The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What if the importance is that this is a test of character, to see if we'll betray a trust to gain an advantage?
Thought of that, that happens in old Christian myths to so Kyouko might, but the circumstances feel wrong for it. It's almost a test of compassion versus dedication(? Not sure if exactly right word, but something like this) when framed in that light due to how isolated Gretchen is.

Wrong framework when trying to test a virtue to just pit two of them against each other like that.
Stole some other peoples' votes since they basically expressed the same sentiment as I was with my votes, albeit in more words, so they show up as the same vote when Tomoyo does the vote tally.

[x][Gretchen] Hugs preferred, but kissing is acceptable.
[X][Questions] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?
[X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
-[x] Saving Asami.
-[x] Saving Governance.
-[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
Adhoc vote count started by AceJade on Apr 9, 2019 at 11:31 PM, finished with 4677 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x][Gretchen] Make out with me?
    [X][Questions] What do we have wrong?
    [X] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?
    [x] write in question (Open to suggestions)
    [x][AndAnotherThing] You've really been one of the most helpful and forthright mysterious and confusing know it all person that I've had to deal with. I don't suppose you have any extra mysterious or vague suggestions or advice to go on top of my main two questions?
    [x][Gretchen] Actually, forget the questions. They're a distraction.
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    [x][Gretchen] Apologize
    -[x] you're sorry, you know that she's here basically by herself and and how lonely that is, and you very much understand having a body and wanting to do body-things with it and other people, so you can really relate of course and you are tempted but uh, the mood isn't-actually that's irrelevant because- so what I'm saying is-
    -[x] I have a girlfriend. and It's complicated with her. But we're trying to treat each other seriously. I don't want to be the kind of person that throws that sort commitment away because there might be some benefit, selfish or otherwise, for me personally. Because I know that I could convince Kyouko to forgive me, and I could get her to accept it, and I shouldn't be putting her in that situation in the first place. It's not how I want to treat my relationships with people.
    -[x] sorry.
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    -[x] Doesn't Gretchen already have someone she likes?
    -[x] She can have a hug, tho.
    [x][Gretchen] Hug Gretchen
    [X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
    -[x] Saving Asami.
    -[x] Saving Governance.
    -[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
    [X][Questions] Can you explain the Feathers and whats happened to them?
    [X][Questions] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?

Adhoc vote count started by AceJade on Apr 12, 2019 at 4:37 PM, finished with 4691 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x][Gretchen] Make out with me?
    [X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
    -[x] Saving Asami.
    -[x] Saving Governance.
    -[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
    [X] Definitely don't punch her despite her scandalous suggestion
    [x][Gretchen] Actually, forget the questions. They're a distraction.
    [x][Gretchen] Apologize
    -[x] you're sorry, you know that she's here basically by herself and and how lonely that is, and you very much understand having a body and wanting to do body-things with it and other people, so you can really relate of course and you are tempted but uh, the mood isn't-actually that's irrelevant because- so what I'm saying is-
    -[x] I have a girlfriend. and It's complicated with her. But we're trying to treat each other seriously. I don't want to be the kind of person that throws that sort commitment away because there might be some benefit, selfish or otherwise, for me personally. Because I know that I could convince Kyouko to forgive me, and I could get her to accept it, and I shouldn't be putting her in that situation in the first place. It's not how I want to treat my relationships with people.
    -[x] sorry.
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    -[x] Doesn't Gretchen already have someone she likes?
    -[x] She can have a hug, tho.
    [x][Gretchen] Hugs preferred, but kissing is acceptable.
    [x][Gretchen] Don't hug the eldritch being that just offered to give you knowledge in exchange for breaking promises and selling your body. We sympathize, but we don't want to go down this road
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    -[X] No hugs either
    [X][Gretchen] Offer Gretchen a heartfelt hug.
    -[X] Definitely don't punch her despite her scandalous suggestion
    -[X] If a kiss, only on the cheek.
    --[X] We have a girlfriend, or something approaching one.
    [X][Questions] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?
    [X][Questions] How do these timelines exist and interact with each other?
    [X][Questions] Can you explain the Feathers and whats happened to them?
    [X][Questions] What do we have wrong?
    [x][Questions] wait until first question is answered before figuring out what to ask for our second question
    [X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
    [X] (Priority) Do not kiss Gretchen
    [X] No kissing
    -[X] hug/holding is okay though
    [X] Offer Gretchen a heartfelt hug.
    -[X] If a kiss, only on the cheek.
    --[X] We have a girlfriend, or something approaching one.
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While I'm not going to switch my vote at this stage, I feel like the hug is... too short? Like... Kiss = Brief (maybe) but intimate, Hug = Brief and not (as?) intimate. So maybe... I don't want to say cuddling, but cuddling essentially.

