The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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Just to note, this is significantly better than during the first incursion, where after the first year there were an estimated hundred and thirty million undetected left, and one hundred million after that. We eliminated the majority of those in the third year through orbital bombardment of our own cities, after evacuating the non-cultists.

So if this is with not all actions taken into account, we're likely good to have the cultist problem under control by the end of the second year, especially with them not having access to the militia equipment due to it being on lockdown, which makes it harder for them to dig in.
Just a note, that was the estimated maximum number of cultists we could have missed, which is supposedly significantly higher than the real number of cultists we missed.
Negaverse Omakes: Empire of Ashes Quest
Empire of Ashes Quest

laughing one said:
Even as the orkish hordes grow, and the gods and mortals strive and squabble, The galaxy spins on.
Mid-turn Random event roll: ???

The skeins of fate are changing. A seed of great change is being planted.someone is reaching out...

Eldrad Ulthran, greatest of seers was doing something he had not done in some time. He was resting. A rare activity to be sure, but even his new form was not fully beyond fatigue, and the signs had been clear, today was an auspicious day to rest. Safe within the sanctum of his god he lowers his guard, just a hair, just enough to allow the sanctified energies of the sanctum to do their work unimpeded.

roll d100=1+49(control)+110(Traits)=160: Critical Fail

The snare was well placed, hidden among the deep shores of improbability, it would remain harmless and inactive in all but the most improbable of futures. A sleeping danger to strike decades after it was placed, but to strike with grave misfortune from beyond the sight of seers. Yet strike it did, a curse of doom and death roaring out of the deepest depths of improbability.

re-roll ???=yes
re-roll d100=81+49(control)+110(Traits)+15(Paragon of Divination)=255: Greater Critical Success

Only to be caught in a perfectly prepared weaving, its power flawlessly turned against itself. The final echoes of its destruction as the doom devoured itself serving only as an introduction to ease the way of the mon'keigh seer as he approaches. Passing through the threshold of Ynneads realm without so much as a glance at the defense the could rend it's soul to nothing.

"We have much to discuss Eldrad."

Eldrad smiles at the display of skill and bravado. He knows this seer, has seen him once before when he misstepped and he had needed to save him. He was a far cry from the skilled amateur he'd seen spying upon the green awakening.

"Indeed oh Oracle of the divine. I am pleased to see you have grown greatly."

The other seer nodded, lowing the wards and blinds on his past so that his purpose could be known in detail. This had indeed been an auspicious day to rest.

You have been contacted by the Imperial Trust due to a greater critical success on their part you will receive detailed information about the polity and the event chain will take one step forward on their terms. The scheme Uplift has advanced to the second step. The mystery Fate of the Changeling has been resolved into the secret Grave of the Changeling.

Grave of the Changeling
The reason no one has seen the Changeling for centuries is incredibly simple, yet almost unbelievable. It has been truly slain at the hands of a mortal champion. Seeking to establish a cult upon the Crucible it sought to slay and replace the mon'keigh responsible for suppressing cults, a woman named Jane Oakheart. It should have been her doom, to fight the changing is to fight your own skill married to demonic might. Yet it was not the mortal that died that day. In the crucible of a losing fight, Oakhearts soul crystalized, transforming her from a mere master to a Paragon mid-swing. Such was the fruits of her soul that her blade would forever bring true death to the demonic, starting with one of the favored servants of the changer of ways. Result: +20 to countering Tzeentch plots with the changeling keyword, may expend the secret for a one time +50 bonus, or to automatically foil a plot with the changeling and paranoia keyword. Changeling confirmed dead.

The imperial trust has unearthed the secrets of their forbearers, they begin to approach the pinnacle of what their race has achieved. However, they are small and isolated. But they are not blind to the state of the galaxy, they see their people strive and suffer, and they would ease the tribulations of their kin. They dream of a great conclave of the mon'keigh empires, a chance for them to share their ancient secrets. Already they offer the services of their greatest Seer and soldiers as payment to arrange the meeting. Should the distrustful lords of the great mon'keigh empires be convinced to attend it could shit the balance of the galaxy, securing vast swathes of territory. Step 1 of ?? completed Result: 12 divinations over the next 50 years, gain 2 elite space marine companies, 1 elite power armored army with super heavy support for 100 years.

