ok, so i'm going to do a basic breakdown of the tech levels, and the bits of them I think would be particularly pertinent.
The big thing here is the naval tech. The general tech up is good, but i'm not sure how much of the industrial tech can be rolled out. The power armor is maybe not super useful for a polity that leans so heavily into astatas rather than elite mortal troops.
in terms of ready in the next few decades, the big things are neutron weapons and the Ragnarok Cannon. they
might be able to make a dreadnaught if they hurry, but I doubt it. that said, 30 years is enough to rush out a production run or two of battleships, and Ragnarok Cannons are going to be quite useful in space.
the two general things that
might be yourself at this level is vortex munitions and titans. dragons nest
might be able to roll out a useful number of titans before the nids hit, but i would not assume so. but they would
probably be able to stockpile vortex munitions. terminator armor would of course be obviously useful, but i'm not sure how useful that would be against nids.
this would actually give them
most of the benefit of other plans. It would give them a good chunk of industrial tech, the tech to make ships of the line on par with ours, and neutron weapons for their astarates. They would lack the more specialized navale units though. more industrial tech, but i'm not sure how much they would have time to roll out.
so the two big things usable in our time frame that this gives them is cheap power armor, and ragnarok cannons. while i'm not sure how useful the PA will be for them, ragnarok cannons are likely going to be super useful against nids. because they are super useful against
everything. termies are great, but super heavy infantry strike me as fairly close to crons so I suspect that the nids will have a lot of counters for squads of walking tanks ripping through their lines.
assuming this is meant to be most of our tire 4. in which case that likely means vortex ammunition and titans. so, most likely the main advantage would just be dragons next stockpiles vortex munitions.
@Durin does dragons nest have titan production facilities?