We're back on the track, boys!
Second battle of Perkwunos:
Perkwunos garrison vessels.
news the colony of Perkwunos
to sell Perkwunos a number of vessels straight
Perkwunos may become a Council Fleet Hub In the Northern Attican Transverse
enhance the idea that Perkwunos may become a fleet hub.
No caps.

its orbital infrastructure and shipyards with the assistance of the Turian Hierarchy.

In addition, The Hierarchy
Missing comma.
Beacon Found! On the colony of Olmantsi, on a site of Prothean ruins, a Beacon was found. Not much is known but it seems that this what the Enkindled were guarding so jealously. If so, then it would be added to their crimes. The beacon was quickly taken off world by a full Turian fleet to where it may be studied.
Rumor Mill Turn 9 part 2
Systems Alliance News

"In other news today the terrorist group Cerberus bases has been raided by System's Alliance Intelligence in a precise strike across over a dozen systems resulting in the arrest of many of it's agent's and also including it's backers among whom is arrested is the mogul Henry Lawson on multiple charges. In addition SAI is in hot pursuit of the person known as the Illusive Man. Spokesman from SAI say about 90% of Cerberus assets have been seized or destroyed.

"In other news it was announced that the Systems Alliance armed forces will be starting joint training with the Turian Hierarchy. New of this was met with interest especially as it was announced that the colony of Perkwunos would be the site of the joint training. "

"Good news from the Colony of Muramar's Well. The Ilumi-Saralax Organization has quickly found a cure to the virus and is inoculating people rapidly. The quarantine has not been lifted yet but that is due to how infections this virus is. It is projected that the quarantine will be lifted in the next few months."

"In Political news Gaius Korolov the candidate from Shanxi who has the support of Terra Nova has quickly gained support this year in the wake of the attack on Perkwunos with his emphasis on defense and expanding the navy. Based on projections he will win handily with at least 60% support. Tyrone Taylor the candidate who's platform is based on colonial expansion and education is in free fall shedding most of his support to Korolov. Iona Tilla the economy candidate is shedding some support but still in the race in second place and may be able to catch up, projections give her a current 35% support."

Galactic News

"In a stunning announcement the Turian Hierarchy has announced that they will pay full reparations for what the Alliance calls the First Contact War and what the Hierarchy is now calling the Relay 314 Skirmishes. This announcement stunned pundits as it came out of nowhere and many are wondering it is happening now. Some believe that there may be some instability in the Hierarchy and the Primarch is starting to court the Alliance as a way to shore up the Hierarchy. Supporting this theory is the moves the Hierarchy has recently made.

"Is the Hegemony on the brink of collapse? New data shows that the Batarian Hegemony is having internal unrest. No revolts have yet been reported but news coming from Kar'shan has been increasingly strident that nothing is wrong as time goes by. Worryingly is for all that it is the Hegemony is an important check on the warlords of the Terminus Systems and Attican Transverse. If the Hegemony collapses so does the check keeping them pinned up.
"In a stunning announcement the Turian Hierarchy has announced that they will pay full reparations for what the Alliance calls the First Contact War and what the Hierarchy is now calling the Relay 314 Skirmishes.

