The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Investigate the Sea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 593 80.4%
  • No

    Votes: 145 19.6%

  • Total voters
We could offer to provide more to the Inquisition, couldn't we? Assuming the Inquisition is fine with more psykers.
the main reason it is so low is that the Inquisition has HIGH STANDARDS when it comes to strength of will, you know xaviers Pure of Mind and Soul trait, that is required for the Inquisition to recruit you
proposel for the next meeting(revised)

The dead systems
there are many systems near the core worlds that are rich in raw resorces that were ignored by the imperiem due to not having a viable staging point for there colection (habitable planet) unless it already had the infrastructure to do so form the dark age like muspel as the imperiem lacked the tech or patiance to build it themselfs when there were easyer places to get resorces after all the imperiam was massive they could pick and choose while the trust can not

these systems richest and closest to the core would be given an inital colonization by the central trust goverment comprized of one small shipyard (to build mining ships,mass convayers and defenses as well as expand),one self sufficient orbital city(for pops) and a set of defence stations and montiters

these systems would be very close to core world so reinforcments can arrive fast so defence is a non issue

while these systems seem too bare bones to grow on there own and they are , they are under the control of the central goverment of the trust these systems will be slaved to a core world for a set amount of time were all its resorces (with some taxes going to repay the trusts intial costs) going to that world and in return that world is expected to contribute to the system once the set amount of time is over the system goes back to the trust were it will be given to a another core world to repeat the procese

for example
a system is slaved to vanahime for a hundred and fifty years they are expected to contribute something that only they can provide equal to the amount they get form the system (and these are rich untapped systems) like increasing the orbital citys and defences , or being commissioned to found large shipyards specialized towards building escorts and expanding the mining fleet for example by the trust itself or providing a defence flotilla and the infrastructure to support it
when not slaved to a core world there income would go directy to the trust central goverment to suplament it before being passed again

the systems are passed around each time bigger and more advanced with priority assignment given to world that contribute to them more then the bare minemum until it reaches a level of self sufficiency , defence , and infrastructure to govern and develop its self becoming a full member of the trust

this idea is to give the trust options for expanding inwards were its easyer to defend and allow the trust to build tall instead of wide as well as making sure the trust has a steady income source

(I know we already plan on resources colonies but I have not seen any in depth ideas for them)
(this is just an idea I had if some one wants to run with it go ahead)
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Ok a a lot of things happen in these update.

I will put off funding and government talk till later.

Ok we should go with the higher option for the inquisition. I know a lot of people are angry that we do not have absolute control over everything but them being superstar from the council is a good thing. Since well chaos and what not. Also from the language Durin uses things are going to get worse and so much salt from the player base.

As for defense I think we should go for that one as well. Turoq is using a raid defense that will break the trust if not for Ridicully. We need to up the defenses everywhere which is going to be expensive. We need industry and forges built everywhere it as soon as possible.

@Durin can a good enough argument for the increase defenses lessen the political will lost? Can we but Vanaheim vote with a compromise between the two votes? Because Right now Vanaheim should focus on there ship building but I believe we need increase defenses everywhere.
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the main reason it is so low is that the Inquisition has HIGH STANDARDS when it comes to strength of will, you know xaviers Pure of Mind and Soul trait, that is required for the Inquisition to recruit you
Makes sense considering that the trusts size makes a single Inquisitor going rogue would put nearly every world in the Trust at risk.
13. no, towing that far though the warp is risky, then getting enough to make a difference before getting attacked is hard and getting your ships into their systems and out again is going to result in them catching you soon enough and killing your expensive stealth ships
Darn it man, alright, on the pirate thing I wasn't asking whether they would use these tactics against us, but rather how they would have worked in general.
And, I mean I was kind of expecting a casualty rate among the ships sneaking into their systems to attack their merchants, but much like submarines attacking regular shipping, it should still kill them at least some of the time, hopefully enough of the time to work as a tactic.

1. How do pirates capture(or destroy) ships then get away without being destroyed?
I mean it's not like they can contest local space dominance either, especially when they were opposed by the imperial navy.
2. What tactics do they use to do so?
Edit 3. Can we use those tactics against Turoq?
4. How do pirates get basing done in what is nominally hostile territory?

In order to exist as a part of the setting they have to get a good enough exchange rate on commerce raiding to support themselves.

I'm going to assume that the difficulty in towing things long distance has to do with the dissapearence of the Astronomicon, because that's the only way Ramilles starforts get around and the Imperium towed those from one end of it to the other, so multi year distances.