If you're trying to help her out with the "starved for human contact" and isolation thing anyway.
What's the intent behind the " What do we have wrong?" option that several people are voting for? That's very vague and I'm not sure what it means?
So maybe... I don't want to say cuddling, but cuddling essentially.
Cuddling is fine, I think.

What's the intent behind the " What do we have wrong?" option that several people are voting for? That's very vague and I'm not sure what it means?
There are a lot of things that we don't really know for sure, but are just kind of assuming. And then there are other things that we always thought we knew but are now being called into question.

Basically, we want to know about any the false pretenses we've been operating under.

...not my first choice, but after "How do we fix this mess?" I had trouble settling on a good second question, so I went with Nolrai's. Should at least be broadly informative.
[X] Definitely don't punch her despite her scandalous suggestion
[x][Gretchen] Apologize
-[x] you're sorry, you know that she's here basically by herself and and how lonely that is, and you very much understand having a body and wanting to do body-things with it and other people, so you can really relate of course and you are tempted but uh, the mood isn't-actually that's irrelevant because- so what I'm saying is-
-[x] I have a girlfriend. and It's complicated with her. But we're trying to treat each other seriously. I don't want to be the kind of person that throws that sort commitment away because there might be some benefit, selfish or otherwise, for me personally. Because I know that I could convince Kyouko to forgive me, and I could get her to accept it, and I shouldn't be putting her in that situation in the first place. It's not how I want to treat my relationships with people.
-[x] sorry.
[x][Gretchen] Don't hug the eldritch being that just offered to give you knowledge in exchange for breaking promises and selling your body. We sympathize, but we don't want to go down this road

[X][Questions] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?

[x][Questions] wait until first question is answered before figuring out what to ask for our second question

Updated vote. Upon discussion with how Gretchen is possibly Governance-Kyouko level of neediness, I am changing from not commenting on hugs to wanting to avoid that thing. Our first interaction was her telling us horrible truths, and getting angry at us for wanting to do better, before dumping even more terrible knowledge designed to fuck with us. While I understand her position, I really do, I don't think getting too tangled up emotionally with her in particular is either helpful (to her or us) or useful (we can't solve problems we don't understand.) I do get the impulse where if you don't understand a person's problem, hugging them is the default thing to do, but Clarisse hasn't been one of those people I feel. She hugs when she personally wants comfort from a specific person, or she thinks about her options and chooses to hug someone, like when we did with Hitomi or Kyouko to specifically reassure them over something.

Just going 'Uh, you seem upset, have a hug' doesn't seem in particularly in character, or gainful, and also goes against my plan of explaining our rhetorical and emotional position using our words. I do want to foster understanding and communication, and just hugging it out isn't likely to get the nuances of 'I maybe want to make out and could get away with it, but I shouldn't because I aspire to more then sating my desires'

Also, I decided instead of picking a second question I didn't feel confident in, to just get an answer, and then think about what to ask next. Thus, also removed my 'fishing for more info after asking our first two questions' suggestion, since it's no longer relevant here.
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I agree with RubberBandMan on the things Gretchen is after means we should be cautious about doing anything too intimate right now.

And on questions, I don't think asking about how to fix things is what we should go with. Establishing how things interact is going to be a better option I feel since:
  • Simona knows how to travel between universes so that can be dealt with easily and we are still going to meet her in some way in the 1980's so can pass plans
  • If the governance timeline is a simulation, then we just need to save the people we know are in it.
  • If the governance timeline is real then we know how to deal with the squid since we got that information from the star empire.
  • We know what happens in the star empire, so knowing that we need to free the AIs and prevent Ryouko from taking on the burden of living goddess isn't going to help.
  • This timelines exsistance and lack of goddess is the only thing we don't know, since Gretchen should be able to effect it as well as the star empire and, if her description of how she works is true, Governance.
Given all of that, I will back RubberBandMan's question to understand how the timelines work.

[X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
-[X] No hugs either

[X][Questions] Can you explain the Feathers and whats happened to them?
[X][Questions] How do these timelines exist and interact with each other?
[X][Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
[X][Questions] How do these timelines exist and interact with each other?
[X][Questions] What do we have wrong?

