1. Idea I had...probably dumb, but hey ho. Do any of our Avernite experts (Sphinx Areatha ect.) believe that the Planet Mind appreciates when new biodiversity is added too it from say...alien species like the Quartok or Humans establishing permanent populations?
2. Are either of them willing to say whether or not the Planet Mind permanently kills off species it has a proper breeding population for unless there is some reason like chaos corruption, to do so?
3. Have we told people like the Siren's (who are related to them and know about them even calling them "star kin" IIRC) that we maybe contacting the Eldar and if so do they want to come and say hi?
4. Do any of them know of the location of an Eldar webway gate on Avernus? Cause I'm honestly interested where one maybe in Trust space...there's the obvious answer of Byzantium AKA Fyjol, but Avernus I dunno if it'd have a connection to the Eldar webway...be pretty funny if there were one on Vanaheim.
Me thinks that sentance is a little borked...