Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
But without that AP the foundation for LFotWT is incomplete, because LFotWT doesn't replace SCS in the sense that we unequip SCS to equip LFotWT, leaving SCS to languish in our list of unequipped Arts.

Instead, it replaces SCS by subsuming SCS, removing SCS from our list of Arts entirely and replacing it with LFotWT, much like Zephyr's Breath was subsumed by Fleeting Zephyr.

LFotWT will then build upon the lessons of SCS, adding in new twists and techniques - that Intangibility Keyword should be awesome.
I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're making here. It seems in either case we unequip SCS, so what's this "subsume" that's more than merely unequipping SCS and moving on? Is it just that mastering SCS will give us permanent bonuses that will remain even after unequipping? Or is there something I'm missing?
Mmmm, the problem with Nath's plan is that nuking them all first runs the risk of just prompting the third realms to drop everything and run, and we might not be able to stop them fast enough.... though since it calls for us to already have PLR out LW might be fine. Also, it strikes me that stopping one big attack like that may be just the kind of thing that good defensive formations might be designed for?

Alectai's plan has the risks around us fighting 70 people at once and potentially being blindsided by an assassin.

TehChron's plan has the problem of us wasting too much time trying to track down an assassin (my feeling there is that this should be a conditional attack of opportunity, if we can find him quickly while we're running them down, then jump him, if we can't then we shouldn't waste the time)
Yeah, honestly my plan is just a matter of my own personal preferences more than it being better at mitigating risks.

The issue is that there's a risk of failure no matter how we approach it. Ironically, the potential of being blindsided by the Assassin has the least element of personal risk because said Assassin might just bail and make for the border on their own, assuming that they were the one carrying the goods in the first place.

Either way, the only way to definitely take the assassin off the board is to be proactive about engaging them. Otherwise, we'd be relying on him needing some element of the rest of the force to break free of Ling Qi's own attack, which is hardly a sure thing in its own right.
[X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix

Yeah, going for this. A big thing I like about it is that it has a great narrative, and its failure states work really nicely and dramatically too - us delaying against great odds, slowly getting overwhelmed, possible assassin does something to flip the table, Renxiang dramatically arrives and we flip the table back with TE...
[X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix

Well, guess I'll vote this for now. I still haven't read everything with discord piling up.
But this is all very secondary to my actual point: we cannot assume the third cultivator is a pushover.
We've seen what "Not a pushover" cultivators look like on average.

Ling Qi nearly killed one in a duel on accident after tanking his ultimate attack with little difficulty and only slight damage.

Unless they're rocking Count+ level Art suites, whoever they are is gonna get bodied in a one on one fight with Ling Qi when no shits are given about their survival.

Anything that can take Ling Qi one on one needs to be at the level of a High Noble scion peer proper, or grossly overleveled and those are not trivial investments. Stalled barely-Greens are what this force likely consists of, and Ling Qi tore Chu Song apart with casual ease when she faced her.

We know what to expect.
Can Ling Qi leave the perimeter of FVM after setting up the technique that keeps it going without her? I'm thinking she can get ahead, set it up and drop Zhengui and Hanyi then proceed with TehChron's plan. It would slow them while they ready their countermeasures and get in position. Course if the assassin see's us it falls apart.
The issue is that there's a risk of failure no matter how we approach it. Ironically, the potential of being blindsided by the Assassin has the least element of personal risk because said Assassin might just bail and make for the border on their own, assuming that they were the one carrying the goods in the first place.
If they are though, then that means that the rest of their party is just a decoy, and the assassin should already be a long way away anyway (since he can move much faster and safer than the "bandits").

Making that assumption though is not something I'd be comfortable with. Certainly it would have to be Renxiang's call.
Can Ling Qi leave the perimeter of FVM after setting up the technique that keeps it going without her? I'm thinking she can get ahead, set it up and drop Zhengui and Hanyi then proceed with TehChron's plan. It would slow them while they ready their countermeasures and get in position. Course if the assassin see's us it falls apart.

