Magical Girl Home Base Quest

People are going for wands because they're the basics and more important than trinkets, if you don't got anything. You can see what I just writted up there, but the fact is that it doesn't matter how long a trinket last, if a girl is caught alone without means to fight. There is a reason why our pair of MGs are known to work as a pair, most MGs don't, the work alone. So, weapon comes first, extras come later.
Trinkets are able to function for attack, in addition they have uses outside of attack. We also have a T3 wand to sell the coming week as well.
People are missing several pieces of equipment, but trinkets most of the time can win fights by themselves, neither can costumes. Only wands are, as said repeatedly and ignored repeatedly, the basic tool for MGs, their bread and butter. A good argument for the Calypso one, was that they were going into a big battle, and even if the trinket couldn't attack she would be useful in the battle with it. That's not anymore the case, most of the time MGs work alone, and having cool tricks but no attacks when alone mean death, not hurt, but direct death. So wands ARE more important.
As a counterpoint, both Sophia and Eowyn are Skill type girls who can function without equipment, and Trinkets have been said to synergize with Skills.
[X] Wand
-[X] Level 2

Did everyone else miss the multiple cases of "I" in the update? A person narrating the events and directly talking to us?

Lunch was a quick affair, and true to my word you did bring back a jug of water.

I should probably have been concerned that at some point Jocelyn had managed to ditch her hand and arm manacles, but the neck one held firm by dint of the fact I had rebuilt the lock.

Our thoughts hit the same point at the same time. "Glass!"
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Trinkets are able to function for attack, in addition they have uses outside of attack. We also have a T3 wand to sell the coming week as well.

Not all trinkets. For example, Calypso's is not for attack, it has no attacking function (do not misunderstand with offensive function). And as seen by our T3 wand the sword, wands also have extra functions, like defending. I mean, the main reason you want a good weapon IRL is because it can take more hits, and better get through passive defences. Trinkets are NOT the have all do all, each piece of equipment has their use, and the use of trinkets is "Making existing things better and giving new options". While the use for a wand is "The main tool for fighting as Magical Girls".

By the way, having one T3 wand to sell to three people needing it (maybe two, if you want Sofia to rely on her limited daily uses special) is not good, and just means we need more of them.

As a counterpoint, both Sophia and Eowyn are Skill type girls who can function without equipment, and Trinkets have been said to synergize with Skills.

I can just go back to my previous argument, that tricks instead of weapon won't save your life, but how about I get to this in point. Sophia has a limited use of her skill, and if her uses are used up, then she can't fight. It's a strong skill, but limited, and should be treated as a renewable bomb, not a main weapon. Eowyn... Do we even know WHAT she does? But, even if we don't, she ASKED FOR A WAND. I'm pretty sure she knows what's more essential for her than we do.

Picking up the blade in your workshop, you carefully sounded it out with your power. Still hellishly cursed, still liable to try and kill anyone who came into your workshop, still legally able to be lain in sheathe if you needed to. Three curses, each worse than the last lain in it. First, to cause thrice works of great evil and doom among Man. Second, to cause death every time drawn, to the point of madness. Third, to kill the wielder.

No pressure here, none at all. Laying it out on a table, you pulled out the butcher paper, and started drawing. If you analyzed the sword like a wand, then the metal itself was the rod of the tool, while the three curses were core, focus, and binder. The first step, then, would be to unfasten the binder.

The issue was, what was the physical manifestation of the binding? The blade itself was the core, while the ever-sharp and blood-seeking edge was the focus, and the physical metal was the rod. Something that tied it all together- the handle, perhaps? It was worth a shot, and to start you wrapped the blade in a cloth and put it in your vice. You'd need heat to get the golden hilt off, which would in turn call for a tool. Just… urg. You had this furnace here, but this damn sword was throwing off the sort of rage and horror you weren't willing to possibly taint it by using this. A small barrel fire? No, that wouldn't work. Checking a clock, you noted it was nearly ten at night, so you tabled the project for tomorrow morning.

As you awoke, you remembered that the girls mostly did their work at night, where you couldn't see it. Why did you need to remember this?