[X][Gretchen] Make out with me?
Adhoc vote count started by Aoinfinity on Apr 10, 2019 at 11:12 PM, finished with 4685 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x][Gretchen] Make out with me?
    [X][Questions] What do we have wrong?
    [X] (Priority) Do not kiss Gretchen
    [x][Gretchen] Actually, forget the questions. They're a distraction.
    [x][Gretchen] Apologize
    -[x] you're sorry, you know that she's here basically by herself and and how lonely that is, and you very much understand having a body and wanting to do body-things with it and other people, so you can really relate of course and you are tempted but uh, the mood isn't-actually that's irrelevant because- so what I'm saying is-
    -[x] I have a girlfriend. and It's complicated with her. But we're trying to treat each other seriously. I don't want to be the kind of person that throws that sort commitment away because there might be some benefit, selfish or otherwise, for me personally. Because I know that I could convince Kyouko to forgive me, and I could get her to accept it, and I shouldn't be putting her in that situation in the first place. It's not how I want to treat my relationships with people.
    -[x] sorry.
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    -[x] Doesn't Gretchen already have someone she likes?
    -[x] She can have a hug, tho.
    [x][Gretchen] Hug or make out with Gretchen, either way.
    [x][Gretchen] Don't hug the eldritch being that just offered to give you knowledge in exchange for breaking promises and selling your body. We sympathize, but we don't want to go down this road
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    -[X] No hugs either
    [X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
    -[x] Saving Asami.
    -[x] Saving Governance.
    -[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
    [X][Questions] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?
    [X][Questions] How do these timelines exist and interact with each other?
    [X][Questions] Can you explain the Feathers and whats happened to them?
    [x][Questions] wait until first question is answered before figuring out what to ask for our second question
    [X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
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[X][Gretchen] Make out with me?
[X][Questions] Can you explain the Feathers and whats happened to them?
[X][Questions] How do these timelines exist and interact with each other?
*Stares at Horrible Idea* ... Goddamn I really wish I could make up my mind about that.

[X] No kissing
-[X] hug/holding is okay though

Like I noted before. Helping her with the whole isolation from human contact thing, so a brief hug is not what I mean, only reason I add holding in.

But the Kiss probably will still change something so I'm still tug-o-warring myself on everything argh!
Definitely not a fan of showing the lonely, despairing goddess that our interests are purely practical—I think she's had a rather bad experience with such mindsets (see: grief potatoes), and while we're obviously different, someone living on the edge of despair seems like the sort of person who isn't interested in giving us the benefit of the doubt. I want to work on convincing her we're someone does care for the pain of individuals, who can show her some Hope again.

Now, that doesn't mean I want to give her what she's meta-reaching for, because that's like letting her do absolutely whatever she pleases. I'd be down for a platonic/on the cheek kiss, or be willing to compromise to just a hug.
[X] Offer Gretchen a heartfelt hug.
-[X] If a kiss, only on the cheek.
--[X] We have a girlfriend, or something approaching one.

I'll note that if we weren't doing the thing with Kyouko, I'd absolutely want to romance Gretchen. She's got a lovely personality.
[x][Gretchen] Don't hug the eldritch being that just offered to give you knowledge in exchange for breaking promises and selling your body. We sympathize, but we don't want to go down this road
Well, that's certainly one way to describe it!

Definitely not a fan of showing the lonely, despairing goddess that our interests are purely practical
These seem like reasonable concerns.

But the Kiss probably will still change something so I'm still tug-o-warring myself on everything argh!
Oh, definitely.
Definitely not a fan of showing the lonely, despairing goddess that our interests are purely practical—I think she's had a rather bad experience with such mindsets (see: grief potatoes), and while we're obviously different, someone living on the edge of despair seems like the sort of person who isn't interested in giving us the benefit of the doubt. I want to work on convincing her we're someone does care for the pain of individuals, who can show her some Hope again.

Now, that doesn't mean I want to give her what she's meta-reaching for, because that's like letting her do absolutely whatever she pleases. I'd be down for a platonic/on the cheek kiss, or be willing to compromise to just a hug.

Thank you so much for making the argument for a hug far better than I ever could.

I'll note that if we weren't doing the thing with Kyouko, I'd absolutely want to romance Gretchen. She's got a lovely personality.

She does, and I agree!!!! ❤

I'm kind of worried Homura would go yandere and murder us though. But arguably an acceptable risk.
Still feeling a bit out of sorts, so rather than make an elaborate vote of my own like I usually do, I'll just go with the hugs.

Also, we had an interesting discussion with RBM about possibly punching Gretchen for daring to suggest we cheat on Kyoko and/or for suggesting we trade physical affection as if we're some sort of prostitute. But I suppose that's not very practical. RBM suggested we focus on how we're not doing that, as a matter of character definition, so that seems fun

[X][Gretchen] Offer Gretchen a heartfelt hug.
-[X] Definitely don't punch her despite her scandalous suggestion
-[X] If a kiss, only on the cheek.
--[X] We have a girlfriend, or something approaching one.

