Ok, so I had nothing to do today due to a Doctor's Appointment, and I had been thinking on it since the Secondus portion of the Tech-Conference, so here is my limited review of the Tau stuff, mostly in regards to the Quartok aside from theoretical designs Secondus adapted for human use. How much is useful to our planetside trade partners is highly variable, even ignoring their lack of a tech base to even use it.
Side Note: No mention was given to the existence of any Deathwatch exclusive gear. We likely got this from Secondus, if only because the sheer number of Chapters that forms it would have brought survivors from the Watch Fortresses, as well as the large involvement in the Deathwatch by Chaplain Cassius and the Tyrannic War Veterans. But, this requires a confirmation from Durin. Though really, this equates to having the Power Fists with integral Meltaguns, Astartes-Portable Frag Cannons, and the Infernus Heavy Bolter (Heavy Bolter + Heavy Flamer Combi-weapon with suspensor), the special Shotgun ammo, the Guardian Spear, and their special flyer transport, as we already got the variant Bolt munitions.
Pulse Weaponry: Durin already stated Secondus adapted this line for human use (with a focus on Astartes), so the only
real comment to make is that this means that High-Capacity Burst Cannons give Termie equivalents a good Dakka option in addition to the standard assault cannon and Pulse Blasters giving a very tasty alternative to Shotguns and boarding weapons. As for the Quartok, they could use Pulse Carbines and Pulse Blasters as the basis for pistols (they already are at about the scale to do so for Battlesuits anyways), and they are longer ranged than traditional pistols so they would maintain the range advantage against pistol users. For long arms, while it was mentioned in an Omake that the Quarok could use a quick and dirty combination of 2-4 Pulse Rifles in one frame (which, mind, is not a
bad choice), they would probably focus on the Longshot Pulse Rifle, as it is a long barreled Pulse Rifle that is designed for Rapid Fire sniping. Depending on the exact strength level of a fresh recruit, the Longshot could be light enough that it would lose nothing by being Twin-Linked. For the next tier of Pulse weapons the Burst Cannon (and it's High-Capacity variant) don't have quite the range unless the Quartok decide to deploy Jetpack harassers or use them as the basis for pistols for their older troops. The Long Barreled Burst Cannon (as it is roughly the size of the old Broadside's Rail Gun, which Durin confirmed is a Very Heavy weapon) is at the right scaleto be adapted to a squad support/heavy weapon equivalent, while the Heavy Burst Cannon (which is roughly Ordnance scale) could serve the same for older quartok (and as Aryz's Anti-Infantry gun option) as well as a possible crew-served weapon. The biggest examples of this technology would be the Pulse Bomb System of the Sunshark (only useful if the Quartok deploy their own airforce or can adapt it into some kind of Trebuchet for artillery); the Stormsurge's Knight Scale Pulse Driver Cannon and Pulse Blast Cannon; and the Titan-scale Ta'unar Pulse Ordnance Multidriver (I assume it is a Pulse weapon, and not a misidentified Rail Artillery piece). If Aryz can wield Knight-Scale weapons, then the Pulse Driver and Blast Cannon become a very good option for venting his...
ire upon enemy Astartes and Vehicles. The Multidriver could be used in a super-heavy artillery emplacement or as a carapace mount on larger titans, so that is useful. For Avernite Xenos, only really useful to our Ant Buddies; probably does not react well to water (unless the Sirens have a Rune combination to bypass any such issues)
Ion Weaponry: This section is iffier, as there is the issue of Radiation from using the overcharged option. Really, the 10% overall improvement would just need to be spent on solely Radiation Shielding to make these weapons safe (relatively speaking, assuming the user has access to effective radiation treatment). Assuming the radiation is offset, Ion weapons serve relatively well for killing medium infantry, and the Ion Cannon and Ion Accelerator don't even
need the overcharge option to serve their normal roles. Even if it requires top-end medical care, that would not necessarily prevent Aryz lugging one around if he so choose. We actually would provide treatment from our own stores as an act of goodwill (even if it's the playerbase's choice rather than an automatic choice by Rotbart). For the Astartes, they likely deploy Ion weapons in sponson mounts (which would provide an extra layer of separation for the radiation to deal with). Secondus has probably adapted a Hurricane Bolter equivalent from Cyclic Ion Blasters or Ion Rifles, sponson mounts of the Cyclic Ion Raker and Phased Ion Gun, and possibly an AA-mount based on the Quad Ion Turret from the Razorshark. Finally, the Ionic Discharge Cannon provides a basis for Haywire-equivalent weapons beyond EMP grenades. The Tri-Axis Ion Cannon of the Ta'unar is semi-viable as a Super-Heavy Turret or Titan arm weapon, though someone may find an existing weapon that serves its role better; this would be in the spot half-way between the Knight Dominus's Plasma Decimator and the Titan Scale Plasma Blast Gun. For Avernite Xenos, Ant Buddies would deploy these with less intelligent drones unless they have Alkahestral treatment for radiation exposure; the sirens may either ignore them or have Runes that negate the radiation issue, just leaving how the weapons react underwater.
