- Location
- Belfast
Reading this last update this morning I realized how close* we are to reaching the Beacon portion of the quest and what will probably be our first interactions with most of the canon cast.
As such I ended up spending my entire journey to work, my tea break, and now my lunch break trying to figure out what sort of functions major characters' Semblances might translate into...
As such:
Function Name: Return()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Absorbs 1 discrete incoming attack (no beam tanking ;P), then adds a percentage of the absorbed damage to next offensive blow.
- Upgrade - Allows function to be chained onto the end of Turn() without overloading it so long as it was used once within the Turn() [Or just remove overloading effect if limitation makes it too weak/complicated]
- Passive - Grants a passive damage absorbing mechanic where a percentage of all incoming damage is absorbed. Damage absorbed recharges Turn() meter.
- Alt Passive - Significantly reduces the Cool down of a function after its first use outside of Turn() until another function is used
Projected MEM Cost: 3
Function Discovery:
Otherwise known as Yang() (not to be confused with Yang.exe which is a terrible mistake of a pun generator program), this function was inspired by Jaune's insights into Yang's Semblance and the potential for storing and releasing damage received (preferably without actually taking the damage first).
NB.Based on the idea of either Caching incoming damage (or rather the energy behind it), then returning it to sender.
Edit - Now based on the idea of accepting a single 'variable' into the function when called, and sending a response right back to where it came from
. Upgrades may allow multiple variables of for additional effects to be applied to the Return() fire.
The Upgrade acts as though a copy of the function is cached during its first use in Turn() and can therefore be used for free at the end.
The Passive is absorbing some of any impact to generate additional power to recharge Turn() (much like a KERS does with power lost to braking in a high end sports car)
The Alt Passive is suggesting that the last function used is cached during its first use, so all subsequent uses are much faster than usual, so... Jauneting Everywhere Go!
Function Name: Rand()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - User Selects desired function from the pool of free functions. Rand() then rolls a True (75%)/False (25%) die. If{True}, function is used as expected, Else If{False} use Random Function
- Upgrade - 75% chance to reduce Turn() cost of the Function to zero, 25% chance to double it
- Passive - 75% chance to slightly reduce cooldown of Function, 25% chance to slightly increase it.
Projected MEM Cost: 2
Function Discovery:
The results of running into a Crazy Drunk Hunter with an *interesting* semblance. Jaune still isn't sure why all the bad things started happening to him when Ruby started fangirling over the Transitor again.
Nb. For when the players wish to try their luck against the ever fickle Dice
. Not really a serious function, but might be entertaining or have some niche use as a 'search for answer' function whenever we inevitably end up with far too many niche functions that don't make sense to lock in without knowing exactly what you are gonna be fighting.
Function Name: GoTo()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Charge up and teleport to target location (based on coordinates saved in memory, provided by the Process, or aura signature (longest charge and accuracy depends on range)).
- Upgrade - Attacks by the upgraded function skip the intervening distance between Jaune and their target. Cooldown is increased by 100%. (Suddenly hitscan, unlimited range Crash has to have some downsides...)
- Passive - increased Spacial Awareness, and awareness of Time-Space Phenomena in vicinity of Jaune. (Scary Portal Lady can't sneak up on me now!... I think...)
Projected MEM Cost: 5
Function Discovery:
I don't want to talk about it... Yang's Mum is Scary, enough said.
Nb. What else do you call the Function that takes you to an arbitrary location you know the 'address' of... Regardless of whether it's actually safe to do so or not?
Sure they're potentially a little bit broken... But we'd need to spend enough time near Raven to understand her Semblance to the point of an Alpha function without her either disappearing off or killing us... So yeah.
Function Name: Routine()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Skips Cooldown of next 3 Functions Used (Long personal Cooldown).
