Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Weren't most of the girls who arose during the crisis supposed to go back to normal afterwards?

I'm also somewhat of the opinion we've focused too heavily on housing as it is, but it's hard to say.
Our housing sucks, big time. We have MGs camping outside. We have them double and tripple stacked in our rooms. Our kitchen can't feed everyone, our plumbing can't handle everyone, and amenities like our shower are being stretched as far as they can. And if you go into the spreadsheet, while it says we have multiple cleared 2nd floor rooms, in the "temporary rooming arangements"we can see that none of those 2nd floor rooms are actually being used right now. And that's just not good enough; we have multiple non-residential rooms crowding the 1st floor as is. We don't just need a ton more building upgrades; we need space to put those upgrades in, and right now even just the 2nd floor isn't really accessible enough to use.

I understand why you missed it since a lot of people are focused on the healing part but a large point of the Purification is Sanitation.

The second option was less ambitious, but still an increase in power for the hostel: an Area of Purification. Health and wellness was hard to keep up in the still-blighted squalor of the hotel, and the complaints about how you were collectively handling sewage had been legendary when Calypso lost her temper in the mess hall one day. Equally importantly, this would work for spiritual purification as well, meaning that some of the more deliberating wounds that the girls had suffered and scarred over could possibly worked on- including, a part of your mind insisted, Jocelyne's.

Housing is important as you said and we have a chance to install less broken plumbing now not later. I'd take somewhat cramped but with working toiletries over space and horrid shower any time.
Very much this. We've been arguing for quite a while about what we've been doing wrong and why,but all we really know is that we apparently have done something wrong.

Maybe there's a disconnect between what the players think the purpose of the quest is, and what the QM made the quest for? My current understanding of the purpose of the quest is
1. To have fun
2. As a morality story to show why the whole 'pull yourself up by your boostraps' thing doesn't actually work in real life.

If the primary purpose is 1, then optimize paperclip is a viable strategy as long as it's done in a way the QM enjoys. If 2 is more important though, it stands to reason that paperclipping isn't reasonable since you can't paperclip in real life. Or perhaps there's a completely different purpose for this quest. @7734 would you care to inform us of this? I think it would at least make it easier for us to understand why 'optimize paperclip' is bad here.
This. This would be extremely helpful.
I can understand not allowing paperclip maximization even if write-ins are allowed, and this highlights an excellent reason why it could be that way.
I understand why you missed it since a lot of people are focused on the healing part but a large point of the Purification is Sanitation.

Housing is important as you said and we have a chance to install less broken plumbing now not later. I'd take somewhat cramped but with working toiletries over space and horrid shower any time.
I remember one of the things holding back use of the second floor was the difficulty changing out the tanks on the water dispensers. A multi-gallon jug of water is heavy and carrying a whole bunch of them up a flight of stairs each day is exhausting. Even if we hired someone to do it full-time, it wouldn't really be workable for more than a few upstairs rooms unless we could load a bunch of those containers on a cart and take them all up at once using an elevator.

That's sort-of a utility, and it's one that gets enabled by the elevator. Also makes it easier to get all the pipes and things we'd need for the mundane part of plumbing up to each floor.

Get the elevator in to make using the upper floors feasible, and we can start fixing the mundane issues with labor-for-rent deals while fixing the arcane side using the other options.
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I understand why you missed it since a lot of people are focused on the healing part but a large point of the Purification is Sanitation.

The sanitation getting so bad is one of the reasons I want the elevator. We just don't have enough space to make better plumbing. The Aura would help with sanitation, eventually, but it wouldn't help with the underlying cause. The elevator improves our building upgrades, and it comes online sooner. Don't just address the symptom when we can tackle the cause directly.
It depends on what you decide to do with him. Some stuff compounds a lot harder than others, in order from most the least being the Paternoster, the Condenser, the finished Purity Chamber, followed by a pair of cardboard boxes full of scrap iron, and then literally any step of the unfinished Purity Chamber.

The Paternoster has a bigger effect than the Purity Chamber, and it has a bigger effect while it's being built whils the Purity Chamber has no effect until it's finished.
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Very much this. We've been arguing for quite a while about what we've been doing wrong and why,but all we really know is that we apparently have done something wrong.

I don't think we did anything wrong? I think there's actually a note from the QM: "votes called, and I've decided to ratchet the plot a little. Don't worry, this isn't your fault. Probably."

The lesson I'm learning is that taking the less-risky option doesn't work because the bad stuff will happen anyway just to keep the story interesting.

Screw it. I'm gonna argue/ramble for the stupid frigging elevator.