"AHHH! Anyone, help! They've kidnaped-"

A sharp thud came from the lobby, and you just pulled on your pants sadly. Was this going to be a mess? Survey said yes, but the sound of gunshots going off outside as some cop raided a crack house a few blocks down meant it would be an easily disguised mess. When you reached the commotion, you had to stare at the audacity of it- a chained-up Alchemist in a battered wooly greatcoat that was completely out of season, unwashed green hair, and her nightclothes. A handful of socks served as a new gag, and a faint haze over her eyes showed Trompdoy's influence as the cackling Magical Girl let her mind wander.

"Hey, Medicine Boy! We got you a present!" Eowyn called out raucously. Walking up to her, she presented you with a leather belt, holster, and inside some plastic pistol you didn't recognize. "It came with a free Alchemist attached even!"

Your stare could pierce the heavens. "Why. Literally why."

"Well, we figured you'd appreciate a way to defend the motel…"

"I'm not talking about this-" you said, punctuating it with a wave of the gun belt, "-but rather her."

"You are breaking a curse designed to kill people, Medicine Boy." Trompdoy said, smirking. "We just brought you an emergency sword-sheathing component if something goes wrong."

You raised your nonexistent index finger, fluttered your hand around, and dropped it.

"Put her in the workshop and chain her to a chair or something." You finally sighed. "Presumably, she'll know something about making cursed items, and we can use her to help reverse-engineer this."

"Or kill her?"

Putting your head in your hands, you groaned. "Can we try not to kill people please? It's bad for business and I can't get rid of a corpse."

"Fair enough."

While you got to work making breakfast and Homer got told the Library was Off Limits due to delicate thaumaturgy happening, the Alchemist was transported to your workshop. As much as you dreaded going in, eventually you bit the bullet and opened the door.

Your first thought was that the girls were paranoid. The folding chair they'd used had been chained to a spare bag of concrete, the Alchemist's legs were hobbled, and her hands were locked up in front of her at the wrists and elbows. Worse, they'd thrice wrapped her neck in a chain and tied that to an eyebolt in a floor member for the next story up for when you inevitably needed a block and tackle. They hadn't even removed the gag! Pulling the mess of socks out, you stared at the Alchemist, daring her to open her mouth.

"So." You grumbled. "Have a name?"

It was a moment before she answered. "Scullery Apprentice."


She tried to shrug. "I washed the glassware. My brother joined up, dragged me into it. I just did scutwork for them, the lessons never stuck. Sometimes tested a potion?"

You stared at her, practically smelling the falsehood coming off her. "Alright then." you said, grabbing a container of arcane water, and popping the top off. With your back turned to her, you poured in some vodka, a big squeeze of sweet almond extract, a pinch of cardomon, and for added measure you poured out a capful of bleach on to the table. Spinning it idly to mix the ingrediants, you felt an inkling of power whip around the bottle, before going inert at the incomplete mess in the bottle.

"Well then, drink this." You said, grinning maniacly. As the Alchemist smelled the bleach, her face paled a tad.

"Don't you need me alive?" she asked.

"Oh, this won't kill you." You said sweetly, uncorking the bottle and waving it under her nose. One thing not many people mentioned often? Arsenic smelled like sweet almonds, and you just so happened to have a can of rat poison on your desk.

"Are- are you nuts?" the girl yelled, trying to leap away from you on the chair. As she cleared the seat and got choked by the ceiling chain, you smirked. "That's got rat poison in it! You bastard, everyone knows to mask with bleach-"

Your smile was visible from orbit as you gave her the finger and slugged down half the mess. It tasted like shit, but all arcane potions did. "Want to retry your story?"

"…motherfucker." The Alchemist muttered. "Sweet almond?"

"If you didn't smell the bleach you'd have realized it sooner." You said, shrugging. "So I'm going to stick with the presumption you do in fact know what you're doing."

"In which case, fuck you, and yeah. I was part of Sustainment."

Laughing, you looked at the viced-up sword. "I don't suppose you have any hints on cursebreaking?"