- Upgrade - Generates Shadowy Copies of the base Function that can precede or follow immediately after the actual strike. Copies deal negligible damage but have all the same secondary effects (Basically intended for additional debuffing of hard targets, or slipping attacks past defences by disguising the real one)
- Passive - Allows you to Queue and Charge up multiple Functions Simultaneously, with each immediately following the last one used (For when you really want to land a slow AoE, but don't trust the enemies to stay grouped from your Get() Function) (cooldowns are unaltered, so basically allows mini Turn()s where all functions go off nigh simultaneously)
Projected MEM Cost: 4
Function Discovery:
Based off Blake's Throwaway Clones, and the idea of multithreading Functions.
NB. Active is basically offloading the calculations into throwaway threads so multiple Functions (and notably copies of the same one) can be resolved nigh simultaneously.
Upgrade plays with her tricks in seemingly replacing herself with clones in close quarters (might be better as a sleight of hand, 'this function cannot be tracked accurately' option instead... Edit made), and the passive is a case of really playing around with Simultaneous execution of Functions but not actually altering them.
Function Name: Thread()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Reduces all parameters of next 3 Functions by 25%, but halves their cooldowns.
- Upgrade - Creates a pair of short-lived 'hardlight ghosts' of the buffed function that each deal up to 50% of it's damage, dropping as range increases (50% at point blank, 10% at max range). These spread out and act differently depending on the function Thread() is attached to (Breach becomes a 'cone', Spark gains extra frags, Crash becomes 3 'parallel blades' etc.)
- Passive - Generates a Holographic Jaune during Turn() who can use functions at the same time as the original. Has a separate Turn() bar equal to half of Jaune's, and if overloaded adds additional recharge delay to Turn() (so it's best to avoid that).
Projected MEM Cost: 4
Function Discovery:
Based on the properties of Sun's Clones, after a frustrating chase following a stowaway and actually getting to know him later on.
NB. Blake and Sun's Semblances are based off of different Multi Thread options I've seen in Object Oriented languages, and share similarities as both are 'Clone' Semblances. Blake's are used as throwaway decoys so she picked up a reference to Golang's Routines, whereas Sun's are more substantial and therefore became Thread() based on the more permanent threading setups used in other languages.
- Get() - Pyrrha
- Canon Function tweaked for in quest use. Honestly, Pyrrha's semblance tracks far too well to one of the canon Functions we don't yet have. I've definitely said as much before too.
Function Name: Trojan()
Function Category: Utility
Function, er, Function:
- Active - SEP field, effective on Humans, Faunus, and especially so Vs Grimm. Less powerful than Mask(), but can be selectively applied to all targets within a given range.
- Add-on - Reduces noticeable aspects of Function set up (so charging up a glowy laser sword strike is less obvious)
- Passive - Makes Jaune less noticeable or notable until he draws attention to himself, especially effective vs Grimm.
Projected MEM Cost: 2
Function Discovery:
Based on Ren's Semblance, or at least its visible effects on Grimm. Nothing to See here. Absolutely no sneaky Hunters with giant blue glowing swords, no siree! We're not sneaking past your security or anything, honest! (Developmental step for Mask() when combined with other Semblances?)
Nb. Simply due to the fact that Ren's Semblance doesn't quite line up to become Mask() on its own, and also because a general purpose SEP field had to be called Trojan()
. Also has greater utility when in a group, simply because it can be used on multiple people (maybe Ping(Trojan()) would be an option for applying it? Or AoE the whole group (SEP Bubble?) before making a move?
Function Name: Overclock()
Function Category: Combat/Utility
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Next 3 Functions are boosted to 200% in all aspects, and cooldowns are reduced by 50%. However, each function deals Backlash damage to Jaune proportional to its Turn cost.
- Add-On - Function damage is buffed to 200%, but cooldown is increased by 50%
- Passive - each successive function hit stacks a 2% damage buff and 1% cooldown reduction onto Jaune (100% buff and 50% cooldown max), with all stacks resetting after Jaune takes a hit.
Projected MEM Cost: 3
Function Discovery:
Inspired by Nora's perpetual energy (is she still plugged into the wall!? Or has she figured out Wireless Charging!?), and her ability to crank her abilities up to 11 when given enough electricity... At least until she fatigues or takes enough of a blow to disrupt her concentration.
