Yes the Alliances and if you choose them the Council races ship building rates will dramatically increase Especially if you ask that this deposit be strictly military.

I hope we can offer Ezo for cheaper to Citadel races in exchange for technology and resourcess to build our own Fleet and Army(Also we can make deal with Quarians for them sending tech and engeneers in exchange for Ezo). After all while Aliance will have a Fleet in our system they are Outside our authority.

They will defend the system but if we want for example attack some Pirate Base in other system or send few ships or some kind of mission then we need our own ships and Fleets.
They will defend the system but if we want for example attack some Pirate Base in other system or send few ships or some kind of mission then we need our own ships and Fleets.
I'm pretty sure that would be very illegal, system defense is one thing a private military is another. We have been given a lot of leeway previously because we were a deathworld out in the boonies of no particular importance, we are now very important. Once again we are not an independent colony, this find opens a lot of doors but we are also going to lose a lot of the independence that we previously had.
[] Plan Halp
-[] Station an Alliance fleet
-[] Invest in expanding colony's medical system
-[] Station Alliance ground unit(s)
-[] Get Alliance to host a muti polity conference to reduce risk of invasion or acts of terrorism.
-[] Help us vet everything, from companies to people to foreign contacts.
-[] Orbital Defense platforms, be it purchasing and /or local productions.
-[] Alliance blessing on Perkwunos hosting business meetings to determine how to best sell Eezo without disrupting galactic market.
-[] Alliance blessing for selling Eezo to both Alliance and Council at cost +1% for long term good will.
-[] Merchant escort for large Eezo shipments.

This plan is basically "here is what you want, helps us live longer, healthier, and bigger."
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I'm pretty sure that would be very illegal, system defense is one thing a private military is another. We have been given a lot of leeway previously because we were a deathworld out in the boonies of no particular importance, we are now very important. Once again we are not an independent colony, this find opens a lot of doors but we are also going to lose a lot of the independence that we previously had.

Actualy I was hoping to stay independant but allaied with Alliance instead of joining, this way we can get their Fleet in our system and create our own Fleet and Army. We don't need to lose our independence to gain benefits, also if the Human goverment starts to be to pushy we can always try the Council, they will be very happy to have us.
You might want to add contacting the council.

Are you sure you don't want to change the selling to strictly military use? As that would free up other eezo sources for civilian use.
Actualy I was hoping to stay independant but allaied with Alliance instead of joining, this way we can get their Fleet in our system and create our own Fleet and Army. We don't need to lose our independence to gain benefits, also if the Human goverment starts to be to pushy we can always try the Council, they will be very happy to have us.
We aren't independent, our colonization was specifically backed by the Systems Alliance Military. Even then I'm not sure if the Alliance would recognize an independent colony at this time. They do in the future for sure but that is almost a generation from now and such colonies were of marginal value at best.
To clarify some confusion it would not you contacting the council but the Systems Alliance prime minister doing so and bringing you in like a conference call.
[] Plan Halp
-[] Station an Alliance fleet
-[] Invest in expanding colony's medical system
-[] Station Alliance ground unit(s)
-[] Get Alliance to host a muti polity conference to reduce risk of invasion or acts of terrorism.
-[] Help us vet everything, from companies to people to foreign contacts.
-[] Orbital Defense platforms, be it purchasing and /or local productions.
-[] Alliance blessing on Perkwunos hosting business meetings to determine how to best sell Eezo without disrupting galactic market.
-[] Alliance blessing for selling Eezo to both Alliance and Council at cost +1% for long term good will.
-[] Merchant escort for large Eezo shipments.

This plan is basically "here is what you want, helps us live longer, healthier, and bigger."
Merchant escort or military?
@Brogatar thanks for the suggestion, we are now allocating bulk of our output to the military of Alliance and Council. The rest would released to market post business conferences.

As before, we are using this overwhelming Eezo reserve to literally buy protection.

The points for business conferences and polity talks are to leave open ways for other polity to have ways to procure Eezo from us in a peaceful manner. We don't want anyone to squeeze us for "no one will know" Eezo.

[X] Plan Halp
-[x] Station an Alliance fleet
-[x] Invest in expanding colony's medical system
-[x] Station Alliance ground unit(s)
-[x] Get Alliance to host a muti polity conference to reduce risk of invasion or acts of terrorism.
-[x] Help us vet everything, from companies to people to foreign contacts.
-[x] Orbital Defense platforms, be it purchasing and /or local productions.
-[x] Alliance blessing on Perkwunos hosting business meetings to determine how to best sell non-allocated Eezo without disrupting galactic market.
-[x] Alliance blessing for selling Eezo to military of both Alliance and Council at cost +1% for up to 75% of Perkwunos output for long term good will.
-[x] Alliance arranged escorts for large Eezo shipments.
-[x] Getting Alliance to contact the Council and start the process.
-[x] Biotic related education and medical help from Alliance, and perhaps Council.
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Somehow I need to say it again. We are not an independent colony, we are an alliance colony. We don't need to ask for a fleet, we are getting that anyway and we certainly don't need to bribe them for protection. Anyone with a pulse could tell you that this is the sort of thing you protect and the Alliance is going to be well aware that as much influence and prestige this gives them it also carries the risk of immense embarrassment if it is lost.