5. How far can we tow orbital defences?
6. Can Ramlles starforts be towed any further than that?

Edit2 The basic idea of the strategem isn't wholly dependent on seating a fortification inside of their territory, though that could help a great deal by provoking feelings of territoriality, maybe taking over a neutral system could produce a similar effect?
7. Are there any imperial remnant systems off in their general direction that could be heavily fortified and used to base efforts to piss them off?
7.i. Or easily conquered Ork worlds for the same purpose?
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Ok so we are voting on the secondly option for both? At first I thought about giving Vanaheim a break but that would than leave one of the most important worlds vulnerable.
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@Durin can a good enough argument for the increase defenses lessen the political will lost? Can we but Vanaheim vote with a compromise between the two votes? Because Right now Vanaheim should focus on there ship building but I believe we need increase defenses everywhere.
Well Vanaheim is probably among the safest from attack, their orbital defences are just too heavy.

1. How do pirates capture ships without being destroyed?
2. What tactics do they use to do so?
It depends on the pirates.

Some will disable the engines, take everything that isn't nailed down and leave, others will try to capture the ship through boarding.

Ok so we are voting on the secondly option for both? At first I thought about giving Vanaheim a break but that would than leave one of the most important worlds vulnerable.
I would say yes to both.
[X] Plan build up defenses
-[X] vote for the second proposal to increase the Inquisition funding to 1.5 of the trusts economy
-[X] vote for the second proposal increase the size of defenses and of the core worlds and as well the colonies.
-[X] propose contacting the eldar to inform them of the dangers Ridcully has divined as well as ask for webway access to contact other Human Polities. Also ask about other forms of ftl that the eldar would be willing to trade for and if they have any human tech stashes they be willing to trade for. These will be to just find out what they want and any decisions will be decided upon the council.
-[X] Doomed Wombat his speech as followed
In order to maintain our advantages and grow stronger in the face of overwhelming odds as fast as possible we propose that we contact other known surviving polities by means of the Eldar Webway and exchange technology with them.

Our current understanding of the situation is that there are three major polities

1. Vulkan's Imperium Quartius the strongest, with a Primarch at its head that is going to rise to a preeminent position of power in the galaxy. A wealth of ancient knowledge and power
2. The Imperium Tertius or Ultramar. On the front line of the Destroyer's return with thousands of chapters calling it home.
3. The Forge Realm of Callamus: Made of hundreds of Forge Worlds this realm has survived to become one of the largest in Segmentum Tempestus and has doubtless reclaimed a vast array of ancient technology.

All three of these realms benefit from our assistance, Vulkan can appear properly and claim more territory, Ultramar needs it if it is to survive the wrath of the C'tan and according to our divinations Callamus is stretched to its limits on all fronts. We also benefit securing additional technology and techniques.

The obvious problem with this is that our technology will be stolen quicker, but given our divination of Asdrubal Vect Chaos is about to gain possess of weapons surpassing even ours in deadlines. These polities will need more advantages as will we.

While the Eldar will require payment, Ridcully's divinations suggest that this is because they are desperate for any assistance they can acquire, thus if by paying we not only strengthen ourselves, strengthen our fellow survivors and stop threats to the galaxy as a whole I consider that a bargain.

In addition, if amenable, Ridcully has determined that the Eldar also have technology of the Dark Age that they use to strengthen polities that require it, which they would likely give to us if we ask.

Finally the Eldar may have a key to addressing one of our most pressing issues travel. Humanity in the Dark Age of Technology advanced far, it is possible the Eldar remember whether some of them, any of them found an alternative mode of travel rather than the warp. Even if not, we should still ask if there are any alternative methods long dead xenos used in ages past. Surely the Emperor's webway project shows that he was willing to use Xeno's craft to deny chaos the opportunity to corrupt human souls and any chance to deny them is one we should take.

These are some of the most pressing and dire times the galaxy has ever seen. Even now there are two ork Waaaghs who have reached their penultimate level of power, poised to crash down upon the galaxy. Even now a being who has supped on the souls of uncountable trillions bargains with a God of Chaos, selling his followers for the highest price he can empowering the creature that could destroy us all. Even now in the void between galaxies the Necrons fight a war on a scale not possible since the War in Heaven a thin barrier between the the galaxy and the oncoming Devourer.