I might add more if I can figure out any other interesting or entertaining ones (I've got an interesting idea for Neo's [Mirror ()], Cinder's [Fragment()] and Mercury's [Trace()]), but for now I need to finish eating then get back to work...
(*This is a quest... So beacon may be a long way off yet
Edit - Meant to ask if anyone had any thoughts on any of the functions (I'm not going to demand a review for all of them at once
), or any suggestions to improve them?
As such I ended up spending my entire journey to work, my tea break, and now my lunch break trying to figure out what sort of functions major characters' Semblances might translate into...
As such:
Function Name: Return()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Absorbs 1 discrete incoming attack (no beam tanking ;P), then adds a percentage of the absorbed damage to next offensive blow.
- Upgrade - Allows function to be chained onto the end of Turn() without overloading it so long as it was used once within the Turn() [Or just remove overloading effect if limitation makes it too weak/complicated]
- Passive - Grants a passive damage absorbing mechanic where a percentage of all incoming damage is absorbed. Damage absorbed recharges Turn() meter.
- Alt Passive - Significantly reduces the Cool down of a function after its first use outside of Turn() until another function is used
Projected MEM Cost: 3
Function Discovery:
Otherwise known as Yang() (not to be confused with Yang.exe which is a terrible mistake of a pun generator program), this function was inspired by Jaune's insights into Yang's Semblance and the potential for storing and releasing damage received (preferably without actually taking the damage first).
Edit - Now based on the idea of accepting a single 'variable' into the function when called, and sending a response right back to where it came from
The Upgrade acts as though a copy of the function is cached during its first use in Turn() and can therefore be used for free at the end.
The Passive is absorbing some of any impact to generate additional power to recharge Turn() (much like a KERS does with power lost to braking in a high end sports car)
The Alt Passive is suggesting that the last function used is cached during its first use, so all subsequent uses are much faster than usual, so... Jauneting Everywhere Go!
Function Name: Rand()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - User Selects desired function from the pool of free functions. Rand() then rolls a True (75%)/False (25%) die. If{True}, function is used as expected, Else If{False} use Random Function
- Upgrade - 75% chance to reduce Turn() cost of the Function to zero, 25% chance to double it
- Passive - 75% chance to slightly reduce cooldown of Function, 25% chance to slightly increase it.
Projected MEM Cost: 2
Function Discovery:
The results of running into a Crazy Drunk Hunter with an *interesting* semblance. Jaune still isn't sure why all the bad things started happening to him when Ruby started fangirling over the Transitor again.
Nb. For when the players wish to try their luck against the ever fickle Dice
Function Name: GoTo()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Charge up and teleport to target location (based on coordinates saved in memory, provided by the Process, or aura signature (longest charge and accuracy depends on range)).
- Upgrade - Attacks by the upgraded function skip the intervening distance between Jaune and their target. Cooldown is increased by 100%. (Suddenly hitscan, unlimited range Crash has to have some downsides...)
- Passive - increased Spacial Awareness, and awareness of Time-Space Phenomena in vicinity of Jaune. (Scary Portal Lady can't sneak up on me now!... I think...)
Projected MEM Cost: 5
Function Discovery:
I don't want to talk about it... Yang's Mum is Scary, enough said.
Nb. What else do you call the Function that takes you to an arbitrary location you know the 'address' of... Regardless of whether it's actually safe to do so or not?
Sure they're potentially a little bit broken... But we'd need to spend enough time near Raven to understand her Semblance to the point of an Alpha function without her either disappearing off or killing us... So yeah.
Function Name: Routine()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Skips Cooldown of next 3 Functions Used (Long personal Cooldown).
- Upgrade - Generates Shadowy Copies of the base Function that can precede or follow immediately after the actual strike. Copies deal negligible damage but have all the same secondary effects (Basically intended for additional debuffing of hard targets, or slipping attacks past defences by disguising the real one)
- Passive - Allows you to Queue and Charge up multiple Functions Simultaneously, with each immediately following the last one used (For when you really want to land a slow AoE, but don't trust the enemies to stay grouped from your Get() Function) (cooldowns are unaltered, so basically allows mini Turn()s where all functions go off nigh simultaneously)
Projected MEM Cost: 4
Function Discovery:
Based off Blake's Throwaway Clones, and the idea of multithreading Functions.