Imperial Trust
Petty Imperium Confederacy
Rulers: High Council
Capital: Midgard
Size: 37 Worlds
Technology level: 18
Estimated Population: 756 billion
Military: 84 billion Guard, 520 billion Militia, 1800 Super Heavy Squadrons, >4,000 Space Marines
Economy: 8,543 kCredits
Fleet: 2 Dreadnoughts, 5 Command Battleships, 160 Battleships, 3,470 Capital Ships, 33,000 Escorts
Extraordinary assets: 7-12 paragons. 3-5 Alpha psykers. 1 nacisent deity. Access to the Crucible.
Noteworthy paragons: Lin the last saint: piety. Ridcully, the oracle of gods: Control, power, divination. Rotbart the great: martial, wields 4/7 pieces of the Black Crystal regalia.

One of many safeholds created by the Emperor of man in the lead up to his death, the imperial trusts defining moment was when Lin communed with his emperor on the eve of his death. In those final hours, the Emperor elevated him to a living saint, revealing the truth of his dream and nature to him before charging him with shepherding the trust through the trials to come. The effect this has had on the trust cannot be overstated. While many of the surviving human powers have turned away from the tyranny and xenophobia of the old Imperium the trust has made a concentrated effort to do so, striving to bring themselves in line with the Emperor's true vision for humanity. The warning and revelation allowed the original 9 worlds to whether the death of their god surprisingly well and unify swiftly. This unification was aided by a warpstorm that isolated the sector after the emperor's death.

The second key event was the discovery of the fully intact DataCore of the ancient battleship the sword of surtur in the helineim system. While they had already uncovered and reverse engined a great deal of ancient human technology, from the swords databanks they pulled a complete military design database. While they are missing much of eras nonmilitary technology, the trust's military technology is on par with a typical petty empire of humanities technological golden age.

With such boons, one may wonder why they did not expand beyond the original sub-sector. The answer is that until recently they were trapped behind impenetrable warp storms. Worse still while the universe experienced a thousand years they had a mere century to ready themselves to survive a far harsher galaxy. So far they have acquitted themselves well. Seeking an alliance with a neighboring petty imperium, taking in an orphaned astartes chapter.

The Crucible: A creation of the Old ones the Crucible is a combination vault, weapons lab and proving grounds. It is here that the weapon races of the old ones were created, refined, tested, and destroyed. A task the Crucibles governing intelligence continues to this day. The world is a dizzying array of potent living weapons in a constant and bloody struggle. Some are familiar, the aldari like sirens and the all too familiar orkwings are clear predecessors to the greatest creations of the old ones. But most are strange and alien, with no finished version surviving in the wider galaxy. But millions of years of guided evolution have sharpened these prototypes and dead ends into lethal threats. The Crucible knows no distinction, the mon'keigh on its surface are subject to its bloody trials and guidance the same as everything else. This has resulted in a fierce warrior people led by an abundance of great champions, as well as a shocking amount of psykers for an otherwise all but mind blind species.

In addition to the various rampant warbeasts, the world is home to a number of the most potent and devastating weapons of the old ones. Weapons so terrible even in the closing days of the war in heaven they dared not unleash them. Mercifully the weapons guardians and defenses remain fully intact. 4 times have the ruinous powers reached for the world, and four times has the world's guardians rosed themselves to drive them back.

Black Crystal regalia: some of the greatest relics of the Old ones. The Black Crystal regalia can be found on the crucible, the Crown, the Necklace, the Chest plate, the Ring, the Gauntlets, the Sword, the Pistol and the Greaves. Each piece is on it's own a relic of immense might, but their powers grow the more of the regalia one wields. What it would mean should a creature acquire the full regalia is not known, but the powers of the relics cannot be overstated. However they are in the stewardship of the guiding mind of the crucible, why it has allowed a mon'keigh gather so many is unclear, but it would not give relics to such a creature without a clear goal.

Rotbart the great: Originally an anonymous scribe until a suspiciously serendipitous error saw him assigned as the governor of immensely dangerous deathworld. It was here that he discovered an immense talent for war, unknown to even himself. A talent his many trials and tribulations has sharpened to one of the greatest mortal generals in the galaxy. While he is a potent warrior he is no paragon of the blade, however the Black Crystal Sword he wields makes up the difference, enabling him to challenge some of the greatest swordsmen as a near equal.

