The Morrsley Village Experiment

Honestly what I want to see from @ondine and @InterstellarHobo at this point is an overall summary of their reasoning for their reads, because this conversation obviously isn't going to go away, so I'd rather try to get everything as clear-cut as possible so we can sort this mess out.

Currently I still am of the mindset of the two not being teamed, but I think one of them being scum is very likely, and as I've already shown before, I think it's ondine if it's going to be one of the two. I want to see what their headspace looks like before I make any further decisions on these interactions.

That being said, from my current understanding it looks like "reasons" is the primary reasoning for leading against Cyri/Nictis right now, which is kinda bullshit, since these "reasons" stem from role card angleshooting. I'd like to see my opinion proven wrong on this, if you guys don't mind.
@Nictis I do not want to keep doing this. This is exhausting. I do not know for a fact how many groups there are, just more than one. I will claim town. My wincon is that everyone else has to die. Not terribly surprising. So, look, now scum has a nice juicy night target. I would rather lose than have people screaming for the next however many days.

I don't think any of us are having fun. I don't know how to tell you what you want to hear to make you feel better. I would really, really like to have a decent game and not let a dumb mafia game impact our friendship. So, I'm going to back off now. I didn't know how shitty it was to use role card info. I've literally played one game before and that had an open set up. Is this enough for you?
Might as well make my claim now then. This is... great.

I am The Control Group. To paraphrase, I win when the killing stops. Hence why I've been trying to figure out if I'm part of Town or not this game, finding that Town explicitly needs me dead is... Great.

When everyone was going along with you two I was growing concerned that I was a solo survivor in a multi faction game, and then this. Blegh.

[x] Null
Might as well make my claim now then. This is... great.

I am The Control Group. To paraphrase, I win when the killing stops. Hence why I've been trying to figure out if I'm part of Town or not this game, finding that Town explicitly needs me dead is... Great.

When everyone was going along with you two I was growing concerned that I was a solo survivor in a multi faction game, and then this. Blegh.

[x] Null
Do you have to be alive at the end personally to win?
I think?

That was the assumption. I'll get back to you on that.

There is no 'spirit of the agreement' or implied requirement in any of the win conditions for this game. If a requirement is not explicitly listed as part of your win condition then it is not required, except as far as practicality would dictate it making your actual win condition harder to achieve. That is all.

So unless it explicitly says it, I'm going to go with no?
@Nictis I do not want to keep doing this. This is exhausting. I do not know for a fact how many groups there are, just more than one. I will claim town. My wincon is that everyone else has to die. Not terribly surprising. So, look, now scum has a nice juicy night target. I would rather lose than have people screaming for the next however many days.

Oh thank god. Now that someone's said it; note that this wincon could be shared across multiple groups, it also specified 3Ps, if existing, must die. This is, as much as anything, a scum wincon as easily as it is town. People have assumed a necessarily hostile 3P, I think, because of this wording, but we could easily have 2 towns +3P and no conventional scum.

Anyway, it was clear from the start that this is what IH, Ondine and Meso meant. (Hence my questions on whether any other faction was named explicitly andmy point about the shibboleth being just a consequence of normal wincon.)

I've agreed with the reasoning from the get go, if not the conclusion that also makes extremely arbitrary assumptions about behavior. In missing this, I think non-town have inadvertently outed themselves, namely Nictis and Cyricubed.

I don't think it was wise to go open with this. I do think It may have outed most of town, cut down crossfire chances or otherwise and cost us the game. It's also not been a very fun thing to play out really.

That said, @Nictis why are you concerned about fluff. What from the professor did you think mattered? You're looking, despite playing better, far more suspect than Ondine and IH to me right now.
Oops missed like the last page. Ignore that @Nictis.

I'dbe willing to offer Nictis a null at some point if Nictis caucuses with town on votes, presuming that is the killing stopping (arguably Nictis may need at least one dead first or there's nothing to stop and Nictis won immediately).
That said, @Nictis why are you concerned about fluff. What from the professor did you think mattered? You're looking, despite playing better, far more suspect than Ondine and IH to me right now.
The Professor told me I was surrounded by... Not sure how to paraphrase it really, but it wasn't kind words referring to everyone else and heavily suggested that they would want to kill me.

But again, Social Experiment, so I was largely disregarding his words and was going to be annoyed if the reasoning Hobo and ondine had was that the guy running the experiment said so.
Oops missed like the last page. Ignore that @Nictis.

I'dbe willing to offer Nictis a null at some point if Nictis caucuses with town on votes, presuming that is the killing stopping (arguably Nictis may need at least one dead first or there's nothing to stop and Nictis won immediately).
My win con also makes me heavily suspect that there is at least a killing role about, but it doesn't exactly confirm it.

As said before, it's very clear cut and the earlier mention was paraphrasing.
(-Rosen: putting off reads until convo dies)

I agree with Shadell.
I did not see this in a timely fashion.

I had, past a certain point, revealed too much and could not walk it back. At that point, revealing further would do two things: firstly, put third parties on alert for how to fakeclaim. Second, I was no longer certain that I was, in fact, town rather than some uninformed scum.
And yeah, sorry for being so caustic @ondine @InterstellarHobo, it's just really frustrating to be playing mafia and have the others just be playing with their rolecards instead of playing in a way that allows actual engagement.

Plus you two holding back the info Town was supposed to know was really annoying when I'm trying to figure out if I am or not.
Yeah that's understandable IH, considering this development is actually really unexpected lmao
Well, I've got work tomorrow, so I should probably call it here for the night. I'll try to hop on in the morning, but I probably won't be back until the final two hours... ish.

(Or I'll be back on in like five minutes because I have no self restraint, but there's the goal)
And yeah, sorry for being so caustic @ondine @InterstellarHobo, it's just really frustrating to be playing mafia and have the others just be playing with their rolecards instead of playing in a way that allows actual engagement.

Plus you two holding back the info Town was supposed to know was really annoying when I'm trying to figure out if I am or not.

I honestly wasn't sure how to get started. And then as IH said, it was too far and not far enough and we weren't getting anywhere.

I'm sorry you were annoyed. I think it had a lot to do with the way the game is organized that we aren't sure who we are? I think there has to be a way for us to work in concert... we'll figure it out.