These are dark times, the darkest times, our enemies grow stronger and so we too must strengthen ourselves by the most efficient and moral ways we can and stand strong in the night as our departed Emperor asked of us.

- [X] Propose closer ties with dragon's nest, as well as helping to upgrade their infrastructure and any technical assistance they need. Material and Finacial assistance will be discussed with the Blood Dragon's to see what the Trust can spare and what they need. With talks hopefully going into the possible integration of the Blood dragon's and their protectorates into the Trust.
-[X] propose increasing the rebate of the Hellguard to 50 percent for more of the hellguard to be tithe to the Trusts army.

Ok I am voting for both the second proposals. These is a pretty clear cut to me. We need a much bigger inquisition since we have a competent enemy who will be using raids and spies against the Trust effectively. Also we will eventually deal with Turoq someway, but there will be others

As for the defenses it is going to cost those planets but we need for everyone to have a large military and higher defenses. Orbital defense have proven effective in the past and well raids are going to start in the next two turns unless something happens. Also when we get too funding see about adding a rebate on building defenses and everything else.
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Right now we are doing the inquisition and defenses proposals. I think the Eldar are going to be after the government reforms and taxes.
No one else seems to want to put forward a proposal so now is the time for you to put forward your plans and decided whether to support or oppose the current proposals.

Don't forget that Signe has warned us that we won't be able to keep expanding our military without subsidies.
Don't forget that Signe has warned us that we won't be able to keep expanding our military without subsidies.

Okay, so we might really want to put foward our proposals, particularly the Eldar Webway plan.

Shit, we forgot to tell them about the Waaaghs going on in the galaxy.

No, I brought this up literally yesterday and Nurgle had it in his plan IIRC. I'm going to be salty as hell if no one was told or we can't tell people since that would have made it way easier for us to convince people to do the Webway plan, especially revealing the info that Vect is going to empower chaos even more.

@Durin Has the rest of the Trust been informed about all the high level waaaghs and Vects deal with Slaanesh? If not can reveal it the argument for the Webway proposal?
The current plan makes no proposals, and we have some that need to be made. I won't be able to write any until later when I am not on a phone.
proposel for the next meeting(revised)

The dead systems
there are many systems near the core worlds that are rich in raw resorces that were ignored by the imperiem due to not having a viable staging point for there colection (habitable planet) unless it already had the infrastructure to do so form the dark age like muspel as the imperiem lacked the tech or patiance to build it themselfs when there were easyer places to get resorces after all the imperiam was massive they could pick and choose while the trust can not

these systems richest and closest to the core would be given an inital colonization by the central trust goverment comprized of one small shipyard (to build mining ships,mass convayers and defenses as well as expand),one self sufficient orbital city(for pops) and a set of defence stations and montiters

these systems would be very close to core world so reinforcments can arrive fast so defence is a non issue

while these systems seem too bare bones to grow on there own and they are , they are under the control of the central goverment of the trust these systems will be slaved to a core world for a set amount of time were all its resorces (with some taxes going to repay the trusts intial costs) going to that world and in return that world is expected to contribute to the system once the set amount of time is over the system goes back to the trust were it will be given to a another core world to repeat the procese

for example
a system is slaved to vanahime for a hundred and fifty years they are expected to contribute something that only they can provide equal to the amount they get form the system (and these are rich untapped systems) like increasing the orbital citys and defences , or being commissioned to found large shipyards specialized towards building escorts and expanding the mining fleet for example by the trust itself or providing a defence flotilla and the infrastructure to support it
when not slaved to a core world there income would go directy to the trust central goverment to suplament it before being passed again

the systems are passed around each time bigger and more advanced with priority assignment given to world that contribute to them more then the bare minemum until it reaches a level of self sufficiency , defence , and infrastructure to govern and develop its self becoming a full member of the trust

this idea is to give the trust options for expanding inwards were its easyer to defend and allow the trust to build tall instead of wide as well as making sure the trust has a steady income source

(I know we already plan on resources colonies but I have not seen any in depth ideas for them)
(this is just an idea I had if some one wants to run with it go ahead)
OOC there's plenty of interest in resource colonies and a complex prexisting agreement on how the Trust in going to handle them(you might have to check to find the constitution), but IC building in a system without a habitable planet is much more difficult and less profitable in terms of use of population to expand the Trust economy than building on one of the habitable planets we just took over.
Right now the only real advantage is that we would be able to maintain a quicker response time to reinforce the uninhabitable systems near our fleet bases.