"Boyo, I barely even know how we curse shit. Normally they just duplicate something from a master artifact, and presto there we go."

Nodding, you went over to your butcher paper and started scribbling. If it was a duplication, then copy errors would creep in. Going back over to the sword, you went back to thinking. If there were copy errors, they'd probably start cropping up first in minor systems and unrelated programs to the main design functionality.

Time to light the oven and the forge. Going over to the rebar, you quickly selected some short rods, and a few bracket plates to make a small, sword-sized cage. Wrapping it in tin foil liberally, you tossed it in Oven 1: this would become your safety liner for this job. Oven 2, meanwhile, would shortly be dedicated to cooking you a more esoteric gadget, as you got another chunk of the rebar stock and started making parallel loops of #4 wire. You needed a welder to make this really good, but some magical flux would work for the job. To work on this, you needed a sensor you could use while diagraming faults and errors- your diagnostic senses weren't fast enough. Likewise, you'd also need a diagram of elements to fuck around with to control your curse moderation and proliferation, but that could come in a minute. If everything came to plan, you'd stick the sword through the hoops, and oh! Indicator, right, something to indicate… eh, two strings of old-ass Christmas lights would work. Working them through, you blinked when the Alchemist started talking.

"I've never actually seen an Artificer work before." She said, shrugging. "It's intruiging, how you turn junk into tools."

"You ain't seen nothing yet, then." You grinned. Satisfied with your curse-ometer, you threw it in Oven 2 and got to work on the control array. A few planks, some chalked-out dials, and a hot chisel from your forge let you sear the sympathetic array into the boards, before you pinned in the dial needles and slung them in Oven 3.

Since these were diagnostic instruments, the arcane draw wasn't too bad, but when everything was done the rig looked about as shaky as it felt. The sensor held all lights blue for no item, green for no curse, orange for magic, and red for curse with the rest of the rainbow flickering around for reasons undetermined. The gauges on your not-quite-an-Ouija board barely synched up to the sensor, the sympathetic rune trying to code 'purple' as 'bottleneck' for some reason in determining magical flow, and it took nearly an hour to finish the oven cage.

"So walk me through this." The Alchemist said, sighing.

"It's simple." You said, rolling your hands. "I heat up the sword to get all the magic free-floating and disjointed, then I shove it in the sensor while I pick it apart."

"And how are you going to get at the magecraft inside it?"

"Probably an empathetic circle, and if that doesn't work I have detonite ampules and sulfuric acid."

"You mad bastard." The Alchemist said, grinning. "If this kills me, write 'Jocelyn' on my tombstone."

"Great." You grumbled. "Well, I'm gonna get lunch while this heats up."

"Can I get some water?"


Lunch was a quick affair, and true to my word you did bring back a jug of water. Once the sword was heated up through the oven protector, you then set up the cherry blocks in the sensor, and in went the sword. Right off the bat, it was screaming- evil, evil, evil; straight into the detectors. Once the hilt came off, though, and was put straight back in the oven shield to cook down, things started clearing up.

"Okay, so the board is diagnostic only." You muttered. "I'll have to change this manually. Hand me some chopsticks."

You should probably have been concerned that at some point Jocelyn had managed to ditch her hand and arm manacles, but the neck one held firm by dint of the fact you had rebuilt the lock.

"Chopsticks." She said, handing them over. Spitting on the ends, you reached in, feeling the heat of the sword as the curses resisted their undoing. The last curse had been undone, thankfully, but the madness was still in there going strong.

"I need toothpaste, a brush, and a beaker of arcane water."

A minute later the supplies were on the table next to you. Putting the toothpaste on the brush and swirling it in the charged water, you felt it pick up that slight metaphysical oomph you'd need, before sticking it in. If you did this right, you could polish the curse up, without working on the underlying magic.

"oh, fuck." You muttered as the ring went red, two went yellow, one went purple, and your chopstick got the shit blasted out of it. Moving back to the board, you worked the signal noise out, before you grinned.

"We get it?"

"We got the madness it looks like." You said, squinting. "Those evil deeds are in deep."

