Psi Grounding Rod
Created as an early Dark Age attempt to control the outbreak of psykers these devices are capable of absorbing limited amounts of psycic energy in an area around themselves. In practise this reduces the amount of power going into a direct attack like a blast of fire.
However, the device has severe restrictions. First is cost, similar to most anti warp devices.
Second is fragility. This is both an issue with the devices themselves that are not particularly sturdy, but also a more general issue that they can easily be overwhelmed. This is likely the result of the Dark Age not having large numbers of psykers above the level of Gamma, never mind Betas and Alphas. Against Apex levels the Grounding Rods will rapidly begin to overwhelm and then detonate releasing the stored power in a very dangerous manner.
The Eldar recovered these devices.
Titan drop pods
Created by Callamus as a means of deploying their most powerful asset as quickly as possible, a Titan drop pod is surprisingly complex. There are numerous hurdles that must be overcome in order to drop a titan from orbit without harming the Machine within or making it an easy target to being shot down. Even now the largest titan (the Imperator) cannot be dropped at all and it is risky to try to drop Warlords.
However, tactically the ability to literally drop titans on an enemy force is near unprecedented.
Psy gun
Another device recovered by the Eldar, the psy in this case stands for psychological, not psycic. When activated the device will influence the emotions, of its target through nearly undetectable sound waves, denaturing of certain enzymes and other wise changing the body chemistry. Doing this will have two effects.
- The general health of a person will begin to degrade, albeit over a long period of time and is reversible.
- The emotions and mood of a person will be influenced.
This is where the gun draws its name. If used correctly it can encourage a person to fly into hideous rage, fall into despair or cower in fear.
The gun comes in two forms. First is assassination. This takes the shape of an easily concealable device that can be used to influence someone at close range.
The second is a far longer range "sniper" that is best used against officers, badly affecting their decision-making abilities and confusion.
The device has severe limits. The design is intended for human use primarily and needs to be reconfigured for non-human, or divergent biology's as well as being a complex and delicate weapon.
Nightlight and Lightbloom flares
A system that was used during the Great Crusade, these flares have opposite purposes.
Designed for elite forces, when fired into the sky the Nightbloom flares, emit a field that forces the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans see to move around it. This creates an area of darkness that is practically impenetrable. Most commonly used on stealth raids at night or in dim areas, they are best used in combination with visors that can mark targets so that the force using the Nightlight can still see their opponents even when they cannot see them.
By contrast Lightbloom flares are designed for more common useage and during the day time, being less technologically sophisticated. When activated they will burst into incredibly bright light that will stun and hopefully blind soldiers who are not prepared for them or lack protection and start to emit radiation and static that will scatter vox communication. The static has a specific frequency that it does minimal harm too, so allied voxs will still function.
Needle plasma
Ryza is known as the King of Plasma with good reason. The Needle Plasma gun was an ancient attempt by the forge to get around the issue of overheating endemic to Imperial weapons and it succeeded to an extent.
The result is a rapid-fire weapon that fires "needles" filled with contained plasma. At short range there are few weapons that match it in terms of raw damage output over time, however the design never managed to go far outside of Ryza. The ammunition fired by the weapon is very sophisticated and expensive and the weapon's short range, combined with how a basic plasma gun does more damage per hit sealed this fate.
The Laciarn Tank
The pride and joy of many battle congregations, the Laciarn was a fully intact STC main battletank recovered by Ryza shortly after its founding and was the first step in cementing its status as the plasma king.
The tank is a grav vehicle, allowing it to easily glide over most terrain with lateral fins providing stability and balance, and possesses thick armour plating and ion shielding. Internally the crew are presented with holographic interfaces that allow them to see 360 degrees around the vehicle. However, the most obvious part of the tank is the highly complex array rising over the top of the vehicle. When activated the array casts a massive ball of burning plasma which crashes into the ground exploding violently. The array possesses little chance of overheating due to highly advanced cooling systems although it cannot fire too quickly.
The tank appears to have been intended as an artillery piece of some kind as its main gun can be best compared to a mortar. However, crews say that whether this is the intent or no it acts just as well attacking foes straight in front of it.
All of this comes with one, overwhelming massive down side. The Laciarn is expensive. Hilariously so. On their own grav technology, and stable plasma are among the most expensive human technologies known. Combining the two together in the form of a tank creates a bill that boggles the mind and reserves the Laciarn to only the most elite of elite troops.
Solar Fury
While an impressive name the actual device is far less overwhelming than it implies. Created by the Ultramarines to gain an early advantage when attacking Tau worlds. When activated the Fury detonates and instigates a solar flare from within a star.
This solar flare will then impact a planet causing a strong, but temporary haywire field to appear. While Tau devices are hardened against such attacks they are still impacted, and it can make the difference between a successful assault on orbital defences, or failure.
Although potentially potent against non-tau enemies, the devices are expensive and are limited outside of their specific use and as should be expected with such vast manipulation of the laws of nature there are some accuracy issues. In addition, if there are long term effects on either star or planet is unknown.
Magnetic Accelerator Rings
Designed by Callamus to ease the transportation of goods and movement of troops within system, Magacc Rings are massive circles of metal. When a ship passes through one wearing a specific coating then the rings will accelerate their real space movement.
Moving through multiple rings will accelerate a ship more, however too many will likely rip the ship apart.
These devices have saved Callamus massively both in time spent moving resources, as trips to and from the edge of systems can take weeks if not more, and in their early days worlds as well as fleets were able to arrive in orbit faster and cut their enemies off. Now it is standard practise for Ophelians and Necrons to destroy many Mag rings they encounter.
Regeneration formula.
One of the crowning achievements of the Organist faction, the regeneration formula allows for rapid regeneration of damaged flesh and tissue. Simply injecting oneself with the formula will let the liquid within go to work, and rapidly reinforce wound and other injuries. More advanced variants of the formula will heal broken limbs.
Issued primarily to bio skittari and only the elite at that.
Heated Impalers and River Gun
Ironically the Trust is the faction in the wider galaxy with some of the least experience in using the Impaler to its true potential.
Using ideas copied from an affiliate species, the Tulanar, Callamus created two variants of the impaler. The first is a simple modification that superheats and fires the rounds, setting enemies and terrain ablaze.
The second is far more complex, firing a stream of molten metal from the barrel of the gun. The operator can tune the pressure of the barrel turning the weapon from a burning piercing weapon, to a horrific flamer at the touch of a dial, trapping and burning the enemy alive in molten metal.
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