Rail Guns*: Secondus may have used this line of weapons to supplement/replace the versatility of special Bolt ammunition, as the Tau have already showcased two different weapons with this, as well as using Heavy Rail Rifles as an Alternative to Vehicle-mounted Lascannons. As the Quartok already use (less advanced) Rail Guns as their primary armament, this would be the easiest to adapt to. A Rail Rifle (likely Twin-Linked) would be a serviceable base weapon, with the Heavy Rail Rifle (possibly twin-linked only for larger quartok who can wield a Broadside Rail Gun instead) serving as a dedicated sniper
and anti-tank weapon, and the Broadside Rail Gun serving the same role for larger Quartok. They could instead use the Pulse Submunitions Rifle instead (which, unlike the Ta'unar's Multidriver, is
definitively a Rail Gun); using EMP Shells for vehicles, Hyper-Density Sabot's for Heavy Infantry & monsters, and the basic anti-infantry shells used by Hazard suits. The Hammerhead Railgun and larger pieces would be emplacement and turret weapons, with the Swiftstrike Railgun providing an interesting alternative to Autocannons and Las-Talons for Light Vehicle killing, and the Pulse Submunitions Cannon providing a Knight-scale weapon that shreds large groups of Heavy Infantry. The Heavy Rail Cannon is a nice long-range Anti-Titan weapon, though it competes with Turbo-Lasers and Volcano Cannons for it's role. As far as Avernite Xenos would be concerned: Lulana's peeps would enjoy a way to punch through the armor of heat resistant enemies; while yon sirens would probably use Wind/Water Runes (or something replicating hydrokinesis) to preemptively generate a water-free path while using the water itself to dump heat, allowing them to increase rate-of-fire.
*: As a note, in the tabletops 8th Edition all rail guns aside from the Submunition Rifle, Submunition Cannon, and the Submunition of the Hammerhead Railgun can inflict Mortal Wounds on the target unit (not
model, for multi-model units) due to overpenetration and hitting the guy(s) behind them. This means that even a single shot weapon could, in theory, kill a small group.
Plasma Weapons: Secondus would have actually done well with using this tech, relegating Imperial Plasma weapons to Vehicle mounts or those skilled enough to go unharmed by the overheating issues. The basic Plasma Rifle is a bit short-ranged for the Quartok's standards (doubly so for the Fusion Cascade and Phased Plasma Flamer, more on those later) but in canon 40k the Bork'an Sept already had a functioning prototype with improved ranged and functionally overcharged to Imperial Plasma Gun standards (with better damage to boot, in 8th editions rules), so they would use that as the basis for a Heavy-Infantry Killer (depending on how Durin grades the effectiveness of Plasma vs Rail Guns). They would make use of the T'au Plasma Cannon as a heavy weapon equivalent (roughly same size as a Broadside Rail Gun, making it a Very Heavy weapon) and special weapon for their larger veterans. Two other expressions of this technology is the special plasma grenades used by the Supernova variant of the Air Bursting Fragmentation Launcher and the Phased Plasma Flamer of the Y'vahra variant of the Riptide; the former, while still being short-ranged, is very good at killing Astartes, and was employed more as a bombing weapon (shooting in tabletop 40k generally ignores vertical distances, so the firing model could be 3 ft up but hit guys in bushes accurately); the latter is comparable to our Plasma Flamers (same range, lower strength and AP, but higher damage), but in canon was only fielded as a Tri-Linked weapon on the experimental Y'vahra Riptide. As the Quartok prefer to maintain their range, the Phased Plasma Flamer would only have limited deployment, while the Supernova Launchers would be best used by skirmishers and flying dudes. In regards to our fellow members of the Avernus Chapter of the Fuck Chaos Coalition, Best Formics may not have best usage (most heavily armored things they fight are often flame resistant , like Magma Worms), and the fish ladies would be in near constant danger if these weapons even manage to function underwater (barring Rune shenanigans).