"Try a metal pick?"

"I need an insulator, not a conductor."

"A metal pick on a stick then."

"Then you lose the connectivity both ways, and it stops picking and starts probing!"

Joselyn blinked, and nodded. "Right, uh…"

"It needs to be sharp…"

Our thoughts hit the same point at the same time. "Glass!"

Rummaging through your drawers for a whiskey bottle, you chucked it in Oven 2 for a minute while you found a string and some vinegar. Once it was warm and in a pan, you put on some thermal gloves with the correct missing fingers and snapped the neck off cleanly, before subdividing the bottle in four. A few minutes of flintknapping later, and you had a workable knife that just needed a little handle duct tape.

Once that was done, you went back to work with a vigor, the glass sinking into the magical matrices of the sword as you pumped power into it. "steady, steady…"

"Readings are good…" Jocelyn muttered. "Still orange across the board… red on four."

"Red on four?" you groused. "I thought four was set?"

"I'm telling you what the board says. I think it's a conditional spool you knocked loose."

"Fuck this…" you muttered, getting a chopstick to poke ring four's spellwork with. As the tip of your probe entered, you gulped. That was a strong arcane pull.

"DUCK!" you yelled, as the sword exploded. As a piece creased your brow and Joselyn screamed, Homer came running in.

Don't have the time to point them all out, bit there were a lot of places you slipped into first person narration in this update, mostly in the first part of it.
Did everyone else miss the multiple cases of "I" in the update? A person narrating the events and directly talking to us?
I think that is more the QM slipping up and writing in first person. Maybe they are more used to the latter or something like that.

After some deliberation, I have to say I do agree with the sentiment that Wands are more more important generally. Especially if one of the girls where both Wand and Trinket are missing asked for the former.

What I see repeated here is that "T3 Trinkets are generally stronger and [insert variation of "you can hit people with a spade" the QM used to describe it before]", which is partly true... but not every Trinket has obvious offensive functions (case in point, Calypso's does not). MC is also limited on resources, so making another Wand or two sounds like the better plan right now, with Trinkets or Costumes following once everyone on the roster has a reliable means of attack.

A bunch of bombs come with either, so the girls who have no Costume or Trinket can also take one of those just in case.
(The reverse argument, take a bomb if you have no wand, runs into the same problem as Sofia's special ability: severely limited uses; a bomb is good to get out of a tight spot, not for constant fighting)

At least that is my take on the whole matter.
I can just go back to my previous argument, that tricks instead of weapon won't save your life, but how about I get to this in point. Sophia has a limited use of her skill, and if her uses are used up, then she can't fight. It's a strong skill, but limited, and should be treated as a renewable bomb, not a main weapon. Eowyn... Do we even know WHAT she does? But, even if we don't, she ASKED FOR A WAND. I'm pretty sure she knows what's more essential for her than we do.
Honest question, when did Eowyn ask for a wand? I just reread the last two updates and haven't seen it.

Eowyn is the Rider and has been described as summoning a mount. Since summons are part of the Trinket line and she doesn't have one, I'm pretty sure that's a Skill.
Honest question, when did Eowyn ask for a wand? I just reread the last two updates and haven't seen it.

Eowyn is the Rider and has been described as summoning a mount. Since summons are part of the Trinket line and she doesn't have one, I'm pretty sure that's a Skill.
From week 2.
"Well, you need to get working on some merch!" Eowyn said, waving a chunk of wonderbread around. "I'm gonna need a new wand soon, and my denims are getting beat up."
She also could have said that because fireworks are how we got the name sevenfingers.
That's not true, though. We lost our fingers messing around with magic and an explosion happened. It's possible fireworks were involved but they aren't specifically mentioned as far as I can tell. So it's more likely she's referring to the incident we know fireworks were involved with.
This might be me just looking into this too deep, but it is interesting that the accident that left us with exactly seven fingers, since when it comes to mysticism and spiritualism, seven is a very important number.