Paragon Trait: n steps ahead - (does not have to specify number or composition of forces until they either are identified or engage in combat, only works on a planetary level)- Governor Rotbart is a master reading the flow of a war and determining what will happen well in advance. As a result of this he is always able to position his forces to maximum effect, often taking advantage an an enemies actions before the opposing general knows what he will do.

Black Crystal Sword (+3C, causes massive damage, ??)- A elegant longsword with strange runes made of the same Black Crystal as several other artefacts found on Avernus. You are not sure of its true capabilities but it is sharper and tougher then even the best made power weapon and causes levels of damage that seem to be in excess of what a sword its size should be able to do. this sword is capable of killing souls, making it one of the few weapons that can permanently kill a daemon.

Lin the last saint: sainted on the last day of the Emperors life, his souls was not sturdy enough to withstand the full blessing he was given. As such while he burns brightly with the light of his dead god his soul shall soon fade flicker and fade. He has created a new version of faith called the imperial truth, meant to guide mankind against the temptations of the ruinous powers and ensure his Emperor will find a worthy people once he is reborn. As he nears the end of his life he is content to spend the last of his time researching matters divine.
The Last Saint (+5M, +2I, +3A, +6L, +23P, +17D, +12C, +100 vs Daemons, +50 vs Chaos, +1 to all morale, double effect of piety on cultist numbers, harder to kill, can purify and cure Chaos effects) – Deacon Lin is the last to be sainted by the Emperor, who blessed him with what gifts he deemed necessary for the coming trials.
Burning Bright (-1C, +5 to all rolls, more likely to gain traits, aging increased to 1 year per 3 years)- Saint Lin's soul is burning ever brighter over the years, allowing him to achieve ever more amazing feats at the cost of increasing the rate at which he ages.
Aura of Truth (+5I, +2A, +2P, +4D) – When Deacon Lin was sainted, he was gifted with an Aura of Truth. In his sacred presence none may doubt his words, lie or otherwise dissemble.

Ridcully, the oracle of gods: Bar none Ridcully is the single most potent mortal seer in the galaxy. Over the last thousand years, he has gazed upon Numerous divine secrets. When the Tyrant appeared in the face of his god, he walked its halls to learn it's true nature, when yned rose to strike down slaneish he hid among the shadows to bear witness, when the brute Gods of the Orks rose he was one of the few to present to escape whole and hale. Such is the breadth and depth of his accomplishments that by skill and power alone he has approached the threshold to godhood. While he yet shows no interest in apotheosis, should he decide to walk the path to godhood his chances would be better than most.
High Grandmaster Munstrum Ridcully
Honorary High Council Member