I think you've convinced me. We've built enough weapons. We can focus on quality-of-life stuff for a bit.

[X] Build a Room
- [X] Magical Paternoster: Allows full utility for upper floors.
The sanitation getting so bad is one of the reasons I want the elevator. We just don't have enough space to make better plumbing. The Aura would help with sanitation, eventually, but it wouldn't help with the underlying cause. The elevator improves our building upgrades, and it comes online sooner. Don't just address the symptom when we can tackle the cause directly.

I think you are betting very very hard on a building upgrade from the mystery bag being sanitation and quickly.

I also question your reasoning of sanitation being a symptom. The point of running water and pipes first and foremost is sanitation. Hot showers and the like are gravy.

Ignoring the sanitation situation is like ignoring a hole in the roof actively pouring water in.

The Paternoster has a bigger effect than the Purity Chamber, and it has a bigger effect while it's being built whils the Purity Chamber has no effect until it's finished.

Compounds is not the same thing as effect.

No question that having a working elevator allows more stuff to build on it. It opens up the top floors. Thing is the Purity chamber doesn't have to be capable of multiplying the effects of things later on to be a prize.

For most of human history most casualties of war was disease and infection not combat. Hell the death toll of the Flu of 1918 in the US tops the deaths of the Second World War handily. Sanitation isn't a minor note it's a huge deal!

The elevator let's us build up. The Purity Chamber stops one of our repeated specters dead in its tracks.
Switching my vote.

[X] Build a Room
-[X] Area of Purification: Increase item yields, grants health benefits.

Because I'm hoping when it's done it'll be done and our helpers are throwing fits over hauling the shit out of rooms. (Calypso having thrown a fit big enough to persuade Homer that it may be a priority.)
Six votes for the Paternoster. Since the vote's open long enough for things to turn around, I'm keeping my vote where it is.
Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Jul 16, 2020 at 8:33 AM, finished with 176 posts and 41 votes.
Ignoring the sanitation situation is like ignoring a hole in the roof actively pouring water in.

From my perspective, it's that there are several holes in the roof, and the choice is between focusing on just that one hole in the roof, or letting it pour a bit longer so we can get some help in patching all of them up.

Even if a new crafter sticks with making gear, that's still someone keeping the girls equipped so Medicine Boy can focus on infrastructure stuff.

(I've been getting back into Frostpunk a bit, helps with getting into the right mindset. Also the next expansion is supposed to be coming out soonish, so I may as well knock some rust off)
From my perspective, it's that there are several holes in the roof, and the choice is between focusing on just that one hole in the roof, or letting it pour a bit longer so we can get some help in patching all of them up.

Even if a new crafter sticks with making gear, that's still someone keeping the girls equipped so Medicine Boy can focus on infrastructure stuff.
Just a reminder that the only other artificer that MB knows of is Homer, and he can only make bombs. Making multiple workshops possible is no guarantee that a new artificer is just going to drop on our lap.
Just a reminder that the only other artificer that MB knows of is Homer, and he can only make bombs. Making multiple workshops possible is no guarantee that a new artificer is just going to drop on our lap.

We do know (OOC) that there's an outfit crafter in the area - and one member of their group knows we exist.
I see it more prepping the space and sticking a Help Wanted sign in the window. The notice may or may not get back to her in a timely fashion, but at the same time there could well be other crafters in the area that we don't know about.

It's a risk, but it's one I'm more than willing to take. If we want to make any actual headway, we're going to need more than just Medicine Boy and Homer chipping away at things.
Well, as much as I'd prefer our friendly magical elevator addition, Area of Purification is my second choice. The sanitation and health benefits could ease stress on the Magical Girls, with human needs. Might not affect dice rolls, but it sure makes for a more friendly home base of operations.
[X] Build a Room
-[X] Area of Purification: Increase item yields, grants health benefits.

Not gonna lie, medical and sanitation are two of our weakest points, and having one room that can arguably fix both problems is worth a lot.
[X] Build a Room
-[X] Area of Purification: Increase item yields, grants health benefits.

Not gonna lie, medical and sanitation are two of our weakest points, and having one room that can arguably fix both problems is worth a lot.

Especially as it's not the Magical girls who we should be most worried about on this front but our human staff.
My concern with the Area of Purification... it takes extra time, and it also consumes the workspace slot. So... basically it gives us nothing until it's done, and in order to get it done, we have to lock medicine boy out of his workshop... or else we have to put it on hold partway through, and continue getting no benefit from it (and possibly an upkeep cost) while we do other things.

Also, it's really very clear that "Bombs" is not the only thing that Homer can do with his workshop. He can also do critical magical infrastructure.