Seven is often associated with intuition, mysticism, inner wisdom, and a deep inward knowing. It is combination of 4 (hardwork) and 3 (mysticism and creativity). It is also a very important number in most major religions. For example, in Judeo-Christianism seven is directly tied to the God's creation work and denotes spiritual perfection.

Considering that we're a crafter, it makes you think.
As for Jocelyn, I feel we should probably at least have a go at reform. Throwing her out would only result in alchemists knowing more about us, and we can't afford that. We could just kill her, which isn't unviable, but is a dick move and a half.
That does make the presumption the Alchemists reach her first- considering how hard they're being pressed, it's entirely likely a different group gets to her and steals her away. Remember what happened to Calypso, after all.
I'm voting for the trinket because I want to give it to Trompdoy so she stops almost dying.
I mean she didn't almost die this time!
(which just so happens to correspond to one fragment per curse)
Good catch!
Only if you can find your way into the Madness Place.
@7734 Can we ask the magical girls not to bring us human sacrifices in the future?
Yes, but effectiveness will vary. There's probably a tier list for that sort of thing I could do, but I can't be arsed to find art for all the girls. Getting something for Trompdoy (the quest header image) was hard enough!
Not chancing magic zombies in the neighbourhood, no way.
Wrong branch of enemies; zombie hordes would come from Demonic or Witch magic, not Alchemical creation.
I have the feeling Alchemists are more in line to Nasuverse Magi than fantasy Necromancers, viewing humanity as resources or obstacles instead of any real malice
On one hand you're right in that Alchemists aren't inimical to human life; on the other hand you're wrong about why. Alchemists, in the end, are all about the power their creations let them have. If all of humanity dies, then why would they continue working? To what end would their deeds have effect?
Why are you so killmurder happy? Did an alchemist kick your dog?
You were working on a copy- and not a bad copy at that- of Tyrfang. A sword that destroyed at least three kingdoms, killed dozens of royalty, and won a battle that left the rivers of the Carpathian plain filled with dead men and horses alike. Removing the death-madness of such a powerful weapon will always be a bitch and a half.
Not sure why people are going for wands since those dont last as long. Also what did homer get up to this week? And spreadsheet does not show a third cleared room on the 2nd floor which Calypso is supposed to be doing
The question is,which of these is the least terrible option.
Also, what was that gun that Eowyn bought us, and what did Homer do this week?
Homer furnished another room, and the gun doesn't matter.

Seriously- Medicine Boy can't use it. It's a modern semiautomatic, which are infamously difficult for people with hand damage to use. He can't shoot it right-handed, because he'd have to work the trigger with the middle finger which gets his hand potentially in the way of the slide and means control loss since his strongest finger is now the trigger finger and not controlling the gun. He can't shoot it left-handed, since we're back to control issues and now he's only got one finger (middle) and thumb trying to hold on to the damn thing and control it. I can do that, because I have giant hands, great grip strength, and am an Expert Marksman in pistol- and I'll shoot like shit doing it. Medicine Boy doesn't have that skill or strength, so he won't even try.

