While I'm thinking on it,
@7734 could we start researching our mooglet's, ah magical shrapnel this turn, or do we need to vote to keep her around first? I get the feeling that it's sorta time sensitive.
I think it's more that it's just going to be justification for whatever happens.
She survived almost unscathed from almost accidentally being a ritual sacrifice to trick three terribly powerful curses into neutering themselves, and suffered one shallow wound for each curse destroyed and still bears the fragments within them.
She basically graduated from 'Rando victim' to "Notable" in that sense. We're deciding if we're willing to invest in the development of that 'Notable' for better or worse (And since a core conceit of this game is dragging the genre scale from Pitchdark to Rainbowshine, it's unlikely that this is hopeless), if we're willing to delegate that to fate, or if we're going to crush that 'Notability' in the crib and accept the consequences of doing so.
Personally, one of the things I noted in the first bit is that
something about how Magical Girls are forced to fight neuters their magic in some fundamental way, gives them great fighting potential but ensures that the things they do can never
last, and that Medicine Boy never having turned his craft to direct battle is important because it means that he a capacity to build that most MGs don't.
So Mooglet here
Might be a Magical Girl, or she might become one if we throw her out, but investing in her might also mean that she goes down the Support Tree as well, and we can sure as
hell use more assistants with the everloving torrent of entropy we've got to hack our way through.
Like, even if her specialty just ends up being something like "Curse Eating", that's a potential gamechanger given how many assholes seem to love spitting curses out because 'hey it's free real estate and the costs aren't bad given our goals and intentions'