Yes but it could be dangerous, and leaves them the initiative to reform themselves without active harassment.
I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're making here. It seems in either case we unequip SCS, so what's this "subsume" that's more than merely unequipping SCS and moving on? Is it just that mastering SCS will give us permanent bonuses that will remain even after unequipping? Or is there something I'm missing?

the difference is this: normally, we unequip one art to make place for another art. This is why we have unequipped and equipped arts.

However, in the case of 'successor' arts, the end of the old art is the starting point of the new art. You might notice that the Wind Thief uses the exact same meridians at level 1 that SCS uses at level 8. So in a way we continue to cultivate SCS, but with a new name
I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're making here. It seems in either case we unequip SCS, so what's this "subsume" that's more than merely unequipping SCS and moving on? Is it just that mastering SCS will give us permanent bonuses that will remain even after unequipping? Or is there something I'm missing?
Ok let me tell you a story on how it worked last time we got a successor art. Back in first thread we had this art that was named Zephyrs breath. We mastered it fully and later set out to get the Successor art for it and this we did by getting an Art called Fleeting Zephyr. Now training FZ subsumed Zephyrs breath, this meant that some of the techniques that we had with Zephyrs breath was removed or changed to fit with Fleeting Zephyr and we got new techs in addition to that.

So by mastering SCS and having Wind Thief subsume it should work the same way. Aka some techs will change and some might be removed, but we will keep core parts of the art and build on that.
The group of 70 lower ranked combatants have some purpose to the three green realms, otherwise, they would have ditched them already. That purpose is, likely, to provide an edge against the forces that most assuredly will pursue them. I feel that as long as the group keeps providing the purpose that the greens have for them, the greens will keep with them even if it would be faster for them to ditch them.

It still may be the best bet to nuke the help and try and restrict the remaining greens, but I still think the ramifications of removing something that has been slowing the greens down should be considered.
They are misdirection and plausible deniability. Whoever send the group/army for the hit wants it to appear as if it was done by a random group of bandits rather than by (relatively) high rank cultivators.
Sure, anyone that digs a little bit will find out the truth, but appearances need to be maintained...

This is a grudge that will last for a thousand generations!
Nah. It'll just last one.

On the plans: i'm... concerned that a (JT boosted) TE nuke would affect the cargo. It's be a shame to kill everyone and also shatter the stolen propriety...
The plans also seem to assume the group will travel in a single group and are packed enough that we can grab everyone at once. from range.
We have 4-5 players here (Ling Qi and her three spirits, flying weapon might count as one too*), i think it would make much more sense to send Zhengui and Hanyi to stop the group of red/yellow mooks and whoever is the leader, and have Ling Qi + Six stealth around to ferret the Green(s) and prevent them from running away.

*i believe we never took the time to make an other Horror disposable pet after the tournament.
Plan: Covetous Mist
(Edit of previous post)
Use FVM mist surround and trap the scrubs and ideally the two Greens. The army would be lost and stuck in the mist the way those students were in the beginning of the tournament in FOD. Yes there are a lot more people to contain but we've also mastered FVM and our cultivation art as a whole by now. At best, it contains the scrubs long enough while leeching qi from them for LQ. At worst, it buys us a few minutes (at least 1 or 2 min) to confront the assassin and/or illusionist. If the two greens are successfully isolated via mist, then we & our spirits attack them while they are lost. I'm assuming the third won't be caught in FVM because that would be too easy. We can keep an eye out for attacks from mysterious third member as we go.
Of course FVM may not be enough for all this alone but that's why we should start PLR immediately after we finish FVM. Traveler's End will overlap with PLR. Use SCS to dodge attacks as we play and like I said before, go in hard with FSS on the greens. Use Sixiang's help to break through the illusionist's tricks and touch him with CtE before he can counter. Given how lethal CtE touch can be (especially since we're not holding back) it should put him down for the count.