Holy crap. That is stunning. The Hierarchy is officially saying that they did a bad against the Alliance?
Holy crap. That is stunning. The Hierarchy is officially saying that they did a bad against the Alliance?
"Most of the rolls this turn were made by Wombat I only rolled the section from the the second battle my first roll 97 my next roll got you a possible bonus action and that rolled a 97 as well. The Cerberus roll wombat did 98.
What, that sounds ominous. Something bigger must be kicking off in the background.
What, that sounds ominous. Something bigger must be kicking off in the background.
It is and there is more the Underground has been rolling very well and the Hegemony has been basement diving their rolls a few more bad rolls and they will collapse. As for the Hierarchy they are in a tough bind right now and there is friction though not to the point of anywhere near violent.
The N program must be doing work against them thanks to all the extra training in hellish conditions.
"In other news today the terrorist group Cerberus bases has been raided by System's Alliance Intelligence in a precise strike across over a dozen systems resulting in the arrest of many of it's agent's and also including it's backers among whom is arrested is the mogul Henry Lawson on multiple charges. In addition SAI is in hot pursuit of the person known as the Illusive Man. Spokesman from SAI say about 90% of Cerberus assets have been seized or destroyed.
"In a stunning announcement the Turian Hierarchy has announced that they will pay full reparations for what the Alliance calls the First Contact War and what the Hierarchy is now calling the Relay 314 Skirmishes.
More butterflies to change history.
In Political news Gaius Korolov the candidate from Shanxi who has the support of Terra Nova has quickly gained support this year in the wake of the attack on Perkwunos with his emphasis on defense and expanding the navy.
In a stunning announcement the Turian Hierarchy has announced that they will pay full reparations for what the Alliance calls the First Contact War and what the Hierarchy is now calling the Relay 314 Skirmishes.

We can use this, if Gaius(on another note, this name is very Turian) wins the elections and Hierarchy will pay the reparations we could use them to gain more funds for expansion of defencys. Especially since the joint training will happend on our world. On another side if we are to have those two Armies on our pllanet we need to expand extensivly to accomaodate them, barracks, hospitals(with medicines for dextro aliens) food supply, machine park, training grounds. Those exercices are a God send because the Allaince and Hierarchy will clean up huge swats of terain for their new place and build up infrastucture to support them.

In addition SAI is in hot pursuit of the person known as the Illusive Man.

Knowing our luck he will hide on Perkwunos the Death World, the last place anyone would like to hide.
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I will be maintaining Doomed Wombats method in actions unless a crit fail happens the action will pass but may have additional costs to additional benefits etc.
Turn 10
Turn 10:
Year 2169

One question that has come up is of the three captured cruisers that were taken in battle with there being some what our dated and damaged control of them has defaulted to Perkwunos.

[]Keep and repair them -2500 credits
-[] Upgrade to full military standards -5000 credits
-[] Upgrade to second line standards -3000 credits
[] Sell them

