Only if we do it without clearing it up with the High Council first.I feel like if just contacting the Eldar gets us -1/2 relations than it should be explicitly stated in the option itself. Like it says 'will require high council backing' but I thought that was part of making a deal with the Eldar not just talking to them.
Durin often does not tell us the consequences of our actions unless we explicitly ask. Contact Eldrad is one such case.I feel like if just contacting the Eldar gets us -1/2 relations than it should be explicitly stated in the option itself. Like it says 'will require high council backing' but I thought that was part of making a deal with the Eldar not just talking to them.
To the first, well that's kinda expensive...I'm sure we can rig up some kind of soul shredding bomb. Perhaps a banishment rune connected to a small warp drive.
Actually, weapons we could deploy into the warp from outside it would be fantastic for blasting yet to manifest demons. How possible it'd be is questionable.
Also, I'm becoming worried about the implications of having techpriests fighting on the front line in the Mechanicus military, at least against chaos. Perhaps we should be careful not to deploy them in situations where capture is a possibility.
Only if we go over the council's head. We get permission they'll be fine.I feel like if just contacting the Eldar gets us -1/2 relations than it should be explicitly stated in the option itself. Like it says 'will require high council backing' but I thought that was part of making a deal with the Eldar not just talking to them.
Maybe?I imagine that the reason doing it that way would cost opinion/relationship is because we're contacting him as a member of a foreign power and telling him state secrets rather than because any contact option would result in issues. For example, I'm betting that there would be no penalty if we just asked him about any upcoming apocalyptic threats or if he was willing to share any information.
I will clean it up in a minute. Also those are copied spelling errors.Sooo, what does Nurgle's plan have us do if we don't get Council approval for sharing stuff with Eldrad Ulthan?
(Besides the various rather irritating spelling errors inside it... >.>)
I hope think we will, but what I think he's asking is an alternative action to put in in case we don't.
Persons of Interest or Investigate (Avernus). Either is fine.I hope we don't but what would people want as a alternative action?
I am going to compare them
It is a toss up between preparing more actions or implementing one that is very expensive (as in so expensive our AM production can not kep up with the upkeep for quite some time).
To be fair AM wise we are almost done with the Cathedral of the Omissah which will increase AM per year by 2.7 mil after upkeep, though that does not cover all of the 4.2 mil for expand hellguard. The downside of that Cathedral is the high EM upkeep and when combined with expand helguard puts us into the negatives at the current production and trade level. Also expanding a forge hive is 15 years and then another 15 to setup a cathedral (and we can only do one in each city currently so have to chose between more EM and RM or more AM). However AM we have a much healthier balance with current production and trade levels so we will keep a positive there. It is EM that is going to need a huge trade investment to keep positive.
Also consolidating vote to not expanding Helguard:
[X] Plan Nurgle T111
Also there is an expand mechanicus forces that will cost even more EM and AM upkeep then the Expand Helguard option so I think waiting until we have a better understanding of what our EM and AM situation moving forward will be is crucial.
I would just rather see what we can get first before spending it in case it is less than what we think for, as while it might cover the Helguard expansion, the Mechanicus force expansion would wipe out a lot of our EM income based on max trade from last time and assuming we do the Helguard expansion as well. And the forge city expansions are not cheap either and the cathedrals even less so.Again, as mentioned before, I asked Durin if we'd get enough with the upcoming trade to cover everything and he said yes. We're already reliant upon trade as is, so its not like anything really changes there.
We're also going to be pushing for some kind of tax break or subsidies for the Helguard, which will reduce our costs.
I want to point out that your plan does not have the sound out preparing for that.Again, as mentioned before, I asked Durin if we'd get enough with the upcoming trade to cover everything and he said yes. We're already reliant upon trade as is, so its not like anything really changes there.
We're also going to be pushing for some kind of tax break or subsidies for the Helguard, which will reduce our costs.
I would just rather see what we can get first before spending it in case it is less than what we think for, as while it might cover the Helguard expansion, the Mechanicus force expansion would wipe out a lot of our EM income based on max trade from last time and assuming we do the Helguard expansion as well. And the forge city expansions are not cheap either and the cathedrals even less so.
Edit- looking back at max trade after Helguard and other upkeep we would have 72,781 net EM income. Mechanicus Expansion would eat up 42,000 of that. Expanding the third forge city another 1k. Going for the EM temple next will help offset some of that, though if for the third forge city if we go AM temple that will eat into the EM from the EM temple.
I want to point out that your plan does not have the sound out preparing for that.
I have to point out as well that the last few trades we tried to buy enough AM and EM to create a stockpile but we consistently spend more.
Because we really start to accumulate dept?And? The pattern is consistent. We do the trade, have a massive amount for a while, then towards the end of 50 years get a bigger trade due to more being available.
agreed, Its just plain and simple a BAD idea to fall into debt inless you seriously *NEED* to.---- and this is not so important.Because we really start to accumulate dept?
We need what credit we have left over from the graveyard to buy replacement ships. There is not really anything we can sell the AM and EM producern.
Debt between nations works by its own rules. Simply put, you can assume a nation is not going to disappear or die, and that it will stay that way for a very, very long time. If this assumption proves wrong, then you have much bigger problems than collecting on old debt. In addition, nations pretty much think on the scale of decades. Consider that collecting on a nation's debt that it doesn't want to pay back is difficult, because then they can legitimately start asking "you and what army?". Finally, remember the old saying "If you owe the bank a thousand dollars, then you have a problem. If you owe the bank a million dollars, then the back has a problem."agreed, Its just plain and simple a BAD idea to fall into debt inless you seriously *NEED* to.---- and this is not so important.
what if in a few turns we find something that is very expensive that we DEFINITELY need? then we end up in so much debt that it starts causing problems. ....problems that we end up into deepere dept .....especally with interest.
Perhaps it doesnt seem likely....but I honestly don't even see all that much benifit from having a larger army anyway....we have consitently had a overwhelming army advantage so we can afford to risk waiting on this thing (we have 100 years.....not 30) and risking losing part of it in the worst case scenario. but we could instead be focusing on making sure that the other aspects of our empire doesn't fall farther behind.....such as our debt, or our airforce.
I'm not saying that it would be a good idea to NOT get it ever. I am saying however that its not so important that we should go into debt over it....just because we *think* we will be getting enough AM/EM does not mean we WILL....and it doenst change the fact that we can AND SHOULD wait at least a couple turns so that we can get OUT of debt. (we have 100 years from what I recall, so even tho the expansion takes 18 years we will still have plenty of time to wait a couple turns and time for the expansion to finish beyond the on-paper time)
it seems silly to let yourself go into debt over something relatively small in real life and that can wait anyway, and I strongly doubt that that doesn't transfer into this universe. especially now that we are paying interest on it.(albeit a fairly small amount)
In this case it is far easier to delay the Hellguard for one turn (5 years, so very short term for a nation as you pointed out) to get a more solid planing.Debt between nations works by its own rules. Simply put, you can assume a nation is not going to disappear or die, and that it will stay that way for a very, very long time. If this assumption proves wrong, then you have much bigger problems than collecting on old debt. In addition, nations pretty much think on the scale of decades. Consider that collecting on a nation's debt that it doesn't want to pay back is difficult, because then they can legitimately start asking "you and what army?". Finally, remember the old saying "If you owe the bank a thousand dollars, then you have a problem. If you owe the bank a million dollars, then the back has a problem."
Did you see that debt table that Durin posted not too long ago? Vanaheim owes like 3.5x it's gdp. Collecting on this debt is not easy or quick. We don't have the right to expect them to pay this back quickly.