[X][Questions] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?

[X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
-[x] Saving Asami.
-[x] Saving Governance.
-[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
Another quick summary, hope I didn't mess this up much


[8] No kissing
-[5] Hugs instead
-[2] No hugs

-[1] Apologize in detail
-[2] Definitely don't punch her

[3] Make out with Gretchen

[6] How do the universes all exist and interact?
[4] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.

[2] Explain Feathers
[2] What do we have wrong?

[1] Wait until first question is answered before figuring out what to ask for our second question
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It looks like a cage. Or an egg. Or an egg-cage.
Your heart flutters a bit at the offer. It's actually a rather attractive idea, but…

[8] No kissing

no. You have important reasons not to.

And you certainly don't want it as a trade; it just seems… wrong.

[6] How do the universes all exist and interact?
[4] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
[2] Explain Feathers

Gretchen responds before you actually verbalize anything.

"Fortunately," she says, "those overlap, because while I can tell you in theory about fixing everything, I really can't do a play by play on fixing things. I can't really see into your universe directly, and I'm not eager to break the universe again."

She pauses.

"But first, of course…" she begins.

[8] No kissing
-[5] Hugs instead
-[2] No punching her for this offense

"… It's not really a hug moment?" Gretchen resumes, confused, then stops again, with a shocked expression on her face.

"Oh, goddess," she says, aghast, "I didn't mean it that way."

Thunder rumbles somewhere in the distance.

"You — you could have just said N-no, Maggie," she adds, leaping down to a puddle. "Geez."

"Well, excuse me," you say, "but, I'm in a relationship, with Sakura Kyouko, and if I weren't, it would still be a little ... transactional."

You didn't mean for her to overhear that thought, but, well, it's very much a thought you're allowed to have.

The rain starts falling as she walks away from you.

"Maggie, dear, if I really just wanted to purchase your physical affection, I could just go ask the princess, and get it for ever so much less pain and effort," she tells you.

"I don't answer to any princess," you note, scowling. "And please don't call me Maggie. It's not my name, and it's very disconcerting."

"What do you want me to call you, then?" asks Gretchen.

> be ...

[Error 2: ENOENT]

You open your mouth to ask, but in the moment, the name escapes you.

The rain picks up.

"What did you do to my name?" you ask, alarmed, hurrying after her.

"Tch." She shakes her head, and the pigtails bob. "Did you lose your name, trying to pry into alien hive minds? You're lucky you didn't lose your soul." She suddenly grabs a sign-post, and swings around to face you with a grin. "Oh, wait, I'm sorry."

You draw back, a little bit frightened of her, and also at the idea that you've lost your soul.

"Sorry to double down on being creepy," she says, grin fading, "but if it helps you take it seriously, I'm the least of your nightmares. You just messed up almost as bad as Sayaka. Fortunately, have people who care about you, and you got lucky." She frowns. "What was that place, anyway? I don't know my way around those universes."

It's hard to remember, like a dream. It was also weird like a dream, now that it's over and you think about it from outside.

"I was at a school, I think," you say, not sure what else to say about it.

"Why do they have car racing at a school?" Gretchen asks, shaking her head. "Never mind, don't answer that. I was going to show you something."

She proceeds up a wide staircase, and on to a promenade — you make out damaged sign about Arts Plaza.

The storm damage at the plaza isn't quite as terrible. You reach an overlook with a view of the fountain, still be operating, illuminated, and somehow it's less rainy down there than it is here.

There are two people down there, sharing a lilac umbrella, and kissing. One of them appears to be Gretchen and the other looks like a lilac Ryouko, which must mean … you.

Whoever that is. It's on the tip of your tongue.

"Oh goddess, Gretchen, you're terrible at this," says the other-You.

The other Gretchen squirms, shyly. "I don't exactly get a lot of practice," she says.

"We'll have to fix that," says other-You, with a nod.

Gretchen nods. "… thank you," she adds.

"Who, me?" other-You asks. "That was hardly anything…"

"It helps take the edge off," says Gretchen, and she smiles. "Thanks, Clarisse."

Other-Clarisse shakes her head.

"What was that other name you wanted to use?" she asks.

"Maggie?" asks Gretchen.

"I like it," says your duplicate, beaming. "A secret name."

"Oh," says Gretchen. "Well then, Maggie, it's a" — and then she squeals, surprised by a sudden kiss.

"Okay, enough voyeurism," says the Gretchen standing next to you. "Let's get inside. It's about to start pouring."

> be Clarisse

"Do you have your name back, at least?" asks Gretchen.