Pick 7 - 2 locked 5 remaining
[] System Defences:
You have them now, but if anything, the recent attack proves you can never have enough of them. -1200 credits
[] Planetary Exploration: You've plenty of data, but even so there's plenty of mysteries. -100 credits
[] Planetary Exploration: Jungle This is quite clearly a whole other level of danger, and it requires a whole other level of investment. -700 credits
[] Mining Minerals: Valuable, and easier to get (must take Planetary Exploration to be useful.)
10KM sites 300 credits per site taken (can take a maximum of three sites per action)
Beryllium deposit
Silicon and Graphite
15 KM sites 500 credits per site taken
[] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. . -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
[] Create Infrastructure: The lifeblood of any nation. While you are confident that barring a massive battle what you have won't decay, you need to invest to improve what is there (potential decrease due to sudden expansion). -1500 credits.
[X] Found new city: You've found a new massive cavern that is perfect for a large-scale settlement. Of course, it'll be a lot of effort to make, but it'll be far easier than Lightning was and will open up easy access to a new Eezo deposit. Right now you just have the population for this to work… just. -1750 credits
[] Build additional Hydroponics: While you will be setting these up as they become needed, building more than you need will probably boost morale and give people's diets more variations. -300 credits.
[] Build additional Dextro Hydroponics: While some have been set updue to the gift from the Hierarchy building more will be able to give fresh produce to any Hierarchy vessels in the area or the Quarians ...if they show up out of where ever they are. -1000 credits.
[] Antanov Ring Establishment: Setting up facilities in the ring would be very beneficial, for water, minerals and setting up infrastructure for future development like ship yards. -800 credits.
[] Helium 3 extraction: The essential star ship fuel, while you won't be able to export this stuff by any means you do have a gas giant or two. Extracting and refining enough that you don't need to purchase it from outside and can sell to traders doesn't seem too hard especially since Nal'vatanis is using Perkwunos as the centre for her suddenly massive number of mining zones. -500 credits.
[] Military Expansion: You've lost a lot of soldiers over the years. To wildlife, pirates and other threats. You need to start recruiting new ones for defence. Happy is the city that in times of peace thinks of war. -1000 credits
[] Building Medium: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build components for the medium range vessels. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -3500 credits.
[] Wildlife Exploitation: The Flora and Fauna of this world is monstrous, but also potentially beneficial. And figuring out why you haven't been targeted yet is pretty important. -500 credits.
[] Research: You got egg heads, but you're pretty sure you're not in a position to get them doing stuff at this stage. With the researchers from Berkenstine you can finally do some research. Topics are minerology, geology and lithology. (hint sound in caves). [Sound in caves research locked]
[] Equipment for the Frontier:
While you may not have too many traditional science types what you do have are experts in fire arms, armour and other things of that nature. Let's see what your boys can wizard up. -200 credits (Can write in specific gear)
[] Licencing: The Harrier turned out better than your wildest dream. Maybe you can see about getting a weapon's company interested in the thing? -150 credits
[] Reach out to [Insert colony] for [Insert Reason]: Your fellows maybe able to help you in ways you hadn't considered. Olmatsi is the power house of the region, maybe Roquiban will give your people a discount, maybe Kappa Su will let you purchase food, perhaps the wildlife experts on Hogranis can aid you with your own? You can also offer aid if you think you have anything to give.
[] Encourage Migration: While you've opened up migration and got a surprisingly large number of takers you need to get more coming through. Its not cheap or easy to advertise a death world as a good home, but you can manage it. -600 Credits
[] Volus Volus Volus?: You have to admit you haven't thought much of the Volus. You've the mind of a quarter master, which so far is all you've needed, but the galaxies economists are arriving in the cluster in force. Maybe offer them some help setting up, wouldn't be amiss. -10 credits (variable costs/benefits depending on what, if anything, they decide they need help with.)
[] Enthusiastic Greetings: Given the currently close relationship Nal'vatanis has with Kappa Su, maybe you can leverage this to get some good trade deals going? Everyone needs minerals after all. -10 credits.
[] Reach out to Alliance: They might be able to help you, but they may also be too busy. -10 credits
[] Congressional: The Congress is humanities representative body. While you won't have a representative for a while, getting involved now may ensure that you are not forgotten as other colonies with faster growing populations get involved especially now with the current confusion and fluctuation in how the Alliance may govern itself. -100 credits (can write in a specific purpose)
[] Citadel: Similarly, you've made a surprisingly large number of contacts in Citadel space. Enough that you can confidently say you may be able to find something interesting if you give it a poke. (can write in specific purpose.) -100 credits
[] Reach out to Corporations: They may be willing to help you, they may also try to screw you over. -5 credits.
[] Investment: Nal'vatanis is currently one of your biggest employers, but also one of your colonies most lucrative contacts in general. Helping them helps you, so fund them and with luck reap the rewards. -1000 credits
[] Acquire license: Now that you have the rights to produce Hahne-Kedar weapons you've actually created some factories, which can produce all kinds of things so long as you have the manufacturing license. You've certainly got the resources to do it. Acquiring the licenses for ship parts will probably reduce the cost of the ship yards, or at least increase their profits. Currently you've got some people who may be interested.
Heed Industries: Thruster manufacturer -1000 up front cost
Tuhi Storage: Creates storage crates -500 up front cost
Write in potential corporation, SA, Citadel or even Terminus. Create your own if you wish as well
The cost may vary, but the long-term benefits are excellent
[] Kassa Fabrications Research facility: Kassa Fabrications wants to put a research facility on the colony. This will in turn will allow you to get a small part of the license fee as well as decreased cost in buying replacements. -1000 credits.
[] Ensure Healthcare: Between the fauna, flora and eezo you need it and while it may be decent now, it will need expanding. -800 credits
[] Ensure Education: Welp the basics are down, but maybe ensuring as much is done in advance as possible before the kiddies grow up is a good idea. -800 credits Locked for now!
[] Reach out to Universities:
You've got quite a few researchable things out here, and maybe some universities will be willing to come set up research posts. -10 credits
[] Establish Police: Well you certainly made the right call with this one, but you are going to need to get it even beefier if you want to keep unwanted eyes away. -1200 credits.
[X] Repair Ships: Repair the ships that fought in the battle both Alliance and Asari. -2000 credits. (costs will be refunded next turn)
[] Build ships: Cruisers (CA and CL) 4500/3500 (CA/CL) credits Destroyers (DD) 2500 credits Frigates (FF) 1500 credits Corvettes (FS) 750 credits (only FF and FS may be built this turn.)