she's definitely concealing at least some of her powers.
I mean you say that like everybody isn't doing it to some extent. When we get to Week 13, if Trompdoy and Eowyn survive you are going to love figuring out what their S2 transformation sequences say about their powers.
She also could have said that because fireworks are how we got the name sevenfingers.
That's not true, though. We lost our fingers messing around with magic and an explosion happened. It's possible fireworks were involved but they aren't specifically mentioned as far as I can tell. So it's more likely she's referring to the incident we know fireworks were involved with.
While it's not mentioned in-narrative yet, consider what Medicine Boy could have done with an explosion to take off his right index, left pinkie, and left ring fingers all at the same time and what sort of hand placement you'd be looking at for that.
Did everyone else miss the multiple cases of "I" in the update? A person narrating the events and directly talking to us?
That was a typological error, since I was coming off writing Diamonds to Rust and was tired enough to not take a good break to shift stylistic gears. Incidentally, everyone should go read Diamonds to Rust before I finish it and take it down so I can shop it to an agent.
Sofia has a limited use of her skill, and if her uses are used up, then she can't fight.
Not really. Just because she blows her daily doesn't make her helpless, and there's no such thing as a defenseless magical girl. Remember you have very incomplete knowledge on what any given magical girl can do, so don't try and extrapolate what an elephant looks like from feeling it's trunk.
but not every Trinket has obvious offensive functions (case in point, Calypso's does not)
I mean if you call a Trinket that basically halves casting time on something, like, say, ELDRITCH BLAST or FIREBALL to be non-obvious offensive functionality, ok? Not all spellwork is the big ritual shit like Homer likes to get up to- a lot of it is a scrawl on the wall or a series of hand-signs and there you go, effect on target.
I mean if you call a Trinket that basically halves casting time on something, like, say, ELDRITCH BLAST or FIREBALL to be non-obvious offensive functionality, ok? Not all spellwork is the big ritual shit like Homer likes to get up to- a lot of it is a scrawl on the wall or a series of hand-signs and there you go, effect on target.
That is not an offensive function, though. It just makes an existing offensive function better.
And my point was about direct offensive capabilities, not synergy.
That is not an offensive function, though. It just makes an existing offensive function better.
And my point was about direct offensive capabilities, not synergy.
Does that distinction matter though? A better offense is a better offense. Whether it be in the form of a new kind of offense (supernaturally sharp and accurate magic cutting sword) or an improvement of existing offense (halved casting time) the end result is the same; the Magical Girl is better at killing things.

I'm not saying the Wand is a bad choice, it may even be the best choice, but it isn't fair to dismiss Trinkets due to not providing offensive capabilities when they apparently do.
You were working on a copy- and not a bad copy at that- of Tyrfang. A sword that destroyed at least three kingdoms, killed dozens of royalty, and won a battle that left the rivers of the Carpathian plain filled with dead men and horses alike. Removing the death-madness of such a powerful weapon will always be a bitch and a half.
...Did we just exorcise the spirit of Vigo the Carpathian from it?
Homer furnished another room, and the gun doesn't matter.
That's good to know.
I won't be sad if a wand wins, but I'm still voting for a Trinket for Trompdoy because she needs some safety margin given how often the dice seem to try to kill her. Or Maim her. One of the two.
I mean you say that like everybody isn't doing it to some extent. When we get to Week 13, if Trompdoy and Eowyn survive you are going to love figuring out what their S2 transformation sequences say about their powers.

Yeah, she seriously needs something so she stops getting megahurt. I'd be tempted to build her a Tier 1 costume if our Tier 3 Trinkets weren't probably the better option. Heck, we might want to build her a costume anyways despite the action crunch.

Edit: Quoted the wrong post! Aaand I don't remember which one I intended to quote. Whoops!
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The important part is that the Trinket is the general purpose tool.
It could be used for almost any role. Its not super amazing at every role, a Trinket isn't going to be as good as a Wand at putting down an opponent, but having a Trinket is a lot better than unarmed(and of course ideally you have both).

For the magical girls survival value, the Trinket is probably better, though Costumes would help hugely with being able to run away to fight another day.
Wands are probably better for ending the threat they're fighting, but once again, in genre its perfectly common for the magical girl to kill herself taking down her foe.

Since we're trying to get ahead on the equipment demand cycle, the order of priority based on our current skills and workshop is: Trinket and Open Slot > Wand and Open Slot > Costume and Open Slot > Pending Slots

Always fill the open slots first, but when choosing between open slots you want a Trinket over the other two, presuming equal tiers, since a Trinket can function as a Wand or Costume role even if its not as good as the dedicated item, its better than having no offense/defense enhancement at all.
Yes, but effectiveness will vary. There's probably a tier list for that sort of thing I could do, but I can't be arsed to find art for all the girls. Getting something for Trompdoy (the quest header image) was hard enough!
I figured they don't actually have a lot of options for what they bring back. If they thought it'd be not outright harmful they'd try.