The two of you have proceeded through a service door, down some stairs, along a hallway, and are now in what appears to be a loading dock, located under the plaza. Rainwater streams down a concrete ramp leading back above ground, lit with the pale orange glow of high pressure sodium. One of the two loading bays is occupied by a trailer, and two large roll-up doors to inside the building are both closed.

You do have your name back… and you seem to have changed into a Governance middle school uniform, as well, so you are mostly dry.

"Yes, thank you," you say. "But, ah … that was the Star Empire Clarisse, isn't it?"

"Oh, yes, that Clarisse was a trifle indulgent, wasn't she?" remarks Gretchen, as it opens. "Of course, she was surrounded by wanton indulgence, but hers were at least in the name of transgression and subversion. They were interesting. She's interesting."

Gretchen chuckles, and she presses a button. A noisy motor begins to retract the door.

You bristle internally; you're pretty sure you don't really like that instance of Clarisse, and, well, Gretchen seems to have a little trouble drawing a distinction.

"A funny story, that," she says, as the door finishes opening. "But first, let's talk about feathers."

It is dark inside.

"Here," says Gretchen, offering you a hand. "Try to watch your step."

"Where are we going?" you ask.

"Somewhere dark, with enough space," she says. "Also, there are some minor metaphysical resonances, and, well, a chance for a little smoke and mirrors."

You are skeptical.

"Stand right here," she says. "Don't move."

"For how long?" you ask.

"Until you can see," she says.

It is quite dark, and a little spooky. You're not particularly superstitious under ordinary circumstances, but if there was ever a time and a place, this might be it.

How long has she been gone?

… You don't have a good sense of the time, either. Should you start counting heartbeats?

What if you end up lost again?

You've never really been alone in the dark, not like this exactly. You've had systems that you don't have here to tell you about where you are. You've had the input of rather extraordinary senses. Now you're just alone… it's surprisingly scary.

What is the place, anyway? You don't have the Mitakihara maps on your system. What kind of resonance could she be in about?

You ponder, to reassure yourself.

Well. You don't know a lot of Mitakihara geography, but, if you were just at Shizuki Performing Arts Plaza, and wanted a place that had smoke and mirrors… then there is a good chance that this is Shizuki Theatre.

That helps.

Suddenly, there is a noise, and you feel the ground shake. For half a second, you think of earthquakes, but it gives way to a smooth ascent.

Cool mist pours in from above.

When the lift stops, you are on the stage, mist at your feet, a dim glow coming from behind you. Smoke and mirrors indeed …

Turning towards the glow, you see a figure, a girl, with large, white wings. Her dress, too, is white, rather like the one you manifested on the train, but a pure white, without that splash of lilac in the center.

"Oh," you say, and take a few steps towards the girl. "Hello, I'm —"

You stop abrupty.

The girl stops abruptly.

You stroll over quietly.

The girl strolls over soundlessly.

"Hello," you say, when you are quite near. "I'm Clarisse. Are you a reflection?"

You look into her eyes.

"I'm an echo," you begin —

then you put your hand over your mouth in surprise.

You take a deep breath. This is… okay, it's familiar. You've had this happen before, with Madoka.

Well. You close your eyes and put your hands together in front of you for a moment.

> be Princess Sakura

"I'm just an echo," you say. "A memory of memories."

She still wonders, and wants to know whether you were named Kinomoto.

You shake your head no. Her idea of you sounds close, but you don't remember that name.

"I remember being a princess," you tell Clarisse, and hope that it helps.

Is the feather yours? wonders Clarisse.

"The feather is me," you say. "Memories. Feelings."

Are you a magical girl? she wants to know.

"I'm just magic, I think," you say. That sounds about right.

And then, because Clarisse is still not al the way there, you explain further. "The feather isn't a magic feather like it's been enchanted with some other. The feather itself is actually the magic."

Magic energy? wonders Clarisse. Or the capacity to do magic itself?

You try to puzzle this out.

"Both, I guess?" you tell her.

Clarisse understands, and is now wondering about the person you remember being, whether she did magic, if Kyuubey is involved, whether you had a soul gem.

This last concept takes some explanation. You don't see what it has to do with magic.

"It looks pretty," you say, "but it's a little small, isn't it?"

Clarisse is uncertain what size has to do with anything.

"Wings are for flying," you insist. "And there's not much room to fly in a cage."

Why do you say it's a cage? Clarisse wonders.

"It looks like a cage," you say. "Or an egg. Or an egg-cage. You can tell, a little."

Perhaps I can explain, she says.

She tells you about it, using an example of a girl that she cares about.

You put your hand over your mouth when you realize what she's saying.