Income 26,460 per turn
Maintenance 17,150

Treasury 11930

Plan format from the start.
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Basics idea to start up some light industry to make money from the visiting fleets, expand police, and getting our city protected. Keeping the ships now cause we are 1st in rank of profitable crime target. Also expanding shipyard.

Edit: Costs about 7200ish credit , plus 7500 credit for 3 real military cruisers.

[X] Plan Acquire currency
-[x] Keep and repair them -2500 credits
--[x] Upgrade to full military standards -5000 credits
-[x] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. . -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
-[X] Building Medium: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build components for the medium range vessels. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -3500 credits.
-[x] Volus Volus Volus?: You have to admit you haven't thought much of the Volus. You've the mind of a quarter master, which so far is all you've needed, but the galaxies economists are arriving in the cluster in force. Maybe offer them some help setting up, wouldn't be amiss. -10 credits (variable costs/benefits depending on what, if anything, they decide they need help with.)
-[x] Helium 3 extraction: The essential star ship fuel, while you won't be able to export this stuff by any means you do have a gas giant or two. Extracting and refining enough that you don't need to purchase it from outside and can sell to traders doesn't seem too hard especially since Nal'vatanis is using Perkwunos as the centre for her suddenly massive number of mining zones. -500 credits
-[x] Establish Police: Well you certainly made the right call with this one, but you are going to need to get it even beefier if you want to keep unwanted eyes away. -1200 credits
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[X] Plan Infrastructure and Defense
-[X]Keep and repair them -2500 credits
--[X] Upgrade to second line standards -3000 credits
-[X] System Defences: You have them now, but if anything, the recent attack proves you can never have enough of them. -1200 credits
-[X] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
-[X] Military Expansion: You've lost a lot of soldiers over the years. To wildlife, pirates and other threats. You need to start recruiting new ones for defence. Happy is the city that in times of peace thinks of war. -1000 credits
-[X] Planetary Exploration: Jungle This is quite clearly a whole other level of danger, and it requires a whole other level of investment. -700 credits
-[X] Mining Minerals: Valuable, and easier to get (must take Planetary Exploration to be useful.)
--[X] Beryllium deposit
--[X] Gold
--[X] Iron
so what are we lagging behind now in terms of infrastructure?
Currently now in terms of industry would be ground side industry to get it to galactic average. With ship yards needs some more expansion but your a bit ahead of the curve there by galactic standards being a (currently) minor ship yard .

*minor by the standards of the council

but the single biggest thing you need is population.
Currently now in terms of industry would be ground side industry to get it to galactic average. With ship yards needs some more expansion but your a bit ahead of the curve there by galactic standards being a (currently) minor ship yard .

*minor by the standards of the council

but the single biggest thing you need is population.
we must recruit krogans, move them all over here, we just gotta dare them to live here for a year and then they'll be hooked :V
[X] Plan Acquire currency

we need a turn or two to get ready for the build up into a fortress world, capable of being not only a major shipyard, but also a place of good industry, tourism, and productivity in the sector of space. Plus getting strong enough that we can basically get a word in any small way of form into alliance politics and defenses...