If you drop Last hunters Piercing (frees up 2 550 cr) and switch regimental champions AP rune to Damage
(3 000 cr) (Edit: Oops, its 6 000 cr) you will have
7 000 cr 10 000 cr free, enough to equip battalion champions with Damage.
Edit: Or to upgrade Banishment to Masterworks. Or if you drop Piercing instead you can upgrade Banishment.
Last Hunters already have absurd AP, situations in which they need even more are very rare and could be solved by Vortex Grenades and Shield Breaker Rounds I believe.
Its not a very good idea to pair Masterwork waepon runes with Journeyman It hink, as doing so multiplies the cost of the Masterworks for the much lesser benefit of a Journeyman rune. Though there are exceptions probably.
[X] Plan Unlimited Powah
[X] Plan Rune Up!
Heroes (*1)
*Master Runes (Piercing, Damage, Channeling, Banishment)
*Master Runes (Toughness, Warding, Luck)
Last Hunters (*15)
*Master Runes (Damage)
*Master Runes (Toughness, Warding, Luck)
Grandmaster Psyker and Witch Hunters (*25)
*Master Runes (Banishment)
*Master Runes (Toughness, Warding)
Primaris and Grandmaster Battle Psykers (*100)
*Journeyman Runes (Channeling)
*Journeyman Runes (Toughness, Warding)
Life Guard (*200)
*Journeyman Runes (Damage)
*Journeyman Runes (Toughness, Warding)
Master Battle Psyker and Witch Hunter (*500)
*Journeyman Runes (Banishment)
*Apprentice Runes (Toughness, Warding)
Helguard Regimental Champions (*600)
*Journeyman Runes (Piercing)
*Apprentice Runes (Toughness, Warding)
Master Battle Psykers (*1000)
*Apprentice Runes (Damage)
*Apprentice Runes (Toughness, Warding)
Helguard Battalion Champions (*6 000)
*Apprentice Runes (Damage)