Age: 493, rejuved to 30

M: 13 + 21= 34 (+70 martial bonus)-The combination of his long military experience and his precognitive abilities makes High Grandmaster Ridcully a great general, though he is an even better military adviser.
I: 13 + 22= 35- High Grandmaster Ridcully's master of Divination and great experience make it near impossible to hide any secrets from him, with even death not being enough to avoid his postcognative efforts.
A: 10-4=6- High Grandmaster Ridcully has trouble focuses on the details of the here and now which are the base of all administration, and as such has learnt to delegate all administrative tasks in order to avoid disaster.
L: 13 + 10= 23- High Grandmaster Ridcully has learnt much about the Warp during his long life, though his education outside of this field in spotty.
P: 13+36= 49- High Grandmaster Ridcully faith and self-knowledge is enough to easily resist the whispers of the deep Warp, which he is constantly exposed to as a result of his skillset.
D: 8-3=5- High Grandmaster Ridcully combines few social skills with being even more strange then most psykers. As such he should never be used for anything resembling diplomacy.
C: 14 + 30= 44(+605 combat bonus)- High Grandmaster Ridcully is a nightmare to fight on the battlefield, always being one step ahead of you and impossibly accurate with both bullet and warpfire.
Power: 32+ 20= 52 (950*20=19,000)- Despite the fact that he was born a Delta-level Psyker High Grandmaster Ridcully has the brute psychic strength of a powerful Beta-level Psyker, for reasons as yet unknown.
Control: 17 +42= 59- High Grandmaster Ridcully has near perfect control over his Warp powers, and is able to use them with a level of precision that is literally inhuman.
Archetype of the Blind Seer (32 Power, -8 Control, -6D, *20 power multiplier,)- High Grandmaster Ridcully has been a witness to multiple divine events in his time, a fact which has changed his relationship with the Warp and given him the Archetype of the Blind Seer. The Warp now moves with him, transforming him from a strong Delta-level Psyker into a powerful Beta-level Psyker. On the downside he is more likely to be cryptic, less likely to explain himself, if such a thing is possible, and more likely to be drawn to events of great significance.
Paragon Control Trait: Unseen Observer
(can't be detected using divination from less then Grandmaster level Diviners, it is impossible to observe or predict his divination without divine level skill or relevant paragon trait)- High Grandmaster Ridcully has near perfect control over his Warp Signature, which makes it impossible to detect him with divination for all but the most skilled of seers. When this is combined with his own divinatory abilities it makes it near impossible to predict what he will divine, or to detect his observation.
Paragon Power Trait: Sees no Barriers (can ignore psychic wards and interference below the divine level for divination, greater chance against divine level wards or interference)- High Grandmaster Ridcully's experiences have developed his sight to the level where he can easily see past any merely mortal attempts to ward him out or cloud his eyes, and is far better at getting past divine precautions then any mortal has the right to be.
Grandmaster Primaris Psyker
(+4M, +2D, +3P, +8C, +7 Power, +10 Control)- Munstrum Ridcully is a Grandmaster Primaris Psyker, one of the greatest human psykers in history. He has a mastery of his powers that few mortals can boast of, and those few are often millennia his elder.
Paragon of Divination
(+8M, +6I, +6C, +2 Power, +8 Control, +60 to Divination rolls, +15 to success chance of any re-roll always choose the highest when re-rolling, can provide one re-roll per flank in his theatre, can provide two re-rolls per turn to a battle he is involved in, always rolls twice and chooses for actions he and his unit take, can use Emperor's Tarot re-rolls in far more situations, can provide two re-roll per year, has 50% chance of re-rolling crit fails, can re-roll successes)- High Grandmaster Ridcully is one of the greatest living Seers, with only the most skilled of the Eldar Farseers and the most powerful Daemons able to match him. This skill is invaluable on every level, from the personal to grand strategy.
Divination Paragon Trait: Oracle (no distance or scale penalties for divination, can use divination on Gods without opening with greatly decreased risk, increase level of diviner needed to detect or predict divinations by one tier)- High Grandmaster Ridcully sees further and looks deeper then should be possible. In his time on Avernus he has witnessed the birth of a god and followed it into the very throne room and the Dark Prince, spied on the domain of the Abomination and even divined the intentions and motivations of the Changer of Ways itself. These feats show a talent for seeing the actions of gods that is unheard of in mortals

"Unparalleled Among Mortal Seers"
(+9M, +13I, -4A, +1D, +19P, +6C, +10 Power, +22 Control, +50 to divination rolls, incredibly unlikely to be overwhelmed by psychic phenomena, +10 to major visions, major bonus to diplomacy with Eldar, major bonus to diplomacy with Warp Entreaties +5% of inner circle cultists found, +20 to all rolls against Abomination Cultists, +50 to all rolls against Angyls, +5% number of Abomination Cultists found, get one free Greater Divination action per 5 years targeted at a distance of over 1,000 LY, occasionally gain visions of events of galactic significance)- High Grandmaster Ridcully is probably the greatest humans Seer in history and the witness to more divine events then any other mortal. These events range from the the Birth of Ynead and her first fight in the Thrones room of the Dark Prince to the Halls of the Abomination and with Awakening of the Ork Gods. As such he is constantly seeing events far beyond the range of normal seers. His title as "The Oracle of Gods" is well deserved, and has spread far beyond the Imperial Trust.
Avernite Bi-centenarian
(+6C, +2P, +1I, -2D when dealing with non-Avernites) – Having survived two centuries of life on Avernus Ridcully have proven himself to be an expert warrior, the bearer of a strong will and very alert to danger.
Faith Reforged
(+5P, +1 Power, +3 Control) – High Grandmaster Ridcully's faith has been tested in the most severe circumstances and come out stronger than ever.
Survivor of the Pink Skies
(+2P, +1C, +1 Control +5 to all rolls against daemons)- Having proved himself against the most dangerous foes in the galaxy during the First Daemonic Incursion High Grandmaster Ridcully has had his faith and combat skills tested.
Seeker of Knowledge (
+2I, +10L, +1P, +2 Control)- High Grandmaster Ridcully has spent much time gathering knowledge of both the Warp and the galaxy in general.
Better then you have tried and failed (+4P, +4 Control, +100 to resisting Warp based effects, can resist all forms of warp effects, half negative effect of all Warp based effects on Ridcully before other rolls (including miscasts))- High Grandmaster Ridcully has proven himself to be incredibility gifted at dissipating Warp energies that should be able to fry him. He describes what he does as sort of like rolling with the blow in melee, and letting the power flow though him without impact. Whatever he is doing it is incredibly hard for Warp based effects of any form to take purchase on High Grandmaster Ridcully.
(+3C, less likely to die) - In the Second Daemonic Incursion, High Grandmaster Ridcully found himself the prey of the Honoured Bloodthirster Kurrun Ashstriker, who was immune to almost all of his powers. This forced Ridcully to push his combat skills to a new level in order to survive, if only just.