Just that this time we got a minion on the gacha.
Sure, a trinket is not, itself, a gun - but it might be a telescopic scope, in this metaphor. It helps you use an actual gun, but has other uses too - observing things from a distance in the metaphor.
Durability = Tier x 1d10 x (Skill + Workshop)

With a Lvl1 Workshop, Skill 1 in Costumes and Bombs, Skill 2 in Wands, and Skill 3 in Trinkets the Durability for our various possible crafts are as follows:
Tier 1 Items:
Trinket = 4 x 1d10 (4-40 weeks, average 20)
Wand = 3 x 1d10 (3-30 weeks, average 15)
Bomb = 2 x 1d10 (2-20 weeks, average 10)
Costume = 2 x 1d10 (2-20 weeks, average 10)

Tier 2 Items:
Trinket = 8 x 1d10 (8-80 weeks, average 40)
Wand = 6 x 1d10 (6-60 weeks, average 30)

Tier 3 Items:
Trinket = 12 x 1d10 (12-120 weeks, average 60)
The minimum durability for a Tier 2 wand is 6 weeks (IE: turns) while the average is around 30 weeks. Definitely not the minimum 36 weeks you suggest. Still with the skill up and our first level of Workshop even a worst case scenario still gives us a better then average result compared to what we'd have gotten previously. Besides we have Eowyn and Calypso who have both explicitly requested Wands while only Trompdoy has requested a Trinket.

So while I personally voted for Trinket, and it is almost certainly more action efficient, it would be hard to argue that another Wand would be a bad investment.
The problem with using that formula is that somehow Trompdoy's wand had a durability of 12 weeks even though it was Level 1, the roll was 4, and the workshop hadn't been improved yet. That's why I can't figure out how long anything we make is supposed to last.
Does that distinction matter though? A better offense is a better offense. Whether it be in the form of a new kind of offense (supernaturally sharp and accurate magic cutting sword) or an improvement of existing offense (halved casting time) the end result is the same; the Magical Girl is better at killing things.

I'm not saying the Wand is a bad choice, it may even be the best choice, but it isn't fair to dismiss Trinkets due to not providing offensive capabilities when they apparently do.
I am not dismissing trinkets, though. My problem is that we have people saying to do nothing but trinkets. It is not even entirely wrong because T3 stuff is strong, but dismissing the rest for trinkets is not good either. And apparently, Wands can be dismissed by some because a higher-tiered trinket is obviously going to make up the martial issue brought up by not having a Wand.

Something else that was brought up on Discord is economy. Pumping out high-level trinkets in rapid succession is likely going to crash it, so we should diversify a little.
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I am not dismissing trinkets, though. My problem is that we have people saying to do nothing but trinkets. It is not even entirely wrong because T3 stuff is strong, but dismissing the rest for trinkets is not good either. And apparently, Wands can be dismissed by some because a higher-tiered trinket is obviously going to make up the martial issue brought up by not having a Wand.

Something else that was brought up on Discord is economy. Pumping out high-level trinkets in rapid succession is likely going to crash it, so we should diversify a little.
Well, we already do have one MG paying in work, because she didn't have enough money.
If we keep making only high-level stuff that'll keep happening presumably.
Something else that was brought up on Discord is economy. Pumping out high-level trinkets in rapid succession is likely going to crash it, so we should diversify a little.

I don't get it. How is creating high-level trinkets supposed to crash the economy? I mean, we are creating these items because we want to equip our magical girls with the best equipment possible so they can stick around in the hotel and pay rent in the long run. The stuff we get for the Trinkets should not be our primary goal. If the Magical Girls can't pay as much as they used to, we just sell it for less. Supply and demand.
I am not dismissing trinkets, though. My problem is that we have people saying to do nothing but trinkets. It is not even entirely wrong because T3 stuff is strong, but dismissing the rest for trinkets is not good either. And apparently, Wands can be dismissed by some because a higher-tiered trinket is obviously going to make up the martial issue brought up by not having a Wand.
Personally my preference is to alternate between wands and trinkets primarily right now for when we do crafting actions, which will have to be alternated with upgrading our building and workshop as well anyway. If we didn't get a wand this turn, I'd be more likely to support making one right now, but since we did just make one the Trinket seems a better option for this turn.