So what does this plan do? It seeks to secure long term financial stability by creating a fund to smooth out the volatility that comes with a resource extraction driven economy. It also seeks to influence the development of the Alliance political system to the benefit of colonies in general. In more immediate concerns this attempts to help us develop Perkwunos both in orbit and on the ground. We also need to make them aware of the Batarian escapee situation as that has become much more relevant. Finally the plan seeks to find out if we have potential as a major fleet base/shipbuilding hub, it would be a great way to develop our economy that has great synergy with the eezo find but our distance from the core areas may make us too vulnerable for the Alliance to be willing to subsidize such expansion.

[X] Plan Long Term Investments
-[X] Ensure that there is some sort of sovereign wealth fund (or something with the same general purpose) for Perkwunos funded by the eezo profits.
-[X] Use our newfound political importance to push for colony representation in Parliament when they meet some reasonable minimum standards. If Perkwunos does not meet those minimum standards ensure that Perkwunos and any other colonies that posses strategic importance, whether due to natural resources, location, special infrastructure, or other reasons, has some form of special representation for decisions pertaining to their colony.
-[X] Subsidize the expansion of Perkwunos orbital infrastructure to the previously agreed capability of single dreadnought construction.
--[X] If Alliance High Command thinks it is a good idea signal a willingness to expand orbital infrastructure into a full naval base, again over time and subsidized.
-[X] Subsidize the purchase of further static defenses, within limits of course.
-[X] Ask for a dedicated ground compliment with the fleet.
-[X] Make them aware of Batarian escapees, make clear that escapees already on world will not be sacrificed for political expediency. Assure the Alliance that we understand the complications this introduces and while we are morally opposed to ceasing our support we understand how much more volatile the situation is now and are willing to work to minimize the risk of discovery beyond what was previously judged safe.
-[X] Provide subsidy of reasonable size for the development of Perkwunos in general. The nature of the world naturally leads to higher costs in some things and we refuse to be restricted to being solely a resource extraction world.
-[X] Provide support for the care and training biotic children in specific and the training of biotic persons in general.
-[X] Offer the Alliance first right of refusal at cost for military purposes.
--[X] Push for second right of refusal at market rates for Citadel militaries.
---[X] All remaining to be sold as normal.
Question is the biotic support counted under Medical expansion since I think getting our biotics properly cared for is defiantly something we should ask for.
Alliance doesn't do acceptable biotic education at this point in time if my memory is accurate. So topic of biotic education would be part of Council discussion, and we do want the more experienced education system for space magicTM​.
Somehow I need to say it again. We are not an independent colony, we are an alliance colony. We don't need to ask for a fleet, we are getting that anyway and we certainly don't need to bribe them for protection. Anyone with a pulse could tell you that this is the sort of thing you protect and the Alliance is going to be well aware that as much influence and prestige this gives them it also carries the risk of immense embarrassment if it is lost.

So what does this plan do? It seeks to secure long term financial stability by creating a fund to smooth out the volatility that comes with a resource extraction driven economy. It also seeks to influence the development of the Alliance political system to the benefit of colonies in general. In more immediate concerns this attempts to help us develop Perkwunos both in orbit and on the ground. We also need to make them aware of the Batarian escapee situation as that has become much more relevant. Finally the plan seeks to find out if we have potential as a major fleet base/shipbuilding hub, it would be a great way to develop our economy that has great synergy with the eezo find but our distance from the core areas may make us too vulnerable for the Alliance to be willing to subsidize such expansion.

