The Morrsley Village Experiment

I have a horrible theory.

The theory is that there is currently no Town.

@Nictis, you've claimed a role, would you be willing to claim your wincon more directly? I want to check it against mine. Because I have a wincon that makes me suspect that we're all set up to fight and die to the last test subject standing. Which is...honestly in keeping with the Really Shitty Psychological Experiments theme. @InterstellarHobo, does this match with what you know about the setup?

Really thinking we should go for that Null vote...And I shall reiterate mine, I suppose.

[X] Null
Me and Ondine (and probably Shadell and Mesonoxonian) all seem to have this wincon.
I at least am a Test Subject.
I don't believe you are correct, either. It seems more likely that there is Test Subject, Control Group, and some third party which is actually a mafia.
I have a sneaking suspicion about Control Group as well. An extremely stupid suspicion.

@Nictis, is it possible for you not to win?
I don't believe you are correct, either. It seems more likely that there is Test Subject, Control Group, and some third party which is actually a mafia.
I have a sneaking suspicion about Control Group as well. An extremely stupid suspicion.

@Nictis, is it possible for you not to win?
He said he has to be alive to win. So yes.

Presuming the Control Group claim is accurate.
Might as well make my claim now then. This is... great.

I am The Control Group. To paraphrase, I win when the killing stops. Hence why I've been trying to figure out if I'm part of Town or not this game, finding that Town explicitly needs me dead is... Great.

When everyone was going along with you two I was growing concerned that I was a solo survivor in a multi faction game, and then this. Blegh.

[x] Null

I stand by my reads for now, but I think you may have been a bit too quick on the draw there. You could be telling the truth, but at the same time you could be lying.
Also, @Nictis I wish you'd stop saying I have a habit of sheeping. I don't think it is true. You said that in the ST mafia, but I was the first one to scum read you there, not Byz and I kept at it even when I was getting flak for it. I died night one in the last game (and was coordinating with the scum team.) The only game where I did a lot of sheeping was Game of Crowns where I was Masons with an extremely experienced player who I was intentionally coordinating with.

And please note I haven't actually backed a lynch on you ot Shadell. I just confirmed that Hobo's play made sense. I actively pointed out non-scum explanations for Shadell (and by extension yourself) not getting it, one of which (your being a third party) you are now claiming to be true. I also pointed out a potentially exonerating slip on Shadell's part (though I didn't want to explain why I thought it might be exonerating because I didn't want to give away the "shibboleth," I mentioned it potentially could be at least a couple times).

I'll admit I tend to stick doggedly to my early reads, to an excessive extent even, but that isn't the same thing.
If everyone is telling the truth, the obvious way forward is to lynch Nictis and then go hunting for the others in the "Control Group". The question is whether we want to.

[X] Null
Just a quick answer for now, more actual content later.

For all that I have pointed the finger at Shadell, and for all that I don't want it pointed at me, I should say I think it's a poor choice to kill someone because they post more or less in the thread. And by that measure there are a lot of people who have posted less than Shadell has. Why aren't you on them?
I think that one's for me?
If yes, there are two misconceptions. The first one is that I'm not on any of you three. What I wanted to get is some more insight on the three people I pinged cause they either didn't post much at all yet or nothing really much AI. I was especially interested in their reasoning to check it for inconsistencies and as base for later.

The second is about the lynch. I'm not lynching here for the amount of posts but the amount and kind of content. I'm not at inactivity lynches yet. What I mean here is for example Nictis. Not only is he posting stuff but he leads a discussion AND nudges people to interact with him. Or you are for example a main contributor of the discussion that span half the Day. Another important piece here is to not only ping people that haven't done much, demanding more content BUT actively giving them a topic to talk about. If you're just going "Hey X, do something.", it often amounts to nothing since people don't really know what to talk about sometimes.
If you kill people to create discussion and nudge others too early, you're running danger to kill the thread. Look at D2 of SW Mafia for example where one main contributor (Rosen) was lynched D1 and another (BB) dropped out. The thread was rather quiet afterwards.
In contrast (no hard feelings) look at ChopShop. He is a top poster but hasn't contributed really much to the thread yet. Again that's nothing bad yet and kinda expected from a first timer.

To end this: My question didn't really work that time and now it won't either since the situation has changed drastically.
Noticed I had a few pings. I'm at work, I'll start looking through the thread again on my lunch. Please be patient.
Since we're bleeding information all over the thread, @Shadell you've said a couple of things that make me question what group you're actually part of. That and the way that you responded to my open claim.

Can I ask what flavor ice cream you have?
@Nictis, is it possible for you not to win?
Yes, the killing has to stop for me to win, and I'm not sure how to state it more directly without actually quoting it and that's a no-go. It heavily implies that there are killing roles. I'm not sure if I need to be alive to win though, which is weird. It doesn't explicitly state that I do, but the second line in IJW's wincon clarification might be suggesting it?