You've blown through many universes. There are some things you don't like. You know, more than you would like to know, that are places out there where people do terrible things to their enemies, torture and cruelty. You also know that there's sometimes a civilized way to do such things to their own people, ritualizing them, celebrating them. The villages where little girls all have broken feet and wear tiny, tiny shoes. Someone explained it to you, once, when you could hardly bear it, how those villages were extremely poor, and the children had to be made to sit still and do work, particularly things like spinning…

You should be careful. It wouldn't do to insult her friend.

"I don't think that's something I'd ever want to do," you summarize.

There is a moment while Clarisse processes this.

She seems to have read into your thoughts on the matter more than you'd intended, so you worry, but, she doesn't seem offended, just worried about what it might mean.

"I don't really know," you say. "I just feel like it's the sort of thing which wouldn't be good for your soul. Why do they do it?"

Clarisse explains about — she names it Entropy.

"That sounds like a very heavy burden," you say, quietly, once you understand.

It doesn't seem fair.

"It's not fair," says a pink-haired girl, appearing from behind a dark curtain. "And it's worse than you know. But they do their best."

She has wings too, but they are tattered. She wears a very simple, plain, white dress.

"I try to help them," she says. "Catch them when they fall."

"That's very kind of you," you say, gently. "I like helping people too."

The girl smiles. "I know. And thank you," she says quietly.

> be Clarisse

"That was more of a hug moment," says Gretchen.

She's lightened a bit, and is dressed all one shade, a pale grey, much less frilly. The lights from above are shining, the dry ice fog has dissipated, and the mirror shows only the two of you, with no wings.

"Come on," she says. "Let's go."

You follow her as she heads back behind the curtain, to the theatre floor. The house lights are on as well, so you can see where you're going.

"She was lost like you, you know," says Gretchen. "Her friends had to go looking for her soul as well, though it was in a few more pieces. They never found it all, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Feathers can grow back, if the bird is well cared for, and a soul can find its own purposes."

You consider this.

"How long has she been inside me?" you ask.

"As long you've had fix-everything magic," says Gretchen.

"Are there other people in me too?" you ask.

"With all the souls in your web? Certainly." she declares. "Not strong enough for you to do that with, though. Of course, she was much stronger in the Star Empire."

"Why was she stronger?" you ask.

Gretchen takes a deep breath.

"Sakura-hime's star power makes hopes and dreams come true. Speaking mechanically, it enhances a reality that you can imagine, or remember, or see as an illusion. It's at its most powerful when it's setting things right."

You have reached the back of the theatre, and Gretchen stops at the foot of a staircase.

"Now," she asks, "can you think of any really big problem that would benefit from a very powerful magic which sounds exactly like that?"

"… Did she save all the AIs?" you ask, eyes wide.

"Funny you should ask," she says, with a half a giggle. "You wanted to know about how the three timelines fit together here, right? Short version: There's only really two. Your 2011 Mitakihara is the rubble of the Star Empire. That's why it's relatively close to your home, without a four hundred year offset. That said, the linearization of the temporal flows in a closed time-like curve is not unique... from the general perspective, though, yes," she says. "They have been saved, from most peoples' perspective, and simultaneously will be saved, as part of processes you're in the middle of. Short of a paradox, anyway. Which I guess you could do with the star staff... Maybe check with Oriko before you try paradoxing things, though?" she suggests.

The two of you start climbing the stairs.

You take a deep breath. "Okay," you say. "What of Governance?"

"Wellll," she says. "To begin with, the Incubators are very good universe manipulators. It turns up in places you wouldn't expect. The soul gem works like a tiny bubble universe. It used to be that when a girl fell into despair, it would leak a little, and that would be a labyrinth. In the Governance timeline, they're working with infiltrators in Governance to try something new, putting real souls in a simulated universe to collect emotional energy. They start with a high-fidelity copy of the emotional state, and try to extrapolate without losing the soul and having to start over."

"And… Ryouko is the prototype," you conclude.

"No," says Gretchen.

"She's not?" That's a little surprising.

"Simona is the prototype."

You make a face. That … doesn't quite compute.

"The technology is still experimental," explains Gretchen. "They can test it on Simona first, because she's less important. It's not a real perpetual motion machine yet, they're still perfecting it. It's behind schedule right now. Her extradimensional memories fade when she repeats things, and they're trying to understand it before the important deployment… and that's Ryouko."

"… Oh," you say. That's less surprising.

Gretchen continues, as you reach the top of the stairs.

"The Imperial timeline and the Governance timeline have certain links," she says, "the details of which are less important, but is related to them sharing many of the same souls. This causes certain structural similarities. So where Ryouko the Star Princess was elevated as a living goddess, Ryouko the citizen is to become Governance: Humanity, and fill the Empty Throne, in part because she has you to deal with all of Governance's TCF issues."