Headmaster Munstrum Ridcully was one of the greatest Primaris to have come out of the Lancre Scholastia Psykana. His talent for offensively using his precognition to a level rarely seen outside of the Eldar led to him being considered one of the most useful Primaris Psykers of the Imperium for many years. Through decades of combat his power grew from above average for a Delta-level to a high Gamma-level, a growth that was matched by an increase in his control over his powers which, while not perfect, is still very good. Ridcully was assigned to Avernus to run the Scholastia Psykana in the hopes that he would be able to pass on his talents to the psykers that have been emerging on Avernus.
Headmaster Ridcully had a brief crisis of faith after the death of the Emperor, but overcame it and strengthened his faith in the process.

austère said:
what, the, fuck. What did we roll? what did they roll?

selbst011 said:
wait, what? how did some monkeys get a better seer than us? were the Eldar! seers are our thing! then this guy shows up Eldrad?

young Esther said:
laughing one said:
Eldrad Ulthran, greatest of seers was doing something he had not done in some time. He was resting. A rare activity to be sure, but even his new form was not fully beyond fatigue, and the signs had been clear, today was an auspicious day to rest. Safe within the sanctum of his god he lowers his guard, just a hair, just enough to allow the sanctified energies of the sanctum to do their work unimpeded.

roll d100=1+49(control)+110(Traits)=160: Critical Fail

The snare was well placed, hidden among the deep shores of improbability, it would remain harmless and inactive in all but the most improbable of futures. A sleeping danger to strike decades after it was placed, but to strike with grave misfortune from beyond the sight of seers. Yet strike it did, a curse of doom and death roaring out of the deepest depths of improbability.

ok, did anyone else read this bit and have a heart attack? goddam man I think laughing one is legit trying to kill someone.

tzeentch said:
laughing one said:
In the crucible of a losing fight, Oakhearts soul crystalized, transforming her from a mere master to a Paragon mid-swing. Such was the fruits of her soul that her blade would forever bring true death to the demonic, starting with one of the favored servants of the changer of ways.

In all the millions of years that I've dealt in the bullshit of all kinds, that fight was the biggest pile of bullshit I've seen land on anyone. My boy had her on the ropes, then poof, her soul grows three sizes and she somehow truly kills my boy with a sword through his heart. Rest in peace, you did your master proud. o7

young Esther said:
ok, did anyone else read this bit and have a heart attack? goddam man I think laughing one is legit trying to kill someone.

I know at least one of my heart sacks stoped beating when I read that. I thought I'd finally got him for a second.

Exiarat said:
wait, why are they being tracked with this much detail? typically sub 100 world empires just get called minor an that's it.

Eternal Wallaby said:
He's not better then Eldrad, he's the best mortal seer, not the best seer. Looking at his sheet I'd say that's less because he's better than the likes of eldrad, and more because he's at the limit of what you can do while still calling yourself mortal. Though I am a bit put out that he's better than most of our seers. laughing one how did that happen?

selbst011 said:
Eternal Wallaby said:
He's not better then Eldrad, he's the best mortal seer, not the best seer. Looking at his sheet I'd say that's less because he's better than the likes of eldrad, and more because he's at the limit of what you can do while still calling yourself mortal. Though I am a bit put out that he's better than most of our seers. laughing one how did that happen?

ah, I misred that. I'm actually ok with that. It's sorta humanities thing that every so often they produce someone who's way better than they have any right to be. We might wanna get something ready for him if he falls through, that's usually how this ends.

fragment said:
laughing one said:
Eldrad smiles at the display of skill and bravado. He knows this seer, has seen him once before when he misstepped and he had needed to save him. He was a far cry from the skilled amateur he'd seen spying upon the green awakening.

wait, oh my god. guys, remember when we voted to save that human seer who slipped up during that event? the one who laughing one said would be lucky to make it out alive at all? I think that bit of altruism just paid off.

laughing one
1. is that the seer from then
2. how did he come through?

laughing one said:
austère said:
what, the, fuck. What did we roll? what did they roll?

you rolled well, and they have been constantly rolling absolute bullshit for a very long time.