NB. Active is basically offloading the calculations into throwaway threads so multiple Functions (and notably copies of the same one) can be resolved nigh simultaneously.
Upgrade plays with her tricks in seemingly replacing herself with clones in close quarters (might be better as a sleight of hand, 'this function cannot be tracked accurately' option instead... Edit made), and the passive is a case of really playing around with Simultaneous execution of Functions but not actually altering them.
Function Name: Thread()
Function Category: Combat
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Reduces all parameters of next 3 Functions by 25%, but halves their cooldowns.
- Upgrade - Creates a pair of short-lived 'hardlight ghosts' of the buffed function that each deal up to 50% of it's damage, dropping as range increases (50% at point blank, 10% at max range). These spread out and act differently depending on the function Thread() is attached to (Breach becomes a 'cone', Spark gains extra frags, Crash becomes 3 'parallel blades' etc.)
- Passive - Generates a Holographic Jaune during Turn() who can use functions at the same time as the original. Has a separate Turn() bar equal to half of Jaune's, and if overloaded adds additional recharge delay to Turn() (so it's best to avoid that).
Projected MEM Cost: 4
Function Discovery:
Based on the properties of Sun's Clones, after a frustrating chase following a stowaway and actually getting to know him later on.
NB. Blake and Sun's Semblances are based off of different Multi Thread options I've seen in Object Oriented languages, and share similarities as both are 'Clone' Semblances. Blake's are used as throwaway decoys so she picked up a reference to Golang's Routines, whereas Sun's are more substantial and therefore became Thread() based on the more permanent threading setups used in other languages.
- Get() - Pyrrha
- Canon Function tweaked for in quest use. Honestly, Pyrrha's semblance tracks far too well to one of the canon Functions we don't yet have. I've definitely said as much before too.
Function Name: Trojan()
Function Category: Utility
Function, er, Function:
- Active - SEP field, effective on Humans, Faunus, and especially so Vs Grimm. Less powerful than Mask(), but can be selectively applied to all targets within a given range.
- Add-on - Reduces noticeable aspects of Function set up (so charging up a glowy laser sword strike is less obvious)
- Passive - Makes Jaune less noticeable or notable until he draws attention to himself, especially effective vs Grimm.
Projected MEM Cost: 2
Function Discovery:
Based on Ren's Semblance, or at least its visible effects on Grimm. Nothing to See here. Absolutely no sneaky Hunters with giant blue glowing swords, no siree! We're not sneaking past your security or anything, honest! (Developmental step for Mask() when combined with other Semblances?)
Nb. Simply due to the fact that Ren's Semblance doesn't quite line up to become Mask() on its own, and also because a general purpose SEP field had to be called Trojan()
Function Name: Overclock()
Function Category: Combat/Utility
Function, er, Function:
- Active - Next 3 Functions are boosted to 200% in all aspects, and cooldowns are reduced by 50%. However, each function deals Backlash damage to Jaune proportional to its Turn cost.
- Add-On - Function damage is buffed to 200%, but cooldown is increased by 50%
- Passive - each successive function hit stacks a 2% damage buff and 1% cooldown reduction onto Jaune (100% buff and 50% cooldown max), with all stacks resetting after Jaune takes a hit.
Projected MEM Cost: 3
Function Discovery:
Inspired by Nora's perpetual energy (is she still plugged into the wall!? Or has she figured out Wireless Charging!?), and her ability to crank her abilities up to 11 when given enough electricity... At least until she fatigues or takes enough of a blow to disrupt her concentration.
I might add more if I can figure out any other interesting or entertaining ones (I've got an interesting idea for Neo's [Mirror ()], Cinder's [Fragment()] and Mercury's [Trace()]), but for now I need to finish eating then get back to work...
(*This is a quest... So beacon may be a long way off yet
Edit - Meant to ask if anyone had any thoughts on any of the functions (I'm not going to demand a review for all of them at once
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