space were critical for the operation of the turbolaser turret.
"We can't leave them out, or the weapons become useless. Shen, do you have any idea?"
"Not really. Just by looking at the performance numbers and energy output, it is clear that CEC has come up with something to solve the problem. But as far as I know, there simply isn't any way to reduce the needed space. Well, you could hook up the guns directly to the main reactor and simply leave the turret generators out of the …"
Shen stopped himself suddenly mid sentence and gazed far away. After a moment, he shook his head. "No, they can't be that crazy, the possibility of an overload of the system is just too high. Not even if you consider the possibility of a sudden energy drop in the middle of a fight should the energy conduct be damaged."
You leaned forward and made a few changes to the holoprojections so that the CR90 grew bigger. In your mind, a sudden explosion of possibilities was running wild as you jumped on the train of thought Shen provided. "You mean they rigged the system directly in the corvette's main reactor, so the turret generators became obsolete? That is crazy, but we're talking about Corellians!"
>>But ignoring the security regulations so blatantly? I'm surprised that the Republic allowed it.<< Pinagg's wings were flapping because of the excitement the Genosian engineer had to feel too. He was already tapping away on his console, opening the plans of the CR90 that were available on the market. Quickly he isolated one of the turrets, and you all stared at the plans, searching for the energy conduct that had to be there.
"There! But it is labeled as an Emergency Power Line."
"You're right, Shen! And look at this, the generator for the turret. That's too small to power a turbolaser and more fitting for a DD turret. It's ridiculous! Why hasn't the Republic Overwatch Board done something about it?"
>>I think because it isn't against the regulations. It is an Emergency Power Line, according to the plans, and not forbidden by the regulations. You can't blame CEC for any modifications done by buyers of the CR90. It's a grey area, but basically they deliver ships with weak guns that conform to regulations and yet could be easily modified to be deadly. But who would be crazy to do something like this with an emergency system?<< Pinagg typed in some more commands, and the holonet sell-pitch of CEC appeared next to the plans. The Genosian gestured to it. >>They point out how reliable and safe the CR90 is, thanks to its specially hardened emergency powerlines.<<
"That is… it is… These Hutts!"
"Calm down, Shen, I know how you feel, but being angry won't bring us closer to a solution. How much planning do we have to do for a similar solution?"
>>Possible, we need to shift a few things around but nothing major. The real question should be: are we going to lower ourselves down that much? Or are we going to keep up our standard?<< Pinagg looked with disgust at the plans of the CR90. >>Personally, I think we shouldn't follow their example. This is the perfect example of Core World trickery the Mid- and Outer Rrim continues to suffer under. Yes, we could do it, but then we become part of the problem. Also, what guarantee do we have that the ORSF will accept such a solution? CEC has the luxury to build for a broad market. We're constructing three squadrons for a single customer. I think we shouldn't do it, as it isn't right. But if we truly consider it, we should ask Colonel Tarkin for his opinion. He is, after all, the one person who has the final say on the purchases.<<
You frowned at the Genosian and looked over to Shen, who simply shrugged. "That could be seen as a sign of weakness from our side by the Colonel."
>>Maybe, but I think we should do it. We're building these three squadrons just for the ORSF, as I said before. CEC has the luxury to do these underhanded tricks without asking anyone because they don't need to care for their customers.<<
"Shen, what do you think?"
"About what? If we can do it? Yes, it will take a bit of time and a change in our plans, but it should be possible. It will drive the price a bit up as we need to make some modifications to the turbolaser controls, but nothing major." The Duros shrugged again and then pointed with his head to his Genosian counterpart. "I don't think we need to inform Colonel Tarkin of these changes. If CEC does so regularly, we can assume it is the norm. But I don't think that it would be seen as a sign of weakness by him. In fact, it could be seen as a positive sign. You know, having the customer's wishes at heart and so on."
You leant back and decided to…
[ ] Ask for permission from Colonel Tarkin to make the changes.
[ ] Make the changes and continue with the project. Time was ticking.
[ ] Continue as your original plan called for.
This is Tarkin, the dude who plagerised the Expeditionary Battle Planetoid and gave it stupid engineering weaknesses that allowed a hotshot farmboy to drop a bomb down there and blow the whole thing up.
Informing him of anything regarding engineering is useless and would just give him leverage to screw us over.
Since it can't be fit into the ship without major consequences, could we strip out the turbo laser and instead go with an alternative heavy weapon? such as a torpedo or missile launcher? or would that not be viable?
Since it can't be fit into the ship without major consequences, could we strip out the turbo laser and instead go with an alternative heavy weapon? such as a torpedo or missile launcher? or would that not be viable?
1. does Dovar think it would be at all viable to replace the turbo laser with torpedoes in terms of role and stats? I ask because we have not seen their stats, so my guess they are size efficient but pricy could be wrong.
2. could we remove the turbo lasers to make space for torpedos?
essentially, my idea of tearing out the turbo laser and earmarking space for torpedoes would need us to know if that is viable now when we're deciding to tear out the turbolaser, so if we get to the Special Compartment step and find out its not viable, we're screwed.
If that's the system working as intended I'll accept it, but if not then we'd need access to at least basic info about torpedos while still tinkering with the weapons.
[X] Make the changes and continue with the project. Time was ticking.
Sometimes it's best to just take the worse option rather than delaying or meeting requirements. While you should generally avoid technical debt, we're far enough along that delaying isn't really worth it and we can take the hit.
1. does Dovar think it would be at all viable to replace the turbo laser with torpedoes in terms of role and stats? I ask because we have not seen their stats, so my guess they are size efficient but pricy could be wrong.
2. could we remove the turbo lasers to make space for torpedos?
1. Main Weapons are Laser Weapons of one kind or another, if that change you would see them in the "Weapon" step. Protontorpedos are at the moment seen as secondary weapons for big ships.
2. I assume you ask if you can remove the turbo lasers later on, you can do that if you want to. The question would by why you want to do it?
the lack of a second gun is only a problem if the ship is by itself, we're selling 3 squadrons of these things. Rather have a slightly less powerful ship that's more reliable than a stronger ship that's more likely to crap the bed.
When the Cornellian ships start popping from simply receiving hits to their guns (Which happens allot in the prequels and is a salient plotpoint in the final movie of the new trilogy... Cuz logic got F***d) then they will end up in hot water (They can bribe their way out of it though... Our Yard isn't even close to politically powerful enough for that.)
Better to look into miniturisation of tech after this then miniaturise the turret reactors and such. Either that or miniaturise other things enough to fit in the additional reactor assemblies anyway.
If it was for a ship like a fighter or a gun with engines I would say go for it... But with the Corvette? (Which NEEDS to succeed to guarentee additional military contracts?)
Nope. (Go safe and true here- We can always modernise it later on... when we can shrink the reactor tech enough)
Although... can we just incorperate a series of high power capacitor banks into the design in the special compartment? (It would mean the ship can support an additional turbolaser turret as its firing of stored power from that... I avoids the issue of feeding a direct line to the reactor as well as it goes through the Capitor bank so if a turret gets destroyed the Bank takes the backlash instead of the reactor...)
Tldr: Make a capacitor bank in special section (charges when ship out of combat) and link it to the second gun. If it gets blown up bank gets backlash instead of reactor so no Ship explosion)