Exiarat said:
wait, why are they being tracked with this much detail? typically sub 100 world empires just get called minor an that's it.

I track certain smaller powers if I have to. But this is the smallest power I track at any detail, and the intention was to see how they collapsed. Remember when I said I'd made changes to stat growth to avoid a runaway effect? they are why.

Eternal Wallaby said:
He's not better then Eldrad, he's the best mortal seer, not the best seer. Looking at his sheet I'd say that's less because he's better than the likes of eldrad, and more because he's at the limit of what you can do while still calling yourself mortal. Though I am a bit put out that he's better than most of our seers. laughing one how did that happen?

fragment said:
laughing one
1. is that the seer from then
2. how did he come through?

to answer these together, yes it is the same seer, and he got through this as this rather than a wreck by rolling no lower than 90 on 4 consecutive checks, including passing a dc by 1 point on a 95. He did not have any re-rolls for this.

fragment said:
wow, you were not kidding about bullshit rolls.

austère said:
ok, so a few questions here.
1. would it be possible for us to rent rotbat? martial paragons are kind of thin on the ground.
2. could we take a look at that Black Crystal stuff? it sounds juicy.
3. how on earth do they have so many paragons?

QinRepublic said:
the sword of surtur sounds pretty specific, is that something we were always going to have to deal with?

Eugene said:
so you mention something about a bunch of old one's super weapons, is there anything in the crucible we might be able to use? also, ballpark how strong are the defenses?

archfiend said:
wait wait wait, what's the survivor of pink skies trait their seer has? and how the hell do they have multiple alpha psykers? I thought humans only went up to beta?

dald said:
why isn't the lady who killed the changeling listed under noteworthy paragons?

DiabolusAesae said:
hmm, ok looking at the scheme, it seems pretty solid. the only real downside is tech leakage to chaos, and the smurfs punching the tau. Shouldn't be too hard to mitigate that. Give the tau some help so the balance is maintained long enough for them to have to team up, and chaos is shit at tech propagation. I would have preferred some heads up, but sudden swerve is what we signed up for.
laughing one
1. what do you mean by elite armies?
2. could you give us an idea of what their seer can do?

laughing one said:
austère said:
ok, so a few questions here.
1. would it be possible for us to rent Rotbat? martial paragons are kind of thin on the ground.
2. could we take a look at that Black Crystal stuff? it sounds juicy.
3. how on earth do they have so many paragons?

1. maybe. but for now he's a planetary governor so he's busy. There are also issues where your forces would not like taking orders from a mon'keigh, as well as security concerns.
2. no point. they are to advanced for you to learn anything worthwhile. Maybe if you get the right kind of paragon, but for now no.
3. an unforeseen system interaction where the combination of rerolls, constant danger, and low odds of death led to runaway stat growth. I've tweaked things since but they already had a critical mass of paragons.

Alphas said:
laughing one
1. what do you mean by elite armies?
2. could you give us an idea of what their seer can do?

1. the mon'keigh on the crucible have a very high skill modifier, on par with krok. they are also using extremely advanced technology. Most notably a cheap form of power armor. The astrates actually have a somewhat low skill for marines, but make it into elite due to their gear.
2. if you asked him to look into the war of the void he could look at the entire thing, tell you who's winning, and give likely points where the victor would enter the galaxy. He specializes in macro scrying.

archfiend said:
wait wait wait, what's the survivor of pink skies trait their seer has? and how the hell do they have multiple alpha psykers? I thought humans only went up to beta?

The crucible has been doing solid work on their psychic abilities. most alphas tend to die, but some of them have been mastering their powers. In a few thousand years you suspect that alphas could become somewhat common. for your second question, the most recent demonic incursion was around the time of Ynnead broke the connection to she who thirsts. The mon'keigh were there for it, and before you ask no they should not have survived that.

