*Slithers back in, hoping no one noticed my absence*
Yeah, there's a pretty good chance that organization is behind this. I'd recommend being wary of applying such meta knowledge here, though; every plane so far has been majorly AU.
It's a good idea to handle matters discreetly not because of worries about a possible conspiracy, but because there's an entire city worth of mages that know how to create potentially world ending superweapons listening within earshot. I'd rather no one besides the government know just how absurdly dangerous the forces they're playing with are, otherwise some idiot is going to get the bright idea to "call our bluff".
Oh, agreed. Alivaril has planned on exploiting our assumptions before. We shouldn't preemptively burn people in robes with crowns of thorns. Be careful of them, yes, but not murder them immediately. Which, I would think, would be the normal response to someone wearing an accessory that could easily harm them. Seriously, where do they even get those things?
(not really a reply, just some thoughts born from the post)
About Magnostadt's land mana capacity...
Interesting, considering Magnostadt hosts many mages it seema like mages here don't use magic from lands, either by being unable (Jade's theory), existing an internal rule against it or simply by never knowing how or not being thaught how (so those five motes remain a huge resource to the few who know how to call them)
[Tinfoil hat mode=ON]In that case, could it be that Magi can actually call mana from lands? Sure they are
"famous for posessing infinite magical power" but thay could be misinformation and embelishment from the point of view of people who consider 1/10 of a mote to be expensive even after years or decades of practice.[Tinfoil hat mode=OFF]
I will point out, again, that he said it was "more expensive than it really needs to be". He implied it's a spell that trades cost for simplicity and ease-of-use. It's a crude, unrefined, lazy sort of spell, and thus not as efficient at it might otherwise be.
Now, it's entirely possible that 1/10th of a mote is expensive to him. It makes sense that other mages work on smaller scales, since they may be sharing the local land and mana sources with several other mages. With enough mages, even a 5 mote land like Magnostadt is going to be giving fractions of a mote. Unless you have an allocation method, of course. But we can't say for sure that he considers that a lot of mana.
If I might digress in my own tinfoil-hatting, I almost wonder if Sidhe'sh high personal mana output is due to the lower mage density on her home plane. Maybe average individual mage power and population size are inversely proportional. Or maybe the only mana mages on Earthland are gods, and Sidhe's a demigod. Who knows.
There would be people willing to sacrifice their life for someone or something. Knowing the truth, such sacrifice becomes pointless. The only people making Devoid Rukh would be those wanting to destroy the world.
Also, making Devoid Rukh seems to be a nontrivial action, or else there would be a lot more of them. And the end of the world is not instant (the world is still here), I expect Magnostadt authorities would be able to counteract these people. It's like posting nuclear codes and arresting everyone who tries to enter them.
...We really need a device able to locate Devoid mana.
Excellent observations. Particularly the one about how difficult making Devoid must be, given the low density. It could be that making Devoid is a possible result of removing the color of Rukh. Similar to how Uranium-235 usually undergoes fission when hit with a neutron, but sometimes just eats the neutron to become Ur-236 instead, maybe Rukh, when hit with whatever spell they use, either splits from it's color, or, more rarely, eats the spell and breaks into Eternity.
[x] Quick telepathic conference.
-[x] Mostly you and Agneyastra. Include Nanoha, Sidhe, and Mitra so they know what's going on.
-[x] Agneyastra already knows how insanely dangerous Devoid is, but it wouldn't hurt to reiterate and fill in the others.
-[x] Your first instinct: Purge it post-haste. You'll respect Magnostadt's sovereignty and run this through their equivalent of a counter-terrorism or police force, but if they take too long or try to claim to know what they're doing you
will take action.
[X] Defer to Yastra on whether we'll let her handle things or wether we'll speak ourselves (with telepathic coaching), and how public or private we'll keep things.
[X] If we're the one speaking: No, you're not okay. They're manufacturing Devoid mana. Do they even realize how horrifyingly dangerous that is?
-[X] Ask them what measures they have against total reality collapse they are courting.
--[X] Give lecture on the nature of Devoid mana and its dangers.
---[X] No, you don't know of any such measures yourself besides not using Devoid Mana at all.
---[X] You can use it yourself, more safely than them even, but even you know better.
-[X] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
-[X] Unless they do, in fact, have such measures that would satisfy both you and Agneyastra 110% (not likely), stopping experimentation with Devoid mana is an absolute requirement for any negotiation
--[X] You are willing to help them create substitutes for whatever it is they use Devoid mana for.