Fusion Weapons: No real overlap here for Secondus, except maybe the increased range of Fusion Blasters & Fusion Colliders and the increased ROF of the Fusion Cascade for anything that used Meltaguns aside from regular humans and
possibly standard Astartes (if the Fusion Blaster was 10% smaller it could be used in place of a meltagun for a regular marine; still too big for a Combi-Melta or Deathwatch Terminator Meltagun). Quartok would at least consider Fusion Blasters and Fusion Colliders if they employ skirmishers, but only the Fusion Cannon (equivalent of the Devil Dog's Melta Cannon) would interest them, even with it being short to mid ranged by their standards. The Fusion Collider is uninteresting to them due to it's crap range, and the Fusion Eradicator is just a kludged Quint-Linked Fusion Cannon to serve as a Titan scale arm weapon. May be useful if they make a siege tank, but otherwise unmemorable. Fusion Blades, though, would be useful to us and the Quartok, as they are Fusion Blasters that double as melee weapons, and if used as an arm mount like on a crisis suit both of us could adapt them into our preferred melee styles (arm blades, just like Warp Spiders!). For our trade partners upon this Hellworld, it will be mildly useful for armored enemies that aren't flat immune to heat, but suffers the same issues as plasma weapons when used underwater.
Explosives: Missile Pods, High Yield Missile Pods, and Smart Missile Systems are mildly useful, and let Secondus's marines adapt easily to our micromissiles. Depending on if the Tau focused on miniaturization (and as such, ammunition capacity) or improving the effectiveness of their warheads, this could be something the Tau made that we
would incorporate into our heavier PA suits. Quartok would likely use these in the same way as we use micromissiles. The Air Bursting Fragmentation Projector is more meh in comparison, though it does have a much greater blast radius than even a frag missile while being just as strong, so it at least has that going for it. It's also smaller than the Viking Gunship's Flechette Launchers, so it can be used by lighter vehicles and our heavy PA troopers. Skirmisher only for Quartok, all things considered. Seeker and Destroyer missiles are inferior to our equivalents (Hunter Killer and the Dominus's Shield Breakers respectively), but the Quartok would probably like having them. The Skyspear is a bit meh for a Fighter weapon and The Nexus Meteor Missile System is comparable to our Manticores, so meh. For our erstwhile planetary neighbors, this is ok for our six-limbed subterrane buds, but is actually the
most useful to the ichthid elves, as this tech can be adapted to torpedoes.
Other Weapons: Tau Flamers are oversized trash for us, except maybe the Thermoneutronic Projector. It is effectively a slightly stronger Heavy Flamer (Increased Strength and damage), but unless we or the Tau have a way to replicate it's specialized fuel
without Harvesting a Neutron Star it is useless to the Quartok, and we would probably prefer our Orthus-Pattern Heavy Flamers & Plasma Flamers anyways. The Onager Gauntlet is basically meh, except in use on melee Servitors where it makes their one attack krump gud. I guess the Quartok could figure out how to use it in Aryz's Hut-sized Power Maul, so he could juggle a Knight while pumping it full of death from his gun of choice. Flechette Dischargers would serve the Quartok the same as Tau, though we may or may not benefit ourselves. Marker Lights would be beneficial, though we may already have equivalents; Quartok would like them, and could field High Intensity variant from the Tetra. Honour Blades are literally nothing of consequence for anyone period, while the Equalizers probably already comparable to the Quartok's own power weapons. For the Nynye the flamer is meh as they likely have a bio-weapon equivalent (and cannot make use of the Thermoneutronic variant), the Onager would be mildly useful depending on the expense of equaling it with alkahestry & biomancy, Flechette is a bit more useful, Marker Lights are dependent on open Terrain for maximum effect, but the Equalizers would give them a definitive melee booster to work from. For the Eldar Mermaids, Flechette is dependent on many factors, Marker Lights require tuning for underwater use but make targeting surface and aerial opponents very effective, and Equalizers
might improve their melee weapons.