You stumble on hearing this, and she reaches out to catch you.

"I can't tell you for sure what's after the critical point," she continues, quietly. "It is developing and re-developing nonlinearly, with lots of loops, and this could loop back into it. But I suspect that the Incubators intend for Humanity to make a contract, whereupon they will be able to extract energy repeatedly from everyone, without having to simulate everyone."

You are deeply concerned.

"In the meantime," she continues, "Simona's not really alone. One soul can pull in another, even if they can't control it directly. Simona pulls in Ryouko. Ryouko pulls in Asami, and you. You pull in Machina. Those are the strong ties in the web."

"And Homura?" you ask.

Gretchen shrugs. "… Homura has a ribbon. She can go where she wills, be who she wants. She might have been there to tear the whole place down. It wouldn't stop them for very long, but, well, she's stubborn like that."

"What about Asami?" you ask.

"I don't know, Clarisse," she says. "I'm not-omniscient by choice. I can't stand it. When you know too much about the way things are, you forget how to fight it. You end up sounding like an incubator. You see the greater good, and say to the lesser good, 'It can't be helped.' It burns me up from the inside out." She sighs. "I'm sure you'll think of something clever."

You've reached the top of the stairs, and Gretchen makes a beeline for a door to an outside balcony.

"Why are there witches?" you ask. "If the Star Empire universe had cubes and potatoes, why are there witches there now?"

"Because the magic is going to fix me, too," says Gretchen. "It's a little too powerful not to, especially when I'm so close to the center of things."

You step outside. The sky is blue, now, dotted with white clouds.

"Clarisse, it's okay if we're not going to be lovers, but… can you keep an eye on me?" she asks. "I don't think I'm going to remember. It wouldn't be a good job of fixing me if I did. I'd feel guilty all the time."

You nod affirmatively, and she squeezes your hand and smiles.

"Thanks," she says. "Find me someone cute?"

"… Uhm," you say. "I'll try?"

You sort of had assumed Homura…

"She's a little possessive, though, isn't she?" asks Gretchen.

"Oh," you say. No, it's not exactly a healthy relationship like that, is it?

"Hitomi?" you ask.

"… oh," she says. "We'd be family then, wouldn't we? … oh, but I'd be ever so spoiled."

The two of you chatter on for a short while —

You awaken pleasantly, to a gentle kiss on your lips.

Then… just a little bit more, which surprises you.

You open your eyes, and see your girl, Ryouko, sitting on the bed beside you, and it takes you just half a moment longer to realize that's not right, and you push her away.

She seems alarmed.

"Whoa, whoa," says Kyouko. "What is this?" She grabs Ryouko's shoulder to hold her back. "Take it easy, girl."

"Clarisse?" asks Ryouko, confused.

You stare at her wide-eyed, as you take stock of the situation. It's your bedroom in the Shizuki house, Kyouko and Nanami and Hitomi are there, and … Ryouko is holding the star staff. The ribbon is on the bedspread, between the two of you.

"You're definitely not my Ryouko," you conclude.

"… no," she says, evenly. "I suppose I'm not."

"Where is she?" you ask. "What did you do to her?"

"… Clarisse, you were out for… a while," says Nanami.

Oh, goddess. It's already Sunday afternoon.

"So you went to her to help?" you ask the other two, incredulously.

"She insisted!" says Kyouko.

Ryouko looks at you — no. It's not your Ryouko. The princess looks at you with a forlorn gaze.

"I wish to know, Clarisse," she says, "why I am so despised. Why no one here likes me."

"There's a different Ryouko who's supposed to be here instead," you say.

She shakes her head no.

"My own handmaiden, my Clarisse, has forsaken me in her heart, to favor that one instead," says the princess. "I have pressed her on this point, and she admits it. So I wish to know what is wrong with me."

You are slightly at a loss for where to begin on that one.

Hitomi clears her throat. "She's left you a note," she says.

Dear Clarisse,

I miss you a lot, and we're all very worried, especially Kyouko, who has hardly left your side, and Papa, though he's trying not to make it obvious. I think I know how to fix you, though, even if you don't like it. Besides, the Star Empire sounds like something I ought to see for myself. It isn't fair to put it all on you. Maybe I can help fix something there, too.

your Ryouko

Ps. Kyuubey came by but he wouldn't tell us about Simona while you weren't here
PPs. don't worry too much about Oriko, she should be okay for a few days at least

You clutch the letter to your heart.

"Sayaka, Kirika and Madoka are downstairs," notes Hitomi. "Madoka brought you flowers."

The flowers are in a vase by the bed.