Also, @Nictis I wish you'd stop saying I have a habit of sheeping. I don't think it is true. You said that in the ST mafia, but I was the first one to scum read you there, not Byz and I kept at it even when I was getting flak for it. I died night one in the last game (and was coordinating with the scum team.) The only game where I did a lot of sheeping was Game of Crowns where I was Masons with an extremely experienced player who I was intentionally coordinating with.
You started scumreading me because you were scumreading Broken Base before I replaced her because you thought she was on a scum team with Byzantine. You had a stronger scum read on Byzantine and were uncertain about me, but joined him in what was a very obvious attempt at quicklynching at LyLo on me, and practiced selective reading the entire last two days and ignored everything that didn't match up to what was in your head.

You voted with someone that you believed to be scum, at LyLo. While openly saying that you thought Byzantine was scum. You watched Byzantine pull some of the scummiest plays I've seen from Town, openly admit that he was mimicking scum (who was in that game and wasn't calling him out on it), and would repeat him claiming I've said things that I didn't actually say. He was caught in multiple lies, and was pointed out as having just been throwing everything at the wall and accusing me of lying and making up arguments in an attempt to overwhelm him when that's what he was doing and I was explaining what was wrong with what he was saying.

As best as I can remember, the reason you were scumreading me was because... Byzantine did something immediately after I subbed in, before I actually had a chance to even catch up to the thread, and so we had to be on a team. And then you ignored me pointing out that that was ridiculous and never really got a different reason for suspecting me. Because I subbed in, and someone else did something. Someone who you sheeped and parroted at LyLo and ignored everything else.

So yes, I am saying that you've shown that you're going to follow people for bad reasons. You followed someone you thought was Scum at LyLo.
Ok. I can't see a possible way pressing this is helpful to town.

And vaguely claiming to know information and then evading the whole thing isn't?

I agree with IH here. You keep pushing. If you're town and we're town then this is bad news for town. And if you're town and we're scum then you're not actually going to prove anything or get us to claim anything. This only reads as you trying to get us to claim town which is bad for town and good for scum. I really don't like this.

Hardcore wine, there is a chance to clear up the set-up which you've gone and said no to. And if your scum your basically saying scum-hunting is pointless, and frankly HOW IS CLAIMING TOWN BAD FOR TOWN? Like seriously? Scum will claim town, Town will claim town, even 3P who just need to survive will claim town.

It almost feels like they're claiming to know something, but those somethings are actually different?


My latest interaction with Cyriccubed in particular very much reads like them trying to find out if I have a power role which gave me the information that all town has.

Except I'm not? You've hinted you have information, and then have been saying that giving out that information will paint a target on your back when I pointed out that by hinting you have said information you have already put said target on your back in the first place. There is no posting past death if you look in the rules, you can't get lynched and reveal your grand scheme there.

You tell me that I shouldn't reveal info because it makes me a target. That I shouldn't have posted back to back with IH. But then you want me to reveal more info to prove I actually am a target?

Your already a target if your town, It isn't good to do a half reveal of oh hey I have information pertinent to the game/town and then also say: No revealing that information is bad for town because then your just confusing people and it's exceptionally aggrevating.

I that would be a bad idea. And I definitely wouldn't be on board with lynching anybody for not leaking info Day 1.

Except that's what those two have been doing?

Yes, this theory pretty much has to be debunked based on the info IJW has provided for us in relation to our role cards.

No. It's not. Imagine a set-up with two town factions but no scum. Is there actually and difference between town or no?

Essentially, @InterstellarHobo made a suggestion that there might not be a scum team, knowing that isn't consistent with information that town should have.

No. Because I was not told: There is a scum team. Keep this in mind.

And I said the GM. Did you not read what I said?

You can say that, but we can't see what the "GM" said to you so this statement is pointless.

This is basically claiming not to be town, right? Am I reading this wrong???

Yes. You are.

These do not work together. If I'm doing an informed townie act, I am informed.
If I am making up the information wholesale, I somehow got ondine and Mesonoxonian to go along with it, despite having entirely bogus information.
It could be an extremely ballsy and equally bad scum play, as opposed to a rather ballsy and not-quite-commensurately bad town play.

Except meso didn't really go with it like Ondine did, I can excpect Ondine to go with it especially in a world of !scum IH and ondine. Buuut more on this later.

I will claim town. My wincon is that everyone else has to die. Not terribly surprising. So, look, now scum has a nice juicy night target. I would rather lose than have people screaming for the next however many days.

More on this soon.

I think there is a path to victory here, but I can't bring myself to feel particularly happy about it.

More on this soon

I've agreed with the reasoning from the get go, if not the conclusion that also makes extremely arbitrary assumptions about behavior. In missing this, I think non-town have inadvertently outed themselves, namely Nictis and Cyricubed.

Think your wrong here but then again Nictis wasn't a Test subject so big shrug here.

And yeah, sorry for being so caustic @ondine @InterstellarHobo, it's just really frustrating to be playing mafia and have the others just be playing with their rolecards instead of playing in a way that allows actual engagement.