[X] Plan Long Term Investments
-[X] Ensure that there is some sort of sovereign wealth fund (or something with the same general purpose) for Perkwunos funded by the eezo profits.
-[X] Use our newfound political importance to push for colony representation in Parliament when they meet some reasonable minimum standards. If Perkwunos does not meet those minimum standards ensure that Perkwunos and any other colonies that posses strategic importance, whether due to natural resources, location, special infrastructure, or other reasons, has some form of special representation for decisions pertaining to their colony.
-[X] Subsidize the expansion of Perkwunos orbital infrastructure to the previously agreed capability of single dreadnought construction.
--[X] If Alliance High Command thinks it is a good idea signal a willingness to expand orbital infrastructure into a full naval base, again over time and subsidized.
-[X] Subsidize the purchase of further static defenses, within limits of course.
-[X] Ask for a dedicated ground compliment with the fleet.
-[X] Make them aware of Batarian escapees, make clear that escapees already on world will not be sacrificed for political expediency. Assure the Alliance that we understand the complications this introduces and while we are morally opposed to ceasing our support we understand how much more volatile the situation is now and are willing to work to minimize the risk of discovery beyond what was previously judged safe.
-[X] Provide subsidy of reasonable size for the development of Perkwunos in general. The nature of the world naturally leads to higher costs in some things and we refuse to be restricted to being solely a resource extraction world.
-[X] Provide support for the care and training biotic children in specific and the training of biotic persons in general.
-[X] Offer the Alliance first right of refusal at cost for military purposes.
--[X] Push for second right of refusal at market rates for Citadel militaries.
---[X] All remaining to be sold as normal.
thought we were asking for even more ships in the coming fleet?
Somehow I need to say it again. We are not an independent colony, we are an alliance colony. We don't need to ask for a fleet, we are getting that anyway and we certainly don't need to bribe them for protection. Anyone with a pulse could tell you that this is the sort of thing you protect and the Alliance is going to be well aware that as much influence and prestige this gives them it also carries the risk of immense embarrassment if it is lost.

You should note that colony / Alliance obligations isn't set even when ME 3 happened, so it will be very risky to make assumptions about this relationship.
Alliance doesn't do acceptable biotic education at this point in time if my memory is accurate. So topic of biotic education would be part of Council discussion, and we do want the more experienced education system for space magicTM​.
Some education is better than no education and if we want council help for biotics than we should ask for it here.
So here are the relevant quotes as I see them.

You should note that colony / Alliance obligations isn't set even when ME 3 happened, so it will be very risky to make assumptions about this relationship.
Should I just start bashing my head against the nearest surface? A fleet is automatic. I also have absolutely no idea what you are talking about colony/Alliance obligations not being set, what little we have on the governmental structure of the Alliance says that it is has sole authority over human colonies and so can be safely assumed to function in a manner that we could identify as at least half-way rational if a little overwhelmed due to all the rapid change/expansion going on. There are, however, independent colonies set up later for the explicit purpose of escaping the authority of, and thus obligations to, the Alliance.
Type Government Edit
The Alliance is responsible for the governance and defense of all extra-solar human colonies, and represents humanity on the galactic stage. It is a supranational government, and is based on a parliamentary system, with the Alliance Parliament based at Arcturus Station. It is unknown if the representation is based on the population of member nations on Earth and the colonies, or if all nations and colonies involved receive the same amount of parliamentary members. Several seats are elected by 'spacers' defined as citizens who spend a significant amount of their time in space and do not stay too long on any one colony or planet.

The Alliance government is headed by a Prime Minister; as of 2186, this position was occupied by Amul Shastri. It is unknown whether the Prime Minister is an elected member of Parliament, or is appointed to the position. While the Alliance is a supranational government, the member nations retain their individual sovereignty back on Earth.

Among the Citadel races, the Alliance is considered a sovereign nation and no other species has right of oversight into Alliance affairs.your article here

Some education is better than no education and if we want council help for biotics than we should ask for it here.
I am asking for some support and intentionally leaving the specifics open ended. We would need to decide to what degree we should develop thing on our own and to what degree we should develop under the guidance of outside experts.

thought we were asking for even more ships in the coming fleet?
Ships are an extremely finite resource. They can spare what they can spare and broader strategic considerations could mean that it doesn't make sense to station the theoretical maximum number of ships that they could. Asking for more is likely futile and if we do succeed we could actually make things worse by over committing.
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Ships are an extremely finite resource. They can spare what they can spare and broader strategic considerations could mean that it doesn't make sense to station the theoretical maximum number of ships that they could. Asking for more is likely futile and if we do succeed we could actually make things worse by over committing.
but this is A LOT of PURE Eezo, I think we might have more than Omega.
And a couple of wild extreme estimates put it at the size of the Citadel or Omega in it's undiminished state.

but this is A LOT of PURE Eezo, I think we might have more than Omega.

The very upper end estimates put it at the same size and all the Eezo in the universe doesn't do you any good if some raiders slip behind your lines and trash all your shipyards. For all the we also have lots of eezo we are also limited in how much we can extract given how short a time we have been mining it. Overall I feel safe assuming the SAM isn't stupid and will assign sufficient force to protect us against reasonable threats and we can purchase system defenses and supplemental ships to enhance that.