Auxiliary Weapons*: Kroot Rifles would be a simple upgrade for the Nynye, Kroot Guns a simple upgrade for the Quartok, and the Vespid Neutron Blaster is utterly useless unless we can both replicate the necessary crystals
and duplicate the Vespids subharmonic frequencies that let them actually utilize the crystals. If we somehow had the crystals (or something similar; this is Avernus, there are probably a dozen species that excrete a variety of crystals that could be used with it), the Nynye would likely be the best situated to use it with their winged drones.
*: As no one actually made any omakes (canon or otherwise) on Tau Empire races I am limited to the ones Canon to 40k and mentioned in the codexes, as well as what technology they are mentioned as using. Demiurg would just be Ion weapons, Nicassar may provide stasis systems of some sort and xenos Psy/Warptech, and the third one with mentioned Tech would be Humans.
Other Gear: Battlesuit Technology would greatly benefit the Quartok, as they are the right size to develop body armor for their recruits and powered armor for their veterans (mind, their continuous growth makes upkeep on PA a bitch), as well as help us with improving flight systems for our PA and even let the Quartok develop personal flight technologies. Remember that the only other group that utilizes similar non-vehicular flight units is the Eldar (Shadow Spectres roughly equaling the old XV15 Stealth Suits, Wasp mirroring Crisis Suits) and they both have dreadnought+ scale walkers that can fly without being in open space (Riptide & it's variants and Eldar Wraithknights, the majority of their Knight Titans, and their
actual Titans). The Riptide may well let us boost the Knight Forlorn into having void flight and being a jump unit planetside, and the Coldstar would make smaller scale boarding parties extremely effective as they would not necessarily need a boarding craft to get close (and would generally be too small for most point defense to target with even Orkish Accuracy, though Orks are absurd enough to have random infantry scale weapons plinking at this role just because it amuses them) as well as letting us increase the mobility of sub-Knight walkers and Heavy PA.
Tau Stealth tech is... surprisingly good for us, and a definite blessing for the Quartok. Considering the Ghostkeel, probably any Quartok short of Aryz and other ancients would be able to pull off bullshit Stealth Shenanigans. This would also benefit Tranth's Stealth specialty, as macro-vehicular stealth is another area the Tau share with Eldar (even if it's for something Dreadnought scale and a small atmospheric Drone fighter).
Last, but certainly not least, is Tau Infantry & Battlesuit power supplies. Unlike the high-end DAoT stuff we got, which operated under the conditions of a higher-tech base as well as being much faster (only edged out by the Imperium with the Astronomicon) at FTL, the Tau actually have to design their power supplies for durability and efficiency. They can't set up the kind of infrastructure that allowed Dark Age humanity to deploy Trooper armor on the frontlines, so making sure power supplies could last a good long while is very important. Especially for Stealthsuits and Battlesuits that may be used by 43k Pathfinders or more stealthy Auxiliaries. Mind, the Tau may be just using advanced batteries rather than reactors for anything smaller than a Crisis or XV25 Stealth Suit. And it is entirely possible that our PA are actually supposed to use an upsized version of the standard Lasgun Power Pack (that Entropy-choking blessing of the Omnissiah) rather than whatever we are currently fumbling with. But, it's at least enough to be of interest to at least check in character. Never know what secrets Durin left in the background, or may not have thought of but is not opposed to adding (even at the whims of RNJesus).
@Durin yee, I made an analysis thingy, most Glorious Dwarven Overlord!
PS: Yes, I have nothing better to do than think on such minute stuff. If you want me to, I could make it more granular by adding in the Tabletop stats for both 7th *and* 8th Edition