"And Oriko" — you begin.

"At her place, with Mami," says Kyouko.

"I expect those two are probably making out," says Hitomi.

"… wait, what?" says Nanami.

"Don't tell them you know," says Hitomi. "You'll spoil it. And Kirika will be jealous."

You snatch the ribbon from the bedspread.

> hail to the Princess

[][Princess] Demand that the Princess return your Ryouko immediately
[][Princess] Give the princess a piece of your mind
-[] (write in a piece of your mind)
[][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
[][Princess] Ask Papa to share his guidance with her
[][Princess] Follow Ryouko back to the Star Empire, lest she do something rash
[][Princess] (write in)

[][Objectives] (write in)
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Damn, this is a good quest, absolutely confounding, but good.

First thought is to be hospitable and have her talk to papa, that seems helpful, no reason to be bitterly hostile, she's not actually evil. This doesn't have to be us vs them. We can talk things out.
[x][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
[x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it. And then ask her for her thoughts on the matter, and then listen.

Followed everything except how the timelines are linked together in this:
"Funny you should ask," she says, with a half a giggle. "You wanted to know about how the three timelines fit together here, right? Short version: There's only really two. Your 2011 Mitakihara is the rubble of the Star Empire. That's why it's relatively close to your home, without a four hundred year offset. That said, the linearization of the temporal flows in a closed time-like curve is not unique, and from the general perspective, though, yes," she says. "They have been saved, from the main timeline perspective, and simultaneously will be saved as part of processes you're in the middle of. Short of paradox, anyway. Which I guess you could do with the star staff... Maybe check with Oriko before you try paradoxing things, though?" she suggests.

Anyway, so we have a piece of Sakura Kinomoto's soul lodged in us like Hotel De Sora did and she's making us kind of silly strong (I am completely and utterly okay with this... also our swag is getting silly). Not a surprise, she's probably one of the stronger Sorceresses you could point to in most universes.

So Simona was the prototype for the Governance's whole simulation grief generator thing and Ryouko was the one slated to be put into it after the kinks were worked out? Only because souls end up getting tangled together Simona started a daisy chain that dragged a bunch of people into it.

More than that is that Kyuuby wants this daisy chain/web to build so it can contract all of humanity as one entity and apparently whatever they are using all that energy to fight really is that bad. Or at least it's a something Gretchen is wary of as well.

And... I think we really do need to just sit down and talk to Princess Ryouko. There's a lot she just doesn't know that she should have been told a long time ago because she's also just a pawn on the board. The grief potatoes, AIs, what Kyuuby is going to do to humanity thanks to her web thing, how her position and power shackles both herself and those around her... I think our group doesn't like what she represents and I kinda feel sorry for her more than anything.
"In the meantime," she continues, "Simona's not really alone. One soul can pull in another, even if they can't control it directly. Simona pulls in Ryouko. Ryouko pulls in Asami, and you. You pull in Machina. Those are the strong ties in the web."

We rebellion now?

Ps. Kyuubey came by but he wouldn't tell us about Simona while you weren't here
PPs. don't worry too much about Oriko, she should be okay for a few days at least
  1. We are the only person QB is willing to talk with about certain matters.
  2. Ryouko somehow knows that Oriko will not be a proplem for a few days. Would be nice if she explained how she knew, but oh well.
"I expect those two are probably making out," says Hitomi.

"… wait, what?" says Nanami.

"Don't tell them you know," says Hitomi. "You'll spoil it. And Kirika will be jealous."

I have questions for Hitomi, was she giving people advice?

In terms of vote, I agree with going for the sit down and speak with her. She didn't start anything and is just doing good by what she knows which has been deliberately warped.

[x][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
[x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it. And then ask her for her thoughts on the matter, and then listen.

The question is also what we should set as objectives. I want to save everyone, but that would be hard and as it stands, saving SE means preventing 2011 from existing. So is it possible to fix things in a way both exist? Also is it possible to make it so madoka doesn't have to dedicate herself to being god. Its nice we know what there is a lot of stuff that is because of future us. Madoka having no potential is clearly part of how we fixed things.

More than that is that Kyuuby wants this daisy chain/web to build so it can contract all of humanity as one entity and apparently whatever they are using all that energy to fight really is that bad.

All they are fighting is entropy, it seems like their methods of getting energy have a common theme of going wrong though, concentrating all the magic in one place is clearly a bad idea.

Edit: Forgot a bunch of stuff we really need to do on top of the princess and general objective points:

[X][Misc] Ask Hitomi why she says Mami and Oriko are making out
[X][Misc] Give Kyouko and hug, thank her for staying with us and apologize for making her worry in the first place.
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