Not true at all.We made Wands twice because we wanted to give our in-residence MGs more firepower. If we sell our worse wand for a high price to adisguised catnon-local, are we really going to turn around and sell our better wand to a local MG and for a cheaper price? That's going to lower our reputation quite a bit I think, if we do sell it to a local girl instead of another veteran who might be powerful enough to not need one.
Mistletoe's artifacts are a fair trade since we can research them to upgrade our skill level. And Mistletoe herself is in need of something to keep her alive and safe. Elise... not so much. Besides, it's not really an auction when we can sell it to anyone we choose,
We're an artisanal producer, preferentially selling to a girl with a preexisting relationship over a better price from a stranger is nothing unusual...AND the local girl can sell her time or try to use a line of credit(should we extend such), while the outsider can't.
And even then all the outsider has to win the bid is to offer something that's not just more valuable, but more useful(see the Car, which we could use to move equipment beyond one person's carrying capacity, and possibly allow the local girls to bring back more loot if they had a getaway car instead of hoofing it with plastic bags.