QinRepublic said:
the sword of surtur sounds pretty specific, is that something we were always going to have to deal with?

yes. It's why I was tracking the subsector. it was going to show up in someone's hands. I just expected it to be a chaos polity or a dark Eldar raiding empire. of the many things they were not supposed to survive was some dark eldar using their warp storm as a bolthole. then the archon flubbed his strategy roll pretty badly...

Eugene said:
so you mention something about a bunch of old one's super weapons, is there anything in the crucible we might be able to use? also, ballpark how strong are the defenses?

Maybe, but not the super weapons. You might be able to learn some new tricks if you set up a research colony, but the worlds guiding intelligence considers you a finished product, you're not it's concern. But it will atomize you if you don't back off from areas it warns you away from. As for the defenses, there is a high alpha psyker with multiple paragon traits and transcendent control presently staying with the mon'keigh. she's about halfway between the first and second tire of defenders.

dald said:
why isn't the lady who killed the changeling listed under noteworthy paragons?

she's a straight combat paragon, she's not really useful outside of duels or demon slaying. You have a somewhat incomplete picture of them, they have a lot of bullshit your not seeing. you're mostly only seeing the stuff with strategic scale effects. Also, this info is coming from them rolling a crit, your only seeing stuff that they want you to see. For example, you'll notice they were fairly quiet over exactly how they got so good at reverse engineering tech.

fragment said:
wow, you were not kidding about bullshit rolls.

you have no idea.

specfic_protaganist said:
wait, could we use those super weapons to try and save Isha? we'd only enough of a distraction for Cegorach to slip in right?

DiabolusAesae said:
specfic_protaganist said:
wait, could we use those super weapons to try and save Isha? we'd only enough of a distraction for Cegorach to slip in right?

Dude, we are not getting her back without a full-on specialized god for backup. laughing one said he'd let us know if we found a lead.

specfic_protaganist said:
DiabolusAesae said:
Dude, we are not getting her back without a full-on specialized god for backup. laughing one said he'd let us know if we found a lead.

I'd put old one super weapons in that weight class.

laughing one said:
specfic_protaganist said:
wait, could we use those super weapons to try and save Isha? we'd only enough of a distraction for Cegorach to slip in right?
Read the FAQ!

@Durin I finally finished a thing!
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Just a note, that was the estimated maximum number of cultists we could have missed, which is supposedly significantly higher than the real number of cultists we missed.

Yup. And if that's the number we could have missed, it doesn't include the number we found. So total number will be greater. I don't know how many we'll actually capture to hand over to the Sirens, but even with the inevitable market glut I think we'll be able to afford quite a few Runes.
to answer these together, yes it is the same seer, and he got through this as this rather than a wreck by rolling no lower than 90 on 4 consecutive checks, including passing a dc by 1 point on a 95.
One of the rolls he passed was passed by a margin of 0. He rolled the exact number he needed to achieve, and one point lower would've seen him fail.

What did you do this time?:facepalm:
Nothing. That's his negaverse name in random_npc's new omake. Doomed Wombat>Eternal Wallaby.
One of the rolls he passed was passed by a margin of 0. He rolled the exact number he needed to achieve, and one point lower would've seen him fail.

I could have pointed to just about any of those rolls, but I went with the one that he had a 6% chance of passing rather than the one he made by the skin of his teeth. frankly, I think they about as bullshit as each other.
So, idea for the admech.

When Titans are being designed they can be named for deceased luminaries of the Trust Mechanicus. It would give us a chance to honor Britton again—in addition to his status as the father of the renaissance, the very existence of new Titans can easily be traced back to him sacrificing his life to prevent the complete destruction of Sanctus Furorem—as well as placating conservatives, as at least Paladis was senior enough to merit such an honor.
So, idea for the admech.

When Titans are being designed they can be named for deceased luminaries of the Trust Mechanicus. It would give us a chance to honor Britton again—in addition to his status as the father of the renaissance, the very existence of new Titans can easily be traced back to him sacrificing his life to prevent the complete destruction of Sanctus Furorem—as well as placating conservatives, as at least Paladis was senior enough to merit such an honor.
This isn't the system for Titan naming that was in play during the age of the imperium. I think the decision to switch would depend on the legio drusus forces.

I can't remember if we found any Titan hulks on Danan, but I remember that being a plausible thing?
We should have Ridcully look for the Culexus Temple. It's been found by a Farseer before and futures including it have been seen, so it can be divined. With the Eldar's help we'd be able to contact the temple.