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[X] Pibo
-[X] Resist
-[X] Resist
The Pido could do so much though. We could use it as a scarf or sash, a hood when it rains or we want to lookconspicuousmysterious or it could float lightly in the wind to give us a magical appearance. There's plenty of action movies where they use it as a makeshift weapon, using it as a whip to wrap around wrists and throats, blocking blunt weapons or tying people up mid fight. A thread of Liming and we have an animated cloth serpent for the perfect blend of Cai and Bai.
None of these things strike me as Ling Qi is the problem. It's ostentatious, and worse in a manner neither Renxiang or Meizhen have shown affinity towards.Here's a fairly lazy sketch of how I'd imagine a pibo fits with a current-style robe. Extended wing placement should be faintly visible in pencil, looks like they fit comfortably below/behind it.
Why would we want to though? She's accepted no such offers before without making ridiculous demands, and probably hates LQ's guts in general.
The Sun have literally been given the "they are awesome people and anyone who thinks otherwise is gainsaying the Imperial seat's decisions" nod by the powers that be.
On hand jewellery, while the Red Garden is INDIAN...the Thousand Lakes is Southeast Asian. Which has the same accessories.
Reminder that Ling Qi once called Cai Renxiang childish for exactly the same reason. In what was one of the best chapters of the story, together with this one.
What is sunk may never sink,
But rises again gayer and stronger.
This was when Ling Qi took another look at her embroidery and decided that this just wasn't her day.
This is like when you squeak a toy and after a second the puppy raises its head really fast. This is like when you wake a computer from sleep and the lights turn on while the fan starts working overdrive. Ling Qi is suddenly very excited and is already deciding what she wants.
Especially if she must hold her hand. She may not even necessarily be dignifying anyone. And doing it the entire way is of course also recommended.
But in all seriousness it's super cute that that's the first thing Meizhen thinks about.
Since hand jewelry won, here's some more designs that look more goth-themed and less like S&M gear:
I care not for mechanics, only a e s t h e t i c c , so allow me to present a different option:
Hand/arm jewellery!
Looks cool, doesn't get in the way of fluting and really plays up on the whole villainess aesthetic we have going. What self-respecting villainess doesn't have a substantial collection of jewellery and shiny things?
Also if we go for a resist talisman, we could literally just wave our hand if someone tries to dispel our shit and be like 'no u'.
@Mother Nyx pls do a halp to get Ling Qi some proper villainess jewellery. I defer to your expertise in this
Also CRX and Meizhen really need to bulli Ling Qi into wearing something less frumpy.
[X] Hand Jewellery
-[X] Resist
The last one would be most suitable for LQ I think
This is a bling with a Ling(Bell)!