Plus you two holding back the info Town was supposed to know was really annoying when I'm trying to figure out if I am or not.


If everyone is telling the truth, the obvious way forward is to lynch Nictis and then go hunting for the others in the "Control Group". The question is whether we want to.

[X] Null

No. No, I don't think so. Lets explore what we know thanks to people revealing things

Test Subject - Need everyone else dead

Control Group - Need Killing to stop

Now in theory this is the standard set-up of a social experiment...but we're missing a key thing. An Independent Variable.

Now the biggest question here is if the scum in question is 3 person group, or a Sk. Because I now believe Town is actually divided evenly between Test Subjects and Control Group. Either 5/5/3 or 6/6/1 . Although my general idea that a independent variable might be taken literally aka SK but this is vague speculation. Thoughts?
Now with that in mind would a mass faction claim be able separate Test Subjects and Control group evenly to determine where scum are hiding within? (This is a crazy suggestion...dismiss-able honestly)
Now the biggest question here is if the scum in question is 3 person group, or a Sk. Because I now believe Town is actually divided evenly between Test Subjects and Control Group. Either 5/5/3 or 6/6/1 . Although my general idea that a independent variable might be taken literally aka SK but this is vague speculation. Thoughts?
Oh thank god. Now that someone's said it; note that this wincon could be shared across multiple groups, it also specified 3Ps, if existing, must die. This is, as much as anything, a scum wincon as easily as it is town. People have assumed a necessarily hostile 3P, I think, because of this wording, but we could easily have 2 towns +3P and no conventional scum.

Anyway, it was clear from the start that this is what IH, Ondine and Meso meant. (Hence my questions on whether any other faction was named explicitly andmy point about the shibboleth being just a consequence of normal wincon.)

If there's exactly one scum faction who knows each other and everyone else is town, this is fine, but my impression is that games here tend to be a bit more complicated, and we know the set-up has some trick going on here, bastard or not.

I'm not entirely sure there's presently any scum though, as I don't think anything in the rules has stated that.

Now with that in mind would a mass faction claim be able separate Test Subjects and Control group evenly to determine where scum are hiding within? (This is a crazy suggestion...dismiss-able honestly)

I believe that there is at least one hostile(killing or culting) faction. It doesn't make sense for there to be nothing but various types of town. That would be .. really strange and over dramatic. And basically a confused The Rumor game. So, someone has to be doing something. My pick is for Shadell. At this point she hasn't actually given anyone any information /first/ to suggest that she's a townie. She has come in after multiple people have outed themselves and said that was exactly what she was thinking from the beginning! Which given her actual responses seems unlikely to me. Also, no one specified third parties to me. So I'm fairly certain Shadell isn't on my town side. If we're calling your side T2, @Nictis do you think she's one of yours, or is she a third group? I have found many of her moves and comments strange (pushing people to claim and then admonishing them for claiming, how hard she went on the null, etc. ) since the beginning, and the way she said "presently" makes me think there's some sort of culting going on and that she knows about it. Maybe an infection? Either way, I don't feel great about Cyri, but I feel much worse about Shadell. So, I'm moving my vote to Shadell baring some really interesting answers from @Nictis or something provable from @Shadell herself.

[x] lynch Shadell

For those of you voting null, it will not happen. I won't vote null. I suggest you find it in yourselves to have an opinion, even if you end up voting for me (although I hope you don't. )
A third group is very likely, one that needs to make sure that everyone else is dead or have a different victory condition.
Actually @I just write is the day still ending at 8:30EST, or does it end an hour earlier since we started an hour earlier? (If we get a vote I say later because work.. blergh.)
I believe that there is at least one hostile(killing or culting) faction. It doesn't make sense for there to be nothing but various types of town. That would be .. really strange and over dramatic. And basically a confused The Rumor game. So, someone has to be doing something. My pick is for Shadell. At this point she hasn't actually given anyone any information /first/ to suggest that she's a townie. She has come in after multiple people have outed themselves and said that was exactly what she was thinking from the beginning! Which given her actual responses seems unlikely to me. Also, no one specified third parties to me. So I'm fairly certain Shadell isn't on my town side. If we're calling your side T2, @Nictis do you think she's one of yours, or is she a third group? I have found many of her moves and comments strange (pushing people to claim and then admonishing them for claiming, how hard she went on the null, etc. ) since the beginning, and the way she said "presently" makes me think there's some sort of culting going on and that she knows about it. Maybe an infection? Either way, I don't feel great about Cyri, but I feel much worse about Shadell. So, I'm moving my vote to Shadell baring some really interesting answers from @Nictis or something provable from @Shadell herself.

[x] lynch Shadell

For those of you voting null, it will not happen. I won't vote null. I suggest you find it in yourselves to have an opinion, even if you end up voting for me (although I hope you don't. )

Can I mention you solely addressed shadell there despite quoting me...