This should address people's concerns that by thinning out the army, we're taking away their weakness of a large, slow group.
In short, we should prioritize the greens and let our spirits watch our backs regarding the army. Lets be honest, LQ can probably dodge anything they throw at her.
If it turns out that the army formation is formidable and disciplined then Zhengui should do his explosive technique which should hit them pretty hard.
On the plans: i'm... concerned that a (JT boosted) TE nuke would affect the cargo. It's be a shame to kill everyone and also shatter the stolen propriety...
It shouldn't. The Tech isn't actually an explosion, it's a massive spiritual attack against everyone in the mist.
The user may choose to end the melody at any time after Travelers End has been used. If they do so, the song reaches its finale, and all other techniques of the Forgotten Vale are ended as well. All who were still lost within the mist suffer an immediate spiritual attack of great magnitude, an echo of the travelers death in that far away vale. Those damaged by this attack may be paralyzed utterly by the assault, if their composure is too weak.
I somewhat doubt that the entire shipment is stored in a storage ring. Mostly because I think that makes this unwinnable, or at least lets the enemy guarantee at least a 66% chance of escaping with it simply by having all 3 greens separately bolt the instant its clear a serious threat has caught up with them.

Also storage rings are somewhat rare, and many useful things take up an entire slot by themselves (i.e., can't be stacked). On top of that, this is a "full shipment" of some kind which sort of implies a significant amount of stuff, though the only thing we know for sure is present is at least one jade slip.

We've seen what "Not a pushover" cultivators look like on average.
Anything that can take Ling Qi one on one needs to be at the level of a High Noble scion peer proper, or grossly overleveled and those are not trivial investments.
We've seen that Ling Qi is well above average cultivators at her level, I agree. I see no reason to assume the third green isn't well above Ling Qi's level. I've spoken elsewhere why I think we can't assume that this is a "trivial" force (but in short: disposable does not mean trivial, e.g., losing my phone in a bet would be neither trivial nor crippling).
ambush the assassin with your Spirits. Once you've engaged the assassin, begin preparing your full suite of arts for mass combat, then once you've confirmed the kill, take them with you to attack the main force by dropping Zhengui and Hanyi on them from above,
Updated my plan with requisite "YOU CAME TO THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD MOTHERF***ER" moment and Zhengui airdrop from above moment.
We've seen that Ling Qi is well above average cultivators at her level, I agree. I see no reason to assume the third green isn't well above Ling Qi's level. I've spoken elsewhere why I think we can't assume that this is a "trivial" force (but in short: disposable does not mean trivial, e.g., losing my phone in a bet would be neither trivial nor crippling).
I think you're confused.

A "non-trivial" investment, is one that drains a notable amount of resources from the one making an expenditure.

A "non-trivial" force, is one that requires some degree of investment to match.

I stated that this operation was the former, and such an investment would be something that someone would have to be held accountable for. So either the Sun themselves, in the case of Renxiang being offed, or one of the Sun's retainers, in the case of Ling Qi being offed but the evidence trail leading back to the Red Garden anyway.

That's why the Sun can't risk such an investment. Because random raiders aren't that strong.

It's the MoI's job to stop such things from occurring in the first place. So they'll be very motivated to find out what happened here, especially with Shenhua giving them the stinkeye over it, lest they lose face over the incident.
........the airdrop is really unnecessary, I don't care how cool it may seem.
It is, but its also harmless under those circumstances as by then subtlety will largely be irrelevant.
However, in the case of 'successor' arts, the end of the old art is the starting point of the new art. You might notice that the Wind Thief uses the exact same meridians at level 1 that SCS uses at level 8. So in a way we continue to cultivate SCS, but with a new name
So by mastering SCS and having Wind Thief subsume it should work the same way. Aka some techs will change and some might be removed, but we will keep core parts of the art and build on that.
Ah, cool, I understand. I'm glad I asked, I learned a lot of things. Thanks to Vanguard_D, 1986ctcel, Raising Kittens, and naths for all your answers.