There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

I neither reject Coruscant entirely, nor do I embrace it. I believe it's important to have a hand there. There's a lot that happens and a lot worth affecting. There's a lot of worlds where that's the case.

I just also believe that the Republic, centered in the Senate at Coruscant, is more likely to use their limited resources to draw a shield-wall around Coruscant than they are to altruistically protect people. It's in the nature of intelligent self-interested individuals to preserve themselves, and those with greater capability to protect themselves will do it better. We are Jedi. We can't be everywhere doing everything, but maybe we can do things the Republic can't. Or won't.
I'm not saying nothing whatsoever. I'm saying probably about five "regional" headquarters with Coruscant and Corellia serving us to not put all our eggs in either Core-shaped basket. Spreading out makes you far more resistant to a large-scale attack than forting up does.

Aaaaaand the QM comes in and puts his thumb on the scale with a couple of blatant strawmen. There's plenty going on in the Rim (Hutts, Mandalorians, Sith, etc.) and plenty of boring agriworlds to skip over. There's plenty of interesting dialogue in the core, and if you're going to tell me that it's an idealized central meeting ground where nobody with more ambitions than scruples pulled something to try to get ahead I will eat my pandemic mask.
There are plenty of ambitious, unscrupulous lackwits in the core. But you do not engage in powerplays with them; you arrest them. Because you are Jedi, and trying to play you is not a good idea.

As for the Rim, yes there is interesting stuff. But in both cases, you are Space-Samurai-Paladins with heavy firepower and a mystical connection to the universe, not the sort of people ratfuckers try to play into ratfucking with them.
Space-Samurai-Paladins with heavy firepower
...I thought our plan didn't go for the Letter of Marque for the military-grade ships?

Too many interesting options, not enough ability to actually pursue them. While this is a good problem, it is also hideously common in quests.

Maybe I'm getting tired of the quest genre.
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...I thought our plan didn't go for the Letter of Marque for the military-grade ships?
Mira runs around with a rocket launcher.

It's a small rocket launcher, but it's still a gd rocket launcher, and I would still consider that heavy firepower.

Which isn't even getting into the small arsenal you have even after Revan and the Exile poked through the choicest bits before yoloing out into the Unknown Regions.
Mira runs around with a rocket launcher.

It's a small rocket launcher, but it's still a gd rocket launcher, and I would still consider that heavy firepower.

Which isn't even getting into the small arsenal you have even after Revan and the Exile poked through the choicest bits before yoloing out into the Unknown Regions.
And I forgot about that.......:lol::rofl:
Mira runs around with a rocket launcher.

It's a small rocket launcher, but it's still a gd rocket launcher, and I would still consider that heavy firepower.

Which isn't even getting into the small arsenal you have even after Revan and the Exile poked through the choicest bits before yoloing out into the Unknown Regions.
Yeah, yeah, you've seen one Mandalorian Heavy Repeating Blaster, you've deflected its shots back at its owner because you're a Jedi and made sure he never gets an itchy trigger finger again because he's stopped having've seen them all. Yes, technically, well-armed enough to supply a decent-size mercenary company after all the looting of Revan and Meetra. But because Lightsaber + The Force is so powerful, it's almost all worthless.

One ship with a couple of guns. One armory that has anybody's weapon of choice in it, because it has one of almost anything.

Unless we're going to found the Antarian Rangers with that armory to provide some support to patrols, and have a squad of Rangers count as C2 W0 S2 D2 V2 H2? (Roughly, a "generic" Jedi Knight made out of a dozen armed and trained troops.) It's like handing Thor a FAL--yes, technically it's a nice weapon, but he's got a nice weapon already and a lot of other nice things he can do, such that "actually use a normal weapon" isn't even the third-best option.

...come to think of it, if that arsenal's been there the whole time, why haven't we had the option to develop the Antarian Rangers?
[X] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least.
It would be interesting if the Coruscant Temple were some sort of specialist facility for Jedi that focused on a diplomatic role, thanks to the adjacency of the Senate, and perhaps Jedi that focused on research, thanks to the archive.
As you walk past the tent cities where refugees of the Mandalorian wars, and the Dark Wars, and a thousand other petty wars, watch your every move; the weight of responsibility seems to belt itself about your wrists like the manacles of duty. Most of them have elected gainful employment, helping you restore the Temple back to its full glory.
That's good, giving them employment.
From the corner of your eye, you watch Mikal look,
You're a pretty mangy bunch all told. Most days you still run around in a workman's shirt and pants, usually with suspenders; Atton traipses about in robes that seem more Sith like than most of the shit the Sith have been wearing recently; Brianna in her mother's old robes; Mira in what you're 99% sure are a set of robes stolen from Zez-Kai Ell's safehouse on Nar Shadda; The Disciple, dressed in what you're 100% sure are robes stolen from Onderon; and Visas, still looking like a Sith Assassin. Of the eight of you, only Juhani and Bastila seem relatively Jedi-like in appearance.
Heh, what a ragtag bunch.
The inner council chamber is a simple, austere room; and the eight of you take your seats, with yourself at the center and the rest fanning out, four on each side. Conspicuously leaving four seats, fit for a full Council, empty.

It does not matter how you look.

For you have proven the General right, her faith justified.
Welcome back, Jedi.

[X] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least. (???)

I think we should stay on Dantooine still and think about maybe moving to Coruscant or other planet after the the Order is larger and we've had time to actually fix the local facilities.
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[x] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least. (???)

My heart tells me to chart a different path from canon and keep the Council in a place closer to nature and more autonomous from the Republic government.
[x] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least.
[X] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least.

"Go with your heart", the QM says, and as much as Coruscant evokes this, Dantooine feels like the right place.
Too many interesting options, not enough ability to actually pursue them. While this is a good problem, it is also hideously common in quests.

Maybe I'm getting tired of the quest genre.
Just live multiple timelines at once, then you can have all options.

(I wish I could live multiple timelines)

Vote with your heart....

[X] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least. (???)
I think it's time we leave Dantooine behind in terms of HQ, but I don't think Coruscant is the best fit. Thematically, maybe Telos, if not the old irrigation system. Or Empress Teta, given its historical Jedi ties. I do prefer Coruscant to Dantooine, but if we're gonna get the option to go somewhere else if we pick Dantooine...

[X] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least. (???)

I do also feel I should point out that the Rim has its major melting pots too, and certainly much more than its reputational 'literal pile of dirt' - that's fairly consistently a Core snobbish bias. We could also split the difference and go for somewhere in the Expansion Region and/or colonies.

I do like the idea of regional 'HQ' setups, though we will still need one single place the council can meet.
[X] The Jedi High Council will remain centered on Dantooine, for the moment at least.
[X] The Jedi High Council will move to Coruscant. (???)

I originally wanted to go with Dantooine, but in all honesty the arguments against Coruscant convinced my heart to go with it, so... 🤷‍♀️